Tumblr — FY-TWENTY

『TWENTY』— Moon Entertainments first girl group!— Question for members and Trainees!


Twenty is a seven member group under Moon Entertainment. The group consists of Kyungmi, Mio, Emmalyn, Yoon, Jiyeon, Hojung and Yuki.

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A/N I wanted to add a little more to the story and also have another small thing that could be fun. So since there seems to be one for every band, here is an FY tumblr dedicated to Twenty.


[Official] Mio, Kyungmi and Hojung's teaser photos
#Twenty #p:teaser #debut #Mio #Hojung #Kyungmi #Manhwi
[Official] Emmalyn and Yoon's teaser photos
#Twenty #p:teaser #debut #Emmalyn # Yoon #Eunbyeol

[Official] Yuki and Jiyeon's teaser photos
#Twenty #p:teaser #Debut #Jiyeon #Yuki #Miyuki

[Official] Twenty's concept photo
#Twenty #p:teaser #0t7 #debut
tumblr_inline_mjetct3MGp1qz4rgp.pngusername : will twenty be promoting both songs at once?
If you go off what the company said, yes they will!
#question #debut
"Twenty will be making their debut as a seven member group on the 6th of January with their two debut songs 'Goodbye 20' and 'Wild'."
— Moon Entertainment's CEO in a satement released. You can read the full statement here
#quote #Debut
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I am currently in the hospital so there will be no update this week.


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Chapter 15: for dancing um. . . hello venus's would you like tea, rainbow's sunshine, girls day's something. for rapping dalshabet's someone like you or joker?

ps : i'm so so sorry i've been pretty busy
Chapter 13: it's a good chapter! poor you cause being sick ;; i hope you're doing well now. c:
i love this awkward scene as it somehow feel real tho ~~ good luck on updating and i hope the best!

for the names umm.. yookyung?yeonjoo?jihye? for the females
and for the guy.. seokhoon? taejun? sangwook?
idk ;;
Chapter 13: it's a very very nice first chapter aka the beginning of everything ! i love this omg♡♡
and um names, yena, woori? for the guy manager junhyung, junghwan?
Chapter 13: aH ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i this like 80 times over and over again because i just couldn't get enough ♡
it was an amazing first chapter! ♡

as for names, i always thought the names sohee, inyoung, and hayoung worked well for female managers! as for the male manager, maybe something along the line of seunghoon? i'm super bad with names, otl! ♡ ♡
take your time with the update !!! just focus on your health right now !!! ♡

I hope you feel better soon ~
Chapter 8: it's alright! i do hope you'll get well soon!
Chapter 8: It's okay, take your time
And get well soon~!
Chapter 9: hehehe,the display picture is yoon's c: i'm happy looking at it >.<
and it's a good page! and i see that you've finished the first chapter..so..hehehhehe~ i'll wait for it!
the tumblr page looks so so cutE !!! ! !
i really really love it, omg, that's such an amazing idea. ♡
Chapter 11: congrats to mio and hojung! yeay it's finally a complete group!