Jinyoung got out of the car and went towards the entrance of the building. Looking at the numbers on the wall, he saw 22-58…19th floor. He stepped into the elevator and pushed the number. The ride was long as far as he could remember. His hands trembled, afraid of what he was about to see.

*Maybe it’s just a misunderstanding…or just a dream…* Jinyoung kept chanting those words in his head.

Loud ding indicates that he reached the floor. He stepped out and saw the door.


*This is it…*

He pressed the doorbell.


Jaebum opened the door and gasped.

            “Ji…Ji…Jinyoung ah…” his eyes widened. “What…what…are you doing here?” he stuttered.

            “Who is it babe?” a voice called out from inside.

            “It’s true huh? I prayed that what I see is wrong but…my worst nightmare just become a reality…” Jinyoung said, his chest heaved, trying to hold the emotion inside.

            “Jinyoung ah…I can explain…”

A while later…

Jinyoung watched as he saw Jaebum walked into the quiet café. His fists clenched tight, as he told himself to calm down.

            “Jinyoung ah…”

            “Where is that guy?”



            “I’ve wanted to tell you about this…”

            “So all the late work excuses you told me, you were meeting him?”

Jaebum slowly nodded. There’s no use of denying it now when Jinyoung already saw everything.

            “I won’t ask who that was…how long has it been? And don’t even try to lie to me again.”

            “A few months actually…”

Jinyoung’s breath hitched at Jaebum’s confession. So he’s been seeing another man behind his back all this time.

            “How could you do this to me? I thought you love me!” Jinyoung stared at the guy sitting opposite of him.

            “I do…”

            “But you love him more right?”

Jaebum couldn’t say anything. He love Jinyoung…he truly did, but there’s someone else that he already gave his heart to and there’s no way for him to back out now.

            “Jinyoung ah…”

            “I hate you! For the last 4 years I’ve been with you! I gave you everything I had and this how you treat me?”

Jaebum couldn’t look Jinyoung right into his eyes. He felt guilty but somehow he knew that this bound to happen.

            “You accused me of going behind your back while you’re the one ing another guy without my knowing. You’re such a hypocrite you know that?”

There’s no words’ coming from Jaebum.

            “Do you really love him that much?” Jinyoung asked, wiping his tears away.

            “Jinyoung ah…”

            “I’m asking you a simple question Im Jaebum!”

            “Yes…I love him…”

            “Fine then…this is the end of us…and I hate you!”

Jinyoung got up and walked out if the café with tears running down his cheeks.


            “Dinner was great babe…” Hyunwoo grabbed Wonho’s hands and laced their fingers together.

            “Told you the place was awesome…” Wonho smiled.

            “Yea, yea…I should’ve listened to you…”

They stopped when they saw someone sat in front of their door. Legs closed to the chest, head hung low on the knees.

            “Who is that?” Wonho asked. Hyunwoo shrugged.

Hyunwoo went closer.

            “Jinyoung ah…”

Jinyoung looked up and hugged Hyunwoo. His eyes watered.

            “What’s wrong Jinyoung ah?”

Inside…living room…

            “Here…” Wonho gave a mug of warm tea to Jinyoung.

            “Thank you hyung…” Jinyoung said. His cries subdued, leaving trail of tears on his cheeks. He took a sip of the tea and put the mug on the table.

            “What happened Jinyoung ah?” Hyunwoo asked, sitting next to him. “Did you have a fight with Jaebum?”

            “We’ve broke up hyung…”

            “Ohhh…broke up…what? Broke up?” Hyunwoo looked at Wonho. The other just shrugged, in shock just like him.

            “He’s been seeing another guy behind my back…” tears threatened to came out form his eyes again.

            “Are you sure? It could be just a misunderstanding…” Wonho said.

            “I saw them with my own eyes hyung…I confronted him and he told me that it’s been a few months already…”

            “Jinyoung ah…” Wonho pulled Jinyoung into his embrace, letting the younger guy burrowed his head over his broad chest. Faint sniffle were heard.

            “It’s ok Jinyoung ah…just cry all you want…we’re right here…” Wonho rubbed his back gently.

            “How could he do this to me hyung? I’ve been a good boyfriend since we got together…I’ve never looked at another guy, I tried to live up the relationship…why…” Jinyoung’s voice trailed off.

            “It’s not your fault Jinyoung ah…”

Hyunwoo was about to call Jaebum when Wonho stopped him.           

            “It’s not the time babe…” Wonho shook his head.

            “But…look at him. How could he do that to Jinyoung?” Hyunwoo was getting angry.

            “Listen to me babe…we’ll deal with that bastard later ok? Just crash here for tonight Jinyoung ah…I don’t think I can let you go home in this state…”

Two hours later…

            “Is he asleep?” Hyunwoo asked, peeking inside the room.

Wonho closed the door slowly and pulled Hyunwoo’s hands towards the living room.

            “He was crying himself to sleep babe…I never thought I would live to see this…” Wonho sighed. Jinyoung was like his little brother and seeing he’s sad just broke his heart.

            “That bastard gonna get my fist so high up his soon enough…” Hyunwoo hissed.

            “I know that they’re having problems but I never thought it’s gonna get this bad…and it never crossed my mind that Jaebum would do something like this.”

The next morning…

Jinyoung woke up feeling empty. The things that happened last night slowly sinking into him. His phone buzzed and when he saw the name on the screen, he felt like crying again.

A text from Jaebum.

I came back and saw you aren’t around. I’ve packed up all of my things at our place. I’m sorry for doing this…I know you must hate me right now but there’s nothing I could do to change it. It’s been wonderful with you Jinyoung ah, you’re a great partner but I think this is our end. I felt guilty for lying to you all this while…you deserved better.

Wonho walked into the room and found Jinyoung crying on the bed.

            “Jinyoung ah…” he sat in front of the younger guy. “What’s wrong?”

            “Hyung…” Jinyoung hugged him.

            “Shhh…” Wonho rubbed his back. “I’m here with you…you’re gonna be fine…”

            “I hate him hyung…I really hate him…”

Jinyoung sobbed.


No more JJProject...huhuhu... :( :(

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moonchildern #1
Chapter 42: aww newlyweds markjin is so cheesy but i like it anyway. i hope they’ll be happy forever~ 🙈💕
moonchildern #2
Chapter 36: i see things are getting messy huft. i just hope it’ll get better soon please let uri markjin be happy 🥺
moonchildern #3
Chapter 34: im so happy when jjp and markjae are over like,, yeah 2jae are bastards here so please go and be happy on your own. dont ever think about coming back but with the regret things going on now? 2jae can once again break some relationship argghh
Rthelion #4
Chapter 42: I fall in love all over again every time i read this story, and i read this so many times already! Definitely has a special place in my heart!
Thank you for making me feel love and so many other emotions, dear Author! I hope you continue to write and share your gift with us. Stay healthy!
Sophia1017 #5
Chapter 29: yaaahhh....!!!! you broke my heart??. but its beautiful. i love it. but its beaking my heart.?? your one shot. im in love with all your markjin fics. thank you. i hope you are continously writing stories. i'll find them all. you're one of the best. i hope i find you in tweeter so i can follow you. ❤
markjin18 #6
Chapter 45: markjin r so cute:(<3
markjin18 #7
Chapter 38: ugh i hate jaebum and youngjae so much aoabajjasksj
Chapter 29: Myy.. I'm crying though T_T.. This is the second sad markjin I've found for the week.. I'm glad you write this though.. It makes me wanna rethink about my life ..Keep it up ?
markjingyeomf #9
Chapter 42: This is one hell of a story! Thank you for writing it! Rally njoyed the thrills ?
Chapter 43: This is one of my favorite Markjin fanfic and I alredy read it three time! Kkkkk.. Thank you author-nim for such great story and beautiful-roller coster Markjin moment. As a Markjin trash, your story give me life! Really looking forward for your another fanfic <3