Chapter 33

Youngest of Pieces: World Invasion (12)
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“5 Pieces is here!”

Twelve years old Theodor hears the students rushing over to the main building freak out, high pitched voices letting other students know why everyone is rushing. He looks at his classmates, pretty much everyone is hurrying to put on their shoes while delivering the message and asking if it’s true or not. Theodor looks down the corridor in search for his twin brother, but he can’t see Sebastian anywhere.

He puts on his shoes and beanie and grabs his jacket to follow his classmates outside. Class has ended and he was ready to play games with his friends though it now looks like everyone have something else on mind.

“Did you hear?” Vincent asks shortly when stepping up next to Theodor, crowding with everyone else to step outside. A lot of students haven’t even brought their jackets. “Maria has texted me that she is here. That means your sister is here too.”

Theodor isn’t smiling like Vincent. Compared to Vincent who sees his cousin at every chance he can, Theodor hasn’t met his sister in forever. It would be awkward, he thinks, to suddenly see her. He wonders where Sebastian is.

Coming outside the snow falls on their heads and shoulders, the cold is biting their cheeks, and students are running by with eager steps and giggles. Theodor and Vincent stays next to each other for a long time when following the others, but it doesn’t take long until Theodor loses his classmate in the crowd. Everywhere around him there are students discussing what 5 Pieces is doing here; they are obviously here to be reminded of what they left behind. Every student in school knows who 5 Pieces is, knows from teachers and posters and stories that 5 Pieces in middle school was no one at all, they were the weirdos, and now they are on a world tour performing on the best stages in the world.

Too many meters in front of him he sees where everyone’s focus is. From a distance, Theodor sees his half-sister for the first time in a few years. 5 Pieces has gotten surrounded by students, there are cameras filming the ladies close up or from a distance to capture the crowd rushing their way. Theodor, one of the tall boys in his age, doesn’t have a problem to see the ladies even if he is in the back. He can see Hannah; his sister is smiling at the sudden crowd while holding on to Emelia’s arm. It is easy, Theodor thinks, to see they did not expect to be met like this.

“WOAAAAA!” the students scream and wave their hands in the air to be noticed.

Theodor takes a step back when someone pushes past him. He doesn’t understand it. The five ladies everyone is screaming to are just like everyone else to him. Maybe he thinks that because he sees Hannah as his sister, not as a celebrity. She has the life of a celebrity, but she is still his sister. There is no reason to get all crazy like all these classmates and students. Theodor is jealous because he would want to get the chance to meet her, to ask her why Vincent is invited to watch the concert tonight but Theodor is not – he wants to know why Maria invites her relatives and Hannah doesn’t. He also wants to show her that he is taller than her now.

As 5 Pieces are making their way forward, the students are pushed back to create a path for them. The ladies are friendly with the students while also talking a bit to the cameras.

The girl-group starts walking further away and Theodor sees students behind him run off to round the building and meet them at the other end. Before he knows it, he is running too. He hasn’t even put on his jacket. He doesn’t know what to do, he wants her to notice him. Which probably every student wants. He still think he has the biggest reason to be noticed; when will he meet his sister next time?

Running around he spots Sebastian in the crowd, a head taller than the other students their age, taller than most students as he is almost 180cm tall.

“Sebastian!” Theodor runs up to his brother. Twins with 10cm difference, and only twelve years old. “Did you see her?”

“I see her,” Sebastian answers. Even with hands in the air in front of them, Sebastian can see 5 Pieces walk their way. It takes time, and 5 Pieces are shaking hands or doing high five with the students, amazed by how fanatic everyone seems to be.

“Are you going to call her name?” Theodor asks and tries to see Hannah. He spots Maria who ran forward a bit, the lady laughs when receiving screams from the students half her age.

“HANNAH!” Sebastian roars out. His voice is dark and easily heard over the other voices, several students turns around to see who had that voice. Maria, who is the closest to them, looks up at the voice too different from everyone else’s, she smiles at the sight of Sebastian but continues with the students near her. She didn’t recognize him. Theodor doesn’t expect her to either, they don’t know each other.

Sebastian pushes Theodor to try move a bit closer when seeing Hannah come up behind Maria and again, without too much effort, Sebastian’s voice is heard;


She looks their way and spots Sebastian. Theodor raises both hands in the air next to him and jumps, squealing in a light tone, but Hannah has already looked a completely other direction.

“She didn’t recognize me,” Sebastian chuckles, slightly happy he has grown that much.

“MARTENS!” Theodor calls out, his voice so much lighter than his brother’s.

Hannah looks back at them, already frowning when looking their way and she leans back to see around the hands in the air waving at her. Her whole face shines up when she recognizes them and she points, waves at them.

Theodor keeps jumping for finally being noticed, he pushes his way forward with Sebastian after him and the guard, all dressed in black and huge, is told by Hannah to let those two forward.

“You’re huge!” Hannah squeals as Theodor gets in front of her. There isn’t much difference in their height, Theodor is still thin, but since she last saw him, he has grown. They hug each other and Hannah looks up at Sebastian, even taller and with more muscles, before Sebastian hugs both her and Theodor. Students are screaming loudly around them.

“You didn’t recognize me,” Sebastian says in his deep voice.

“I didn’t,” Hannah laughs. Leaning back, she just stares at them both, not sure if she is going to cry or just start jumping out of happiness. “I recognized your voice though, Theodor, it sounds the same.”

Theodor is so happy, both to prove by standing next to her that he is taller and also that she heard him though his voice isn’t as loud as Sebastian’s.

“Wow,” Emelia gives out a sound next to them, stepping up next to Hannah to stare at the twins. “You’re tall!”

Sebastian chuckles, his voice sounds so different this deep.

The guard motions for Hannah that they have to keep moving and she slightly panics looking at her brothers.

“If you want, ask mother if you can come to the concert tonight, or come after school,” Hannah tells them, hugging their arms with her hands.

“Mom said you don’t want us there,” Theodor tells her.

Hannah frowns. “I want you there,” she says before the guard grabs her arm to make her move.

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The concert is nearing but Hannah has still not heard anything from her brothers. She got such a shock to see them in the morning, so tall and grown, she had almost started to cry seeing how much she has missed.

Dressed and ready to go up on stage, Hannah is still looking for them. She has asked Manager Lim countless of times since they left school if anyone have called him, knowing her mother has his number. No calls, no texts, not a sound at all. Maria’s cousins came, they have been backstage for three hours before they now are going to take their seats.

Along with female dancer Minhae, Hannah is in the corridor going through details of a choreography in the opening. Hannah is restless, for the concert to begin and if her brothers will show up or not.

“This is…” Yongji starts to say, sitting on a chair next to them, “the song you should know by now, ye?”

“Ye,” Hannah imitates with a smile, still practicing with Minhae. “You can never practice too much though.”

Yongji smiles at the camera filming them, maybe wondering if Hannah is practicing extra much because of the camera.

“Here,” Minhae touches Hannah’s wrist, tapping her finger on it. “Focus on this one.”

They repeat the move and Hannah does as she was told, still smiling though.

“Aren’t you nervous?” she asks them, glancing at Minhae to Yongji. “It is our last night in Sweden.”

“But tomorrow we’ll be in Germany,” Minhae says.

Hannah stops dancing with the brightest smile. “I’m nervous for both today and tomorrow,” she tells Minhae.

A small ping pong ball flies over, bouncing against the wall and hits Hannah on the leg. It doesn’t hurt, but then it comes two more ping pong balls flying over at them, almost hitting Minhae on the head, they hear laughs from the room nearby and Yongji calls out at them, throwing a ball back.

“Are you guys nervous?” a teasing tone from what Hannah had said is heard from the corner. Hannah laughs at stylist Chae Hwan and throws a ball over at her.

“Do you want to get up on stage too or what?” Hannah asks before hurrying over, seeing it is both Chae Hwan and Si Hoo.

Si Hoo lowers his head as soon as Hannah rounds the corner, apologizing for throwing a ball her direction, while Chae Hwan is just laughing like a happy pill. The two stylists are of the same age, three years younger than Hannah, and just because they are younger and they have worked a lot together, Hannah is not too embarrassed to lightly hit Si Hoo on the arm and then pull Chae Hwan over to punish her too.

“Are you ready?” Maria rushes by, speaking in English. She looks busy but her steps are quickly stopped when sitting down next to Yongji on the bench in the corridor. “Did you steal that?”

She points at the white ping pong ball on the floor before leaning back, resting her elbow on Yongji’s shoulder. She is aware of the camera but she is blinded by the nervousness to get on stage for the last evening in Sundsvall.

“They are playing with it,” Yongji answers with a nod at the corner where Hannah comes back.

“Hannah!” Manager Park calls out from further down the corridor, interrupting whatever it was Hannah was going to say to Maria. He adds; “Your brothers are here.”

Her jaw drops as she gives Hannah a glance, the leader leaning forward to see the manager.

“They are here?” Maria asks and Hannah turns back to look at him.

Manager Park nods, waving his hand for Hannah to come and she has no care that she is being filmed when suddenly jogging after him. They walk for a while before he points forward, saying they are in there and Hannah starts jogging again to reach the room quicker. It is the same room the ladies met their VIP fans earlier, but now it is pretty empty. Besides from the two tall brother’s, not yet thirteen but so tall that when Hannah steps inside she pauses her steps to take their height in.

“I thought you wouldn’t come,” she says, her smile is too huge and pure and it doesn’t want to relax. She walks up to hug them both again. “And when did you get this tall?!”

“I’m a growing man,” Sebastian answers, smiling just a little when Hannah reacts at his voice.

“You’re almost teenagers now,” Hannah breathes and touches Sebastian’s hair. He is almost 180cm tall, he feels tall next to her. “Are you going to watch the concert?

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Chapter 53: About the Musketeers' picture, you should change this and the rest of the pictures to
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Dadaminette #4
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I want them NOW!
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Think of the subscribers!!
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Chapter 76: I have already handpicked 3 songs for the full group comeback

1 Be My Baby (Possibly the title track) (Note: I hope that song be the title track!)
2 T.T.L (Time to Love) (possibly the B-side track)
3 MUZIK (possibly the follow-up track if there's a repackage album)