Dance Class Pt. 2

Just my Type

The dance teacher asks Hanna to go first and show the class her talent. Hanna gets up and gets ready to show off her talent to the class. 

She stands in front of the class and starts dancing to Twice's Cheer up. Everyone is the class is watching Hanna's dance and they are impressed with how good she is. 

Once she finishes dancing, everyone in the class is shocked and can't believe that she is a very good dancer. 

Hanna goes back to her seat and sits down. Ikon, Don, and Ella smiles at Hanna and compliments her on how good she was. 

Next to show off their talent is Ella. She gets up and walks to the front of the class. She is nervous because she its been a while since she last danced in front of a lot of people. 

She prepares to dance, she goes over to the speaker and plugs her phone in and chooses a song. She plays the song and waits for it to start. 

Once the music starts, her body automatically starts moving to the song. She dances to Red velvet's Ice Cream Cake and Twice's like oh ah. 

Everyone is class watches and they are all really impressed with how well she dances. Ikon knows that Ella is a good dancer so they are proud of her, they can see that she has improved a lot. 

Once she finishes everyone stands up and claps for her. She bows and goes to get her phone from the speaker. She walks back to her seat and sits down. 

Then the bell rings signaling that class is over. Everyone gets up and goes to the locker room and changes out of their dance clothes and into spare clothes. 

As Ella and Hanna are changing they talk amongst themselves. "Whose your bias in IKon?" asked Hanna. "My bias is B.I. Whose yours?" i replied. "My bias is Junhoe." she replied. 

"Oh really? you and junhoe make a good couple. you both are cute together." i replied. "really? thanks. i think that you and B.I make a cute couple. I think he likes you too." she replied. "Huh? How do you know that? Did he say anything to you?" i asked. 

"no he didn't. But i can just tell by the way he looks at you and treats you." she replied. 


In the Boys locker room

"Guys, i have something to say." replied B.I 

"what is it?" replied Ikon and Don. 

"I think i like Ella." replied B.I 

"Finally! you finally admitted it." replied IKon. "what? how did you guys know?" he replied. "Its so obvious that you do. the way you look at her and treat her. " they replied. 

"Will you guys help me confess to her and make her my girl?" he asked. "Of course we can." they replied. "can i help you guys to?" asked Don. 

"of course you can." they replied. 

"Lets think of a plan guys." replied B.I " i hope that she will accept me." he replied. 

"She probably will. " they replied. 

The guys finished and walks out of the locker room and looks for the girls. 

The girls finishes also and comes out of the locker room and sees the guys waiting for them. They walk to where the guys are. 


i am back. sorry i haven't been updating lately.. school has been keeping me busy lately and other stuff.

i will try to update as much as i can. 


love u all. 


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Chapter 2: Because they're really short :(
Chapter 2: I wish these chapters were a bit longer