28. Unmasked

A Rose's Seven Thorns
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When her eyes widened even more, he had his answer. It was her, the mysterious redhead who disappeared on him. The one he searched for in the crowd. Here she was right in front of him and he couldn’t help but think that both times he met her, he saved her from a guy at a club.

What are the chances?


Seobin’s fingers danced on the table as he held the phone against his ear. His fingers came to a stop as he questioned, “What do you mean you missed her?”

“Just as I was about to go in, someone interrupted.”

“And this someone was?” He questioned his second-in-command.

“Bangtan’s Suga.”

Seobin nodded silently as his eyes landed on two pictures on his wall. He stood and sauntered over slowly, lifting his fingers to dance over the pictures. One was a woman with long red hair and the other was a young woman with dark hair tied in a ponytail as she came back from a delivery.

“It’s amazing the people she has around her,” He said softly as he dropped his hand from the pictures. “She's lucky.”

His second-in-command was quiet in the other line. Then his voice sounded, “I'm sure my presence was suspicious. I can't go back now…what should I do?”

He had been sent to keep an eye on her, but Seobin grew more curious of the girl. She was so involved in this world yet she remained safe. It was ridiculous, so he wanted to shake things up. He wanted to try and scare her. Nothing big since he didn't want Kingz to be tied to it, but just enough so she’d be more cautious.

From what Seobin understood, this girl may have gotten involved in gangs, but she still remained naïve and childish. Why? Because she had people to look after her. If she was afraid, she’d show it but she didn’t and that bothered him. Plus, this was a good way to go after both Block B and BTS. The thorns in his sides. He wanted to teach them a lesson.

Of what? He wasn’t exactly sure and was simply making it up as he goes, but if messing with the girl bothered them then he’d continue it. But first, he needed both of the insufferable gangs to disperse. How was he supposed to make himself known to her if she was always protected?

“Come back,” His voice was light as he moved away from the wall. “No point in doing anything tonight.”

“Okay,” His second-in-command replied. “But leader-nim…”

Seobin hummed, his eyebrow raising elegantly.

“The girl didn’t come with BTS. She came with another group.”

“Oh,” Seobin said after a few seconds. He was quiet as an angelic-looking smile took over his lips. “So she’s lost the bodyguards. Things are looking up.” Without a goodbye, he hummed and hung up the call. Then he looked to one of s and said, “Continue watching her at the pizzeria.”

He needed to be sure that this wasn’t a onetime thing. That Lee Jangmi didn’t have security around her, so he could finally get to her in order to get to them. He’d use the rose to pull the thorns out from his sides and then he’d toss them away.

He’d be in control once more.


“Uh…” Jangmi trailed off with her jaw wide open. Then, without much thought, she murmured, “It’s actually pronounced like Rosa…ah, nevermind.”

She hadn’t expected Suga or any of the other boys to be here. Then again, Namjoon didn’t tell her what their plans were. She had assumed he wasn’t doing anything. Did he not invite her because she asked to go out first?

That better have been it, or else Rap Loser has some explaining to do.

And out of all the members to run into, it had to be Suga. It was like this was fate’s cruel joke. She had been talking smack about him earlier and now he appears in front of her. But wait, she wasn’t Jangmi at the moment. She was Rosa, so she couldn’t give herself away.

Clearing , she pointed to his now ash grey hair and said, “You changed your hair.”

His response was swift while his voice remained toneless as per usual. “So did you.”

Jangmi’s left hand came up to touch the red, short and curly locks. Then she forced a chuckle out. She needed to escape and get back to her cousin. “Ah right, I cut it.”

Suga raised his eyebrows in an obvious manner as he nodded.

It seemed he was holding back his rather blunt personality. This made Jangmi feel the slightest prickle of bitterness. If he had known it was her and not some stranger, he would have set her on fire and burned her with his mouth. What was it with this disguise?!

I need to get back ASAP. Jangmi smiled nicely and sent him a wave, “Okay, I should really get back to my friends. It was good seeing you again.” You dirty liar Jangmi.

Just as she tucked her phone back into her tiny cream colored clutch and began to move, Yoongi’s voice cut through the air. “Wah, you’re cruel.”

Sucrose calling me cruel? WHAT. She turned back to look up at him and narrowed her eyes, putting all her weight to one leg so her right hip stuck out. “Excuse me?”

Suga was now leaning against the wall, his right foot propped up against it and his arms crossed over his chest. He wasn’t looking at her, but instead towards the exit of the hallway. He was mindlessly watching people dance and make conversation, enjoying themselves.

This was another thing that drove Jangmi insane. How he’d usually avoid looking at people when they talked to him. It was like he was trying to be cool. And while it gave him this bad--don’t-care feel, it bugged her. He had such an image.

She paused then as she recalled something her cousin told her earlier when they were dancing.

“Boys are strange, Jangmi-ah. Some of them will pour their true feelings out. Some, though, may have a harder time, so they mask their true feelings. They mask it with other emotions because that’s just their personality. It may be hard to see or even believe, but always remember to read between the lines.”

If what her cousin said was true, then did it fit for Suga? And if it did, what feeling was he trying to mask? The better question is – was Wheein high when she said this?

“You ditched me the last time we met,” He blinked and when his eyes opened, they were on her.

Her eyebrows furrowed before her lips formed into an ‘O’. At Haze, she had gone to the restroom and then eavesdropped on VIXX. Then she ran to find Namjoon in order to warn the boys. Of course, she couldn’t tell Suga this.

So instead, she decided to . She gave a tiny smirk and scrunched her nose before she said, “Ah, you were looking for me?” Teasing as Rosa was okay because he wouldn’t let loose on her. She’d be safe.

“Obviously,” He started as he raised an eyebrow at her. “I did say I would ask you what you thought after the show.” Pushing himself off the wall, he walked closer to her as her smirk faded. “But imagine my surprise when I couldn’t find you.” He smirked this time and tilted his head slightly, “Unless it was too much for you?”

This-this punk! Who is he? Oh my god acting so cool and thinking he knows what I can handle. You don’t know me, bruh! She scoffed loudly and crossed her arms over her chest, “Boy, please. Find your chill.”

His smirk widened at her response. “So you weren’t impressed then?”

Uh hell yes she was, but she needed to remain cool. Besides, he was the last person she’d want to rant/fangirl to. Rosa or Jangmi, she’d never do that in front of him. “I mean y’all were good—”

He cut her off from saying anymore. “I know.”

“You smug bastard,” Jangmi couldn’t hold herself back. She instantly worried because what if he saw through her guise? Or what if he flipped out because she didn’t respect him since he was her elder? She’d never cursed to his face before…behind his back, sure! In his mind, hell yes. But never out loud.

Instead of getting upset, he actually laughed. It was a laugh she’d heard him use with the boys. He had used it once with her and that was because she made a fool out of herself, not because she cracked a joke. The laugh made his eyes disappear and his gums appear. The laugh was raspy and very low, but it came out weird. It was almost comical, but Jangmi couldn’t laugh.

This was one of the first times she’d seen him truly laugh. He was always so serious and just so expressionless in front of her. She’d never seen him smile or laugh, not truly anyway.

After a few seconds, he sobered up. But his smirk didn’t return, he still looked like he was trying not to laugh. Was it really because she called him a bastard? How could cursing at him make him amused?

“Not many people would say that to me,” He told her.

Is he hinting towards something? Like is he messing with me? Is he gonna beat me up?

Jangmi breathed out as she shrugged, “My umma always told me I had quite the set of balls.”

He raised an eyebrow.

Wait! “I mean you know the saying? Like grow some balls and-and you know what I’m saying?” Jangmi rambled on. Why am I so bothered?!

This time Solar’s voice entered her head. “So I’m going to bless you with the knowledge I’ve gained in my years. One thing about feelings towards another person…is that your emotions may bounce everywhere. One minute you could be annoyed at them and the next you’re flustered and the next thing you know you’re torn between killing and kissing them. They may drive you insane, but if they ever left you might actually go insane.”

That certainly matched her situation, but it didn’t mean it was right. And usually, she didn’t ramble to Suga but she had been caught off guard. She didn’t mean to curse at him and then he had bad thoughts running through her head, thinking he was going to beat her black and blue. She tended not to think very well when her brain had too many thoughts.

Of course, if you asked anyone else, they’d say she didn’t think at all. She’s surrounded by loving people.

“I get it,” Suga nodded with a straight face. “You have balls and I’m a smug bastard.”

Jangmi ducked her face down in embarrassment and started moving away, “I’ll be leaving now.” She walked past him, but she didn’t get very far.

He grabbed her wrist and she halted. “Wait a minute.” Jangmi grew tense – was he going to scold her, or worse did he figure her out – and slowly took a glance at him. “Don’t you think it’s fair?”

She tilted her head to the side, experiencing some sort of déjà vu at his words. It suddenly felt like she was sitting at the bar in Haze, staring at Suga after he bought her a drink. Of course there was differences and one was that he wasn’t looking away. This time he was looking at her.

And then it was like she was in a trance of that night and it was only right to respond similarly.

Her tone was low as she asked, “What is exactly?” Jangmi wasn’t sure if he remembered how their conversation went that night, but he went along with it.

He shrugged as he released her wrist, “You ditched me at Haze.” Instead of holding a drink, he shoved his hands into his pockets and leaned forward, moving closer to her. His dark eyes, lightly outlined with eyeliner, gazed into hers. “It’s only fair you have a drink with me as an apology.”

Jangmi watched him for the longest time before she spoke airily, “You think you’re slick.” She skipped over a couple of lines, but it flowed easier this way. And this time, she didn’t feel that surprised at his behavior.

His expression was serious, but his tone was softer. Still dry, but soft. “If the shoe fits.”

And then, the two had the same thought fly through their minds—



Lee Residence

Mrs. Lee groaned when the game on her phone stopped as someone called her. She was just about to beat her high score when it went black. Reading the name of the caller, she grew sober and sat up.

Kids’ Father

She watched it ring a couple more times before she decided to answer it. The faster she got this over with, the better. Mrs. Lee just wanted to enjoy her quiet Friday night and not deal with any drama that was in her life at the moment.

“Hello,” She greeted shortly.

He replied immediately, “Hyunmi-ah.”

Mrs. Lee refused to let that get her. “What is it that you want?”

Detective Lee released a sigh before he asked, “Did you talk to the kids?”

“Yes, they’ve agreed to meet with you,” Mrs. Lee answered back as she tossed one leg over the other, gazing at her nails. “When are you free?”

“That’s why I’m calling,” He told her. “I’m free tomorrow. I could go and pick up the kids say around two.”

She hummed, thinking of the plans for tomorrow. “I work tomorrow and Jangmi is out tonight and is staying over at—”

“With who?”

At his abrupt interruption, her eyebrows rose. She even looked at the phone in disbelief as if she couldn’t believe he had cut her off like that. “Was I not speaking?”

Detective Lee prickled at her words and grew sheepish.

He’d known her so long that he actually forgot that she was his noona by two years. She hadn’t spoken to him like this since they had first met. He had been a real flirt who loved to tease everyone. She grew pretty lenient to him and never used the noona card. “Ah, yes, sorry.”

“You remember my sister’s daughter, Wheein?” Mrs. Lee started again once she knew she had gotten through to him. “She came to visit and Jangmi went out with her. She’s staying with Wheein and her friends tonight. I’ll ask her to return before two.”

“Yes, thank you, Hyunmi-ah,” He replied before saying, “So I’ll pick Jangmi and Jangho up tomorrow at two?”

She started to nod when she suddenly recalled Jangho had a basketball meeting and practice after. Then she made a negative noise, “Wait, tomorrow isn’t good. Jangho has basketball tomorrow at one and he won’t be released until after five. Can you do another day?”

“My schedule is pretty tight,” Detective Lee confessed, humming. “But I can check.”

Then it hit her. “Ah, you know what? Tomorrow is fine.”

“Eh? What about Jangho?” Was she planning to have Jangho miss practice? “I can reschedule, it’s no problem. I’ll switch my days, so he doesn’t have to miss practice.”

“No, no, he won’t be missing practice. He’ll still be going.” Mrs. Lee told him as she uncrossed her legs. “We’ll have to plan another day for Jangho, but you can come pick up Jangmi tomorrow at two.”

Detective Lee was surprised and a little nervous. He didn’t expect his daughter to come with him alone willingly. Chances were that she didn’t even know and this made him nervous. He knew just how Jangmi felt towards him, seeing as she never failed to remind him. His daughter could be as scary as his wife. “A-Ah, just us two?”

Mrs. Lee hummed, “I figured you should try to reconcile with that hardheaded girl before trying to take on both of the kids. Maybe some one-on-one time will do you both good. On your next free day, it’ll be you and Jangho.”

And then he understood. She was trying to make it easy on him. She was trying to help him out, so he could reconnect with the kids. But why? Why would she help him out after all he did to them? She didn’t have to help; she could’ve let him drown. But she didn’t and he was grateful.

“Thank you, Hyunmi,” He told her sincerely, silently agreeing.

“…I would never take the kids away from you,” She told him softly then she cleared . “Tomorrow at two, goodbye.” She barely heard him respond before she hung up. Then she stared at the screen, staring at the name, before she tossed her phone away. Covering , she sighed loudly.

She was so not looking forward to telling Jangmi.


Club Mal

Jangmi glanced around the private room. It was a small room that resembled a noraebang without the large screen, microphones, and music selection. There were two couches with a small table in the middle. The room had a purple hue to it and there was a disco ball that showed off many different colors.

Soft music played in the room and it was enough to cover the loud booming of the main club. Jangmi nodded to the R&B music that played until the door opened. Suga walked back in holding a glass of red wine and beer.

He placed them on the table before he pushed the wine over towards her without even looking in her direction. Then he took a drink of his beer and bobbed his head to the music, still not glancing at her.

Moonbyul’s voice invaded her thoughts then. “When dealing with some guys, you have to look past their standoffish ways. It’s the small things they do that matter, not how they execute them. They could act aloof while still doing something thoughtful. It’s a trick that is not always seen through and maybe gives the wrong image. Try not to fall for it.”

Jangmi eyed the glass before slyly glancing at the guy next to her from the corner of her eye. She picked up the glass and moved her hand, watching the red liquid circle the cup. Tilting her head to the side, she took a peek at Yoongi. He remembered.

Was this what Moonbyul meant when she said to look past their aloof ways? He came into the room with her favorite drink

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atyaf12 #1
Chapter 41: Coming again to comment after reading this story for the nth time,
Believe me it’s still as entertaining and funny as the first time I had read it. Damn it’s like the more I read the more I find it enjoyable. I am sure i will be back after a while to read it again. I miss this story and miss you too :(
i miss this story..
Chapter 41: omg omg omg- I read this story in like a day, and it was totally worth it! I'm internally screaming because damn- so good and that last chapter gave me all the feels for Suga and Jangmi!! I'm also super enjoying how the story is progressing, I hope you are okay and that you can update one day, this story is marvellous!! I'm probably going to re-read it again, because, why not?
AuziSalsabila #4
Chapter 41: When this story update... I re read hunderd time bcause jimin n v so cute
suesueee #5
Chapter 41: Will this story be updated ?
atyaf12 #6
Chapter 41: Hi lol I think I just re-read this for the nth time like seriously I can never get enough of it.
It's just so damn funny. And I have read like 1000 of fic on here. No joke I really did but this still remains one of my top favourite fanfic. It has all the elements that makes a fanfic good. From the plot to the plot twist, the flow of things, the characters and character development meant,the switching between the point of views. And the lengths of each chapter is just right to give you enough but still makes you yank your hair out thinking about what is going to happen next. Ughhh I hate cliff hangers tho, but this story is like made of cliff hangers so I guess I will like it , just for your story tho. AND don't even let me get started on the style of writing. It's sincerely one of the best. I think you need more subs and credits. I am still in love with Jangmi she is one of the best female OC I have read about. It's like she is so addictive and annoying at the same time. Not to mention how dense she is. I really do wonder who she is going to end up with tho. I mean it's Jangmi and it's you. You are both so unpredictable so it's probably going to blow us away. But it's okay cuz I love you both.

Oh btw happy new year I hope this year will be gentle on you and brings you joy and happiness
Chapter 41: Woah. Re read everthing and I suddenly miss you and yoir story updates. Huhu
Sorry, so I’ve been spamming this story with comments lol, I just can’t contain myself in several chapters~~~
But then I see that this is the 888th comments, so I just have to comment again lmao
Please bear with my spams ;))))
I really really look forward to the next chapter where Jangmi and Yoongi’s relationship will possibly grow (more) romantically
After all the tension and being deprived of sucrosa, I need them!!
Anyways, I’m just saying that I can’t wait to read more chapters (I think this story still has a loooonnnnnggggg way to go, no?) and that I miss you <3
Hoping to see you soon! :3
For once I wanna thank the enemy for making Yoongi and Jangmi end up together
Jangmi is realising that something is up with her heart~~~~
She’s like a kid, she’d never catch on something if it’s not like this
I just hope while she’s feeling this way and with the upcoming together-ness, there would be more progress between the of them <3
I’m really really curious about what made Namjoon and Jiho drifted apart, I don't think I dwelled enough on that in the past
Jiho makes it seem that he’s at fault, I wonder what he had done and it was related to Jangmi though I doubt it was
Block b has been pictures as more ruthless and Namjoon says that he just doesn’t see things the same way as them, I wonder if it’s because block b kill people?
Like Namjoon doesn’t like that Jihoo stoops that low for being in a gang idk lol now that I talk about it it doesn’t really make sense