
Don't Give Up, It's Just Young Lovers' Romance
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It’s been two weeks since they last saw Taehyung. After that incident, Big Hit suddenly announced on their SNS that Bangtan will go on a long hiatus until further notice but some members will still continue their individual schedules. Most fans are shock and mad about this sudden announcement while some of them are happy that their idols finally getting some rest that they really needed. Some of the fans are also worried and suspicious about this sudden news because it wasn’t like Big Hit at all to just let them rest for awhile let alone a long hiatus but that was dismissed instantly when some of the members started tweeting about how happy they are about the news courtesy of Namjoon when he saw fans started spreading rumours about their disbandment.

They all went along with Big Hit’s decision by putting them on hiatus. What is there left to do when you can’t even find one of the members. By now, the rest of the members had already forgiven Yoongi and Jimin for their mistake because they had learned their lessons and they look sincerely regretful on what they had done. Yoongi and Jimin also had come to a mutual agreement to stop whatever relationship they have except for friendship and teammates. Though they all are still awkward around each other after that event, at least it is still better than the first week where Jin and Jungkook won’t even look at either of them.

Namjoon and Hoseok are in the studio while Jimin and Jungkook went to the practice room to practice on some dance move. Yoongi is in no mood to do anything so he just stays in the bed all wrapped up. Jin was nowhere to be seen, he’s not in his bed either but then he heard someone humming in the kitchen and as on cue, Jin appears at the door. “Are you going to stay in bed all day or join me with breakfast?” Jin said while striding towards Yoongi. Yoongi debates for a while because if he takes the offer, he swears it will be really awkward but then again, he needs to fix this because this is one the consequences of him betraying the member’s trust. “Sure, will be out in a minute” he said and Jin give him a small smile before heading back to the kitchen.

They were eating their breakfast in surprisingly calm silence until Jin decides to break the moment, “So, any plan in I don’t know, making up with Taehyung or search him maybe?” It would be a lie to say that Yoongi didn’t flinched a bit with the serious tone in Jin’s voice and at the mention of Taehyung’s name. “I..uhh…” Yoongi scratch his neck before continue, “I don’t know. I think he need some time to cool down maybe. I mean I’m pretty sure he is still upset with me.” Jin clicked his tongue while shaking his head. “Yoongi, never had I imagine that you will say something like that. I’m so disappointed with you. What do you take Taehyung for? When someone is heartbroken, isn’t it normal to console that person even if it’s stranger. So, what is Taehyung to you? A toy? Why are you discarding him like a broken glass after you had broken his heart? Don’t you love Taehyung anymore? If you love him or maybe had loved him, the least you can do is mend his broken heart. Glued back the all the pieces before you decide to throw it away. Who knows maybe there’s someone out there who’ll appreciate him more than you do.” Yoongi is silence with what Jin had said. “What exactly happen to you?” Jin sighs. “I got greed” Yoongi finally says. “You know how bad I am at expressing my feelings. There are times where I struggled with my anxiety and got nowhere or maybe no one to turn to. That is when Jimin come along. He saw me breaking down in the studio and confronted me about it and that is how it started. He was there with me when I’m in my weakest state and comforted me. I started telling him about my insecurity and anxiety. I feel like finally someone who understands me. I can never talk about this thing with Taehyung because that kid is like a ball of sunshine with no worries. No way he’s gonna understands me but Jimin did because he too has his own insecurity issues to deal with. It was supposed to be a relationship between two members or hyung and dongsaeng but I don’t know how and when the relationship that supposed to stop there continues to bloom and the next thing I know, we started making out and that didn’t stop there.” Yoongi finally have the courage to tell the eldest hyung about what exactly happen and how things end up like this. Yoongi heard Jin sigh again. “That’s where you were wrong, Yoongi. When you're standing on the edge of breaking down, you know that you can’t trust your head but you still did and you out of the other people should have notice that Taehyung has his own insecurity too. After all the years you guys had been together, I thought that you had noticed it but I was wrong I assume. Taehyung, he always thinks that he didn’t contribute much to the group. He was the last to join the group and that mostly because of his look and he knows that but he doesn’t want people to label him as another pretty boy with no talent so he practiced a lot in terms of dancing and singing. I know that because I always caught him in the practice room dancing alone and sometimes I heard him practicing singing. That was all during our trainee day but that didn’t even stop after our debut though. Whenever we nearly our comeback, I always notice his disappointed look when he saw that he still got less part in the song though in my opinion, he had improved a lot and deserve as much part as we are. It wasn’t hard to understand him actually. All you need to do was observe him and then all of his insecurity will show though he was quick to dismiss it and put on his usual happy face.” Yoongi was beyond speechless after hearing what Jin had told him. He feels so embarrassed of himself. He feels so selfish. “I…I didn’t know that” Yoongi words came out stutter. “I’m so selfish for wanting and expecting him to understand me but at the same time I don’t even try to do the same to him.” Yoongi covers his face in shame. Jin patted his shoulder comforting him.“It’s okay. All lovers have their fair shares in getting into argument. People make mistake and they learn from it. It’s not too late to fix this. Don’t give up just yet. Find him, Yoongi-ya. You know, when someone start to run away or disappear, all they wanted the most is to be found and I think that Taehyung too is waiting to be found. I just hope you found him first before someone else did and take him away from you.” Jin whispered the last part to himself but Yoongi heard him nonetheless.

After the talk with Jin, Yoongi had been trying to find Taehyung every day. There’s not a single day passed without him going out to find Taehyung. The other members too, help him to find Taehyung but to no avail, no one came back with good news. It’s been a year now and Yoongi is near to breaking down because he just misses the younger so bad and the guilt in his heart is slowly eating him. Yoongi started drinking a lot and came back all drunk late at late night. The members are all worried about him but there’s nothing they can do to help him. Namjoon tried to talk to Yoongi but he was pushed by the later and he quickly shoved passed Namjoon and went straight to his room. This last for about three months and the members starting to worry about his health so they agree to confront Yoongi that one night. They were all gathered in the living room. “Yoongi hyung, you need to stop being like this.” Namjoon look at his miserable hyung who was sitting on the couch like a dead person. His eyes show sympathy towards his hyung. If you ask Namjoon how he feels a year ago, he would had say that he is disappointed in his hyung and blame him for all the wrong doings but seeing his hyung in this condition, he can’t help to feel sorry for him. “You should be out searching for Taehyung, Yoongi-ya, not going out to drown yourself in sorrow by getting drunk. What were you thinking? You could get hospitalized for abusing the alcohol for god sake!” It was Jin and Namjoon who do the talking mostly. The other members just stood silent watching the older but the silence was interrupted by a loud gasp coming from Jungkook and all the members including Yoongi quickly turn their heads at the maknae who currently looking like he had just watched some horror video.  Namjoon was about to slap Jungkook’s head for being distracting before he heard a familiar voice coming from Jungkook’s phone and all of them gasp instantly. There, was the voice they all miss so much, vibrating the entire room. That voice is singing beautifully to the song and it doesn’t take a music genius to feel the pain and sadness in that voice. The voice continue to sing,

just hold me, hold me a little
don’t say anything and please just run to me
with a heart that’s nothing but lonely and anxious
I’m waiting for you like this

I love you, I love you
in the long silence, a sound comes, screaming
from my foolish and weak heart

The voice had come to stop and the room fell silent. No one manage to process what had just happen. No one dare to move afraid that it will break the bubble of dream that they all just had. The silence was disturbed by a quiet sobs coming from Yoongi’s direction and they instantly came back to earth. Jin is now comforting Yoongi while Namjoon ask Jungkook for an explanation to what had just happened. “What was that, Jungkook-ah?” Namjoon sits beside Jungkook who is still yet to recover from the shock. “I don’t know Namjoon hyung. I just browse around Youtube and this video was on the suggested video. I saw the date and it was uploaded 3 days ago so I click it play and then I got shocked as much as you guys did.”Jungkook shove his phone to Namjoon to show him the video and Namjoon was about to click play when Yoongi snatch the phone away and watch it instead.

I can’t beat my sad heart
again I’m enduring the dark and sleepless nights
without regard for my despair
the morning indifferently wakes me

the wound burns more than expected
the hurt goes deeper than expected
the countless nights of resenting you are like hell to me

Taehyung’s voice vibrating through the whole room again and by now, Yoongi is a sobbing mess. He can’t help but to cry whenever he hears Taehyung’s voice. He miss hearing that voice, he miss seeing his face.

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Chapter 1: Aww... It was so amazing!!! Author-nim u should not doubt urself!!! I think I like it even more than the taekook ending!!!! (even tho I'm more taekook trash than taegi!!!) it was emotional and I loved it!!!
Ceicei #2
Chapter 1: Ya!! What a cute story. I laughed bcs of jungkook's innocence. :)
Chapter 1: love the story..
and imma crying hard right now..
plus wanna ask something is there any continue story or not..
just asking..
by the way good job on doing the story..