
love hits hard (and so does hyuk)

inspired by this fancam


Jaehwan hated working out with Sanghyuk.


Honestly he wasn't even sure why he ever agreed to it in the first place. His dongsaeng was infuriating.

The maknae was always trying to outdo his hyung. He’d see Jaehwan lifting weights and he’d always make sure to pick up something twice as heavy as what Jaehwan was using. He’d see Jaehwan doing sit ups and start doing them twice as fast. He’d see Jaehwan doing push ups and would start doing them one handed (though only long enough for Jaehwan to start whining). He knew, very well in fact, that Jaehwan wasn't exactly the fittest member of VIXX. He used Jaehwan’s weaknesses to fuel his own ego in a sick way that probably would have pissed Jaehwan off even more if it was anyone but Sanghyuk.

Jaehwan exhaled loudly and made his way towards the benches at the far end of the small gym. He immediately grabbed a towel and began feverishly dabbing the back of his neck with it while his other hand reached out for his drink bottle. He held it in his hand for a moment and silently debated whether to drink it or tip it over his head. He shrugged and somehow managed to do both. He poured the water into his mouth faster than he could swallow and made the cool liquid spill down his front.

Once he had successfully made a small puddle on the floor at his feet he flopped his body down onto the bench next to his and Sanghyuk’s bags. They’d been at the gym for a few hours already, getting in some last minute work outs before the ISAC’s the following day. They had both been working out individually, though Jaehwan had recently been coaching Sanghyuk in wrestling since this would be his first time competing in the event - something Jaehwan had trained in for Dream Team and previous ISAC’s.

Sanghyuk learned fast, to say the least. Jaehwan had gone easy on him in the beginning, teaching him the basics and always stopping when Sanghyuk made a crucial mistake that would have caused him to lose if it had been a proper match. But he had quickly got the hang of it, and Jaehwan had struggled to keep up with just how fast Sanghyuk had mastered all the tricks it had taken Jaehwan weeks to.

Startled out of his thoughts by a pair of toned legs suddenly in his line of vision, Jaehwan looked up to see the maknae smirking down at him.

“Need a break, hyung?” He asked, thoroughly amused by the amount of sweat dripping down the elder’s forehead and the flush of his cheeks.

“No,” he breathed, unable to hide just how out of breath he was, “just give me a few minutes, I think I dropped a lung somewhere.”

Sanghyuk snickered and dropped down next to him. He grabbed his own bottle and took small mouthfuls of water while he watched Jaehwan start to get his breathing under control.

They sat like that for a few minutes, Sanghyuk moving to wipe sweat from his face and neck every now and then while Jaehwan was mentally preparing himself for what was going to happen next.

It had been bugging him too much, just how strong Sanghyuk had gotten over the past year or two. Jaehwan could still remember beating Sanghyuk in an arm wrestling competition the group had had a few days before their debut. He mentally shuddered at the thought of what Sanghyuk would do to his arm should they have a rematch any day soon.

But Jaehwan had to know. He had never had a proper match with Sanghyuk, partly because he didn't think he needed to - the younger had been picking up on all his tips and just watching the matches he had with volunteers from the gym was enough to see how well he was doing - but he was also afraid. Seriously petrified. But he had to know. Would he stand a chance against the terrifying maknae? Had he been underestimating himself this whole time? Could he actually beat him?

Probably not. But he just had to know.

“Okay, get up. Let’s do a practice match before we head back.” Jaehwan stood and grinned down at Sanghyuk. Sanghyuk looked surprised for a split second before his face broke out into a huge grin, his eyes actually ing sparkling at the idea of wrestling with his favourite hyung. Jaehwan tried to keep his smile wide and natural looking, but there was something about Sanghyuk’s expression that was unnerving and he quickly turned his back as his lips pulled down.

This is the worst idea I’ve ever had. I’m gonna die tonight. Oh god.

The two of them made their way over to the small practice area, the floor a round sandpit with platforms on either end for each wrestler. They hadn't used it that night yet so everything was set up already, the sand spread around evenly and the belts lying on the platforms ready to be worn. Sanghyuk silently made his way to the far platform and Jaehwan shakily got himself into his equipment as he desperately tried to calm his nerves. He had almost got his breathing under control when he looked up and caught a glimpse of Sanghyuk’s arm muscles rippling as he tightened his belt and Jaehwan was quickly thrown back into what he could only describe as a panic attack.

They took their places at each end of the platform before they met eyes, bowed 90 degrees then made their way into the pit, meeting right in the middle. Sanghyuk never took his eyes off the elder, his intense gaze boring holes into Jaehwan’s self confidence and he struggled to stop himself from looking away.

Oh god he is going to kill me.

Jaehwan took a deep breath.

“Okay Hyukkie, give it everything you’ve got.”

Not waiting for a response he immediately bowed his head and knelt down in front of Sanghyuk, missing the dangerous glint in the younger’s eyes before he too got into position. They placed their hands in the loops of each other's belts and, once they’d tugged a few times to ensure nothing was loose, made their way off the floor to their feet.

“Ready?” Jaehwan asked, his voice shaking just a little.

This is the end.

Sanghyuk moved his body back a little so he could project his next words easier.

“Just remember, you asked for this.”

Jaehwan shrieked.




Jaehwan cracked his eyes open, groaning at the bright light and the pounding in his head. He moved to sit up when the light was suddenly blocked by something. Well, someone.

“Hey hyung, had a nice nap?” Sanghyuk mused and his voice failed to hide how humorous he found the situation, though his eyes were laced with subtle concern.

“What happened? How long was I out?” Jaehwan sat himself upright, clutching his head as a dizzy spell washed over him and Sanghyuk was quick to place a sturdy hand on his back to keep him from toppling over again.

“Just a couple minutes. You’ll be fine.” Sanghyuk grinned, his eyes crinkling that way that always left Jaehwan breathless.

He blinked a few times before breaking out into a grin of his own and he couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled up from seemingly nowhere. Sanghyuk quickly joined in and they both sat there laughing for way longer than necessary because Sanghyuk had actually body slammed Jaehwan so hard he out. They ended up sprawled across each other clutching their stomachs and Sanghyuk luckily managed to stop their heads from colliding in amongst the fits of laughter and internally rolled his eyes at how careless Jaehwan sometimes was.

Once they had both settled down, Jaehwan was the first to speak.

“Our Hyukkie is so strong, he’ll stomp on anyone who gets in his way tomorrow.” He began stomping his feet around, flicking sand everywhere and Sanghyuk internally rolled his eyes again at how childish Jaehwan was. He laughed and quickly stood up.

“No hyung, like this.” He then began stomping around the sandpit like a toddler and Jaehwan stopped his own feet to watch the maknae. His grin spread across his face once again and he quickly stood up to join the childish maknae. Unfortunately, he had momentarily forgotten about his small concussion and another dizzy spell quickly washed over him, hitting him like a tonne of bricks and the next thing he knew he was quickly heading back towards the ground.

Luckily, Sanghyuk had stopped his stomping as soon as Jaehwan had stood up because he just knew that this would happen and he hurriedly wrapped an arm around Jaehwan’s waist before he could hit the floor. After a few seconds of neither of them moving, Jaehwan suddenly went limp in Sanghyuk’s hold and if it weren't for the dramatic “Phew!” he heard he would have thought the elder had fainted once again.  

“Aish hyung, you're so careless.” Sanghyuk chuckled, lifting Jaehwan up to stand on his own feet and turned his body around to face him. Jaehwan just smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

“It’s not like it's the first time I’ve fallen around you.”

They were both silent for a few seconds before Sanghyuk burst out laughing and smacked Jaehwan (not so) lightly on the back.

"You're so dumb."

Nevertheless, Sanghyuk wrapped his arms around Jaehwan's waist and pulled him closer. Jaehwan giggled into his chest before pulling back to meet his boyfriend's eyes.

"I know." he grinned then closed the small gap between them and pressed his lips against Sanghyuk’s, ignoring the bits of sand and sweat that were a result of their practice. Sanghyuk smiled against Jaehwan’s lips before he reciprocated the kiss and brought a hand up to gently cup Jaehwan’s cheek while Jaehwan wrapped his arms around Sanghyuk's neck.

Sanghyuk loved working out with Jaehwan.

Honestly he wasn't sure why he didn't ask him to sooner. His boyfriend was adorable.



A/N tbh I'm still not satisfied with the ending but I don't know how to fix it. I'll update if I ever figure it out but for now I hope you enjoyed whatever this was?

I think I should stick to being a beta.

20/02 update: I think I fixed it????? idk i'll never be fully satisfied lol bye 

i'm supposed to be editing other people's stories right now stop procrastinating

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i was editing this and hyuk's cover just started playing i don't know what this means


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im-the-mac #1
Chapter 1: Yas girl! That was so good! As you know I love your stories but YAAAAASS my Raro! YAAAAAAAAAASSSS
Chapter 1: this was so cute. and the ending was sweet