At night we are all strangers, even to ourselves

At night we are all strangers, even to ourselves

Jungkook was absolutely exhausted. He had been training for about 3 hours and now and he allowed himself to take a break. He grabbed his water bottle and drank about half of its contents. He really needed to get back to the dorm, because he had to wake up early the next morning.

He changed into a hoodie and jeans, grabbed his backpack and headed outside. He put his earphones in and listened to some music whilst leaving the building.

When he came outside he saw that the city was asleep. He couldn’t get a cab in this part of the city so he decided to walk to his dorm, it wasn’t that far anyway. He was glad he could listen to music because the silent city freaked him out.

He turned the corner and hoped he was back at his dorm, but he wasn’t. Why didn’t he focus on the path he was walking? Jungkook told himself not to panic and looked around once again. He then walked back to where he came from. He inhaled slowly and turned back around. He took out his earphones and focused on which way he was going.

Soon he heard some guys yelling nearby which caused the scared Jungkook to walk faster. Where was he? Jungkook began to panic now, he didn’t know what to do. His navigation on his phone didn’t work, and there weren’t any recognizable buildings nearby. He grabbed his phone and checked his battery. There was still 50% left so he could fortunately still use it. Jungkook hesitated but when he heard the drunk guys yell again, they seemed to be nearby so he decided to call someone. He scrolled through his contacts and searched for someone he could trust for sure. He pressed ‘call’ and looked around paranoid whilst he listened to the beeps until someone picked up on the other side of the phone.



‘Hello?’ A scratchy voice met him through the phone and Jungkook made sigh of relieve. ‘Is someone there?’

‘Yes, god, thanks for answering! It’s Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. I’m…’ Jungkook looked around and sighed once more. ‘I’m lost.’

Yoongi huffed. ‘I know who you are Jungkook. Do you recognize anything? Why didn’t you just get a cab? Oh well, I’m on my way right now. Can you describe something for me?’

Jungkook heard the yelling again and yelped. ‘Are you alright? Jungkook answer me, what’s  happening?’

‘I’m… just a bit scared, but I’m fine don’t worry. And I do not recognize anything. I tried walking back to the practice room but I couldn’t find it. Wait I think I see a street name on a sign over there.’

Jungkook didn’t hear any sound from the other side on the line but he knew Yoongi was still there. Jungkook came closer to the sign. ‘It’s called…’ Jungkook pronounced the name and hoped the boy on the phone could understand it.

‘I know where that is, there is a park in that street, can you go there, I’ll pick you up there.’

Jungkook nodded, which was stupid because the rapper couldn’t see the boy nod. ‘Okay, then I’ll see you soon, right?’

‘Yes, I’ll be there soon Jungkook. Hang on,’ Yoongi said and he hung up.



Jungkook started walking in the direction he thought the park was. Well, he just saw a sign that read ‘Park’ with an arrow pointing left, so he headed left. The sign was right seeing he found the park. He sat down on a bench in the park and tried to analyse his thoughts of Yoongi.

He freaking woke up the boy because he was lost in his hometown. Jungkook was pretty ashamed. Why did he call Yoongi? It was true that he was the first person who came to mind. Yoongi was often on his mind lately. Jungkook couldn’t stop thinking about his green hair and his sweet voice. He wanted to spend more time with Yoongi than with any other member.

Jungkook was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t hear the footsteps behind him until they were up close. Jungkook shot up from the bench and turned around to see the person who was approaching him. Jungkook’s eyes widend.There he was. Yoongi. In his pyjamas. Yoongi was only wearing a hoodie over his night clothing. Wasn’t he cold? Jungkook asked himself. Yoongi was panting heavily. Did he run all the way here? Jungkook wanted to ask the older boy so many questions but none of them left his mouth. All he could do was stare.

‘Jungkook? Are you alright? Are you still scared?’

The rappers voice took Jungkook back to Seoul. He shook his head slowly and took the hood of his sweater off his head.

‘Shall we head back to the dorm?’ Jungkook asked hesitantly.

‘Well, since I’m already awake and we are in a familiar part of the city, for me, I thought we could grab some food?’

Jungkook was taken aback by what Yoongi said, but he couldn’t refuse. He smiled and nodded. ‘Sounds great.’



Yoongi took Jungkook to places he had never seen before. The boy knew so much about this part of the city and it amazed the vocalist. Jungkook found himself staring at the rapper’s lips quite often. He didn’t exactly know why, he was just enchanted by them. And by his nose. And his eyes. His eyes seemed to shine so bright tonight.

‘Here it is, this is my favorite place to eat. Are you coming?’ Yoongi opened the door of a small restaurant. Jungkook nodded and followed Yoongi inside. The place was small and there was only one person sitting in a corner with a newspaper in his hands. Yoongi greeted the woman behind the counter. They sat down at a table next to only window in the restaurant.

‘I’ll order for both of us alright? You just have to try some of these things,’ Yoongi said enthusiastically. Jungkook could only nod. Yoongi laughed.

‘You can talk to me, don’t be scared because you woke me up.’

Jungkook found this strange, they had to get up early the next morning and Yoongi didn’t seem to mind a bit that he was losing precious hours of sleep. Normally he would be really pissed off. Maybe Jungkook shouldn’t think about it too much. Yoongi ordered the food and turned back to Jungkook, who was fidgeting with his fingers. The expression on Yoongi’s face changed from a happy one to a worried one in only a few seconds.

‘Are you tired? I’m sorry for keeping you up so late at night.’

‘It doesn’t matter,’ Jungkook said. ‘I like hanging out with you. And seeing this part of the city of course.’

Jungkook blushed and Yoongi chuckled. ‘Yeah, sometimes I can be fun to hang out with.‘



Laughter filled the restaurant late at night. The boys had a lot of fun although they were really tired. Yoongi told Jungkook an embarrasing story about how he lost one of his shoes a few weeks ago in the middle of the night. Jungkook couldn’t help but laugh really hard at the ridiculous story. The story wasn’t that funny and maybe he laughed way to hard, but his laughter made Yoongi smile so Jungkook kept on laughing.

‘So yeah, that’s how I lost my shoe,’ Yoongi said smiling. ‘I’m going to pay the bill, shall we head home after I paid?’

Jungkook nodded and giggled. Why did he giggle? Yoongi chuckled at the younger’s cuteness and walked towards the counter. Jungkook felt something tingly in the pit of his stomach. He had a weird feeling about this. He knew he liked Yoongi, as a friend, but was there something more? Jungkook exhaled shakily and felt really nervous all of a sudden. Yup, there definitely was something more. He was alone with Yoongi, and they would be heading to their dorm soon. He felt like he had to do something, he didn’t know exactly what. Jungkook was so lost in his thoughts again that he didn’t hear Yoongi approaching. Yoongi put a hand on the younger’s schoulder, which made him jump.

‘I’m  sorry for startling you, Jungkook, but I’ve finished paying the bill. Are you coming?’

Jungkook swallowed nervously, he liked the way Yoongi said his name. Yoongi noticed Jungkook’s face perk up when he did so, but didn’t mention it. They headed outside and Yoongi lead the way because Jungkook was lost before and Yoongi didn’t want him to be lost again.

‘How much do I owe you?’ Jungkook asked hestitantly. Yoongi glanced at Jungkook with a weird expression on his face.

‘You don’t owe me anything. Only a few hours of sleep.’

Jungkook chuckled and slung his arm around Yoongi’s shoulder. Yoongi was taken aback by Jungkooks action but he just kept staring at the pavement to avoid eye contact.

‘Thanks for the food and the great night. And picking me up of course.’

Yoongi shrugged. Why was Jungkook touching him all of a sudden? Yoongi couldn’t help but feeling warm and nice inside. He asked himself why he even grabbed some food with the maknae.

The walk to their dorm was silent. They both didn’t mind because they needed to think about the actions that took place on this particular night. They were almost back at their dorm, Jungkook realised. And he only put an arm around the precious rapper. By now, Jungkook was sure that he liked Yoongi, and he hoped Yoongi felt the same way about him. He stared up at the sky and stopped walking.

‘Oh! Look up, the moon is so bright tonight!’ He exclaimed.

Yoongi stared up at the moon, while Jungkook looked down at Yoongi. It was now or never.

‘It is indeed really pretty’, Yoongi said. So are you, Jungkook thought silently.

‘Don’t you think so?’ Yoongi asked Jungkook and turned to stare at him.

Suddenly Jungkook was really close and Yoongi’s breath hitched in his throat. Yoongi didn’t even noticed that they both were moving closer until their noses touched. Jungkook felt a boost of confidence all of a sudden, while Yoongi had never felt so small before.

‘S-Shouldn’t we head back in?’ Yoongi stuttered, although he knew he wanted this as badly as Jungkook.

‘Maybe we should,’ Jungkook said disappointedly and he felt his confidence vanish. He went to step away when Yoongi put his hand in Jungkook’s neck and pulled the younger closer. Their soft lips touched and they both felt some kind of spark inside of them. The kiss was slow but loving. And after a few seconds they pulled away and stared each other’s eyes. The moonlight lit up their faces, but maybe, it wasn’t only due to the moonlit sky. They stayed silent and slowly detached their limbs from each other.

‘I’ll go in first. Goodnight,’ Jungkook said softly and then slowly turned to their dorm. Yoongi touched his lips and stared up at the sky. He saw more stars than he ever saw before and smiled. His heart was beating rapidly, and he felt like he was on top of the world. All due to the maknae. After staying there for a minute or so, he turned to his dorm and walked inside. And for once, he didn’t mind losing precious hours of his sleep.




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Aaaaaah thanks~! They are adorable right? I love them so much together ;;;
yesihae #2
Chapter 1: I'm dead!!! why are they so cute? I love it
gaemgyu245 #3
Chapter 1: They are so precious<3
Chapter 1: Very cute! The SugaKookie is beautiful!
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh it's so cute!!! I love this :)
belinha1045 #6
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaaaaa
I LOVE IT!!!!!!
sequel pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee *---*
angelwhite #7
Chapter 1: jjang!! i like it
faramirmo #8
Chapter 1: so damn cute ^^ love your story by the way..will you make new story bout sugakookie? ^^ *begging with puppy eyes
Chapter 1: Ooh! You did an amazing job! I really love this~~♡ ^-^
Chapter 1: I'm really proud of you and I hope you keep up the good work!!