Gangsters Don't Ask Questions

Oh My Teacher!

-30 minutes earlier-

Woohyun and Sunggyu enter class almost missing the tarty bell. Everyone is in their seats, starring at the two with wide eyes. Woohyun and Sunggyu freeze and everything is quiet as everyone has a stare down for a moment then the class erupts in catcalls and whistles. Sunggyu tries to resist the urge to face palm.

“Damn, Woohyun. You banged the teacher the first night?” Dongwoo laughs into his desk, his body practically vibrating. Sunggyu throws up his hands, blush evident on his face and tries to deny the fact that nothing like that happen or would ever happen. Woohyun interrupts the teacher by wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him towards him.

“I know, I’m amazing. He was so cute whimpering my name and begging me for more.” Woohyun pinches Sunggyu’s cheek with a smirk curving along his lips. Sunggyu is stunned to speechlessness at his student’s audacity.

“How does it feel not to be a anymore, seongsangnim?” Sungjong asks, eyes innocently wide, as he leans forward in his chair. Sunggyu snaps, shoving Woohyun away from him and started yelling at everyone to shut and that no one allowed to ask any more questions about what happened last night.

“Because nothing happened. And you,” Sunggyu stops to point an accusatory finger at Woohyun. The younger boy holds up both of his hands in mock defense, taking a few steps back just in case Sunggyu decided to become violent and deck him in the face.

“You need take your seat and I don’t want to hear a peep out of you for the rest of the period!” The teacher practically shouts. Woohyun merely smiled at him, taking a bow and then headed to his seat beside Myungsoo. Sunggyu watched him until he sat down and then gazed over the rest of his class. They all immediately made it look like they were doing something else but Sunggyu knew they had been watching him-some of the boys tried to hide their giggles behind their hands. Sunggyu sighs as he moves over to his desk and sets his bag on top of it. He pulls out his lesson plan and runs it over and almost groans. Great, he gets to talk about Agricultural boring Revolution. Hopefully the dullness chapter would calm down his overly hormonal students.


The first break bell rings and the class rush out the door before Sunggyu can even dismiss them. Sunggyu smirks as he watches the last groups of boys squeeze through the door and bound down the hallway to the cafeteria, remembering their blank stares when he was teaching and could assume that they were all bored out of their minds and didn’t listen to a single word he had said. Maybe he would give them a pop quiz over it tomorrow, just to get them back for their earlier behavior.

The gruff noise of someone clearing their throat made Sunggyu jump and whip his head to where it sounded. Woohyun sat in his chair, feet set on top of the desk with a smirk on his face. Sunggyu turns away, trying to ignore him and walks over to his desk but he can feel Woohyun’s eyes follow him the whole way there.  Sunggyu tries to pretend that the boy wasn’t there and starts on preparing the pop quiz he most likely was going to surprise his students with tomorrow.

Woohyun sits there for a while, staring as Sunggyu basically ignores him. He huffs, guessing that the older man wasn’t going to give him the time day. But he was defiantly going to get Sunggyu attention, he might have to work for it but he’ll get all of the teacher’s attention and eventually he’ll even have Sunggyu himself. Woohyun always got what he wanted, always.

Woohyun slowly stands, moving silently to Sunggyu’s desk. Thankfully Sunggyu was too distracted by the test he was writing to notice Woohyun creeping up behind him. Woohyun slides his arms around Sunggyu’s shoulders, pressing a kiss to his ear. The teacher jumps and is about to freak out but Woohyun quickly shushes him, running his hands down the older man’s arms in a calming gesture. Sunggyu is about to tell him to get off of him but firm hands start massaging his shoulders.

“So seem tense, Sunggyu. Let me help you with that.” Something in the back of Sunggyu’s brain is screaming at him to tell Woohyun to get his hands off of him and leave but he doesn’t really listen to that part of his brain, he nods to the boy and relaxes into his grip. Sunggyu sighs as Woohyun kneads the tenseness out of his shoulders, his body growing lax in his chair. He closes his eyes and lets the young boy massage him. Woohyun glanced down at Sunggyu’s relaxed face and smirked before sliding his hands slowly down Sunggyu’s chest and stomach, fingers brushing against Sunggyu’s crotch. Sunggyu jolts at the touch, jumping from his chair and sending Woohyun straight to the floor. Sunggyu represses the urge to throw his bag at Woohyun’s face.

“Leave, now.” Sunggyu grounds out, pointing to the door. Sunggyu can hear Woohyun sigh and shuffle to his feet (the older man takes a minute to feel apologetic for knocking the student down). Sunggyu shivers when Woohyun pats him on the swell of his lower back before he makes his way out of the classroom, whispering a goodbye as he heads through the door. Sunggyu races to the door once Woohyun leaves, closes it and locks it. Sunggyu sighs, pressing his forehead against the wooden surface. He knows that he’s most upset about the fact that Woohyun can play him like a violin.


It was finally lunch time and Sunggyu had wandered around the school until he found the teacher’s lounge. A group of three female teachers are gathered around a table in the corner, their heads that had been bowed together in deep discussion whipped up when Sunggyu entered. Sunggyu blinked at the odd reaction but smiled politely nonetheless and bowed. The three women smiled (somewhat eerily) back at him and motioned him to come over to sit with them. Sunggyu was a bit reluctant but he felt it would be too rude to refuse. The lady with the short bob smiles at him far too widely when he sits down and the other two giggle behind their hands.

“Soo, you’re the new teacher for European History?” The lady on the left of him asks, her hair is pulled up into a tight bun. Sunggyu nods in response and the three women look at him somewhat frightened, he blinks in confusion.

“Ooo, that means you have Yongchul-shii’s homeroom class.” The woman with the shoulder length curly hair that sits to his left says and the other two gasp behind their hands. They look at each other quickly before turning their wide-eyed gazes back to him.

“You poor thing…” Sunggyu laughs at that, shaking his head, telling the three ladies that they really weren’t that bad. His class was overly hormonal and rowdy but it wasn’t like it was full of gangsters or psychopaths. The three women give him a pathetic look.

“I suppose you don’t know about those things then…” The lady with the bob says, her eyes wide as she stares at him. Sunggyu can’t help but gulp as a thousand horrible things run through his mind, what exactly were these people talking about?

“Yes, Yongchul’s wife had her baby but… He was glad to get out of there. Some of those students… Well, let’s just say you don’t want to meet them in a dark alley.” The curly haired lady whispers and Sunggyu is completely horrified. Maybe he spoke too soon about the whole not-being-gangsters-or-psychopaths thing...


Sunggyu sat frozen in his plastic chair, staring at the three teachers sitting across from him in fear. After each story the told him, Sunggyu felt his heart drop even deeper to the pit of his stomach. Sure, he thought his students were a bit… Rowdy but he never thought… His dramas did NOT prepare him for this! Sunggyu’s fingers tightened around the edge of his chair as the three women leaned towards him, a hand covering up their mouths. “So…Sungjong really did…?” Sunggyu whispers and the three nod in response. His eyes widen slightly as he gulps. “And Dongwoo is…?” Sunggyu squeaks out the question and the female teachers nod somberly, looking down at their laps for a moment. Sunggyu swallows hard, almost shaking before he asks another question.

“Sungyeol is really responsible for…?” Sunggyu’s voice reaches an octave he didn’t know he could hit. He feels particularly faint when the women once again nod at him in confirmation. The lady with the curly hair leans forward and reaches out a hand, touching Sunggyu’s arm lightly. “But don’t let that deter you, dear. I’m pretty sure that you’ll be fine…” Sunggyu’s head whips around to stare at her before stuttering out, “P-pretty sure?” The three look at each other quickly before turning their gazes back to the Sunggyu.

“Well, um, we have to… Attend to something, sweetheart.” The lady with the curly hair says quickly and Sunggyu doesn’t like the tone she’s using or how she avoided explaining that pretty sure. The three got up and hurried out of the lounge quickly. Sunggyu looked down at his trembling hands clenched in his lap, missing how the three women hid their giggles behind their hands. Sunggyu let out a shaky breath. He wasn’t ever going to catch a break. All those things his fellow teachers told him weren’t in any of his dramas… They were worse than all of them put together and then tenfold. To be honest, Sunggyu was afraid. His class was probably just getting started, trying to lure him into a false sense of security of them being normal… And then they’ll all go crazy on him! So now he has to worry about possibly getting killed or hurt or held hostage or calling the police or confiscating drugs or talking a student off a ledge or molested (well… Only in Nam Woohyun’s case).

“You know, they were trying to trick you right?” Sunggyu jumped as he heard a chuckle behind him. He twisted around and a handsome middle aged man stood, gray peppered hair swept to one side and a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. Sunggyu blinked slowly before standing up quickly and bowing, basically bending in half.

“Principal! How are you?” Sunggyu asked politely. The principal waves at him, telling him to relax. Sunggyu nods but it’s still hard for him to relax, it was his boss after all. Sunggyu tilts his head at the older man, giving him a confused look.

“They were… Trying to trick me?” Sunggyu asks, his voice quiet and a little hurt. The principal pats his shoulder lightly, looking apologetic. He explains to Sunggyu that the three ladies he was speaking two were gossips and troublemakers. They were only trying to scare the living crap out of Sunggyu for their own amusement. Sunggyu resists the urge to huff and pout at being tricked so easily. He was seriously about to have a heart attack after those ladies left him with all those stories.

“Your class is just a bit rambunctious but they are good kids, the only one you have to watch out for his my troublesome son.” The principal laughs goodheartedly and Sunggyu can’t help but smile. The older man takes a sip of his coffee before telling Sunggyu that if his son caused trouble to just send him straight to his office and he’d handle it. Sunggyu matched the other man’s bright smile but it fell quickly to a look of confusion. Sunggyu actually didn’t know how the principal’s son was.

“I actually don’t know which one of my students is your son, sir.” Sunggyu says quietly, eyes shifting down to his hands clasped in front of him. The principal chuckles at him, thinking his new employee’s shy nature was quite endearing.

“My son is Nam Woohyun.” Sunggyu feels faint.


Sunggyu stares at Principal Nam in shock and the older man blinks at him, wondering if the younger man was alright. He was about to ask his new employee if something was wrong but the intercom suddenly clicked on.

Principal Nam, you are needed back to your office for a meeting.

“Ah, I need to go. Well, don’t worry about those three or your class. Everything will be fine.” Principal Nam says happily, setting his coffee down on the table next to them and then making his exit. Sunggyu murmurs a quiet farewell but barely registers the other man’s leave. Sunggyu swayed a bit, clutching onto the nearest chair to steady himself as he thought about the information he was just given. Nam Woohyun…. Was the Principal’s son? Sunggyu sighed; he didn’t think that his heart could take this place anymore.


Hours later Sunggyu had finally arrived home. He dropped his bag as soon as he go in the door and quickly took of his shoes. The day had completely exhausted him, all he wanted to do was snuggle up in bed, look over his pop quiz for tomorrow and then sleep. He makes his way to his kitchen to grab a glass of water before he heads off to his bedroom.

Sunggyu passes by his cork board that he had nailed to the wall in his kitchen where he keeps all his notes and memos; he pauses after her passes it and slowly backtracks his steps to stand in front of it again. He blinks, looking at a brightly colored sticky note that was not placed there by him. He rips it off of the cork board and reads the obnoxiously bolded letters.

Go to your calendar!!

Sunggyu’s eyebrows creased in confusion before he looked around, forgetting for a moment exactly where he had placed his calendar. He spotted it hanging neatly, looking untouched, by the refrigerator. Sunggyu walks over to it slowly, like something was about to blow up, crumpling the sticky note in his hand. He bent down to examine it, nothing looked off; it was on the correct month and all the days that had passed were marked off-Sunggyu’s head tilts slightly eyeing the current day. One-hundred days was circled on the today’s date. Sunggyu didn’t remember writing that and his curiosity had him flipping through the months until he reached day one-hundred. When he gets there he drops the calendar in shock. On day one-hundred the words the day I’ll make you mine is scrawled out in bolded letters. The only thing that passed through Sunggyu’s mind before he went almost catatonic; he will never survive the school year with Nam Woohyun.



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I'll be gone for a little while (as in no writing/updating) because of personal reasons. I'm really sorry, especiall since I don't update much anyways.


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706 streak #1
Chapter 10: finished rereading again
Charu_19 #2
Chapter 10: Author nim , lovely story . Need an update soon, craving for it,.plssss.

Woogyu ,myungyeol are the best.
Will you continue,no update for a long time?
i love this?????
Gyu7812 #4
Omg!! I need an update.. please author-nim..
Sure no force. But i would love too.. -_^
Btw, u're amazing. I love your story sooo much!
I loved this story!! Please update author-nim!!!
Chapter 10: oh I need an update
Jinsoeb #7
Chapter 9: the story is really good!! hope you can continue it!! would look forward to how the story will go.. ^^
very_ship_them #8
Chapter 10: Omg its 1:30 am and I was so confused and scared over gyu being crazy and started to question my own sanity then everything started to clear up and IT WAS AMAZING
Sungjong got me dying man XDDD
very_ship_them #9
Taryn_burress #10
Chapter 10: This is so good and funny! Really hope you update it