
Lonely Road

They had always walked the lanes together. The road cordoned by wisteria that grew in hedges. Magnolia trees scenting the air as they walked hand in hand.


But today she was alone.


“It’s going to rain Kyu. The rain that we both enjoy. But today I am alone. “She spoke out loud as she continued down the path. His image briefly appeared next to her making her smile.


She came to a stop at the bench they always sat at. She closed her eyes and envisioned him sitting there. Her head on his shoulders, easing the burden of the day. Kyu with one hand on the PSP and the other curled into hers.


“My eyes automatically search for you Kyu. They don’t know you are far away now. “ her voice faltered as she continued on the path.


The creaking swings at the playground stopped her again. She walked over to sit on one of the swings. He appeared behind her again , gently pushing the swing.


“Do you remember our first meeting in this playground Kyu? You pushed me off the swing but regretted it when you saw me cry.” She laughed as she remembered the little Kyuhyun who apologized to her.


“I will kiss away the boo boo, you said and claimed your first kiss from me. Right here. “ She caressed her knee cap where a small scar resided. She saw him smile before his image faded away.


She got up slowly and walked towards the old oak tree. On the bark were several carvings. Her fingers traced until she found the right one. Her finger interlinked with his as he appeared again on the other side.


“Our names linked together forever as you declared your first love to me.” She smiled even as a shiny tear rolled down her cheek. The memory of Kyuhyun's flushed face as he declared his love was still fresh in her mind. Once more he faded away into the air.


She continued walking. The sights and scenes around her reminding her of him. The hedge where he used to wait to take her to school everyday. The gate he leaned against watching her stealthily. The neighbor’s bicycle, he had borrowed to take her on a ride. Everything reminded her of him.


Of Kyuhyun.


She reached the end of the road.


It had been a lonely walk without him by her side.


“I wish we didn’t have to part Love. Death is but a cruel fate that sets us apart. But it can’t separate the Love we share. I will wait for you my dear one, until the day we are together again. “She picked up the single white magnolia that fluttered onto her shoulder and inhaled the scent he so loved.



“Kyuhyun, its time to leave. “ Yesung locked an arm over his best friend’s shoulder , a black umbrella shielding him from the pouring rain.


He had barely spoken a word through out the entire ceremony. He had barely spoken since the accident.


Kyuhyun went down on his knees for the last time, bringing himself closer to her.


“Till I meet you again Love. “ He laid the single red rose on the ground he had just buried his wife in.


It was a long lonely road back home.

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Chapter 1: Oh, so sad, I love it though and wonderful writing it captured all the write emotions with such few words. Esquisite