
To Change Is To Tremble


I have to remember to breathe as I emerge from the gate into the noisy air of Incheon International Airport. Despite my sandy eyes and rumpled clothes, a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. Everyone around me is talking in the lilting language I’ve come to love for its beauty and complexity, despite barely being able to understand any of it yet.

I know I’m already grinning like an idiot, but my smile widens anyway as I think back to when my uncle asked me to come work for him. In Korea. As a teacher. Helping people who really need me. Even though I feel like I could sleep for days, I want to squeak in excitement. This is my dream. I can’t want to see him, if only so that I can thank him for the millionth time.

I’m here… I’m finally here.


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Chapter 2: you describe Jungkook SO WELL! He stuck out to me the most for sure - you described his little cute yawns and habits so vividly, it was amazing :) I loved the little details about Yoongi dancing in time to onion cutting and tae's tongue and aghh it's all just so cute and vivid! love all the language, well done!!
Chapter 2: Aww so cute~~~~