Cause I'm Hung Up, I'm Shook Up

Oh My Teacher!


 "Why are you so happy? It's not right for you to be so happy..." Woohyun merely sighs dreamily, dopey smile still curved along his lips and a faraway look in his eyes. Myungsoo and Sungjong shudder in unison. "I'm going to hit you and it’s not because you're being cute."  Woohyun lays his chin on the back of his hand and tilts his head, the smile on his face only growing brighter with each passing moment as he seems to think about something… Whatever it was made Woohyun extremely happy. The two boys watching this in horror have no idea how to go about making him just…STOP!

“You’re really starting to freak us out Woohyun.” The only response the normally greasy boy is a high-pitched giggle that he hides behind his hand as a light pink flush dust across his cheeks. Myungsoo is frozen in fright while Sungjong stares for a moment… His right eye twitches slightly before his fist jerks out and hits Woohyun right in the face. The brunette falls to the floor unconscious and Sungjong jumps back with a gasp, bringing his hand up to cradle it like he was the one that was attacked. Myungsoo sputters for a minute before he turns to the shorter boy cooing over his hand.

“Sungjong what did you do that for!?” Myungsoo practically shrieks, gesturing to the catatonic boy on the floor. Sungjong looks at him defensively.

“He was freaking me out! If Woohyun wasn’t being so weird I wouldn’t have reacted that way,” Sungjong says with a snotty huff, turning his nose up. There’s a moment of uncomfortable silence and the shorter boy feels a strange feeling of danger rise in the pit of his stomach. He blinks, glancing over to Myungsoo whose eyes are manically wide. Sungjong starts to slowly back away but Myungsoo pounces on him, taking the shorter boy by the shoulders and shaking him ferociously. Myungsoo lets go of Sungjong jerkily, stiffly sliding away from the shorter boy. The black-haired boy takes in a few shallow breaths before inhaling really deeply then exhaling slowly. Sungjong steadies himself on the desk next to him from the dizziness and eyes Myungsoo warily.

“You better?” Sungjong asks, drumming his fingers on the wood. Myungsoo nods robotically. The shorter boy sighs before eyeing Woohyun who is still on the ground, drool pooling from his mouth and a light purpled bruise coloring his cheek. “Well, I guess we should pick him up.”

The rest of the class had wandered in the class by the time Myungsoo and Sungjong actually got around to picking Woohyun off the floor and setting him limply in his chair, slumped over his desk. They were getting tired of everyone asking them why exactly Woohyun was laying on the floor, completely knocked out and almost drowning in drool. And it wasn’t until slightly before Sunggyu run into the classroom, stumbling over himself and dropping things everywhere did Woohyun actually wake up.

It’s a few seconds until the tardy bell and Woohyun jolts up, scaring the living crap out of Myungsoo who is settled beside him. He sits up rigidly, a serious look in his eyes. Myungsoo concludes it’s not wise to be around the other boy at all so he decides to scoot his chair away before asking what the matter was.

“I sense Sunggyu,” Woohyun says bluntly and the class looks at him strangely. Sunggyu then runs through the door just as the tardy bell rings. “Sorry! I’m running a bit behind tod…” The teacher trails off when he sees all of his students staring at him with wide, fearful eyes. “That is so creepy,” He hears Dongwoo say before they all turn the gazes to Woohyun who is staring at him in a dream-like look in his eyes and a huge lazy smile on his lips. Okay, so today was just going to be weird. Well…More weird than normal.

The class huddles together when Sunggyu gives them twenty minutes of free time to do whatever while he gets his crap together. They’re whispering together in a pack and everyone once in a while one of them will pop their head up and look at either Woohyun, who is still at his desk staring at Sunggyu dreamily as he sighs or giggles, or Sunggyu, the oblivious target of staring and then drop back down into the group. Myungsoo and Sungjong explain the situation earlier with Woohyun and how he had been like that all morning.

"The only thing I can think of I...." Sungyeol trails off and about fifteen light bulbs go off as the whole class simultaneously turns wide eyes to Sunggyu. When the teacher finally notices the awkward staring he blinks cutely in confusion and tilts his head to the side in question, which makes Myungsoo violently full body twitch and hurl Howon’s textbook at the closed window, breaking the glass and probably heavily damaging the book. Hoya looks out the window sadly, "The latest copy of Playboy was in that..."

"That really …Ana Sofia has such a hot centerfold in that issue. I’ve been waiting forever for her to get a one so I could put it on my wall." Sungjong says as he sets down his pink bedazzled Cinderella mirror, looking over to the broken window with a pout. Everyone balks at him and he gives an odd look in response. "What? I like me some white girls."

Sunggyu blinks slowly before getting up from his chair with a sigh, saying he’ll go get the broom and dust pan to clean up the glass. He doesn’t even move from behind his desk when a voice commands him to stop, the teacher looks over to Woohyun who’s also standing up, motioning for the older to stop. “I’ll clean it up~” The brunette’s sing song response comes before he traipses to the door, ignoring or oblivious to the worried gazes that followed him.

“You…Clean?” Myungsoo asks incredulously but doesn’t receive any sort of actual answer from his best friend. Woohyun flutters out of the door, humming an overly cutesy tune. For stretch of time everyone is too afraid to say anything.

“Okay, it has to be official.” Howon is first to break the silence and then all turn back into the circle.

“I mean… I know we joked about it before but…” Dongwoo trails off, biting his lower lip.

“It has to be true.” Myungsoo states, even though he still wants to believe it isn’t.

“My baby! He’s a man now!” Sungyeol wails softly as he looks over to Sunggyu before crying into Dongwoo’s shoulder. The dirty-blonde haired boy pants tall boy’s shoulder soothingly as the rest nod in agreement. It had to be true. Sunggyu finally gave it up to Woohyun. They are quiet for a moment, to mourn the innocent teacher’s loss; the only sound to be heard is a rhythmic tapping. Myungsoo looks over to Sungjong who’s bent over something, turned away from everyone.

“What are you doing?” Myungsoo asks, looming over Sungjong and the shorter boy jolts, startled at the other’s presence before turning a sheepish glance to the brunette.

“Ummmm, not sending a text to everyone I know that Woohyun and Sunggyu-seongsangnim finally did the nasty?” Sungjong laughs slowly, trying to hide his sequined phone away from Myungsoo. He fails in the end and Myungsoo snatches the shiny device away from the shorter boy. “Sungjong, if you did that and it got around to Woohyun’s dad, Sunggyu-seongsangnim would be fired,” Dongwoo says softly and everyone nods in agreement, Sungjong actually looks a bit regretful.

“What’s worse is that we would be left alone to handle a sad Woohyun. Do I need to remind everyone what happened in the sixth grade when he lost pet goldfish Kitty?” Sungyeol states and they all shudder in accord. They did not want to relive that situation. At all.

“As much as my nature is screaming against this, I will delete the text and refrain from gossiping… Only to save us from that horror once again,” Sungjong states in a president-like voice. The rest give a round of applause as Myungsoo hands the phone back to the platinum blonde who then proceeds to delete the text message. Sungjong stands up to give a bow, thanking them for their wonderful support. Sunggyu stares at his class in confusion, he didn’t know what they were talking about and in all honesty he didn’t want to know. He’s beginning to think he’d better off with a class full of gang leaders.

Woohyun prances through the door at that time and everyone watches him with mixed emotions as he busies himself with cleaning up the mess. Sunggyu watches as Woohyun cheerfully cleans up the broken glass, whistling to himself and doing a little dance. Every so often the brunette will stop his activity, turns to Sunggyu and gives him a stupid mushy smile when he catches the teacher watching him. Sunggyu blushes each time, averting his eyes to his desk as his heart pounds at his chest. Even though he was sure something was extremely wrong with Woohyun, the boy had been acting strange ever since they woke up, and Sunggyu still gets flustered from even a simple look or smile. The teacher sighs, placing a hand over his heart to will it to slow down as he thinks back to earlier.

Sunggyu had woken up to Woohyun flouncing around the room in extremely bright colored clothes one which was odd since the young boy stuck with reds and grays and blacks. He was decked out in an orange shirt, yellow jacket and neon green pants. Woohyun didn’t look bad; really Sunggyu didn’t think the student could ever look bad, it was just odd. What was even stranger was Woohyun didn’t even try anything. He most intimate he got was pressing a soft kiss to Sunggyu’s temple when he realized the older man was up before he whispered a good morning and gave Sunggyu a breath-taking smile. The teacher felt his heart speed up again.

Sunggyu tried to calm himself again as he stared at his blank lesson plan, he usually spent his morning putting one together for the day but since he was at Woohyun’s he had to go back to his own house to grab all of his things and change so it left no time to plan anything out. Though he didn’t seem like he was getting anywhere now since he couldn’t stop thinking about things that didn’t relate to work. As much as he doesn’t want to Sunggyu might have to give the class a free period, so they could do homework and study for other classes… Yeah right, like they actually would. Sunggyu huffs as he thinks that this period was completely useless and curses Woohyun’s house being so far away from his own. If he had actually gotten home the night before he’d have a nice long lesson planned out and he…Wait, why did he stay at Woohyun’s house?

Sunggyu paused for a moment. Well, nothing felt out of place, nothing hurt and his clothes were still in place so… Nothing of that nature happened (and really, deep down, Sunggyu trusted Woohyun with that). Okay… Maybe he just fell asleep and Woohyun put him to bed. Sunggyu then realized he really didn’t have much recollection of what had happened the night previous. He had been too distracted by Woohyun’s strange behavior and then in too much of a hurry to think about it earlier. He sighs, looking around his class at his crazy students.When Woohyun’s back to himself Sunggyu will ask him about what happened since after the kiss everything from there on out was pretty fuzzy. He pushed that away from his mind, deciding not to dwell on it he had other things to worry about-like pop quizzes and lesson plans. Sunggyu pauses for a minute when a warm feeling comes over him when he thinks about waking up at Woohyun’s house. He had to admit that waking up in Woohyun’s bed and seeing his smile first thing in the morning was actually really, really nice… Wait. The teacher pauses for a minute, narrowing his eyes as he rethought that. He tilts his head to the side, mouth falling open a bit. Well, son of a .

--A few days later--

“Yo, Soo,” the addressed boy turns around and finds Woohyun who seems to be fully back to himself. Even though it just lasted two day it seemed like a millennia. Even Sunggyu started to show that he was starting to miss Woohyun’s normal greasy ways even though he probably thought he was hiding his longing expressions when Woohyun passed by his desk with only smile instead of a random or inappropriate comment about his .

 “Glad you’re back to normal, I was beginning to plot how your demise.” Myungsoo states blandly and Woohyun flips him off. “Well excuse me for actually being happy!” The shorter boy exclaims to which Myungsoo merely scoffs at.

“Yea, cause getting laid should amount to that kind of happiness.” Anyone could just hear the eye roll in Myungsoo’s tone. Woohyun pauses, eyebrows drawn together in a confused furrow.

“Why shou- Wait… What? Who got laid?”

“Uh…You.” Myungsoo says though it seemed more a like a question than anything else. Woohyun blinks, an odd look etched into his features. He opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by someone yelling his name. “Heyyy Nam!” Himchan, an upper classmen comes up and high-wives Woohyun who blinks in confusion, looking to Myungsoo in question. The black-haired boy shrugs, unsure of why exactly Himchan was talking to them since he didn’t tend to hang around people who weren’t in his own grade.

“I heard you banged that hot new teacher taking over for that old geezer Yongchil. You’re so lucky to have tapped that, I’m envious dude!” Himchan laughs, patting Woohyun on the shoulder before he heads over to his group of friends. Myungsoo and Woohyun both stand in silence for a moment until the shorter of the two turns to the other slowly. Woohyun stops whatever he is going to say once he takes in the look on Myungsoo’s face.

“Sungjong,” is the angry growl that comes out of Myungsoo’s mouth before he stalks towards the theatre department where Sungjong and his friends always hang out before school. Woohyun follows along, confused but worry was slowly starting to consume every other feeling.


Btw thank you guys for sticking with me. I really want to give you guys the best.

Gyu pic spam because ultimate bias!

Oh Kevin, your bias is showing. Urgh.. I just can't with his cute guys... Someone shoot me.

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I'll be gone for a little while (as in no writing/updating) because of personal reasons. I'm really sorry, especiall since I don't update much anyways.


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706 streak #1
Chapter 10: finished rereading again
Charu_19 #2
Chapter 10: Author nim , lovely story . Need an update soon, craving for it,.plssss.

Woogyu ,myungyeol are the best.
Will you continue,no update for a long time?
i love this?????
Gyu7812 #4
Omg!! I need an update.. please author-nim..
Sure no force. But i would love too.. -_^
Btw, u're amazing. I love your story sooo much!
I loved this story!! Please update author-nim!!!
Chapter 10: oh I need an update
Jinsoeb #7
Chapter 9: the story is really good!! hope you can continue it!! would look forward to how the story will go.. ^^
very_ship_them #8
Chapter 10: Omg its 1:30 am and I was so confused and scared over gyu being crazy and started to question my own sanity then everything started to clear up and IT WAS AMAZING
Sungjong got me dying man XDDD
very_ship_them #9
Taryn_burress #10
Chapter 10: This is so good and funny! Really hope you update it