Taken away

When you lose the one you love the most


When you walk home at night you should be aware that it's not only vehicles in high speed that can kill you, not vehicles in low speed either.

Be aware that it may not be a random gunshot or fists and insteps.

Be careful, you may not die of the frigging cold weather, or the overheated air which threaten to choke you at any second.

And you should know that it may happen anywhere, at any time, even though you're not alone.


Doojoon had heard that somewhere before, but if it wasn't any of those, what would kill you then?

The six Beast members were walking home to their dorm after a delicious dinner out on a restaurant. It was starting to get late, and they weren't far from their dorm when a young male approached them.

“Annyeonghaseyo Hyungdul!” He said and bowed politely.

“Annyeong!” They greeted him back and smiled.

They loved their fans very much and were always trying to satisfy them and make them happy. “How can we help you?”

“I just wanted to say that I'm a reeeaaally big fan of yours, and m-may I have a w-word w-with Yoseob-hyung?” The guy stuttered the last part.

“Of course!” Yoseob said and a huge smile formed on his lips.


The five other members walked out of the hearing width.

“Another fanboy confessing his love for Yoseob” Kikwang chuckled. “It's been a lot of fanboys lately”

“You should confess soon too Doojoon or someone else might snatch him away from you. And you don't want that, do you?”

“W-what? I have no idea of what you're talking about!” Doojoon said and swallowed hard.

“Oh come on, we know you love him” Hyunseung said and nudged the leaders ribs.

“How did you...?”

“It's so frigging obvious it's a miracle if Yoseob doesn't know it!” The four younger members chuckled “And he's not the dense type”




The guy was pretty tall, maybe around 1.80. His black hair was nicely done and he had deep brown eyes. He was the type any girl would fall for.

“So what did you want to tell me?”

The guy seemed shy, he looked everywhere but Yoseob.

“I-I just wanted” The guy looked down “I just wanted to say that I-I love you” Their eyes met and Yoseob could see that the other guy blushed.

I warm smile came to Yoseob's face and he took the others hands in his.

“Thank you! But I'm sorry, I already have someone that I love”

The younger boy looked at Yoseob sadly and shook his head.

“No don't apologize. Can I at least get a hug?”

Yoseob laid his arms around the taller's neck before he felt arms wrap around his waist, pulling him closer.


“I'm sorry hyung, but if I can't have you, no one can”

Yoseob's eyebrows furrowed and he stood there dumbfounded for a second before he felt a screaming pain in his chest, as he felt a sharp object penetrating his heart.

Yoseob's eyes widened to the fullest and only small hitches left his mouth when he tried to breathe.

His whole body felt numb and at some point his arms fell to his sides.

The only thing holding him up was the black haired boy's arm around his waist, and the strong grip on the knife that was still dug into the left side of his chest.

The white t-shirt he was wearing was no longer so white anymore as the red spot just became bigger and bigger.

His throat was filled with something thick and wet which he tried to hawk up, and blood came out and landed on the taller's shirt.

“Hey Yoseob-ah! Can we leave soon?” They heard the leader's voice from afar.

Yoseob looked up at the male who still held him up. Fear had filled his eyes and he blinked rapidly.

“I'm sorry hyung, I didn't want to do this. But you gave me no choice”

Then he let go.




“What the hell is taking them so long?” Junhyung said and started tapping his foot.

Doojoon checked his clock. “They have been standing there, hugging for almost two minutes”

“Hey Yoseob-ah! Can we leave soon?” The leader said when he felt an annoyed mood spread trough the air.

“Can't we just go? He'll catch up” Junhyung whined.

“No we can't! What is something happen? As the leader you're my responsibility”

“Uh, leader-hyung?” Kikwang said with a tone no one could really understand.

“What?” Doojoon answered a little annoyed.

“I think something's not right..”

As Doojoon turned to the way Kikwang had nodded he saw Yoseob fall to his knees, before landing on his right side and roll over on his back.



The guy disappeared right after that and the five members ran over to where Yoseob was laying.

A huge pond of blood surrounded the shaking body. His breathing was uneven and he blinked more than usual.

Doojoon didn't wait a second before he sat down beside his band mate.

“Yoseob! Yoseob!”

He then noticed the huge knife sticking out of Yoseob's chest.


Dongwoon was on the phone with the police, the ER and their manager, he was crying hysterically.

Hyunseung, Junhyung and Kikwang had already ran of after the guy.

Doojoon, who was freaking out, had no idea what to do. He didn't know if he should take out the knife, or if he should just let him be. The last one felt like torture.

Tears started running down his cheeks. Both frustration and sadness was welling up in him.


The pain in Yoseob's chest was unbearable, but he tried his best to breathe and not give up.

Yoseob didn't know what to think or feel. But he knew one thing; he was afraid. Afraid to die.

Afraid to leave this world without seeing his band mates for the last time. Afraid to leave without getting the chance to say his last words to the person he loves.

His vision was blurry, but he tried his best to focus his sight when he felt extra weight on the right side of his body.

“Yoseob! Yoseob!”




His eyes slowly rolled to the side he had heard the voice come from, and darted his eyes to the blurry figure in front of him.

Slowly he was able to see his hyung's features, and upon seeing him as one whole creature he smiled warmly and the pain in his chest faded a little.

Tears were flowing down Doojoon's cheeks and Yoseob wanted nothing more than crying. But not a single tear was shed, he wasn't able to.

Weakly he forced his hand up to the elder's cheek and brushed away some of the tears.

Doojoon grabbed Yoseob's hand and held it tightly, never wanting to let go.

“Doojoonie” Yoseob's voice was low and hoarse, but at the same time so loud and clear. “I'm sorry”

“For what, babo?” Doojoon sniffed.

“For never telling” For a second Doojoon just sat there, dumbfounded. “For never telling, but always knowing about your feelings”

“Babo-yah, how-”

“And I love you too”

Doojoon was pushed over the edge and started crying his heart out.


Yoseob's condition became worse every minute that passed, and he soon started coughing.

“Doojoon-hyung. Hey, Doojoonie-hyung” Yoseob's hand was still pressed against the elder's cheek.

“Do you remember?”

This caught the crying male's attention and he tried hard to hold back his tears as he listened to the dying boy in front of him.

“When we were still trainees and you told me about your dream?”

Doojoon could only nod.

“Live it out, for me”

Doojoon sniffed. “No! Not without you!”

Yoseob tightened his grip on Doojoon's hand and cheek as he tried to hold back his tears the last minutes.

“I'll always be here Doojoonie. Always here with you”


And just as Hyunseung, Junhyung and Kikwang rounded the corner, with the younger boy dragged behind them, Yoseob sent them a last warm smile and a nod before he closed his eyes. Doojoon lowered his head to his love's chest and a loud and heartbreaking scream of disapproval was heard.


A tear rolled down the side of Yoseob's face.

"Manager-hyung.....It's too late"

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mix_me1435 #1
Chapter 1: OMO :(( So sad T^T DooSeob </3

Wah this is so sad T_T
PigRabbit1912 #3
whaa cry poor doojoon,
so... who wants to team up with me and beat the crap out of that boy that killed my seobbie oppa?
Dooseob92 #4
Poor doojoon :(
I saw this on livejournal and I couldn't read it and I so I went here and typed in Dooseob fanfiction and then I found it and I was happy again!<br />
<br />
This is a very well written one-shot! Good job! I almost cried, so that is a plus!
Aigoo.. Why dujun didnt confess to yoseob? :(