Christmas Cookies

Until Forever (Daragon One-Shot Collection)
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Author’s Note: I don’t own anything.


Jiyong finally decided to make a move on his cute neighbor, but is taken for a surprise when the tables are turned thanks to a dark closet and a dress stealing roommate.

Jiyong turned to his window as he heard the sounds of a car door opening and shutting. Glancing at the clock he felt a smile tug at his lips. Moving towards the window he leaned against the class. His breath was warmer than the thick plane, so it fogged up a bit but he was still able to see the object of his attention.

A smile curled the edges of his lips as he watched her slam her door and take off at a brisk walk that wanted to be a sprint for the stairs. Long black hair swung behind her, sliding across the water-proof lines of her thick jacket. She was forced to slow her dash when she reached the stairs, for chunks of ice still littered the ground from where the caretaker had broken the ice up with his bag of salt and the end of a shovel. He sighed in disappointment as she rounded the corner so he couldn't see her.

It didn't matter.

In a few moments he would be able to hear her clanging around the kitchen as she desperately heated a cup of tea or hot chocolate and dove into the store bought cookies that were supposed to replace homemade ones. Later on the sound of the bath filling would filter in through as well. Sighing as he rolled his warm mug between fingers still slightly chilled from the weather outside, he ran a familiar question through his mind.

What would it take to get her from her apartment into his?

Setting his mug down he considered his options. He had another thirty seconds before she can sprinting around the corner and searched for her keys. He could easily stick his head out the door and ask her in for a cup of tea. While she would be grateful for the heat, he had it under good assurance that the heater in her car was both crappy and fluke-y, but that wouldn't change the light in her eyes for Jiyong to someone else.

He was going to have to do something to change her perspective of him. Until then, he had some cookies that were fixing to come out of the oven. Since Bom had stolen all his decorative sprinkles she was going to have to deal with thick icing and ridiculous shapes instead.

Setting his mug down he considered formulating a plan, but decided against it. He already knew what he would in certain situations if they ever arose. Other than that, Dara had the most aggravating and delightful habit of ruining anything that was carefully laid. It was aggravating because he would have preferred to already have her snuggled into his side with a blanket on his couch; but rather delightful because she almost managed to foil all of her ex-roommates schemes with a artless grace that amused him. He wondered if they were aware of exactly how thin the walls were in the building or if they just forgot randomly. His lips curved again as he thought about the things that had, over the past six months, caused them to forget. His eyes darkened for a moment as some of the reasons he had heard raised voices came back to him.

Shaking his shoulders as if to loosen the grip of whatever had been clinging to him, he set about making little designs and using the little frosting kit Chaerin had given him last Christmas. It was fun and he generally used it to bribe her three-year-old to give him a toothless smile, and hype him on sugar to gleefully give him back to Seungri; but the first time Dara had seen his cookies she had laughed.

He loved her laugh.

It was her laugh that had first attracted her to him. He had planned on moving out of the apartments last spring. He had grown tired of the continuous noise and the noisy neighbors. It wasn't that he couldn't afford more, he had simply enjoyed being somewhere he had been anonymous. It had adequate kitchen space, and while it was ideal, the house he was having built was delayed because the teak floors he had ordered were behind on shipments. His home had been completed six weeks ago, yet he hadn't been able to tear himself away from the dingy little apartment that was an easy two-block walk from his borrowed office.

He had been baking some bread Chaerin had requested on his off time and heard the unmistakable laughter of a young female. Unsurprised at the prospect of getting new neighbors, the couple who lived next door had finally fled; he had gone to glance at the parking lot in front of his window.

The first girl he had seen was struggling with a box that was nearly as long as she was tall. Her hair had been tightly braided so that it kept slapping around her knees in a distracting factor. The other one had been camouflaged behind what had appeared to be a recliner with more patches and attempts of salvaging that he would have thought possible. She was leaning against it, clutching at her ribs, and laughing at her friend's predicament. He had been fascinated by her smile and even more so by the bright black of her eyes as she finally ran over to offer her assistance.

He hadn't been able to go down and offer his help until after the bread was finished (Chaerin would have had his balls on a platter and deep-fried) but they had been grateful for his help if lifting some of the more precarious boxes. He had later learned that the girls were teachers at a nearby school for the year had been delighted at the chance to live together. The bigger of the two, Bom, had been a variable chatterbox while Dara set about organizing and cleaning. He didn't blame them. From everything he had been able to tell of the couple before them, they had not been the most hygienic of residents.

He hadn't really seen a lot of them until a week or so later, as he was contemplating where exactly he could move, when he had looked out his window to see Dara digging around the backseat of her car. She had been wearing a pair of shorts that rode low on her hips and barely extended three-inches down her thighs. The tank-top she was wearing had rode up, so that when she stood up, he could still see the clean lines of her spine and the two dimples that set just above the waistband of her shorts. Her legs had been clean and slim, muscles shifting under the skin as she shut the door and turned to move into the apartment. She must have been working out because her top had clung wetly to a few interesting places on her body, a few drops of sweat still trembling on and temple.

That was the first time he had invited her in for tea. Granted, it had been iced tea at the time, topped with lemon and some cinnamon bread he had made the day before, but she hadn't seemed to notice his fascination with her outfit or the way she swallowed.

Every so often he had made a point to invite her in for a snack or tea. Thursdays always seemed to be her worse day and it almost became a ritual for him to stick his head out as she walked down the hall, draped with her purse and briefcase, bluish marks under her wide-eyes that attested to her long day. She had confessed, with some careful prompting, that Thursdays were worse than Mondays, because you were so close to the weekend that you could taste it, but you were forced to go to work anyway.

Bom sometimes joined them, but, much to his amusement, she had crashed into Seunghyun one day while he was delivering papers and there had been sparks. He had heard from Dara that Bom was making wedding plans, or at the very least, a trip to the city hall before Christmas. He wished the woman luck. He had spent the weekend before cleaning out her stuff because she had decided to move in with Seunghyun. That suited Dara fine, because she was excited about the idea of more closet space, but both girls had almost been tearful.

Now Dara was over in her apartment. Alone.

Once the cookies were cool he loaded them up on the tray and looked out the window. It was starting to snow again, and with only one week to go until Christmas, it looked like it was going to be very cold and white. His tree twinkled merrily in the corner opposite the fire he had built. The stockings that hung had been a gift from Seungri, which meant they were an interesting shade of fire-engine red with some sort of design that could not be stared at too long, lest you become dizzy. He had been hoping he could take a day off and spend it decorating his new home with lights but now that he

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Chapter 3: Is this a prequel of Perspective? Sweet!
Chapter 2: It warms my heart
Chapter 1: Hahahaha so so SO
Chapter 17: Hahahahahahaha oh my Ri what have you dooooone? Lmao
Chapter 11: I'm cackling at the roleplay idea. Hahahaha! It's a good one. I like Ji's personality here.
Chapter 17: Nice update... This is so cute...
Chapter 16: huhu why last oneㅠㅠ
Hollis #8
Chapter 15: I want to know what happened that made Dara's felt like she got kidnapped but then later she left on her the story but quite comfused....
imlene #9
Chapter 15: The approach was confusing, but.understandable. Just that, though the style was refreshing. I would want to read a narration. Still this one is the story I love the most, well aside from Bliss and Genius that is.

Chapter 15: I am confused. Idk what is happening tbh. I dont understand...