Chapter 6

Love Three Quarters

At home, jiyeon immediatly landing on her bed and in a minute she falls to sleep...


Next morning


Jiyeon jiyeon jiyeon

Someone's calling her

Jiyeon open her eye

Jiyeon "Omma??"

Jiyeon's mom "Aigo~ this kid. Its noon now.Wake up sweety~"

Jiyeon "Araso" while get up lazily

Jiyeon's mom "Aish~ whose gonna wake you up if you married??Me again??"

Jiyeon "Should you??" while laughing

Jiyeon's mom "Aigo aigo~ You cant be like that"

Jiyeon "So,What should i do??"

Jiyeon's mom "Just like i do"

Jiyeon "Ne Omma. Im still young. Its not like im getting married tomorrow"

Jiyeon's mom "What happen if you  must married this year??"

Jiyeon "Anio~ Its not gonna happen"

Jiyeon's mom "Errmmm. Ppali jiyeonah,go brush your teeth"

Jiyeon "Araso Omma. Im going~"

Jiyeon's mom "After that,go downstair. I have prepare breakfast"

Jiyeon "Ne"


After Breakfast

Jiyeon "What should i do??"

Jiyeon look at her handbag

Jiyeon "Ouh,my report! I should do it now"

Jiyeon take out her notes yesterday and start doing her work

She's doing it until midnight

Jiyeon "Wah,at last my report is finish gotta get some sleep"

She takes her bear and hugging it tidely. She falls sleep a minute later.


Next Morning

*After breakfast

Jiyeon take her report and check it if her made a mistake

Jiyeon "Urmmm,nothings wrong. I should call Ms Suzy now"

Jiyeon grabs her phone and call Ms Suzy's number

Ms Suzy "Yobeseyo??"

Jiyeon "Annyonghaseyo,i'm jiyeon"

Ms Suzy "Ouh,jiyeonah....How are you??"

Jiyeon "Im fine.You??"

Ms Suzy "I'm fine too.Why you call me??"

Jiyeon "I had finish  the report"

Ms Suzy "You what??So fast. How you do it in a day??"

Jiyeon "I do it until midnight. Im afraid if i forget about it."

Ms Suzy "Ouh,okay"

What should i do?? My plan will ruin if it turn out like this. So fast this little girl do her work. I thought she needs more time to do researh and she can spend time with Myungsoo. Arghh

Jiyeon "Ms Suzy??? Hello??" Is she still on the phone?

Ms Suzy "Ooo,Wae?"

Jiyeon "When and where do i have send it to you?"

Ms Suzy "Ermmm,How about tomorrow??Can you"

Jiyeon " ouh, okay.But where?"

Ms Suzy "At my house"

Jiyeon "But i dont know where is it"

Ms Suzy "Dont worry. I will ask myungsoo to take you"

Him again??Arhhhhh....

Jiyeon "Okay"

Ms Suzy "See you tomorrow.Bye bye"

Jiyeon "Annyong~"

Jiyeon throw her phone on her bed and go downstair to watch her favourite drama.

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Yeon-hee #1
Chapter 17: Update plsss..
Jinith23 #2
Chapter 17: Update pls!
jiyeonyesung #3
Chapter 17: please update soon i like this story too much:)
stacyberd #4
Chapter 17: Update soon
Chapter 16: Update soon please. :)
jiyeonyesung #6
please update soon is there funny story like this in that adress
aina24 #7
update soon *_*, i want to know next chapter!!!
hyully #8
update soon
daisyfeels #9
update soon please^^