Chapter 28

Youngest of Pieces: World Invasion (12)
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“Mom will be thrilled,” Julia smiles widely, turning her head around to look at Emelia. “I’m quite thrilled too actually.”

Emelia is looking through the papers Hannah has shared with them, the result and suggestions from the two and a half hour long lunch break she had spent with Jonghyun. They were mostly on the phone, calling four different wedding planners, talking about what they have thought of so far with all four of them to hear the different suggestions and eventually decide on which planner might work the best with them.

“A contract and everything…” Emelia’s eyes are stuck on the papers, reading through. “You understood everything written here?”

Hannah smiles at her ladies. “Jonghyun helped me.”

“Jonghyun helped her,” Julia giggles.

Hannah kicks her foot out at Julia but keeps quiet as their vocal teacher enters the room.

“Why can’t I hear your singing voices, ladies?” he asks in a try to sound strict while he in fact is called Teddy Bear because of how soft his tone is. A great teacher, but he is not the strict one. “This is a practice room, make sure you use it well.”

“Hannah has set the date for her wedding,” Julia proudly tells him and while their teacher is heard taking a deep breath, Hannah gapes at her friend.

“You finally set a date? Now when is it?”

Emelia laughs at Hannah’s face-expression, even Carolina looks up from her phone to look from their teacher to Hannah. Maria is the only one who doesn’t seem interested, she is busy looking through the papers Emelia wasn’t looking in.

“We haven’t booked anything,” Hannah starts to explain, “But at the end of April…”

“At the end of April!” Julia cheers. Carolina bursts out laughing at how Julia loves it.

Hannah breathes in deeply through her nose. “Am I the only one troubled with this song?”

“Why? What for?”

“It’s a good song,” Maria is fast to say. They easily change the subject.

“It can’t get better than singing a Queen cover,” Emelia smirks.

Though they tell her it’s good, Hannah doesn’t doubt that it is a good song; her doubt is if they can pull it off. For LEG 2 of their tour they will take out their Ciara cover [Like a boy] to instead perform Queen’s [Don’t stop me now]. They will not be doing a dance performance but focus on their ability as a vocal team. It is fun when practicing but it is always fun to sing with the ladies, it is difficult to practice such a song to perform on tour – in Europe. An audience they rarely meet, fans that maybe haven’t seen them before; Hannah wants them to do well. And Queen’s songs are some of the most artistic ones Hannah has ever heard, the massive music and impressive vocals. And 5 Pieces will cover that?

They practice for hours. The lyrics is the easy part, they pretty much knew the lyrics before: the problem is to make it their cover. A touch of 5 Pieces to it. That’s the tricky part, and work it out with the band is what they do the last three hours that day.

Emelia’s voice is hoarse when they head home that night but it doesn’t stop her from blasting on Queen songs loudly in the van and singing along.

The day has gone by quickly according to Hannah. Maria, thinks differently. When coming home, Maria lies down on Hannah’s bed, playing with Tiger and telling Hannah what a slow day it’s been.

“I had forgotten what it’s like to be in the studio with Carolina,” Maria groans, followed by laughter as Tiger seems shocked by her groan. “I mean, seriously, she is too much of a perfectionist. It’s not easy.”

While Hannah was with Jonghyun for lunch, Carolina had called Julia and Maria to the studio to work together. Carolina had been there in the morning, before their practice, working on new songs and getting ideas. She had straightforwardly said she do not want Hannah or Emelia there, which hurt with the way she said it though she didn’t mean it badly. Carolina had even shared a picture from the studio with Maria and Julia on Instagram, writing ‘hint, hint, hint, hint! Brought these two to the studio with me =D’. Fans got it right away; 5 Pieces’ trio might make a comeback. At the dinner meeting they were told about it, among other things. For summer promotions, Carolina, Maria and Julia will release a single or mini album as the trio they first showed up to be back in 2010. Fans are thrilled just by the thought while some say it only means Carolina is producing music for the ladies again.

“I like the song, but the commands she gives… it’s just weird. Did you know she asked Julia to take off her hood? As if that would make it sound different,” Maria keeps saying, moving Tiger’s paws up and down.

“Carolina is like that,” Hannah says, sitting on the floor and staring at her bag that she is supposed to pack for tomorrow evening when they leave for the tour.

Maria sits up abruptly, holding Tiger tightly in her arms so the cat can’t run off. “Baby, are you defending our weirdo?”

“How come you sound so offended by that?” Hannah laughs.

Milo comes inside, curious to know why there is voices in Hannah’s room and she whines when he steps on her clothes she has tried to fold nicely next to the bag.

“You’re supposed to be on my side here,” Maria explains.

“Then who will defend our weirdo?” Hannah jokingly asks, laughing as she pets Milo.

“Your bag will be filled with dog hair, just so you know,” Maria tells her, getting out from the bed, letting Tiger go and the cat runs down and across the room. “Are you meeting Jonghyun tonight?”

Hannah bites her lip as she look at her clothes on the floor. “No…”

“Why not? You won’t get to see him for at least a month,” Maria points out.

“That’s not helping,” Hannah mutters.

“So why aren’t you seeing him tonight?” Maria repeats with a hand on her hip, raising her eyebrows at Hannah.

The lady brushes off invisible dust from her folded jeans to put in the bag, pouting. “He’s working, it’s already three in the morning and in four hours I’m going on a walk with Julia.”

“Well, who need sleep?” Maria weakly laughs, “Besides, those lovely pictures from last night might be enough.”

Hannah smiles at the mention of that and Maria leaves with light steps, Milo follows hers. Turns out someone saw Hannah and Jonghyun when they took their walk, or in other words there was a sneaky person following them. If it was a stalker or paparazzi, they don’t know, but a lot of pictures came out. Not your typical walking next to each other pictures either, the pictures caught a lot; arms around each other, Jonghyun kissing her hair, they were pushing each other and laughing, laughing so much that Hannah even squatted down, a few pictures of her touching Jonghyun’s chest so Milo jumped up and Jonghyun was petting the dog. It was everything else but the typical walk you get to see. Yet, the comments were beyond good. People have been commenting that they look to be in love, they seem happy and that they don’t need to hide anything with the wedding rumours going around. Hannah liked the comments actually, seeing there were people not really caring being more like ‘well, they are engaged, let them be that’. If that is how people will react from now on, Hannah thinks she should’ve gotten engaged sooner – not that she thinks it would’ve worked if they did it sooner.


“You’re bringing books?”

Emelia uses a British accent in her question when Carolina is holding up two books to ask which one to bring. Carolina blinks at the question, not quite understanding it but she looks at the books in her hands and frowns.

“Should I bring both?” she asks in Swedish. Emelia leans back in the sofa to look at Julia’s mother who is smiling inside the kitchen.

While everyone is packing the last to head to the airport, Emelia is done and has come over to the second house to see how it’s going and to play with the pets. She has picked Michin up in the sofa, petting him in her lap and wishing she could take him in her bag to Sweden with her. Carolina makes her decision and walks back to her room a few meters away and Emelia turns around in the sofa, clapping the top of the backrest she puts her arms on for Michin to put his front paws there too. He looks so happy to have her over.

“It is about to get quiet for you again,” Emelia starts talking in Swedish to Julia’s mother who is packing a snack for them by the kitchen table.

“Oh please, it hasn’t been much noise here even with you at home,” she smiles back at her. “But I tell you this, the kids have been so happy for the two days you have been home.”

“Hey, mom.” Julia steps inside the living-room, smiling widely over at her mother. “We were gone for a week. Before that-”

“You were gone for a few days,” her mother fills out kindly.

“We love you, mom!” Emelia calls out at her when lying over Michin in the sofa, laughing as Julia hits her back – that is Julia’s words.

“Appa wants you in your house, EM,” Julia tells her, pretending to sound upset at her.

Before going to the other house she gives Julia’s mother a warm hug, Michin too and Ryo who is sleeping in the kitchen. Her voice is loud saying goodbye before she is out the door and in the chilly air outside she would want to run the few meters to the left to reach the other house quickly but the ice on the ground makes her walk careful instead. There isn’t snow in Seoul, but as it had been snowing the other day and the degrees are pretty cold at night so here it; ice.

Emelia shudder when coming inside the hall, luggage are waiting to be put in the van and voices somewhere are discussing how long it takes to head to the airport.

On her right she looks inside Hannah’s room, seeing her friend sitting on the floor closing her bag. What Emelia does notice is that her friend isn’t wearing any pants.

“You’re not done yet?” Emelia asks, coolly leaning against the doorframe before she sees Tiger is by Hannah’s foot. The cat is playing with a piece of paper that Emelia is fast to catch from her, playfully holding it in reach for Tiger to .

“I had to repack a bit,” Hannah answers with a sigh, finally shutting the zipper to her bag and she looks at Emelia teasing Tiger.

“What happened there?” Emelia asks with a nod at Hannah’s knee.

Hannah looks down to see what it is though she knows very well what: she has plaster on her knee. “Well…” Hannah starts to say, clearing , “I fell on the ice earlier.”

Looking up at the sound off a scoff she sees Emelia looking at her as if Hannah is trying to tell a bad joke.

“You fell on the ice?” Emelia repeats.

“Yes. But no one saw me so it’s not anything to laugh over.”

Emelia still laughs. “You still fell on the ice. Seriously? Itai!”

It is Hannah’s turn to laugh when Emelia lifts up her hand and looks down at Tiger who accidentally had bitten her trying to take the paper from Emelia. Hannah thinks she only has herself to blame, for teasing both Hannah and Tiger.

“Emelia, are you here?” Manager Lim calls from the living-room.

Emelia smiles at Hannah, telling the youngest lady to be careful of the ice and she laughs leaving the room. Hannah grimaces at her back, then tells Tiger the accidental bite it was well deserved.

5 Pieces is heading to Sweden. From rushing each other to pack the van and get going they are quiet for ten minutes before Carolina says she forgot her charger. No one is turning around so they just have to tell her they can borrow from each other. For the rest of the drive to the airport the ladies are talking, nonstop. They talk about what they have been doing for two days, they say they have to rest their voices but still practices singing [Don’t stop me now] and the hottest topic is food. What do they long to eat when they come home to Sweden? Egg sandwich with caviar paste, they mention a meal of potatoes, meatballs and brown sauce… It is nothing special, but once they start dreaming of the food they grew up eating, they not just get hungry they want to reach Sweden as quickly as possible to get to eat those meals.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

“Who gets off the plane and the whole world has changed since last time their feet were on the ground?” stylist Yong Hyun is saying a riddle while they are heading to the radio in the evening after arriving in Sweden’s capital.

“Don’t say it,” Carolina is fast to hold up her hand to him, “I know this one.”

Hannah leans forward with a frown to look if Carolina is serious or not.

“She’s serious,” Emelia confirms next to Hannah.

“5 Pieces,” Yong Hyun says the end of the riddle to the only serious member. Carolina gapes that he tells the answer but then looks confused.

“Why 5 Pieces?”

“Oh jeez!” Maria bursts out from the very back of their crew walking closely together, not having the patience with Carolina’s clueless behaviour.

When the ladies got off the flight a few hours ago the headlines were screaming BREAKING NEWS. Pictures of Emelia and Bill Skarsgård were spreading everywhere after a gossip magazine in America had added it in their latest spread along with the title ‘Bill Skarsgård has found a piece of himself in 5 Pieces Emelia’. They had paparazzi pictures from September and November, of their secret night dates and even a picture of him visiting 5 Pieces’ Los Angeles concert. It’s still something not everyone knows, it is breaking out, but SM Entertainment reached out to the ladies right away to ask what this is. SM Entertainment did not know about it.

Emelia isn’t showing much reaction, she pretends to be cool about it but every time it is brought up these hours, Hannah can see how happy she looks behind that cool look. Now too, when Yong Hyun even says a riddle of it, Emelia is the only one not showing a smile when he says the breaking news is of a lady dating a hot actor.

“Please don’t bring it up on radio,” Manager Lim says.

“Don’t mention love,” Carolina nods but is fast to give out a shocked sound and turns around to look at Emelia, who had hit her back.

“It’s not love,” Emelia tells her.

Hannah laughs at Emelia’s sudden reaction. She likes the dating scandal, she likes the attention she will get, but she do not want to say she is in love.

The ladies will be working for a few hours, doing interviews. They are dressed up for it. Hannah is in a black outfit; high heels, ripped skinny jeans with a belt, a deep V-neck blouse tugged in that could show a bit of her bra between her s because of Yong Hyun telling her to keep touching the end of the V-neck to let it show (which Hannah obviously won’t do) and added to the black outfit she wears her own long red cardigan to stay warm as her jacket was not approved by Yong Hyun. They will be on a broadcasted radio, so looks is important. Her hair is up in a pony-tail, mostly because Hannah had put her hair in a bun on the flight and wanted to keep her hair up.

While 5 Pieces is greeting and talking to the staff at the radio station, the producers, there is a camera-team arriving. The ladies were filmed when they got of the flight, for their movie or concert DVD, they took a break for the team to eat but when the radio program begins those cameras are around again. 5 Pieces are sitting on high chairs around the table with the one male radio host, after introductions he asks the ladies how it is to be back in Sweden.

“It’s not as cold as I expected it to be,” Emelia comments.

“Sweden isn’t cold compared to Asia?” the host sounds surprised.

“That completely depends on where in Asia you are,

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I want them NOW!
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Think of the subscribers!!
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Chapter 76: I have already handpicked 3 songs for the full group comeback

1 Be My Baby (Possibly the title track) (Note: I hope that song be the title track!)
2 T.T.L (Time to Love) (possibly the B-side track)
3 MUZIK (possibly the follow-up track if there's a repackage album)