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You were lying in bed when the rays of light from your window woke you. You blinked yourself awake and turned to look at the space next to you: empty, like usual. You turn back and checked your alarm clock to see that the time was 7:20 a.m. You sighed when you realized your job at the restaurant started at eight o’clock.

You groaned then stared at the white ceiling in front of you, dreading the slow day that you knew was going to take place.

Every day was the same. Go to work, get yelled at, come home, do chores, check phone, no messages, sleep then wake up, and repeat.

A headache was building up and you raised your hands to rub at your temples, hoping the pain would go away. After two minutes, you decide to get out of the comfort of your bed and slowly sit up right. You sluggishly got your work uniform, and headed for your bathroom. You brushed your teeth, showered, and then got dressed.

After leaving the bathroom, you made your way to the kitchen. You easily prepared an omelet and sat down on your bare kitchen table, and ate away. You looked at the empty chairs and realized how lonely you must’ve looked like. You ignored that thought, and continued eating.

You checked your phone for the tenth time, to see no new messages, then realized you had ten minutes to get to work. You stood up quickly, and made your way for the door. You grab the door knob but stop, and looked at the calendar that was placed right next to your white-colored door.

There was a giant red circle on today’s date, decorated with hearts.

You blinked, and did a double take.

Feelings of happiness made their way to you, and you squealed with happiness. Today was the day that Hoseok, your boyfriend of two years, was coming home from tour. He should be arriving home at around 1:30 p.m. today, and just thinking of that had you smiling from one ear to the other.

After staring at the calendar for a short period of time, you decided it was time for you to get to work.

Instead of being gloomy like every other day, you had a bounce in your step and were full of bliss and delight. You looked at the light blue sky filled with white creamy clouds and thought that today was going to great.

That thought was instantly crushed once you arrived at your job. Your manager instantly came charging at you with a red face that looked like it would explode any minute now. Your heart started to pound, but knew what was about to come.

You were a bit clumsy for a dish, sometimes accidentally dropping plates. It was mostly because of your co-workers bumping into you, causing you to break more cups and plates than necessary. And you confronted them once about it, but it only got worse. They spread rumors about you to your other co-workers, triggering more of them to harass you. You tried to tell your manager but your manager didn’t believe you. So the harassment and breaking of glass continued.

Your manager would always yell at you, then threaten to fire you for not doing “your job correctly,” when you knew for a fact that he’s only taking out his frustrations out on you and you only. Then he would apologize the next day, saying he couldn’t fire you because he was low on staff and had nobody to replace you. Then the cycle would begin once again.

“_____! You have broken the most plates and cups out of all of the dishwasher staff I’ve every hired.” Your manager then took a long pause, getting eerily quiet. That scared you more; you preferred him yelling at you and knowing what was going to happen.

You looked around and saw all of your co-workers staring. Some of them were smirking and giggling, while others just looked at you and your manager with curiosity.

Your manager suddenly started speaking which brought your attention back to him. “_____, you’re officially fired. Pack your things and go.”

Your eyes widened, and stuttered to get your words out properly. “B-But sir, I honestly—”

“That’s enough. Just go! Ah, and don’t forget to return the uniform.” He said before leaving you standing there stunned. Laughter from some of your co-workers started to surround you, and you quickly went to the back room to get your things from your locker, but not before giving them the finger.

As you grabbed your things, which only consisted of some clothes and accessories, the tears you kept at bay started to slip and travel down your cheeks.

You took your phone out of your pocket. You were going to call Hoseok but stopped yourself before pressing the call button. You looked at the caller ID picture you chose which consisted of you and Hoseok covered in cake. You stopped yourself from crying, remembering yourself that you were going to see Hoseok and you didn’t want him to see you with red-shot eyes. Thinking back on that picture, you gurgled a laugh at the memory of that day.

It was Hoseok’s birthday, and you surprised him with a birthday party.

You pretended not to remember his birthday and had to get the other guys not to blow your secret. You had made the boys keep Hoseok busy while you got things ready. Hoseok would always call you, complaining how much he wanted to spend time together with you and started dropping hints about his birthday. You had to force yourself to not acknowledge his birthday and keep pretending to not know of anything, and it was killing you how sad he sounded. But the look on his face once he saw what you prepared made up for it. He looked like he was about to cry, and that made you about to cry as well. After getting over his initial shock, he ran to you and almost tackled you to the floor in front of his other band members.  

He hugged you so tight and covered your face with kisses which caused you to giggle and blush, and evoked groans and playful complaints from both Jungkook, Yoongi, and Namjoon. While Jin, Taehyung, and Jimin started to cheer and clap.

After that, it was time for cake. He looked at it then turned to look at you. He cocked his head to the side while pointing his finger to the cake asking you if you made it since you weren’t the best at cooking. You nodded and he grinned. He immediately grabbed a piece of cake with his bare hands after we were done singing him happy birthday which brought on laughs and protests.

He stuffed his face with cake, and the other members looked at him with mock disapproval. He turned to you and gave you a thumbs-up with his cake covered hand. You were sitting right next to him when he offered you a piece of cake. You opened your mouth and were shocked when he lightly smashed the cake all over your face.

You gaped at him, then grabbed a piece off of your face and rubbed it all over his face. He blinked at your actions but smiled nonetheless. He then proceeded to tell you it was the best birthday he ever had, kindling sentiments of pride and happiness to fester inside of you.

After that, both of you got distracted by the sounds of someone taking a picture and found the guys recording you and taking pictures of you two on their phones.

You and Hoseok decided to smile for the camera, and later got the guys to send you the pictures they had taken.

You really liked how they turned out and decided to make it your caller ID for Hoseok.

Tears started to stream more frequently as you recalled that precious memory and decided not to call Hoseok. You were going to see him later today, and you couldn’t wait to have your arms around him and vise-versa.

Having that thought in mind, you wiped your tears away and made your way out of the restaurant.

 Maybe it was fate to have been fired, thinking back on it, you didn’t even scheduled this day off.

With that in mind, you made your way home.

After going inside your house, you changed out of your uniform and decided to get a dinner ready for when Hoseok arrived.

Forgetting about getting fired, you tried to get everything perfect. It took you four hours of finally getting the food to taste the way you want it after constant mess ups. But you did it; you finally made your boyfriend’s favorite Korean food, accompanied with a lot of kimchi. You smiled at the way you got everything all nice and organized on the table. But you felt like something was missing.

You decided to get the only bouquet of flowers in the house and centered it in the middle, giving it the touch that was absent.

You wiped the sweat off your forehead and checked your phone for the time. It was 12:34 p.m., and you weren’t dressed or any

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Chapter 1: It ended cutely hahahah :") i like it authornim^^
rienna96 #2
Chapter 1: So sweet.. Nice story author-nim.. I like it and good job ^^