
Writing Our First Meeting 34,000 feet Above The Sea Level

[00 hour, 00 minute]

Calls for passenger for Korean Air flight bound to New York….

The rest of the sentence blurs out on Jongin’s ears as he talks to the man on the other side of the phone. “I told you to just take a break, okay? Yesterday was your wedding, you should be with your husband, not flying to New York with me!”

The guy on the other line talks again, mostly about how this is his work as manager, and how his husband is understanding about his job and all. But Jongin pays no mind. He likes to believe that he’s not that heartless to let his manager lost his honeymoon phase just to accompany Jongin all the way to America for a book signing. If he’s not doing it for Luhan, the he’s doing this for Minseok, Luhan’s husband.

“Luhan, listen to me! I’m not a 5 years-old but a fully grown up 25 years-old man! I can get my boarding pass myself and check in my baggage just fine! Let alone a book signing! I’ve been to New York for many ocassions before for more than twice and it was fine. Everything is already being arranged by the publisher there so all I have to do is sit down, sign books, and give out the handsome smile I have.” Jongin puts his phone down on his assigned seat for a while to store his carry-on baggage on the upper-head compartements. He holds his phone to his ear once again as he sits, and his manager is still talking.

“...remember the time you got lost in Germany and I had to call the police to have a search for you?” Jongin frowns at Luhan’s words, it’s not like he was really lost at that time. He made a wrong turn at one point and had to go for extra miles to go back to the hotel. It was Luhan who went too far with calling the police.

“I told you not to talk about that.” Jongin sulks, but Luhan only laughs at him.

“Now, did you pack your toothbrush?”

“Yes, I did!” Jongin answers confidently. A man suddenly stops beside Jongin’s chair, looking between the boarding pass he’s holding and the number written on chair. After making sure that he is indeed on the right aisle and row, he puts his backpack on the compartments , not forgetting to get a novel and his music player out of the bag first.

“Did you pack your vitamin, Jongin?” Luhan asks again, but Jongin doesn’t really register because the stranger turns out to be the one who will occupy the other bussiness class seat next to him for the next 14 hours and he has to stand up to let the man get into his seat by the window.

“What did you say, Luhan?” Jongin asks when he finally settled down on his seat again. The aisle is now empty aside for some flight attendants going back and fro to check that every passenger has seated down on the correct seat, and comfortably.

“I asked you, did you pack your vitamins?”

Vitamins? Jongin’s mind goes back to a few hours ago when he prepared his luggage last minute, a bad habit he has. Did he pack his vitamins?

“God, I think I forget it…”

“I told you, right! Oh my God, when is the next flight to New--”

“Ya ya!” Jongin cuts in before Luhan really books a flight to follow him to another continent. He can do that in a flash, only lifting as much as one of his finger. A wonder Jongin always be amazed at. “Where do you think I’m going? To the space? I’m going to New York City for God sake! I’m sure they have pharmacies, Luhan.” Jongin hears a chuckle coming from the stranger beside him. Ha! Even the man laughs at Luhan’s stupidity.

“Excuse me, sir. We will take off in a few minutes, so I’m sorry, you should end your call and turn off your phone or put it in the airplane mode.” A flight attendant smiles politely at him and Jongin gestures to her an ‘ok’ sign while apologizing.

“Luhan, the plane is going to take off soon, so I have to end this call. Check your bag and search for a white envelope, and please, take my wedding gift for you and enjoy it with your husband! I’ll call you when I land.”

An unidentified sound answers him, and Jongin is sure it’s the sound of Luhan knocking some things down while moving immediately to search for his work satchel. “Ya! What did you give me? I told--” Jongin ends the call before Luhan can finish his sentence because another flight attendant (and looking more senior to the one that reminding Jongin before, and scarier) is coming his way and he doesn’t want to get into trouble. Other than that, he wants to reach New York safely, that’s for sure.

He puts his his phone in an airplane mode, and leans back on his seat. The soft plush of the seat is a perfect match for his tired and aching body after a whole night packing and cooped up in his work room because of sudden inspiration of writing. He has another fourteen hours (and additional more or less five minutes, according to the flight information the TV in front of him displays), so might as well use it to sleep, Jongin thinks.

“..Here are captain Kim Jongdae and co-pilot Zhang Yixing. We hope you enjoy the flight. Thank you for flying with us."  

[03 hours 50 minutes]

Jongin feels like raising to conciousness. The sound of the airplane engine buzzing low in his ears, mixed with the sound of soft chattering from people sitting around him. He stretches his body as much as he can on his seat, trying to get the stiffness out of his body, more particularly, his neck. He apparently forgets to bring his neck cushion (another downside of not travelling with Luhan). He’ll ask for some pillow later.

His ears catch the sound of spoon and fork hitting the plate and Jongin looks at his side, finally noticing that man beside him is now eating. He glances at his watch, 03.55. He hasn't eaten his lunch.

“Is there something I can help you with, sir? Maybe lunch?” The flight attendant, a young woman named Kim Seul Gi, asked him while showing him the menu.

Jongin takes the menu, eyes scanning the list of food available. His stomach is growling, he needs to decide fast. Confused about what to choose because everything looks good (but if he orders all then he won’t be able to eat it all), he takes a glance to the stranger's table, wanting to see what he's eating, but instead of only the food, another thing catchs his eyes.

The man’s plate is almost empty, and Jongin can’t really make out what is the actual dish. The man is still chewing, his eyes is not on his plate, but on the novel in his hold.

The white cover with tuberoses is familiar with Jongin’s eyes. He is sure at the bottom of the cover, there will be something in a handwriting fashion;

Here we are, lying beneath the sea of stars. By Kim Kai.

Wondering why he knows? Because it’s his book.  It’s his recently released book that he will have a book signing for in New York. He wrote it, more accurately, he spent one year and nine months almost everyday in front of his computer, trying to put the image he had in mind into words. He had some writer block moments that almost made him being sent to the mental hospital if Luhan didn’t stepped in and brought him out on a quick holiday to somewhere near the city (even if it means Jongin being the third wheel but he didn’t really mind). Being with the couple gave Jongin an inspiration, because he himself was writing a romance novel.

“Sir?” Seulgi’s voice brings Jongin out of his trance. He closes the menu book and gives it back to Seulgi. “I’ll have what he had, please.” Jongin orders, gesturing to his seat mate.

After Seulgi leaves to get him his food, Jongin glances warily to his side again. Does the man recognize him? Oh my God, what if the man is one of his fans? Jongin loves his readers, really. But some of them are sometimes too overbearing. And he wants his flight peaceful.

But, Jongin thinks again, if the man really recognized him then he would say something, wouldn’t he? The fact that the man doesn’t say  nor do anything probably means that he doesn’t recognize Jongin.

He decides to eat his food first before trying to do something. Somehow, seeing someone reading a novel, and that someone doesn’t realize that the writer of the novel he reads is right beside him, thrills Jongin. He wants to ask the man about what he thinks, whether he likes the characterizations or not, is he happy with the ending, and etc etc.  

But Jongin’s stomach rumble halts his thoughts, and he blushes furiously when he hears the melodious chuckle coming from his side. Definitely from the man. And Jongin wonders how come a chuckle can sound so beautiful? Jongin focuses his mind at the bibimbap in front of him (which he regrets ordering, because there’s no chicken. The #2nd downside of not travelling with Luhan), hoping other passengers didn’t hear the loud sound of his stomach.

[05 hours 45 minutes]

Jongin steals a glance at the stranger beside him again, the man is still in his current position for the past thirty minutes, while reading the novel. The man seems engrossed in the novel, much to Jongin's delight, eyes never leaving the novel unless to stretch his body or ordering a glass of water to drink.


What bothers Jongin the most is the fact that the stranger remains expressionless throughout the reading. Jongin can’t know for sure which part of the story he’s in, but Jongin’s sure the guy has passed some of the sad or funny scene of the story.


Is his story not angsty enough?


Is his joke not funny enough?


Should Jongin question his writing skill?

"Is there something I could help?" A voice registers to Jongin's brain and pulls him back to real world. And he is met with the man's big doe eyes starring at him with curiosity. Jongin feels his cheeks heathen, getting caught in the act starring shamelessly at the man.

Jongin clears his throat, trying to look calm and composed when actually he just wants to crawl and hide because of embarassment. He, at least is grateful the man doesn't accuse Jongin for being a ert or give Jongin a disgusted expression. But, still.......

"Uhm.. I.." Jongin rubs his neck, which slowly turning red. "I'm interested by your book. You seemed immersed by it ever since we took off. Is it good?" There, Jongin said it. He wonders what will the man's answer be. God, it's even nerve wrecking than waiting for his book review from the Seoul Daily.

"Ah.. This book? My friend told me to read this. I'm not that into reading novels much, but he says it's pretty good and I need something to occupy myself throughout the flight.."

Not answering Jongin's question, though..

"I guess it's pretty good.. For now. I don't usually read romance when I read novels once in a while so maybe it's pretty early to decide." Jongin feels his heart wanting to burst out of the confinement of his chest, hammering so hard against his ribcage. He hopes the man won't notice his nervousness.

Why does a review from a stranger mean so much to him it reduces him into a jittery mess?

"You want to read? It's.."

"Here we are, lying beneath the sea of stars. By Kim Kai."

The man seems stunned at a moment, looking at Jongin with surprised expression. "Wow, I thought you didn't know from the way you acted..."

"I..." Jongin, Jongin! Come up with a something immediately! "I actually read some of Kim Kai's books.. He's my friend, well, I heard about his new book, but I don't have time to read it.. Yeah. Kinda curious, about it."

Smooth, Kim Jongin. Nice cover up.

"Oh, really? You're friends with him?" The man hums, "Ah, by the way. We haven't known each other. My name is Kyungsoo, Do Kyungsoo." The man, no, Kyungsoo offers a hand to Jongin, which Jongin accepts happily with a big grin on his face. "I'm Kim Jongin, nice to meet you."

"The feeling's mutual." Kyungsoo smiles, unconciously showing off the heart-shaped smile of his. Nobody says a word after that, Jongin has no idea about how to reply. Thankfully, Kyungsoo soon clears his throat, breaking the silence. "By the way, I'm going back to read the novels. I'll tell you more about the story once I'm done. And maybe you can tell me later about more of your friend's works. How about it?"

Just the thought of talking to Kyungsoo again makes Jongin all giddy inside, and can't help but anticipating. "Sounds like a deal."


[6 hours 30 minutes]

Kyungsoo fell asleep not long after he went back to read the novel. His head is tilted to the direction of the window, his mouth is opening a little bit, and his nose and cheeks are a bit rosy from the cold. Being the thoughtful man he is, Jongin lowers down the temperature of the AC and asking for a blanket and a pillow from Ms. Seulgi.

After tucking the pillow between Kyungsoo's head and the window and put the blanket over him, Jongin's eyes fall to his novel, laying upside down on the table. He contemplates whether to take it or not, wanting to see how far Kyungsoo has read the book.

Jongin looks at his side, Kyungsoo shows no sign of waking up soon, only twiching his nose (in a cute way in Jongin's opinion) and wrapping the blankets around him tighter. Jongin wonders if Kyungsoo really can't stand cold, then maybe he can ask for more blankets or even offering his hug so they can share--

The slap from Jongin to himself stops him from thinking further. He shakes his head, as if to clear the thought. Get your head straight, Kim Jongin!

Back to the mission, Jongin finally takes the novel to see it himself. Kyungsoo has read more than half of the books, now on the part where the man lead is showing his patient on waiting for the female lead to show up.

Jongin remembers he almost cried while writing the chapter, his soft heart just can't take it. He's always weak when it comes to scene like that, add a heart-wrenching violin instrumental in the back and you have Jongin in crying mess. Luhan laughed at him once saying that he's not manly, but Jongin had said that it's his emotional side that helps him in writing and at least he's not the one who fell on the floor screaming at the haunted house when the said ghost grabbed his ankle sooo lightly it couldn't even be called as grabbing, the ghost only touched Luhan's ankle!. Luhan never said anything when Jongin's crying over sad romantic movie after that. Or when he’s crying over Hachiko because he just can’t imagine if it happens to his dogs.

As he flips the page after page, an idea slips inside his mind. He grabs for his pen from inside the seat pocket in front of him, and get into bussiness.


[07 hours 45 minutes]

Dinner is served and Jongin is glad there's chicken in the food, so he's eating it happily while watching the movie from the in flight entertaiment, voice low enough to still be able to hear Kyungsoo's voice humming as he multitasks, reading and eating at the same time.

A light tap on his shoulder tears Jongin's attention away from the movie, and he turns to his side to see Kyungsoo staring at him, his finger pointing at something.

"Did your friend say anything about this?"

Jongin follows the direction of Kyungsoo's finger (damn, it's pretty) to the a note written on the top of the page. It says:

"Hello dear readers! Seems like you've got a special edition of the novel! From this page onwards, you'll find hidden notes from me- KK"

"Ah... Yes, I think he said something about this to me before. But he said it was only a plan, turned out he did it after all." Jongin smiles, hoping his lie is convincing enough. The note is his doing afterall, the one he wrote when Kyungsoo was asleep hours ago.

"Really? Wow I guess my friend's lucky." Kyungsoo says, "The writer is so cute, leaving notes like this on his book. It will make the readers feel close with him."  

Jongin feels a wide smile creeping its way to his face the moment Kyungsoo's words leave his mouth. Kyungsoo just called him cute!!! If he's going by Inside Out movie references then Joy must be screaming in Joy (forgive the pun) and gold shiny ball will make it's way to his memory shelves.

"Oh Jongin, look there's another note here! It says..."

And as Jongin leans closer to Kyungsoo's side to take a peek at the note Kyungsoo is reading, his mind is screaming non-stop: Plan : Success!


[09 hours 23 minutes]

Attention to all the passenger. We're travelling through a slightly bad weather. The seat-belt sign is now on, and we instruct every passengers to sit down on your seat and fasten your seatbelt. We also instruct for the passengers who are now in toilet to come back to their seat and…

The plane shakes once again, going through the clouds, but Jongin stays calm, he's been on too much plane rides to be scared of a turbulance. The case seems to be different with Kyungsoo, who stiffens everytime the plane goes into turbulance once in a while.

"Hey," Jongin calls softly, poking Kyungsoo's arms. The said man only lets out a "Yes?", without nodding, and without turning his head to Jongin. Jongin feels deja vu, feeling like it's Luhan sitting beside him, because everytime the plane goes into turbulance Luhan's face just goes pale (and Jongin realizes just now that Kyungsoo's face is pale) and he will sit straight on his seat and he will be scared of moving his head. Based on the similar symptomps, it can only mean one thing...

"Is it the... airsickness?"

The plane shakes again as it moves through the thick clouds, the sky is grey outside and starting to get dark. Kyungsoo doesn't answer but he immediately sneaks a plastic bag out of the seat-pocket in front of him and throws his guts out, finally can't contain the dizziness.

Jongin immediately reaches his hand out to give light massages on Kyungsoo's nape, just like her mom used to do with him. Kyungsoo's face is still half inside the plastic bag, his back heaving on his attempts to breath properly. The smell of acid wafting lightly in the air, Jongin hopes the passengers in front and behind them won't notice any smell.

After getting his breaths even out, Kyungsoo leans back on his seat. Jongin grabs the paper bag away from Kyungsoo's hold and tie it expertly (years of dealing with Luhan gives him an useful skill) before shoving it into the trashbag Seulgi holds out to him. He thanks the girl before she goes away.

"You okay, now? Here, drink the water." Kyungsoo is now lying his head on the window, body shaking slightly because of the sudden vomitting. He grabs weakly for the glass, and downing it in one go slowly. A breathy thanks slips out when Jongin retrieves the glass back.

Silence feels the air between them after that, only broken when the pilot greets them once again from the cockpit, telling the good news of being able to go past the  bad weather and the report from JFK Airport about clear New York weather. He can hear Kyungsoo's relieved sigh from his side.

"You can be calm now, no more heavy turbulence." Jongin says cheekily, looking at his side, which Kyungsoo replies with a weak chuckle. "Are you feeling better now? Go use the blanket, you're still shaking."

The man nods, letting Jongin drapes the blanket all over his body. "I feel way better. It awalys gets better after the first attack." Kyungsoo snuggles deeper into the blanket, until only his eyes can be seen. Jongin's self-restraint is tested right there, 35,000 feet above the sea surface, to not lean forward and just kiss the cuteness out of Kyungsoo, the stranger he just met a few hours ago.

"The manager of Kim Kai is also like you. I've heard a lot of stories from him, you know, taking care of his manager on the plane." Jongin applauses himself for not shaking while saying his sentences, trying to keep the conversation going so he can stop thinking about kissing Kyungsoo.

He goes to New York for work, not for getting accused of ual harrasment and probably ending up in jail. (Because then again, it will ruin his plan for Luhan to take a holiday. Because no doubt his mananger will fly all the way to America to bail him out, and nag him like a mother duck he is on the flight home.)

"Really?" There's an interest lingers in Kyungsoo's reply. "You're really close to Kim Kai, eh?"

"Well, yeah. You can say that.." I'm him Kyungsoo, I'm him!

"Tell me more about him, he seems ineresting you know. First, he wrote cute little notes for his readers. Handwritten. He seems to care a lot to his readers." Or maybe it's just you, Jongin adds inside his mind.

"And he takes care of his manager. You surely have a nice best friend right there. And I'm curious about his books! Tell me more about his works! His works is nice, and i like the words he picked. But maybe about the plot though…. but it can be because it's just me who's a bit unfamiliar with romance."

Jongin feels a bit overwhelmed with the praises thrown at him unknowingly by Kyungsoo. He really really wants to thank the man right there but know that it's probably going to embarass Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo is still on a weak state, and probably hoping Jongin can entertain him and Jongin won't let this opportunity pass.

And it's been a while for him to hear opinions about his works that he himself can be sure that is 100% genuine.

"What kind of book do you like?"

Kyungsoo goes silent, brows furrows as he's thinking. "I think I read a lot of adventures, I like the kind of new world or dystopian?"

Jongin has a book for that, published two years ago as one of his attempt to try his hand on fiction. "He has this one book, called 'Dear The Galaxy'. It tells about the story of a man who likes galaxy so much and one day he finds....."


[10 hours 25 minutes]

"Really? He wants to have a novel collaboration with the novelist Byun Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo widens his eyes in surprise, Jongin can see he's excited with the new revelation. "He's one of my favorite author!"

Jongin nods, happy to see Kyungsoo's so excited. The project between him and writer Byun has been going for six months already, and they're nearing the middle of the whole story. The book is bound to be released by the end of next year, if editings and producing go on smoothly. Jongin will make sure to send Kyungsoo the first copy, along with cute little notes he likes with a lots of hearts and his sign. And maybe his phone number and asking whether he would like a dinner with him.

Talking to Kyungsoo is fun, and easy. Jongin feels thankful at his decision to send Luhan and Minseok away for their suppossed honeymoon, because if not, Luhan will tag along and he won't meet Do Kyungsoo. He won't be laughing and staring at the man wondering why his laugh sounds so lovely in his ears and how his eyes dissapears into thin slits when he laughs.

They've been talking non-stop and a lot of things are shared. From Jongin's galaxy adventures novel, then the fact that Kyungsoo works as a psychiatrist at one of the hospital in Seoul and now going for a conference in New York, then to Jongin telling Kyungsoo about his three little dogs at home and showing the pic of them to Kyungsoo (phone in silent mode, Jongin can't risk of having the previous senior flight attendant to throw him off the plane. They're flying over the Arctic Ocean for God sake!), to Kyungsoo's fascination towards the new flavour of Baskin Robbins ice cream he bought on Incheon Airport, back to one of Kim Kai's book once again and end with the project between Kim Kai and Byun Baekhyun.

Kyungsoo yawns in his seat, eyes drooping. "I think I'm going to sleep. There's still time right?"

"There is, I'll wake you up when it's nearing our time to land."

Kyungsoo seems to be really tired, or maybe it's the time difference kicking in. It's past 10 p.m in Seoul already. He's out like a light not long after he closes his eyes.


[10 hours 45 minutes]

Jongin comes back from the toilet to find Kyungsoo's position changed and now he's having his head hanging in front of him. Jongin is sure 100% it's uncomfortable and definitely going to give Kyungsoo a neck pain once they land.

Being the good person that he is, Jongin tries to manuver Kyungsoo's body to a more comfortable position, willing himself to not be distracted by the soft skin beneath his fingertips when he holds Kyungsoo's arms in one hand.

Kyungsoo fidgets in his place, making Jongin retracts his hands immediately, not wanting to be caught in a suspicious position. Thankfully Kyungsoo doesn't wake up, but he moves his body so he leans more to his right side, Jongin holds his breath, and plops his head comfortably on Jongin's broad shoulder.

A soft snore is heard because of the too close proximity, and Jongin swears he can feel goosebumps raising on his skin where Kyungsoo's breath carresses.

Jongin leans back on his seat after adjusting the blanket over Kyungsoo's frame, up to his neck. He closes his eyes as he smiles, letting the warmth radiating from Kyungsoo lulling him to sleep.


[13 hours 30 minutes]

Jongin is on his way to Kyungsoo's work place to pick him up for a date when his dream is interrupted by a light shake on his shoulder, he hears someone talking.

"Sir, do you hear me? We'll be landing in a short while."

He nods as a confirmation that he has woken up, and the flight attendant walking away. He tries to raise himself in his seat but there's a weight on his shoulder preventing him to do so, and when he looks at his side, he sees Kyungsoo's head still lies on his shoulder.

"Kyungsoo? Kyungsoo? We're going to land in a while." The said man slowly opens his eyes, looking confusedly to his surroundings. He bolts right up when his eyes meet Jongin's in a too close distance.  

"Oh my God, Jongin I'm sorry I didn't realize--"

"Kyungsoo, it's okay. You must be very tired, so I didn't have the heart to move you in case you woke up." Jongin smiles, cooing inside his mind seeing Kyungsoo's cheeks are now tinted pink from embarassment.

Ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking. We'll be landing at John F. Kennedy International Airport in 15 minutes. The New York sky is said to be sunny with just a little bit of clouds. So we suggest prepare your sunglasses! The time difference between Seoul and New York is 14 hours behind, so the current time is now 1 p.m. We advise our passengers to sit down and put on your seatbelt, straighten up your seat, open your windows and folding the tables. Thank you for your cooperation.

Jongin grabs his bag from under the seat in front of him and put his headset inside, Kyungsoo does the same, putting his novel, music player and retrieves his phone out and slips it into his pocket.

"Thank you for being such a good seat mate, Jongin. Really, you're making this flight enjoyable. I barely felt the long 14 hours."

"The same goes to you then. I'm so used having my mananger, eh.., no. I mean my friend as a travel partner so it's been a while since the last time I sat beside a stranger on a plane. It feels nice, meeting new interesting people like you" If Kyungsoo realizes his almost slip up about manager, he doesn't mention it.

"Unlike me, I'm so used to sit next to old bussinessman on long flights like this. I usually travel alone, you know?” I don’t mind accompanying you. “All they talk about is stocks and dollars it's making my head ache."

Jongin laughs, picturing Kyungsoo hearing the boring talk about who's stock is plummeting, which company is good at investing. Economic has never been Jongin's cup of tea either, he's always interested in literature. Hence, his job right now.

"Nobody is taking a trip to Wall Street, then."

"No, I won't.” Kyungsoo laughs, “I'll be in New York for just a short time. I don't know whether I'll be going around New York. I don't know the town really well."

Jongin hums absentmindedly, his mind elsewhere. They are both silent as the plane going lower and lower, the sound of the machine loud on their ears.

Should he offer Kyungsoo about showing him around? Jongin wonders. He’s well acquinted with the city, and have no objection walking around New York with Kyungsoo.


He’s sure Kyungsoo would love the Central Park at night.

[14 hours 01 minute]

The landing is as smooth as it can be. New York's sunshine streaming into the cabin from the opened window and Jongin can't wait to set his feet on land. He admits he missed New York, missing the food and also Broadway, one thing that's always on his 'have-to-go' list while staying at the city.

”We're just landed on John F. Kennedy International Airport New York. We'll have to wait for a while because of the traffic at for the parking lot. We advise passengers to sit down until the plane has stopped completely. We, all of the cabin crew and also our captain and co-captain, saying thank you for choosing to flying with Korean Air. We hope we can meet some other time. Ladies and gentleman, welcome to New York.”

Jongin glances at his side, Kyungsoo is now looking outside of the window. His mouth itches to say something, but he catches himself before he can utter anything, back to fidgeting with his fingers.

Without realizing, the plane has came to a complete stop and now the first class passengers are allowed to come out first. People around Jongin stand up, taking their bags on the upper head compartment. Jongin would still be in his own world if not Kyungsoo nudging him on his ribs, pulling him out of his mind.

[15 hours 00 minute]

After passing the immigration, getting their passport stamped, walking their way to get their baggage, and pushing their luggage cart side-by-side to the waiting area, Jongin knows it's time to part when a man comes to Kyungsoo and introduces himself as a representative from the conference he'll be joining tomorrow. He can hear Kyungsoo intoducing himself in english too, and believe Jongin, it sounds amazing.


Waiting for Kyungsoo to finish his bussiness for a while, because he can’t just walk away for the man just like that Jongin pulls out his phone. Now that he’s finally getting signal and his internet data is on, chats and messages are coming in. He opens his chatroom with Luhan. The blonde haired guy sent 50 bubble chats, the last being twenty minutes ago, asking whether Jongin has landed or not. The other 49 is asking why the hell Jongin gave him two round-trip ticket to Paris under his name and his husband’s name. (There’s a message sent by Minseok too, saying thank you for the gift and that they’ll use it well. Ha! At least, Minseok is sane enough to say thank you to him.)

Kyungsoo turns around to face Jongin, and Jongin sends a quick text informing Luhan that he landed already before facing Kyungsoo. "Thank you so much for your company, Jongin. I hope we can meet again other time. You surely is a great friend. Pass Kim Kai a hello from me, will you? And can't wait for more works from him in the future, I hope I can meet him someday."

You're talking to him, Kyungsoo! You’ve met him already!

Kyungsoo is about to walk away when Jongin stops him, fingers circling around Kyungsoo's wrist. His mind noticing how small it is and how it fits around his fingers perfectly.

"Do you want to meet him, Kyungsoo? I'm actually in town to meet him, he has his booksigning downtown in two days."

Kyungsoo's eyes widens in surprise, "Really?"

"Yes, but it's okay if you don't want to. I mean, you probably busy with your--"

"No no no!" Kyungsoo hurriedly stops him, "I want to meet him too, where will his booksigning be? At what time?"

"Um... How about I pick you up at your hotel tomorrow? And after that we can go together? I'll introduce you to him." Jongin prays Kyungsoo doesn't see his fail attempt to meet Kyungsoo again. And possibly, a date.

"Ah, really? Yes you can. I still don't know where I'll be staying though." Kyungsoo stops for a while, before he asks shyly. "Can I have your phone number? I'll text you the name and address."

I'll be gladly to give you, Jongin says inside his heart. He gladly types his number on the phone Kyungsoo offered him, and calls his own phone.

Once he makes sure he has the shorter male's number saved safely on his phone and otherwise, he gives it back to the male.

"I'll give you a text once I know the hotel." Kyungsoo slips his phone back at his coat pocket. "So, see you in two days?"

"Yes, see you in two days." Jongin smiles.

He waves his hand at Kyungsoo until the male is lost in between the sea of people going in and out. He is pulled back from his wandering thoughts by a tap from his back, turning around to see the familiar face of Oh Sehun, the representatives from the publishing company that'll be hosting Jongin's, or more like, Kim Kai's booksigning.

Jongin is sure the New York trip this time won't be like the usual trip.

It will be... Interesting, that he's sure.

And Kyungsoo doesn't know what will hit him in two days.


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Chapter 2: wait hold on? i tot its a chapter..
Xiuchen9921 #2
Chapter 1: (灬♥ω♥灬) am curious about what's going to happen next...
Gyu2su #3
Chapter 1: Sequel please >.< I want to know the reaction of kyungsoo
t0kkineko #4
Chapter 2: I've got questions. I don't have lj account, can I send in my prompt? How can I send it? Thank you.
Really love the story btw. Sequel maybe? ;)
bff43ver #5
Chapter 1: Sequels pretty please!!!!!
annonim #6
heart heart
Chapter 1: how can you mark this story as COMPLETED??????
you are a cliff hanger, really!!!!!!
man.....this story also beautifull, beautifully written. i like your way to write a story. the characterization, successfully drag the readers attention by first person point of view, indeed excellent!!!!
i'm lookung forward for your upcoming story autor-nim,but please no more cliff-hanger hahahhahahahahhahah:)))))) xoxo
Chapter 1: Omddddd update~ sequel~ idk!! Just do it this is really cute~♡
whitecoffee69 #9
Chapter 1: Sequelllll!!! Oh my godddddddddddd!