



a/n: for czar_feline~ cheer up! you’re doing great! (to commemorate our friendship, i hope this isn’t too horrible… or rated. :)) ) i totally forgot to add the prompt that inspired this OTL





jinyoung is petty. every member knew that. hell, the fans knew that.


they ignore him most of the time. it happens too often that they’ve learned when to and when not to.


other times, they appease him. they spoil him, oddly enough because he’s not always GOT7’s “eomma”, especially with the hyungs.


the rest of the time (like now), they . jinyoung has different reactions depending on who’s doing the teasing. he’s always so controlled and calculating on camera that it was refreshing to see jinyoung pink with anger, seething with his wide eyes narrowed and glared directly at the person teasing him.


today, it was jaebum’s turn.


rarely, their managers allow them to eat candies mostly to stave off hunger or to ease a pounding headache from motion sickness. these are times jinyoung savors.


except today, jaebum decided it might be fun to eat the last piece of candy jinyoung was saving as a reward for a job-well-done for a 3-hour dance practice and a 2-hour vocal practice. his throat felt sore, but that’s okay. the candy was sweet but soothing.


the entire living room was frozen, hearing the small piece of candy clinking against jaebum’s teeth. the tip of jinyoung’s ears were so horribly pink. he was shaking.


the smirk was slow and taunting. the corner of jaebum’s mouth rising as the candy moves in his mouth. jinyoung narrows his eyes. he drops the dufflebag and stomps his way towards jaebum.


his hands shoot out and grabs jaebum’s cheeks, harshly pulling him down as his face surges forward and he opens his mouth to press against jaebum’s lips.


“MOTHER---” the next word muffled probably by mark, but jinyoung ignores it as he nips and jaebum’s lips in an attempt to get him to open his mouth.


jaebum tries to pull away, wraps a hand around jinyoung’s torso and another at his nape. he tries to control it, tries to calm jinyoung but jinyoung begins biting harder. just hard enough for his lips to nearly bleed.


so jaebum relents, opens his mouth and jinyoung doesn’t waste time darting his tongue inside, in search of the candy. the hold at the back of his neck tightens but jinyoung perseveres, curling his tongue inside jaebum’s mouth as he takes the candy back in his own.


jinyoung pulls back with a loud, wet smack. his face looks victorious and pinker than earlier. jinyoung’s lips were puffier, and no make up was going to hide the fact that he practically just made out with jaebum.


it’s jinyoung’s turn to look haughty, moving the candy inside his mouth. the feeling of success made him forget the position they were in: him practically caged in jaebum’s arms, his hands still cupping jaebum’s cheeks, and their faces only a few inches apart.


jaebum stares directly into jinyoung’s eyes and then there’s the warning signal.


jinyoung freezes. suddenly, he feels the heat of jaebum’s skin against his, through the hand on his nape, the other hand, broad on his back, and his hands holding jaebum’s cheeks. he makes the complete mistake of glancing down at jaebum’s lips.


jaebum smirks again, the same infuriating smirk and closes the gap, kissing jinyoung to steal the candy back.


nothing else could have been sweeter.

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oops. candy sequel link in 'foreword'. lmao


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aldnoah38 #1
freshmiaw #2
Chapter 1: Cute... I need more...
hwaiting93 #3
Chapter 1: Goooshhhhh it was so cute, funny and need a sequel >.<
I'm giggling on my bed when i read this keke ~

Ps : sorry for my grammar mistake
tootoothree #4
Chapter 1: screeching like a banshee because this is one hot candy kiss!!
xXMissMiseryXx #5
Chapter 1: Oh God!! This needs to have a SEQUEL!!!
Chapter 1: Love this ♡
Czar_Feline #7
Chapter 1: OMG. I didn't know you wrote this. OMG. I just see this now. I'm so sorryyyyyyy.
and uggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. this is so cute. longer pls. hahahhahahahah. ugh!!! Thank you!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
2ndxlee18 #8
Chapter 1: 1 word. DAEBAK! <3
exoshbiased #9
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD.