Doin' Time Up at the Schoolhouse

Oh My Teacher!


Sungyeol throws down the dull yellow number two pencil had been filing for the past hour and lets out a rather deafening scream.  They were in detention again, Sunggyu had mercifully, or so he said, given them only one month’s detention. It but it wouldn’t have been so bad if it was regular detention. No, not with Sunggyu who was actually Satan under all that cuteness. He had made the boys sharpen three number two pencils each day to a sharp, clean point with a dull nail file.

“That’s it! I can’t take it anymore! This is horrible; I take back what I said about Sunggyu-songsaengnim being a soft-fluffy rainbow unicorn filled with candy and sugar! He’s the devil! THE DE-VILLLLLLLLLE!” Sungyeol hisses the last bit, wriggling his fingers at the other two captives with a weird owlish look on his face.

“But you’ve never said that… I think you just made that up, Yeol.” Myungsoo says, looking up from the pencil, nail file and pile of pencil shavings he is currently bent over.

“Shut. UP! I did NOT ask your opinion!” Myungsoo shrugs nonchalantly before going back to his work. Sungyeol shakes with rage, trying to control his haphazard breathing.

“You know, I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for you two traitors!” Sungyeol shouts, pointing at Sungjong and Myungsoo with an accusing finger.

“Well, we couldn’t just go down by ourselves you know? You were as big of a part of this as we were.” The youngest says as he pauses to examine his nails that he had been shaping to a perfect crescent. Sungyeol looks like a ruffled bird at the other’s words.  “It was YOUR plan Sungjong!”

Sungjong gives the taller boy a scowl, “Uh, excuse me but I only came up with the ‘put them some place together so they can sort out their feelings’ YOU, LEE SEUNGYEOL are the one that came up with the bright idea to lock our stupid classmate and our equally as stupid TEACHER in a utensils closet.” He looks a bit scary and Sungyeol decides that he just shouldn’t piss the younger boy off anymore or he might end up in a ditch somewhere. He had this feeling that Sungjong possessed the ability to dispose of someone in a very timely manner and probably with pair of Gucci boots on (though he was also sure that Sungjong was far too lazy to actually do such things but he most definitely had the connections to do so). Sungyeol harrumph’s with a pout on his lips, crossing his arms over his chest, “Well, you guys could have just said no.” He says rather pathetically and gets a paper weight thrown at him courtesy of Myungsoo.  It takes a minute for Sungyeol to react but he stares at the paperweight for a moment then turns a bright, teary gaze to Myungsoo then pounces on the younger boy. Sungjong watches all of this with a bored expression.

“Soosoo! I didn’t know you loved me!” Sungyeol screams as he latches onto said boy with all of his might and for such a lanky boy he was actually quite strong, at least compared to Myungsoo’s lazy . The black haired boy almost tips back on his stool from the impact but saves himself and the hyperactive kid attached to him last minute and sets them both upright on the teetering seat. Myungsoo immediately growls and starts pushing Sungyeol off of him.

“Don’t ing call me Soosoo!” Myungsoo can hear Sungjong titter behind him at that. He would have flipped the blonde off if he wasn’t busy trying to fend off Sungyeol’s flailing form. “What the hell! Love you? You were just cute in that one moment,” Myungsoo pushes Sungyeol’s face away from his but Sungyeol stays put, nuzzling his cheek against the other’s. “GET OFF OF ME!”

“No! You loveeeee me!”

“Sungyeol,” Myungsoo’s tone is warning, “Don’t make me destroy all of your ceramic horse collection. I know where you keep them.” Sungyeol immediately freezes.

“You wouldn’t dare.” The tall boy gasps out and Myungsoo expression says very much. Sungyeol quickly detaches himself from Myungsoo’s person, mumbling about the safety of his poor horses. Sungjong raises a finely shaped eyebrow at his. “Ceramic horses?” Sungjong says, hiding his smirk behind his hand and his snort with a cough.

“They’re collector’s items!” Sungyeol yells and Sungjong bursts into laughter at the taller boy’s completely serious face. Sungyeol started flailing again, ranting about how everyone needed to leave his horses alone and that it was a fine thing to collect, people who possessed the collection he did were highly regarded in the Ceramic Horse Collector’s Society (which he was proudly a member of thank you very much). Sungjong proceeded to laugh in his face the entire time which resulted into Sungyeol wallowing over to a corner to gloom.  The youngest finally stifles his giggles and looks over to Myungsoo is a smile.

“So why haven’t I heard about this ceramic horse thing before, hmm? Come on Soosoo, you’ve been holding out on me.” Sungjong’s voice is singsong and light, of course since his happiness ran on making other people’s lives miserable. Myungsoo is staring up at the chalkboard, looking rather lost to the world. Sungjong deadpans a bit before rolling his eyes, you take your eye off of Kim Myungsoo for a minute and he ends up going back into his comatose robot mindset. Really, Sungjong thought he was getting better with his emotionless derp-comas.

There’s a sigh then Sungjong is up and at Myungsoo’s side, he bends down with a sly smile curling along his lips. This is always one of his favorite ways to get Myungsoo back to the world of the living. Sungjong presses his mouth against the older boy’s ear, making sure to breathe out in a wispy breath before whispering Myungsoo’s name softly. The black-haired boy shifts a bit but stays catatonic for the most part, Sungjong hums, looks like it’s time to bring out the big guns. He dips back down and nips at Myungsoo’s earlobe while letting his hand travel down the other boy’s back towards his and when Sungjong gives it a light squeeze the older boy jerks, hand slapping on his ear as he twists around to where Sungjong is now a good distance away.  Myungsoo stares at him for a minute, unsure of what was going on before a look of pure horror comes on his face. Sungjong’s eyebrows crease in confusion.

“ORANGE CARAMEL!!” Myungsoo yells, making Sungjong and Sungyeol jump. Myungsoo stands and grabs water bottle sitting on the desk next to him and hurls it at Sungyeol. “Get ready! We’re going to be late!” Sungyeol gets out of his corner quickly, effectively dodging the item that Myungsoo aimed at his face. He grabs his bag and makes his way into the supplies closet in the classroom though not without sticking his tongue out at both of them. 

“Uh what?” Sungjong asks, looking out of the loop.

“Orange. Caramel. CD.” Myungsoo breathes out raggedly. Sungjong decides that it would probably be best to let the other calm down a bit before he starts asking any more questions. In the meantime, he supposes he could look up what this Orange Caramel thing is.

Not too much time later Sungjong is vastly schooled on Orange Caramel. They are a three membered girl pop group who dress in frilly short skirts and wear too much eye make-up. He also learned their CD is coming out today and one of the music stores around here is breaking it out early for the first two-hundred customers in line for it. He assumed that Myungsoo really wanted to be one of those first two-hundred people, why he couldn’t understand. He could only make it through about a minute of their video for A-ing before needing to turn it off for fear his ears would fall off. To each their own he guesses.

Sungjong looks over to where Myungsoo is currently having a mini-panic attack, complete with pacing and flailing and ranting. Okay, so maybe he liked robot!Soo better. The black-haired boy stops mid-pace in front of the door Sungyeol locked himself in earlier, doing God knows what.

 “Sungyeol hurry up!” He yells as he glares at the door.

“Shut up, Soo. You cannot rush perfection!” Sungyeol harumphs from the other side of the door, Myungsoo looks down at his watch, the time is ticking away and he was starting to get fidgety. If he didn’t get a good place in line they might run out of CDs. If he did not get a CD, Kim Myungsoo would be not a happy camper. Sungjong looks between the black-haired boy and the door he is twitching in front of with a look on his face.

“So what are you people doing?” He asks, why he’s curious about his two friends that he is convinced are off the deep end he has no clue, he doesn’t know if he’s about to get an answer but the door swings open then and out steps a hideous abomination to humankind.

“You are the ugliest thing I have ever seen.” Sungjong word vomits when he sees the tall looming thing that used to be a slightly attractive Lee Sungyeol in the doorway. Sungyeol rolls his eyes and flips a long curl over his shoulder. He’s decked out in a tall boots, a skirt with patterned thigh-highs, shirt with boyfriend sweater on top, a long curly wig on his head and make-up completely with shiny lip-gloss. Lee Sungyeol was dressed as a girl. What. In. The. Hell.

“Whatever, you’re just mad because I’m fabulous.” He does a wink and blows Sungjong a kiss, the youngest tries not to throw up. “But this is Myungsoo’s idea. Since he’s too lame to know any girls, I have to dress up as one and sine he’s too much of a pansy to go get his girly CD on his own.” Sungjong raises an eyebrow and looks over to the other boy, Myungsoo actually looks embarrassed, which was kind of cute in his opinion. Sungjong gives him a sympathetic look, “Oh Soo… Don’t worry. If you were gay, that’d be okay. I mean, cause hey, we’d love you anyway.”

“I hate you.” Myungsoo murmurs and Sungjong giggles manically.

“My question though,” Sungjong says after his laughter has quieted, “Is, what in the world are you getting out of this Yeol?”

“Oh, me?” Sungyeol points to himself and bats his false eyelashes. Sungjong shudders. “Myungsoo promised to be my robot so I can battle Kim Jongin and his robot Oh Sehun for title of Ultimate Grand Master.” The youngest pauses at that, blinking a bit, he looks over to Myungsoo with a questioning look and the other boy just shrugs. He didn’t particularly know what Sungyeol was talking about (then again, that was most of the time) he just to the older boy’s crazy so he could get this one favor. He REALLY wanted this CD.

“Andddd why did I even ask…” Sungjong sighs, “It’s not like I ever understand you anyway.” The youngest tilts his head a bit as Sungyeol twirls around in a circle, watching his skirt fly up a bit, seemingly completely ignoring him. Myungsoo grabs the back of Sungyeol’s skirt and pulls him, making the older boy stumble slightly and the skirt rides up. Sungjong lets out a high pitched scream, covering his eyes. “Why would you do that do me? Do you know how much of Sungyeol’s junk I just saw? What the are you wearing lacy for?”

Sungyeol giggles girlishly behind his hand, “Well it’s all for the effect you see Sungjongie.” The youngest turns his face but keeps his eyes covered with his hands. “Sungyeol, you disgust me.” The tall boy just giggles again.  Myungsoo pulls at him harder. “Less talk, more move. Orange Caramel more important.”

“Ooo, I feel a breeze!” Sungyeol squeals as he is dragged out the door. Sungjong feels the need to vomit as images of the older boy’s lacy junk came back into his mind. “See you later Jongie!” He hears, echoing a bit in the hallway. “Yeah, see you.” He calls backs, shifting his eyes up to the clock. At least it was time to go, though where exactly Sunggyu was he didn’t know since he didn’t tell his prisoners about his agenda. The teacher had left some time ago, he told them to go when time came. It wasn’t like they could sneak out since there were cameras littered around the school to keep all of the hooligans in check.

“Sungjongie?” The young boy looks up towards the door. Sunggyu is there with a stupidly adorable look on his face that makes Sungjong nauseous but the thing that catches Sungjong’s eye is the tall, gorgeous Adonis of a man standing behind his small teacher. That must be the "tall, dark and handsome maybe boyfriend" guy that Myungsoo and Sungyeol had seen Sunggyu with the other day. Sungjong catches himself with his mouth open, a bit of drool coming out. He jumps a bit and wipes the drool from the side of his mouth, whispering “Holy I wasn’t gay a few seconds ago.”

“Seongsangnim,” He calls with a smile, “May I leave now?” Might as well get some brownie points, it would maybe get him out of a few days of kiddy jail.  Sunggyu smiles brightly at that and a devious smirk curls along Sungjong’s lips for a moment before it shifts into a sweet smile, he definitely gained more than a few brownie points with that one he can tell.

“Of course Sungjongie, I guess Myungsoo and Sungyeol-” Sunggyu gets cut off by Mr. y grabbing his shoulder, pulling him against him. “Gyu we need to go, our reservation is soon.” The young student tilts his head at that, well that voice didn’t particularly suit that face. Sungjong was expecting a low, smooth voice instead he got a high, airy voice. The student raised an eyebrow. Huh, that was interesting.

Sungjong did take note of the close proximity that his teacher and this tanned god had, also the use of the nickname ‘Gyu.’ So this must be the boyfriend that Sungyeol and Myungsoo spoke of. At least his teacher had taste, even if it was a dude. Sungjong applauded him in his mind, he could appreciate good taste even if he was into s and not peen.

“Gyu,” The mystery man says, a hand curling around the teacher’s hip. Sungjong’s eyes zoned in on that. “Seriously, we need to go.” Sunggyu looks up at the taller man with a smile, one of those dopey smiles that people in like with each other have. “Sorry Changminnie,” he says before he looks over to Sungjong and tells him he needs to go and that he’ll see Sungjong in school the next day. Sungjong bids him farewell and watches the two leave. He collects his thing quickly, slings his bag over his shoulder and runs to the door. He peaks around the corner of the doorframe and watches them walk down the hall.

Changminnie huh?” He says as he appraises the two from behind. “I think I’ll need to look into this…”


So not much happens in this.. But we learned who the guy was with Gyu! I'll try to write more nowadays guys. Sorry I just get really busy now. Oh btw if anyone cares XD I'm engaged now, date hasn't been set though (edit: We are married now, 3 years next year in May)

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I'll be gone for a little while (as in no writing/updating) because of personal reasons. I'm really sorry, especiall since I don't update much anyways.


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709 streak #1
Chapter 10: finished rereading again
Charu_19 #2
Chapter 10: Author nim , lovely story . Need an update soon, craving for it,.plssss.

Woogyu ,myungyeol are the best.
Will you continue,no update for a long time?
i love this?????
Gyu7812 #4
Omg!! I need an update.. please author-nim..
Sure no force. But i would love too.. -_^
Btw, u're amazing. I love your story sooo much!
I loved this story!! Please update author-nim!!!
Chapter 10: oh I need an update
Jinsoeb #7
Chapter 9: the story is really good!! hope you can continue it!! would look forward to how the story will go.. ^^
very_ship_them #8
Chapter 10: Omg its 1:30 am and I was so confused and scared over gyu being crazy and started to question my own sanity then everything started to clear up and IT WAS AMAZING
Sungjong got me dying man XDDD
very_ship_them #9
Taryn_burress #10
Chapter 10: This is so good and funny! Really hope you update it