Entering Bedrock

Becoming Pebbles

          “I can’t believe we won!” Brittany turned toward Anna, shouting loudly after hanging up the phone—she’d just won two tickets through one of the various Korean radio shows. Two tickets that—thank whomever gods she had made happy in a past life—included backstage passes. “We’re really going to see them, it’s really happening!” The shorter of the two beamed excitedly as she began bouncing around the small apartment the two shared, uncaring of their neighbors or anyone that could possibly hear all the noise she was making. 

          It was only after moments of silence from the other that she stopped dead in her tracks, staring at Anna as though she had miraculously grown another head from her body. “Aren’t you excited?!” Brittany cried out in an exasperated tone, clearly bewildered by her friends lack of enthusiasm.

           “Sure.” The older nodded quickly. “But, I mean, you enjoy them more than I do. It only makes sense that you’re more excited.” The taller countered as she made her way toward the couch; plopping down onto the piece of furniture—crossing her legs beneath her with a glance in Brittany’s direction. “You’ll finally meet Youngjae—” The darker haired girl spoke softly, that was until a grin formed upon her features and she began to snicker. “—and Jaaaackson.” Anna spat in a teasing tone toward the other who stood quietly with an appalled expression upon her face.

          The younger of the two shook her head firmly, glaring at the girl upon the couch with a stern look. “I have no interest in meeting Jackson Wang, thank you very much.” Brittany adjusted her glasses upon her face, pursing her lips as though she were searching for the perfect retort to Anna’s teasing. “What about you—,” Her outstretched hand pointed a finger in the older’s direction in an accusing manner. “—and your love affair with my son?!” A grin of satisfaction curled the corners of her lips upward, clearly content with the words she had chosen. 

          “I’m not in love with that Flintstone, will you stop saying that?!”

          Brittany’s eyes rolled effortlessly within their sockets before landing themselves upon the figure on the couch once more. “I’m sure.” The younger of the two shook her head, feigning an expression of disapproval. “Is that why you’re constantly telling me that he looks good in certain clothing lately? Or saying that he looks handsome during performances?” The very same grin from moments before made it’s return, taking hold of the girl’s features as she began twirling in circles—pleased with herself—as though she had just got the best of her friend for the hundredth time rather than the reality of it only being the second.

          Anna’s arms crossed her chest in an offended manner, a soft scoff following the action as she glared at the other—and if looks could kill, Brittany would have surely been six feet under at this very moment. “A few times, Britt, you act like I’m constantly searching for him or something—you’re delusional, you know that?” The words spilled freely from the older, attempting as best as she could to make them sound as firm as she meant them. 

          The younger’s actions came to a halt as she turned toward the other; her palms splaying across her chest as an expression of innocence played upon her face as though she had been truly hurt by the words spoken moments ago. “Hey, I don’t know what you do with your free time—,” Brittany shook her head nonchalantly, downplaying her own reaction, when it came to the subject of Khunpimook  Bhuwakul—the shorter despised allowing Anna to have the last word. “—for all I know he could be the object of your deepest, darkest, desires.” The girl snorted quietly.

          Picking a pillow up from beside her Anna tossed it in the other’s direction with conviction, her voice as loud as she shouted. “Just like I said, you’re delusional!” 

          In the following weeks their bantering carried on much the same and continued right up until they were both sat dead center—first row—staring up at a brightly lit stage. The both of them knowing in mere minutes seven boys would be gracing them with their presence, that the bass from the speakers would soon replace the dull roar of people carrying on excited conversations around them.

          The house lights would eventually dim, the atmosphere would change completely, and they would be tossed into both an emotionally and physically draining two hours. 

          It wasn’t long before exactly that happened, the crowd becoming silent as the room became dark—roaring with the strength of a hundred lions as the large screen lit at the back of the stage; introducing each member. The music began blaring through the speakers, the bass resonating within both of their chests—and as the screen went dark once more, the outline of seven figures could be seen taking their places on stage.  

          With a bright flash of light, the boys immediately went into performing the title track of their fourth album “Just Right”; Khunpimook sticking rather close to the middle of the stage as the song carries on verse by verse. The Thai rapper’s dark hues met Anna’s from his position on stage; reaching outward toward the older girl as his lines approach, she began extending her own hand toward his, the male taking hold of her hand as his deep voice sounded through the speakers, “Dak Joah—,” The boy carried on with the lyrics though his intense stare never left Anna’s. 

          Shock—the resounding emotion coursing throughout her entire body.

          Of course, to say she was in shock would have been the understatement of the year—her fingers coiled around the male’s as she held on for dear life. The rapper’s hands were velvety soft and his hold upon her was gentle. The female found herself falling—little by little—as his dark hues scanned her features; she knew now that there was no hope of concealing the deep crimson that had slowly crawled it’s way up her neck and had settled upon her cheeks. 

          In one swift motion, the boy had captured all of her attention. 

          Anna finally took a deep breath, one she hadn’t realized she had been denying herself—the aching within her chest a combination of her racing heart and the lack of oxygen to her lungs. What seemed like hours—were, in reality, only a few seconds—Khunpimook’s digits finally slipped free of her own and the dark haired girl found herself baffled by the disappointment that settled within the pit of her stomach. 

          He wasn’t even attractive, she thought to herself as she buried the foreign emotions that had been drummed up by the boy’s actions. 

          That was how much of the concert was spent, with her eyes catching sight of the rapper and the voice of reason reminding her of what she quickly knew was becoming denial—with each song, with every bit of choreography, her dark hues seem to have trained themselves upon the boy she had shared a moment with. 

          The concert was very clearly coming to an end, there was no denying the exhaustion written so blatantly upon each of the members faces as they took the stage once more—each number had been a surprise to her, except this one. As the music began Anna knew exactly what was to come; the song that had brought her into the world of GOT7 even in the slightest of ways—and once again she found the rapper amongst the rest, avoiding the confusion that still racked her mind relentlessly. 

          What was unexpected, however, was the moment he made his way toward center stage—his fingers gripping the white fabric of his dress shirt as he tore it open and began to roll his body to the rhythm of the music—the older female watched on in a trance like state; catching the attention of the boy on stage, her behavior causing a smirk to curve the corners of his plump lips upward.

          “Bambam, put your s away!” Brittany shouted over the music, covering her cheeks with the palms of her hands. “My child—,” The younger wailed. “You’re too innocent for this kind of behavior!”

          The sound of the other’s voice pulled Anna back into the present and before she could stop the words from spilling she cried out. “No, keep going!” Garnering her both a look of disbelief from her friend—which she promptly ignored—and another grin from the boy above her on stage as the final note played and the lights went dark once more—leaving her with the lasting image of Khunpimook’s smirking face as she settled back into her seat and finally allowed herself to breathe. 

          How had she managed to separate herself from Brittany? Anna scanned the various people still huddled together for their opportunity to meet the idols backstage with no avail—the other was no where to be seen. The younger had said she was simply going to the bathroom, that had been ten minutes ago—no one needed ten minutes to relieve themselves.

          “Excuse me?” A tall, broad, figure appeared at her side—tapping the girl’s shoulder gently and gestured for her to follow him toward the edge of the stage. “I’ve been requested to bring you backstage, will you follow me?” Anna’s brows knit together in confusion and worry—should she follow the man and leave her friend? 

          A few short moments of mental debate later, she finally met the taller’s gaze with curiosity. “I’m not here alone, will I be able to wait for my friend backstage as well? We both won backstage passes through the contest and she’s only just excused herself to the restroom.” The man gave a nod of reassurance before slipping Anna away from the rest of the crowd—escorting her to a small room backstage.

          Minutes turned into what seemed like hours as she awaited the arrival of her friend, pulling her phone from her pocket she began typing away at the screen—when the door opened quietly and her attention was pulled from the device and landed squarely upon the figure standing in the doorway. “What are you doing here?” Was all that she could manage to say.

          “I wanted to meet you.” The boy from Thailand smiled genuinely as he took a few steps into the room—closing the door quietly behind him. “Your friend, ah, she seems quite content spending time with Youngjae and Jackson.” The boy dropped the honorifics as he spoke solely to the girl sitting upon the couch across the room from him.

          “Figures.” Anna spat before she had the chance to process everything he had said in it’s entirety; her eyes widening as sudden realization sunk in. “Wait—you wanted to meet me?” Her tone was full of disbelief as she stared at the younger boy. “You were going to meet me anyway…” The dark haired girl attempts to cover the embarrassment brought on by her sudden outburst seconds before.

          “Yes, but the other’s would have been there.” His voice was deep and rich, much like it had been on stage. “I wouldn’t have been able to do this, I wouldn’t have had the courage.” His lower lip lodged between his teeth, leaving the other curious as he approached, palms splaying across both of her cheeks while the pads of his thumbs began brushing the softness of her skin slowly.

          Anna’s eyes widened once more, her dark hues meeting his in the moments that followed, the boy’s warm breath caressed her lips as he inched his way toward her. Was this a hidden camera, she pondered momentarily—but had no time to finish her thoughts—as his lips captured her own in a heated kiss. A kiss which left her breathless, that to her displeasure she had spent the entire concert wondering about—the taste of his lips, the way they would feel against her own as he claimed them. Curiosities, she realized, that left much to be desired when compared to the way he was kissing her now. 

          Pulling away from one another the boy’s nose nuzzled gently against the tip of her own, both catching their breath as they made a silent vow to stay in that moment for as long as possible with one another—she was sure he could hear the racing of her heart in the otherwise quiet room. “I’ve never wanted to kiss someone more than when you took my hand tonight, I would understand if you don’t want to keep in touch—but if you do, good.” He chuckled softly, having used his own song’s lyrics.

          “I don’t know, Bam—,” The words were cut off completely by the younger pulling away further than he had been before, his dark hues meeting hers before leaning in to press the softest of kisses to her forehead. And as though the action had calmed every ounce of worry spreading through her, she nodded slowly. “I’d like to keep in touch, if you would.” The faintest of bashful smiles spread across her features as she found his gaze with her own once more.

          The tender moment came to an end, however, as a loud knock at the door was heard. “Anna! Anna, you need to come meet these boys! I just touched Jackson and Youngjae at the same time—,” Brittany’s tone of excitement could be heard from the other side as the door knob turned and the younger girl came bouncing inside—though the behavior came to a sudden halt as she stared wide-eyed at the two who were still inches away from one another’s faces. “What have you been doing with my son?!” Her tone came like a mother who had just walked in on her child in the middle of the act.

          “Being the Pebbles to his Bambam.” The older girl replies with a grin, the tips of her fingers brushing over the boy’s jawline as she turns his attention once more into her own, her lips meeting his in a soft kiss. 

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JoonLover #1
Chapter 1: Love it. I just wish I was there to see her face when she read it.
Jazmin8Sarina #2
Chapter 1: I like it so much!!!!