I'll be needing stitches

Cheesy, cheesy baby

Soul mates where supposed to be a blessing : someone who could eternally put up with all of your and even love you despite you being a grumpy piece of dung who drags the mood down most of the time.

This was Yoongi's story. He got himself Taehyung who was sweet, cute and bubbly and sang him songs at night is his deep and slightly rough voice before they fell asleep. Even finding the younger boy was all fairytale like. One month prior to their first meeting Yoongi started craving sweets at the most random times of the day. It was not like he wanted to eat something sweet in general. No , it was more along the lines of him sitting in his studio, working and suddenly getting this random tought that he really should eat some Macademia Chip Cookies, which was was absolutely ridiculous since he was not a guy to indulge in more than black chocolate and he shouldn't even know all that complicated names of sweets he never ate even more want to eat them.

It was when he went out at six am searching for lemon tart and found a boy in front of a closed sweets shop he realised that his random desire of eating those unhealthy , teeth rotting treats actually belonged to his soulmate.

They got to Yoongi's house talking about little nothings and just enoying each other's presence. Just as they were at the door, they heard a beautiul, calming voice singing what it sounded like Lost stars, the singer also playing the notes on a guitar.

" Wow, this is like really good ! "

" It's my little brother. " Yoongi responded proudly while opening the door.

" Jeongkookie ? " Taehyung asked and his question was followed by a confused " Tae Tae ? What are you doing here ? " 

" You two know each other ? " it was now Yoongi who felt a little lost.

" Yeah. You remember Seokjin with whom I share some singing classes ? Well, his boyfriend, Namjoon, is friend with this guy, Hoseok, who owns a dance studio in Hongdae. Tae is Hoseok's cousin and he moved here from Japan a month ago. He will go to my university in a week or so and , since we are close in age, I usually show him around. " Jeongkook esponded calmly.

" Well ... you see...the thing is....you remember when I told you that , out of nowhere I started liking and wanting sweets ? Well it turns out that he ..."

" me not. Tae is your soulmate ? Damn, guys that is great. Congratulations ! I am happy for you ! " the youngest said enveloping both of them in a big and warm hug and Yoongi couldn't help but be forever thankful for his always supportive younger brother.

It was Jeongkook that worried Yoongi only two weeks later when he started appearing with bruises on various parts of his body.

" I don't know how I got them. I don't even move around that much . " Jeongkook said when Yoongi confronted him about it, afraid that his baby brother got involved with the wrong kind of people.

And in that context , what Yoongi uttered next became the bane of the younger's existence :

" Maybe the bruises are actually your soul mates ? "

The theory actually made a lot of sense but it made Jeongkook cry into his arms most days when he saw another purple bruise littering his body.

" What if he is not okay ? What if he is in serious trouble and I am not there to help him. Look at this... things ! " he said gesturing towards his right leg that was mostly purple from beneath the knee. " He probably hurts so much. "

It had gotten to a point where all of them got seriously worried about the situation but it was Taehyung who confronted Yoongi in particular sharing with him a piece of peculiar information.

" Remember that my cousin has a dance studio ? "

" Yeah, he is so busy with it that I got the chance of meeting him only twice or thrice."

" Well, at his studio there is this boy ... Jimin. He is one of the greatest dancers ever. Like if you would see him dance is like ... I don't even have words for to describe it . It's like watching clouds floating around on the sky ... just more ... majestic. Well the thing is, Jimin has a big showcase in a week and he started overworking himself in order of having everything turning out perfectly. Of course, at points, he gets so exhausted he ends up falling. Yoongi, what I am trying to say is that ... it maybe not be this ... but his bruises are damn similar to Jeongkook's "








Jimin loved dancing with all his heart. He dedicated all to his art, no matter how much it phisically hurt at times.

The showcase was a big succes but every move he did on stage felt like he was cut into tiny pieces by a sharp knife and then he had his raw skin pierced by thousands of needles. He may have overworked himself but , sitting on a chair in a changing room after the show, he couldn't help but think it was all worth it.

All of a sudden, the door was open revealing a boy that appeared to be of his age, his beautiful dark orbs showing worry and glowing with unshead tears. Jimin didn't knew him. He would have remembered seeing someone so beautiful at some point in his life. Despite the not knowing in his presence made him feel all warm and relaxed inside, like he was in the company of an old friend.

" Is your leg okay ? Does it still hurt that bad ? " the boy asked making Jimin feel moe confused by it . How in the world did the boy know about his bruise when he did everything to not show it on stage.

" Did Hoseok send you to check on me ? " he asked hoping that was the case and his pain didn't actually show on stage making his dance appear flawed.

" No ... it's just that ... " at this the boy blushed a bit and shed his leather jacket and roled the right leg of his pants and what he saw made Jimin cringe in worry.

" Your bruises are identical with mine. "

" Yes. I feel every time you fall. I hurt anytime you hurt. " the boy said and Jimin understood.






" I can't believe you were right ! They look so happy together ! I haven't seen Kookie ditching a night of study or singing so loudly evey since mom died. " Yoongi said feeling like a really proud parent seeing his baby raise into a fine , young man.

" I am glad I was right. " Taehyung said hugging Yoongi and watching delighted the other two slow dancing to a random hipsterish sounding song on MTV and looking like they were the only beings in the world.

" Aren't you always, darling ? " Yoongi asked sounding exactly like the grandfather his friends accused him of being and making his soulmate giggle and cuddle closer to his body .

" You see ... Jeongkookie also told me a thing . " Taehyung said , making Yoongi mumble something to him as sign to continue. " He told me before that day you never ate lemon tart ...yet you keep insisting it was you all time favorite desert. Cheesy, cheesy baby ."


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OMG it's a wonderful, amazing, beautiful story :')
It literally made me cry ! It's the first time I'm happy that I've cried lol
Thank you^^
raebmonster #3
Chapter 1: THIS IS SO CUTE AWWW <333 i love soulmate au too and this is a good one :')))) TOO CUTEEEE T^T
luvarin #4
Chapter 1: Ahh.. i love how you wrote jikook and taegi here.. its cute.. ^^… write more of their story please.. i will be very happy to read.. =)