I Trusted You Blindly, I'm Sorry

Please Don't Get Too Friendly

After the shoot was wrapped up, the guys offered me a lift to my house, so I wouldn't disturb the busy manager I had. I accepted happily their offer, thinking about the surprise I would make her once I got home. It was already midnight and I didn't my mother-like figure to get too tired and have an accident. During the trip, most of us got too tired and decided to sleep. The only left awake were Chanyeol and I. We decided to chat together, making sure not to disturb the others by whispering.

"So," he asked. "What did you think about the filming today? Did you like it?"

"It was a bit stressful at the beginning, and I felt awful for passing out, but in the end, it was kind of amazing."

He chuckled and glanced at me, amused.

"Kind of amazing? Why was a MV filming amazing?"

"Well, you know," I began, extending my arms carefully without touching the sleeping D.O. next to me. "You guys were my idols, and still are by the way, and I got to film one of your MVs with you. I acted as a girl you all liked. Every girl's dream, and I did it as I if I was used to that. That's what's amazing."

The giant snorted and grinned playfully.

"We are your idols? That's nice. It better not change though," he warned teasingly. "But you know, we all like you. As a friend, don't worry. You won't get into a drama-like situation where a thousand guys flock around you, proclaiming their eternal love. We just genuinely appreciate you. It was really nice to film with you. I'm willing to do it anytime," he added kindly before looking straight in my eyes. "I have a kind of weird question, I hope you won't mind. Is it okay?"

"Sure, go ahead," I answered a bit nervously. "What is it?"

"Uh, that is... I only wanted to know what you thought of two idols dating? Like, when they're in the same agency and all?"

I swear I felt my heart stop for a moment. My thoughts went wild for a few moments, then I took a quick breath and answered him innocently:

"I think that if two idols want to be together and that the agency is okay with it, then it's alright! It's only that once the two of them break up, there might be fandom wars and all that... But I still think it's cute and it gives a lot more things to gossip about. And it makes good publicity for both groups, if they are both popular."

"But... What if the agency, or the fans, are a hundred percent against it?"

"That... It's really sad. But if it were me, I would still give it my best try to make it work."

I could see the way he looked at me, analyzing every word I said, pondering my answers. I began to feel scared as I realised his questions weren't innocent ones. He hadn't just asked that to make small talk. He had a real, obvious intention behind it, but as I felt this way towards him, I couldn't answer negatively. I wanted him to look my side so bad, I would tell him whatever so he would get the hint already. I was much too scared to just utter those three forbidden words. But before we could say anything, the manager turned to us and announced we had arrived at my dorm. I blushed and thanked him, getting out of the car without waking the sleeping members up. Chanyeol insisted accompanying me to the door and I couldn't help but accept. We walked awkwardly to the door like teens coming back from their first date. At the door we stood in front of each other, unsure of what to say.

"Are you going to be alright?" he asked first.

"Yeah, unnie is most probably still awake because I didn't call her. I feel kind of bad, but I didn't want her to come fetch me at this hour."

"Are you sure it wasn't because you wanted a lift from the great EXO?" Chanyeol asked teasingly.

I rolled my eyes, trying to look annoyed, but I couldn't stop my lips from stretching in a wide smile. I then waved him goodbye and went inside. I entered and closed the door as quietly as possible. I tried to make the least sound possible as I heard my manager talking on the phone, most probably with someone from the agency.

"Yes, sir. She is already asleep. She worked well today, don't worry. The PD didn't find a single flaw abou her acting. TetrA won't be a waste of money, I assure you."

Wondering who she was talking about, I sneaked closer to her. Luckily, her back faced me so there was no way she could see me.

"The photoshoot? Ah, it went also well. The girls posed perfectly and matched the photograph's expectations very well. It was a success."

There was a pause, then she sopke up again. But this time, I was shocked.

"No, I'm very sorry sir, but Amy is already asleep. You can't speak to her right now. When I went to fetch her from the set, she was so tired she immediately fell asleep. It was hard to wake her just to get her to her room, you know. Yes, sorry. I'll try to get her some time so she can communicate with you, don't worry. Yes, good night, sir."

I stared at my manager with eyes wide in incomprehension. Why would she lie to her superior? She didn't even come to get me. She didn't even call to see if I needed her lift. And heck no am I asleep. I stayed there a few more moments as I watched the confusing woman in front of me. I heard her sigh and put her phone down. She then started talking to herself.

"Why does he always want to speak to her, for God's sake! Is he worried I'm not doing my job correctly or something? I know that he was still the CEO when I was a trainee with her parents and he was there when I did that but it's been... How long has it been? 20 years already? His guard should be down by now."

I stood there, completely frozen in shock. What? My parents were trainees at SM? Along with Jung Ah unnie? What on earth... As I had watched too many dramas, I got my phone out and recorded what happened next.

"I just wish that he would stop keeping his eyes on me. That way, I could just do whatever I want with her. Right now, she thinks of me as a motherly figure, and it should stay that way until I show her what she deserves. What her parents deserved. I'll crush her before her debut like they did with me. I'll forbid her to see her friends, and, hopefully, if she's going out with an EXO member, I'll just pay a girl to act as his girlfriend so she hates herself. Her mom... Her dad... How dared they do that to me? Just go out behind my back? When she knew I loved him! Ugh... And where is she anyway? She didn't call me. Mhm, whatever. It could be just better if she never reappeared. Maybe, at the set, they told her she was a horrible actress and she left in shame, like her parents? I wouldn't even be surprised."

Tears were now falling down my cheeks as I heard every word the woman I trusted the most say. My chest hurt so bad that I kept massaging and hitting it to make the pain go away. I stopped the recording and grabbed my things quietly. I got out of the now suffocating house and stood there, feeling destroyed, alone and confused. My first instinct was to call Sasha, but I knew that she would only feel terrible for not being able to do anything. I then thought of EXO, who had given me their numbers beforehand. I searched in my phone through my tears and clicked on the first number of theirs I saw.

"Amy? What's going on?" answered a sleepy Baekhyun.

"Help me, please. Come get me, it hurts so much. Please," I begged as I sobbed.

I heard yells and I suspected that it was Baekhyun waking up everyone in his house.

"Okay, we'll come for you soon. Amy, just stay right where you are. We're coming for you, okay? Don't do anything stupid and just stay right where you are," he answered quickly before hanging up.

I nodded to myself, as if he could see me, and waited in the cold temperature for about 15 minutes until a van arrived in front of my house and 9 guys hurried out of it to meet a still crying mess. They all came up to me and their manager took my bags as the members tried to ask me what was going on. Unfortunately for them, I was much too tired from the happenings and I, for the second time of the day, passed out in someone's strong and comforting arms.

Her betrayal certainly traumatized me for a long time, but at least, thanks to that, we got closer and brought us where we are today.

~~~Author's Notes~~~

Yes! I'm really so proud of this chapter. I think it's really good. Are you all surprised by the turn of events? Or was it predictable? Please tell me! :)
I have a question for you all, and it would really help me if you answered in the comments section: who do you think is more suitable for Peter Pan between Chen and Sehun? Please answer, you'll understand later (if you haven't already, that is.)
Thank you guys so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Don't hesitate to vote and comment your thoughts, help is always appreciated! :) And as always...
Saranghae :) <3 <3 <3 <3


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Veckyx #1
Chapter 27: Seriously that story is sooooo in my TOP5 and ive read looooooots of fics....
But woahhh that was so awfully cuuute!!!!
Thanks for posting it on this site~ ^^
kimsela #2
Chapter 27: Goood story woooowww I like it sooo much its well writing and the way u express the emotions and the moments its felts real ......looking for ur next one plz make a kai fanfic plzzzzzzz kaiXsela
kimsela #3
Chapter 19: Can I sleep in the same bed as kai?? I wouldn't mind
kimsela #4
Chapter 5: Cuuuuteeee
kimsela #5
Chapter 1: First chapter was good
kimsela #6
I'm ur first subscriber and the first comment I will give this story a chance and read it I have a good feeling about it.......fighting!!!!