Chapter Three

Dark Obsession

Chapter Three:

The five boys stood in their CEO's office, looking at each other, uncertain of why they had been called in. They weren't sure if they were in for another scolding or perhaps there were changes to their schedules. Their managers told them nothing on the way in, only stated that they had to be there and left them alone.

"What do you think he's going to talk to us about?" Seungri asked, obviously worried as he had been in the office more than once in the past month for trespasses he wasn't even sure how their CEO knew of.

"Don't know," Jiyong answered, looking around the room. He knew he hadn't done anything wrong. At least, not recently, "Have any of you done anything you weren't supposed to?"

Every eye in the room fell on the maknae who took a step back from the line, hands up in defense, "Don't look at me!"

Before any of them could say another word, Yang Hyunsuk entered the room and strode to his desk, where he took a seat and stared intently at the five boys who stood in the room. They shifted nervously from foot to foot, unable to meet his eye.

The CEO finally gave a wave of his hand, "Sit."

All five sat at the same time, the anticipation showing plainly on their faces.

"I called you in here because of an incident that happened last night," the man behind the desk explained. His words were calculated, as if he were trying to measure what he was about to say extremely carefully, "We've been monitoring fan mail for the past week and a half. Someone from the security team took a package that was supposed to be for the band when it arrived at our facilities."

The boys all glanced at one another, not sure of where the story was going.

"The package exploded during a routine check, injuring the guard and one of our couriers," the CEO continued. The tension in the room heightened at each word, "The explosion was small enough to only cause a few burns, but if this had been in any of your hands..."

The words hung in the air for a long moment.

"Does that mean-?" Jiyong asked, words trailing off, already knowing that the man before him knew what he meant to say.

Their boss nodded, "Same handwriting and packaging upon further examination."

"Oh god," the leader could feel his chest constricting at the thought. This person, this sick individual, was crazy.

"We've decided to move you boys in the morning, to a more secure location," the CEO stated, leaning forward in his seat, "We can't chance you getting hurt. You're my responsibility while you're here and I'm not going to let anyone cause you harm."

"What do we do until then?" Youngbae asked.

"Security will stay close to you for the remainder of the day. Start packing tonight."


Jiyong was frustrated.

As he threw articles of clothing into his suitcase, he cursed and muttered to himself. The change in location was going to wreak a good portion of the work that they had put in. Extra security was only going to limit them more in the time they had at the recording and dance studio. At this point, he wasn't even sure if their CEO was going to let them work a normal schedule.

Why now? Why me? he asked, balling up a shirt and throwing it into his suitcase. This is so stupid!

"Hyung?" Daesung peeked into the room, looking about cautiously.

"What?" the leader asked, exasperated.

"Uh... we were wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner," the younger boy said, standing in the doorway, one hand gripping the doorknob as if waiting for something to be thrown at him, "You know, instead of being stuck inside for the rest of the day."

Jiyong sighed, looking about the room he shared with Seungri. It was a mess and the maknae had yet to start packing. He looked back at his half filled suitcase, unable to bring himself to put more things in.

"Yeah, just let me get a few things together."

Once he was alone, he sighed deeply before getting to his feet. He knew why the guys wanted to go out. It was probably their way of trying to cheer him up since he had been in an obvious bad mood since the moment they all left the YG offices. He knew they were only trying to help, but the thought of the security team following them out wasn't exactly appealing either.

I need to keep it together. This is for your safety, he told himself. Can't be a leader if you can't get it together and realize that.

Jiyong joined the others in the living room as he pulled on a non-descript baseball cap, just as they had all been instructed to do. Seungri was the first to approach him, flashing his puppy dog eyes, trying to look cute as he clutched a familiar bright blue sweatshirt.

The maknae held up the article of clothing, partially hiding his face with it, "Can I borrow it, hyung?"

Jiyong's first instinct was to say no and snatch his favorite sweatshirt from Seungri's hands, but he stopped himself, remembering what Youngbae had told him previously. He needed to relax and take it easy. It also struck him that the younger boy was actually asking him instead of just claiming the item for himself.

"Okay," the leader answered, feeling a sense of cheerfulness when he saw a wide smile spread over the maknae's features. Before he could allow the boy to be too glad for the response, he added, "But only for tonight and don't you dare ruin it!"

"Thank you!" Seungri hugged the older boy tight for a moment before pulling on the sweatshirt. The sleeves were just a touch too long, making the younger boy look even smaller. He pulled the hood over his head, smiling brighter than ever.

Jiyong couldn't help but laugh, throwing his arm over the maknae's shoulders, "Come on, let's go."


Jiyong had really hoped they wouldn't be followed by their security team, but the lead guard, Mark, wasn;t about to let any of them out of his sight. The three men that were trailing them were wearing plain clothes, which the leader was extremely thankful for as it drew less attention.

"Ah!" Seungri's voice made them stop in their tracks. They all looked at the maknae who was patting every one of his pockets frantically, "My phone!"

Youngbae rolled his eyes, "You can be without your phone for an hour or so."

"I need to get it," the youngest insisted, still rummaging through his pockets as if searching further would magically make his phone appear.

"Stop being dramatic," Seunghyun said, taking hold of Seungri's arm to make him start walking once more.

"My parents are going to call!" the maknae explained, yanking his arm from the eldest's grasp. He put his hands together, pleading, "Please let me go get it."

Jiyong's annoyance softened at that. He knew that Seungri was close with his parents and it had been weeks since they last spoke to one another. He waved a dismissive hand, trying to look casual, "Have someone go with you, at least."

"I'll be faster on my own," the younger boy was already heading back. He gave them a quick wave as he pulled his hood lower and ran at a brisk pace back toward the dorm, "I'll be right back!"

Jiyong turned to Mark when he realized no one was following Seungri, "Shouldn't someone accompany him?"

"We're supposed to be watching you," the security personnel said, "Besides, it's you who should be worried, not him. He'll be fine."

"Good point."


"So stupid," Seungri berated himself as he closed the door behind him, pulling off his hood as he made his way into the bedroom to look for his phone.

It had been so long since he spoke with his parents and the first chance they said they were going to call him he forgets his phone. He found what he was looking for on the night stand and immediately checked to see if there were any missed calls.

There were none and he sighed in relief. He would have hated to have his parents think he was ignoring them or too busy to pick up.

A loud knocking on the door made him look up from the screen. Did they actually send someone to come back with me? Seungri wondered in annoyance as he shoved his phone in his pocket. He couldn't think of any other possibilities as so few people knew where they resided.

"I said I'd be right back," he called out as he headed back toward the entrance. He opened the door, swinging it open wide, "You didn't have to-"

He looked up to see an unfamiliar man standing in the doorway, startling him, "Oh! Um... can I help you?"

The man was staring at him, as if just as surprised to encounter an unknown face. He wasn't saying anything even though it looked like he was trying to move his mouth. He just stood there and the maknae felt a shiver travel down his spine.

Seungri stood awkwardly for a moment longer, feeling unnerved, before speaking, "Are you looking for someone?"

Before he could react, the man was rushing forward, a hand grabbing for his throat. Seungri let out a yelp of surprise as he backed away, feeling himself lose his footing as he tried to evade the intruder.


"What's taking him?" Daesung asked with a sigh, one elbow on the table, his free hand rubbing his belly dramatically.

They'd only gotten their drinks, waiting for their maknae to return. All of them were exhausted and just wanted to get something to eat, but none felt right just ordering when one of their members was missing.

"We should just order," Seunghyun suggested as his stomach growled. He hated being hungry, "We know what he'll want, anyway."

Jiyong nodded, agreeing. Seungri's tastes never really changed and they always ended up sharing their dishes. It would be easier just to order ahead of time, that way they can start eating when the maknae comes back.

The leader stared out the window that looked down the street, waiting for Seungri to make his appearance. He could see the plain clothes guards walking around the property, just hanging about. Their presence really did put him at ease, but something was making him anxious and he couldn't quite figure out what it was.

"We should call him."


Seungri was scrambling on the floor, kicking out his legs as he tried to escape the grasp of the stranger that was grabbing for him. He cried out when a strong hand grabbed his ankle and yanked, dragging him across the hardwood floor. Those hands, grabbed at his sweatshirt, hauling him up into the air, his feet dangling.

"Why are you wearing his clothes?" the man's voice was frenzied, wild eyes searching Seungri's features.

The maknae kicked his legs as hard as he could, catching the intruder in the groin. He landed on his feet and tried to run toward the back of the apartment as the doorway was being blocked by the man trying to assault him.

The bathroom has a lock, he thought as he tried to head in that direction.

Seungri didn't make it more than few steps before something snatched his hood, the fabric pulling against his neck, choking him. He screamed, his hands instinctively reaching for the neckline of the sweatshirt. He pulled as hard as he could, trying to free himself. The sound of the fabric tearing was loud in his ears, but still he couldn't get loose. Seungri struggled harder when he felt a strong arm encircling his waist.

"You brat!" the man's angry voice was too close.

His phone started to ring and he felt the man holding him stiffen.

In that moment, he swung his arms out, elbowing the man, kicking to connect with any body part he could reach. He cried out, hoping someone in the building would hear his voice. With more strength than he knew he had, he tore himself from the man's grasp and ran toward the bathroom, his hands scrambling to pull out his phone.

Just as he was about to cross the threshold into the bathroom, something caught his leg and he saw the floor rushing up to meet him.


"He didn't answer," Jiyong stared at his phone, troubled.

"Try again," Youngbae suggested, leaning forward in his seat.

The leader looked out the window once more, trying to see if perhaps Seungri was already close enough that he didn't need to pick up the phone. But the maknae was nowhere in sight and the sense of apprehension that he had been feeling earlier started to build in the pit of his stomach.

He dialed again.


Seungri's head hurt.

He tried to push himself up, but a terrible of wave of dizziness descended over him. He laid on the floor. He could feel cool tiles beneath his fingertips. His could feel something wet and warm against his cheek.

"You're not him," the intruder spat and Seungri felt himself being to his back.

He blinked, seeing red cloud his vision. He slowly realized that he must have busted his head open when he fell. The strange man was towering over him, looking down at him with disgust.

"How dare you wear his clothes!"

Seunrgi tried to move, push himself away from the psychotic person. It earned him a swift kick to the chest and he felt all air rush out of his lungs as he curled in on himself, pain radiating out and assaulting his senses. He tried to draw in breath, but couldn't do more than wheeze.

"You don't deserve to touch his things!"

Then his phone was ringing again. His assailant looked about the bathroom, spotting the phone where it had slid underneath the sink. The attacker's attention was pulled away then, walking up to the ringing phone and snatching it from the floor.

"Jiyong," the man smiled as he read the display.

Seungri could see light flooding across the man's features as the phone was answered. The boy drew in a shuddering breath and with all his strength screamed, "Help!"



"Seungri?!" Jiyong yelled into the phone. The younger boy's voice sounded distant, pained. "Seungri?!"

The others were standing now, staring at him as he pressed the phone closer to his ear.

"Ji?" Youngbae asked.

The leader heard a loud clatter, like someone had just dropped the phone. Then an unfamiliar voice was shouting, "Shut up! You shut your mouth!"

Jiyong felt his breath catch in his throat when he heard screaming. His stomach turned when he realized it was Seungri's voice.

Without a second thought, he rushed from the restaurant, finding Mark standing by the door. He immediately grabbed the guards arm, trying to drag him in the direction of the dorms.

"He's in trouble!" Jiyong cried, pulling at Mark with all the strength he had, "Seungri's in trouble!"


Note: Didn't think I'd update any time soon, but this just had to get out of my head. And... now I feel like a terrible person. I'm sorry, readers!

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little88 #1
Chapter 5: If you're still here, could you please continue? Really excited and curious to know what's next and how this will end 😭😭
Steezel #2
Chapter 5: I need to know what happens next!
Good work please update soon
Kanikikyon #3
Chapter 5: Holy Molly! This is some good stuff! Really keeps me on the edge! Hope u update this soon~
jhong711 #4
Chapter 5: Please update!! *hooked*
peggyw #5
Chapter 5: Oh no! Ty for the chapter
Chapter 5: OMG, this was dark!! I love stories with psychopaths and stalkers, haha. Hope Seungri is ok!
Hope you can update soon!!!
Chapter 5: Omg Riri be alright!!!
Chapter 5: Oh my god I screamed when I saw that you updated. And this chapter was so creepy I feel so bad for Ji and Seungri. Can't wait for the next update and hope that Seungri will be alright!
nathaya #9
Chapter 4: Update soon authornim...
GDVIctory #10
Chapter 4: ughh i need the nxt chptrrrr