Pregame rituals

Best Days

A/N sorry for disappearing on this fic for more than three months I think. Hopefully next update won’t take as long less than a month hehe. This chapter will be introducing a new couple Mimo.


Hope you guys enjoy… hehe.






It was Yoona’s warmth that greeted her before anything else that Saturday morning. Her wife looks like she hadn’t aged at all since high school. Other than a few laugh lines and the hair change nothing indicates that Yoona was almost forty. She is still so gorgeous, just like in high school, Yoona still doesn’t realize how beautiful she is. She just slouches in their bed, her eyes locked on the drama rerun on the screen.


“Morning,” Yoona greeted her with a morning kiss on the cheek, her doe eyes still captured by the scenes on TV.


“What? It’s eight o clock already?”


“It’s Saturday, babe and it’s your day off so just chill babe.”


“Chill?” Yuri didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at her wife’s choice of words. “You sound more like our teenage daughters,” Yoona answers her with a playful smirk before pressing another kiss.


“I’m cool like that,”


“So, what’s our plans for today, Ms. Im?”






“Nothing at all.” Yoona leans over to kiss Yuri on the lips. “Just order some takeout and laze around in bed.”


“What about our daughters?”


“Irene is out all day with practice and a game later.”


 “Omo!” She jumps out of bed as soon as the effect of Yoona’s kiss worn off. “I forgot I have to drop Irene at school today for practice.”


“Relax, she already left.”


“You already drop her off?”


“No… Wendy did.”




As much as she loves the girl for her eldest daughter. Still she couldn’t help to feel a tinge of worry everytime Wendy’s name gets mention in dinner conversations. She knows the effect of young love. She and Yoona might have started out carefree and passionate, but young love knew how to seep through every crack and crevice until it completely consumes you. Young love has a way of taking over you, how you’re not Kwon Yuri anymore, you’re Yoona’s girl, or you’re not Lim- Kwon Joohyun but Wendy’s girl.


You don’t lose yourself, instead you become each other.


She was able to survive it, but can her sensitive daughter could?


“They’re getting serious, aren’t they?”


“It’s better to be serious than all of it being just for fun, right?”


Yuri smiles, Yoona’s cocky smile turned sincere in an instant, reassuring Yuri.




“Oh, I forgot about that one.”


She and her wife chuckled at their baby, her worries fading at the thought of her youngest. They hear their daughter’s footsteps getting louder by the second.




Their youngest child always lacks any sense when it comes to privacy, barging in their door like FBI on a raid. Yerim burst into their room with a purpose, arms cross, face gruff but there is no way Yuri could take her seriously. Not when her hair is disheveled from last night’s sleep and not when she is clad in her Pokemon pajamas that she bought her when was twelve.


“Why are you so loud this early, baby?”


Yerim could be fifty with teenage kids and Yuri always Yerim would still call her baby.


“I’m Hangry! I woke up and there’s no breakfast yet.” The frown got deeper.


“Go get yourself some fruit loops or something.”


Her wife more intent on watching the show that taking care of their own child.


“But it’s Saturday, I want good food like waffles and pancakes and bacon!” Yerim says “lots of it.”


“You’re already fifteen, you can cook it if you like.”


“Nooo… I’m too hangry to cook.”


“Don’t you have soccer practice?”


“I’m in the junior varsity. But since the varsity are playing tonight, we get off. Aren’t you guys going to watch the mother of your grandchildren play?”


That statement finally pulls Yoona’s attention away from the TV.




“Our soccer team is going to the semifinals. They’re kinda like a big deal and Wendy unnie, the future mother of my nieces or nephews is the captain.”


Yoona and Yuri exchanged glances. How do their daughter knew the right words to rile them up still baffles her. Yoona and Yuri continues exchanging glances, both urging the other to cook, yet both were not willing to move out of their comfortable bed.


Seeing none of her moms budging, Yerim decided it’s wiser to get into the bed, wedging herself between both her moms.


IF they’re not going to make her breakfast, they’re not going to do anything else either.


“Fine.” Yoona made the first move and stood up. “How about you get ready so we can go grab some breakfast?”


“IHOP!!!!” Yerim pumps her fist in the air in victory.


“I was thinking more of Panera Bread,” Yuri adds.


“Panera? UGH!”


“What? They have bacon too.”


“They have turkey bacon,” Yerim corrects her mom. “It’s not real bacon if it is not made out of a piggy!”


Yoona and Yuri gaze at each other once again, but this time out of defeat. Since when did they let their kid run them around like this?


“Fine. IHOP it is.”




“I bet Irene is all over that .”


“All over what?” Wendy blinks curiously at her co captain leaning by her lockers.


“Your body, cap. You are such a cutiepie but damn if your fangirls saw your abs, I’m afraid of the effects. When you and Irene are alone, she’s probably all over you. If you know what I mean?”


There is always something about Momo’s gaze that always make Wendy scramble for cover or in this case her towel. Walking around in just a sports bra and undies is nothing out of the ordinary around the locker room, but it makes Wendy feel than most whenever her co captain throws a flirty compliment. Her Co captain’s gaze has always been borderline predatory and with a beauty as sensual as Momo, it takes someone with a willpower as strong as Wendy to withstand it.


That’s why it didn’t even surprise Wendy when she heard rumors swirling around that Momo slept with half or even the entire dance team. Some rumors even included Irene in the mix to which Wendy was ready to raise hell. Jeongyeon had to step in and said to trust Irene and that despite of Momo’s reputation, she respects Wendy too much to ruin her trust.


Wendy recalls horror stories from Irene when she had to stop two of her dancers from ripping each other’s hair off just because of Momo. How her girlfriend can lead a group of girls all claiming to be Momo’s bae is beyond her.


 “What? No! Me and Irene are not in that stage in our relationship yet.”


“Say what?” It was her other co captain Jeongyeon, brow raised in surprise. “You haven’t tapped that yet?”


“Hey. Don’t talk about my girl that way.”


Momo and Jeongyeon raised their hands in surrender. Their captain has always been a gentle soul but they should have known better that she turns into a beast when it comes to her girl.


“Sorry Cap, Yoh Park!”


“What?” Joy yelled out.


“So, Wendy and Irene haven’t done it yet?!”


“What the heck?!” Wendy exclaimed. Since when did her love life ever been a topic?


“OH yeah, they did!”


“Joy don’t even start!”


“Oh, Cap! Are you holding it out from us?”


“I’m not holding anything, me and Irene haven’t done it and were not planning to.”


“Wait… what? You’re not planning too?”


“No, we ummm…” Wendy turns to her locker, unable to face the gasps of dismay from her teammates. Call her old fashion, but she already made up her mind that she wants her first night with Irene to be on their wedding day.


Wedding day.


That’s going to be in years…


Not one, not two, but maybe around ten, five the least.


“You what, cap?”


Oh… her teammates are still waiting.


“I wanted to wait until our wedding day.”


“Wedding day?”


She could already hear the mocking tone of her teammate's voices. Celibacy isn’t their strong suit, so hearing something old fashion is both surprising and amusing at the same time.


“We haven’t even graduated high school yet; that’s going to be like in years.”


“Lots and lots and lots of years.”


But all her teammate's discouragement didn’t seem to rattle her at all. Instead, Wendy just shrugs, knowing for certain one thing.


“Irene is worth the wait.”


 “I admire your willpower, Cap.” Momo places an arm around Wendy. “I mean we all saw Irene dance, so right guys?”


“I know right? I mean last week, when they did Move like Jagger, Irene was like whew. I mean I freaking hate that song, but when I saw her dance- I’m like- wow, my captain is so lucky.”


Everyone nods in agreement.


“Don’t worry Cap, I would never try anything on her. Momo is another story but-”


“Don’t even think about it.”




Irene pressed her forehead against her locker, relishing the few minutes where thinking is unnecessary. They are halfway through the schoolyear now and it felt like she’s running out of steam. With sports season in full swing, practices have doubled and performances quadrupled. Just last Saturday, they have to perform in three different games all in one day.


She couldn’t help but feel terrible that day when she slept the entire trip back, while Wendy drove her home.


But it wasn’t just that, time have been ticking faster and her mommy Yuri have been on her about college applications. It almost blew into a fight when her mom told her not to get distracted with Wendy and focus on herself first. But Irene calmed herself before she could talk back, it was never a smart idea and her mommy Yuri is relentless when it comes to arguing.


 The only glimmer of hope is having the greatest girlfriend anybody could ask for.


But her rare moment of peace was instantly cut short when Dean’s Half Moon started blaring out. She turns to the side and sees one of her teammates, the shy Myoui Mina rushing to her backpack to shut her phone.


“I’m sorry captain.” Irene could barely hear Mina, but the genuineness is clearly etched on the girl’s face.


“Nothing to be sorry about.”


Mina bows down once again before picking up the call. The copper haired girl was one of the girls she genuinely liked, always calm and composed, never attracted to any drama.


Irene swings her locker open, and not even her aching muscles could stop her from her giddiness when she saw the pink post it stuck to her favorite canned drink waiting for her.


She didn’t even have to wonder who place it there.


I love you my baby J  


“Aish, did my cringe worthy bestfriend send that?”


“I like that side of her.”


“You two haven’t fight or anything yet, have you?” Seulgi asks before slumping down in front of her locker.


It made Irene dig around her mind to think of an answer. And the answer is no. She and Wendy have been together for almost six months, and they had never fought. Maybe because they are still in their honeymoon stage or maybe it has a lot to do with Wendy’s personality. Her girlfriend is so understanding. Too understanding.


She could imagine other couples fighting over petty things like being late, or forgetting dates or taking too long to reply or stuff like that but with Wendy it never happened. She’s usually guilty of it, forgetting to text Wendy back or being late but Wendy always answered her with a smile and a no big deal.


“No. not really. Wendy is just too nice.”


“She is.” Seulgi giggles. “She’ll probably cry all night if you two fight.”


Both couldn’t help but coo at the thought. Wendy’s face is like a barrage of expression and even if Irene haven’t witnessed it yet, still, she could already picture the pout, the quivering lips, those puppy eyes b with tears. And regardless of how adorable it looks, Irene wouldn’t dare make Wendy cry.




“Who is it this time, Hirai?”


Jeongyeon pointed out as she caught sight of her teammate’s wallet and caught a glimpse of a new picture on display. The soccer team should be used to this, Momo goes through pretty girls that could emasculate the jockiest of them all.


“My new friend?” Momo said with a teasing smirk. “Just this cute sophomore.”


 There was probably a different girl each month that they wouldn’t be surprised if Momo already has a photo gallery at home.


“Is this girl coming to the game tonight?”


“Depends on what you meant by coming,”


“Yeah! Watch that mouth Hirai, you’re in public!” Jeongyeon pointed out, “Look at our captain, same girl for the last four years.”


Wendy wanted to correct Jeongyeon that Irene’s picture would last longer than four years.


“Speaking of the devil.”


The shy smile in Wendy’s lips grew wider as Irene and her teammates walk in the burger joint. Dating for almost a year and the butterflies in her stomach still does somersaults at the sight of Irene.




Irene walks over to Wendy, quickly greeting the soccer captain with a playful nudge. But Wendy doesn't know what came up to her to be this bold, she stole a quick kiss on Irene’s lips, before pulling away with a blush.


“What would you like to eat?”


“Are you going to pay for us too, Wen?”


“Joy…” Irene hissed, but Joy was smart enough to know that Irene can’t murder her in public.


“Well,” Wendy answers with a scratch of her head.


“Don’t worry about it, Wan.” Irene coos at Wendy before narrowing her eyes at Joy.


“Oh c’mon Wen, were seniors right now. How many moments can we have together until we graduate?” Jeongyeon joins in.


“Yeah, Cap!”


“No, it’s okay Wan.”


“Well, it’s okay really.”






The gang started chanting as Wendy pulls out a fifty- no- Hundred dollar bill from her Vuitton wallet. The only one that remained quiet was Irene, her expression the picture of complete irritation as she watches her girl spends money.


“It’s okay, Hyunnie,” Wendy reassures Irene.


“Thank you, Wen.” Nayeon, Irene’s teammate says. “I’ll pay for mine and Mina’s.”


 The team weren’t going to let this go and started howling, earning looks from the patrons of the fastfood. Mina always the quiet one, only responded with that adorable blush gracing her cheeks.


“That Nayeon is too romantic, Imagine if Mina ended with you.” Jeongyeon jokes before punching Momo in the arm.


Momo scoffs before grabbing her tray of burger and fries. “That’s not going to happen, she’s too boring for me.”


“That’s a shame, dude. Weren’t you like best buddies before? You, her and Sana, the J Trinity.”


“I’m still close with Sana.”


“And Mina?”


Momo had enough of this topic. “Well, we never really had anything in common.”


“I don’t blame Mina, you and Sana are a bunch of dum-“


“Shut the up!”




Momo didn’t even hesitated and put Jeongyeon in a headlock. Jeongyeon catches a glance of Mina happily chatting with Nayeon. But she could swear, even if it wasn’t longer than a flicker that Mina’s eyes fleeted over to where Momo is. It was barely a few seconds, but Jeongyeon could swear she saw something. Craving? Longing? Jeongyeon gave up she never had an elaborate vocabulary when it comes to feelings.


But she sees that a lot with her captain, Wendy always steals a glance over to the dance team during practice, glances that speak volumes of her love. Maybe it’s similar with Mina too, maybe it only took a few seconds.




Wendy regretted the instant she looks up at her teammates' table and her co captains just doing this questionable actions (implicating once again her relationship with Irene).


It’s a good thing that Irene is facing the opposite way.


And she doesn’t know what is making her stomach churn like this, was it the upcoming game? Or her physical relation or more specifically non-existing physical relationship with Irene?


“Eat.” Irene pointed out as she sees Wendy’s burger and fries completely untouched. She barely made a dent on her strawberry milkshake. “Eat before Joy comes and eat it.”


“I guess I’m just nervous to eat.”


“You’re going to do good. In fact, you’ll do so good, no… you’ll do great.” Irene mumbles. The right words are quickly disappearing. It was always Wendy who has the talent to woo people and melt cold hearts with her flowery words. And here she was looking like a bumbling idiot as she tries to calm the nervous girl.


“Here,” Irene tries another approach, feeding Wendy with a few fries, which had Wendy smiling in an instant. “Better?”


“So much better.”


“I'm surprised Coach let you guys out.”


“Well, she said. It might be our last game so we might as well end it with a bang.”


It’s so typical of her Aunt Sooyoung to say that. And it’s not even surprising anymore why Joy is the way she is. 


“Are you ready for semis?”


Wendy sighs heavily.


“I don’t know, I’m nervous.”


“About what?”


“What if we never make it pass this round? What if I don’t-“


“You’re worrying too much again.”


“I can’t help it.”


“You know, I think it’s kinda y when your teammates call you captain.”


Wendy’s cheeks start to blush a rosy pink.




“Yes. Can’t I call my girlfriend y?”


“Ummm… ummmm…. Ummmm…”


Oh no, oh no, oh hell no! How on Earth could she reply to that?


“Excuse me!”


Wendy dies of self-relief as Jeongyeon stood up to interrupt the tension brewing.


The two spun their head and catches the short haired captain out her seat, ready to make an announcement. “Just to point out, in a little bit… I want to invite everyone to our victory party after the game. Win or Lose, were going to celebrate it. Because even if we lose, we swear were going to give those Damn dolphins a reason to have nightmares at night. But you know, with a Captain like Jung Seungwan, I don’t think anyone else stood a chance.”


Everyone cheers, Irene steals a glance at Wendy, eyes glued to the table than on her teammate. The girl was nervous, too nervous and Irene is quick to give her hand a squeeze.


An unspoken gesture that meant, win or lose, you’re still the best.




Everyone has a pregame ritual.


Just something to unnerve them, something to lock their heads in the game, something to just block off everything else.


One of their teammates prays the rosary.


One tucks themselves comfortably inside their locker.


Momo for some strange reason likes to check on her wallet every game, earphones blocking the world around her.


And Wendy buries her head in her hands as if whispering a silent prayer.


“You checking how much money you have left?” Jeongyeon whose devil may care demeanor nearly rivals Joy pointed out at Momo. The blonde scoffs once again, the soft melody of Dean’s half moon flowing away from her earphones.


“Yeah,” She stood up, brushing herself before smiling at Jeongyeon. “Just gonna go take a walk.”


“Be back before the game.”


“Of course. You guys will lose without me.”




Why does she still torture herself like this?


How come all these girls with their flirty gestures and naughty actions couldn’t even come close compared to her?


And all Mina is doing right now was sip water out of the fountain, her dainty hand on her chest. The same hand that Momo used to hold so freely. She wonders if Mina’s hand still felt the same? Her long, bony fingers, those fingertips calloused from playing the piano for years.


“I’m sorry,” Mina jumps away, “Do you want to drink?”


Momo pretends that she needs to because there is no way she’s going to admit how she was just staring at her.


“Ummm yes.”




Momo walks closer and the familiarity made her heart start racing again. The familiar whiff of Apples and Strawberries invading her lungs, the familiar sight of Mina this close again, too close to where she could see all of Mina’s moles again, the familiar soft tone of her voice barely breaking the sound barrier yet was loud enough for Momo.


Everything was familiar, everything stayed the same except how they were.


With heavy steps, she gathered what’s left of her pride and took a sip of the water fountain. She completely ignored Mina who just stood there, as if waiting for a miracle. Mina’s smile lately is more out of obligation, but right now it looks hopeful, eager maybe and Momo wasn’t sure if there is even a point to be hopeful.


“What?” She brushes her lips with the back of her arm. Momo could tell she surprised the dancer when Mina took a few steps back. “You want some more?”


“No, ummm… Good luck on the game.”


The hopeful, gummy smile was still there.




Mina still stood there, as if waiting for more words, or more reaction from Momo. But she’s not going to grant Mina that satisfaction.


It was never bound to work out anyway. Mina will always be too quiet, too boring to keep up with her. She and Nayeon are a much better fit. Everyone says so, Sana said so, Jeongyeon said so, even Mina said so.  And that was all it took for her to back away. She could deal with her friends mocking her of how Mina is too good for her, but if Mina was the one who said it. Then, what’s the point?


And who was she to take that fairy tale story away from Mina?


“I got to go,” Mina finally said. She had always been the smarter one between the two of them, but it took longer for her to click that she wasn’t going to budge. It took Momo all her strength to ignore the creaky tone in Mina’s voice. The one where she tries to still her voice yet it still came out unsure.


The smile disappeared along with Mina.


“Good luck again.”


It sounded more like a goodbye than anything else, and Momo doesn’t even bother to reply.


What’s the point anyway?




Wendy really should be telling Momo to take better care of her stuff as she found her wallet just left out in the open.


“Cap!” Jeongyeon slaps her on the back. “I’ll hand it to her.”


“Okay,” Wendy hands her the wallet, before taking a phone call.


Jeongyeon chuckles mischievously, this joke is going to be epic. She fiddles inside her pockets for loose paper and receipts using it replace Momo’s cash.


“Wait- what’s thi-?”


Jeongyeon didn’t have to pull out the picture entirely to see who it was. Even if her hair was stark black and wasn’t the same shade of red as she wore now, it still without a doubt Myoui Mina.


“Momo, you idiot.”





Hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Next one will be their game, the party. Wenrene’s first “argument”, Mimo’s issues and Yoonyulrim’s trip to IHOP.


Thank you once again for reading.


HBD! Lmao!



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0 points #1
Chapter 10: OMYGOD this is so much heartwarming and fun to read! i enjoyed every chapter. congrats on getting featured! I'm so glad to read this story
Demima 0 points #2
Chapter 10: Hope u are doing well, author.. we’re waiting for you 🥹
reveluv316 806 streak 0 points #3
congrats on the feature
0 points #4
Congrats on the main page feature, author!
len_rinto 0 points #5
Chapter 1: Wenrene is so cuteee 😂😂
aesteen 0 points #6
Chapter 1: It's cute and well written.
109 streak 0 points #7
featured story 🥹
1106 streak 0 points #8
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 10: bismillah someday update
bluorange #10
Chapter 10: I always comeback here whenever I need comfort ☺️