Baby Sitting


He stared. He stared really hard, just hoping that this nightmare would end and that he could return to doing absolutely nothing all day like he planned to do for the week he had off. But even though he stared, while figuratively burning a hole through the object he was staring at, said object just did not disappear. Instead it stared back at him with huge brown eyes that blinked almost owlishly while their little fingers found its way into its mouth chewing on them- or was it ? Considering the baby girl had yet to grow teeth.

Yes, he said it (or thought it)- baby girl. If someone was to ask how he ended up in this mess he probably wouldn’t be able to answer properly without sputtering like an adult child, one minute the house was baby free, the next, it wasn’t. It was like he just blinked and missed a whole series of events that was obviously meant to piss him off to no end, so much for his vacation. 

“Hyung” A voice exhaled next to him and he turned his eyes away from the girl for one moment to look at Chanwoo- whose fault it was by the way, that he was confidently sure of- before his eyes slowly drew back to the girl; who was now trying to shove her bib in as well as her fingers. “Its not that bad” Chanwoo continued as he reached forward with a sigh to pry the bib out of , barely even listening to the excuses that was most likely going to pour out of Chanwoo’s mouth. 

Honestly he didn’t want to hear anything, for the past two days of their (impending) babysitting he had been vomited on, spit on, and then pissed on (then repeat) he hadn’t had an ounce of sleep because of her constant crying and he had cursed Chanwoo’s kindness in his head for actually agreeing to take care of their stylist baby. He also regretted not going with the rest of the boys to Japan where most likely he didn’t have to go through this. But he saw this as a sign, finally able to relax with his boyfriend without having to worry about Bobby’s clingy hands, or Jinhwan’s and Donghyuk’s constant mothering, or Yunhyeong’s hovering- or the worst of all Hanbin’s erted hands. 

He had his boyfriend to himself, until he didn’t. Chanwoo had presented the baby, So Hee, to him with a wide smile and announced “She’s our baby for the next four days hyung!” He had instantly wanted to run but Chanwoo had looked at him with his big brown eyes and pouty lip while scolding “She’s your stylist hyung, that means you owe her for all of your pickiness” Damn him. And now here he was, sitting at the kitchen table as Chanwoo handed him baby food and he winced inwardly at the thought of when she was finished. More vomit meant more washing of clothes. 

Sighing again, half- listening to Chanwoo’s rambles, he grabbed the food and started to feed her slowly not wanting her to choke by accident, she was taking her sweet time while simultaneously making a mess as the food half fell out and he watched the food fall into the little plate on the high chair and just as he was about to complain she started to babble and slap her hand on the food. Of course with his bad luck the food slapped onto him and he closed his eyes- apparently there was now something new to add to that vicious cycle.  

Chanwoo’s rambling had stopped and he now covered his mouth to conceal his laugh with a cough. How smooth. Glaring he the food into Chanwoo’s hands and stood up to stomp to the bathroom resisting the urge to gag and not to go into a fit of OCD-ness, that belonged exclusively to Jinhwan. Maybe a hot shower would do? Or a long bath after he showered in order to completely soak in the heat and let his muscles relax. With that thought in mind he the shower and stripped quickly, it was nighttime already and he did need to catch up on some needed sleep, and he was sure Chanwoo was going to put So Hee to sleep after this so he didn’t need to worry too much. 

Almost as if he was possessed he stepped in and held in the moan that threatened to leave his lips as the heat hit his head, it was so refreshing that he just closed his eyes and stayed in there. Who cared if Chanwoo didn’t get any hot water? Not him right now. He wasn’t sure how long he stood there, but he jumped when cold hands touched his waist, and quickly turned around only to be met by gentle lips on his. How he hadn’t heard the door or the shower curtain opening, he wasn’t exactly sure, but all of that flew away in an instant when his boyfriend’s hands tightened. 

“Where’s So Hee?” He asked pulling back with a gasp blinking away the water that dropped in his eyes persistently, Chanwoo let out a hum and replied “I burped her and then put her to bed, she fell asleep in an instant” He sighed again and this time leaned into the comforting arms of Chanwoo and let him wash him up. He knew that Chanwoo was apologetic about this, especially considering how attached So Hee was to him, but even though Chanwoo didn’t voice it he knew this was his way of making it up to him. 

As soon as the water turned cold they both made their way out, well him more stumbling after Chanwoo then just stepping out, and went to Chanwoo’s room. Though instead of getting instantly dressed he put on his underwear and fell on the maknae’s bed letting out another relaxed and relieved sigh, while pointedly ignoring Chanwoo’s snort of amusement. Chanwoo joined him not a second later and wrapped his arms around him, vaguely reminding him of how mature his boyfriend could be when he wanted to. Something he, himself struggled with, considering he always acted immature. 

But with the warmth engulfing him he fell asleep in an instant, knowing that So Hee was going to be up in a few hours and it was his turn to watch over her. Which only meant the vicious cycle of being vomited on, spit on, and then pissed on would happen as soon as he picked her up. But it was worth it, in some cruel undeserving way. 

A/N: Oh my it has been a while, but this was that one-shot I promised and I hope you enjoy it, college truly is cruel- but if anyone has any questions for me you can let me know in the comment section. = )


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 1: Aww poor June XD.... this was author-nim
Chapter 1: this was utterly precious! The part where Junhoe starts stating what other members do to Chanwoo that annoys him omg I loved that you still included them in this! Also the whole babysitting experience...i really feel this would be him lol thank you for writing this even though your busy!
Chapter 1: The most cute story of junchan. Hehe
Chapter 1: Waaaaaaa.... this is is so cutee
aurorafellyna #5
Chapter 1: This is soooooo cuteeeeeeeeee ><
lulukkaebhyun #6
Chapter 1: short simple cute sweet !!! yeaaayyy
Aww this seem so adorable :3 looking forward to this
Yes! Another Junchan fic!!! O(≧∇≦)O
Oh! U also ship sugakookie.Same!!!
Can't say I'm not excited. I love all your stories. Good luck with all the work!

I'm excited for the next release. E has already been soo good that I cant imagine what else Winner has in store!
I wish you luck with it ^_^