New enemy

The Fine Line Between Love and Hate


Han Mira, 17 year-old high school girl. Loves food, music and reading. What else.... Oh, I have a younger brother and an older sister, if you ever find this pertinent to know.  I guess this sums me up. I go to this average-rank high school. However, I turn out to have quite satisfying grades. Why this school, you might ask. Well, it’s damn near my house and I sure enough ain’t brave enough to wake up an hour earlier just to get to school.

But surely, there I am presently, at 8 freaking am in gym class with a bunch of people I barely know, where I am supposed to throw around and chase after an orange ball. What a healthy lifestyle! Then, we have our gym teacher who whistles his dogs students around. Awesome!  

“Tired already?” Kim Soojin, a classmate I sometime talk to, asked with her usual immense grin while approaching me. I smiled a little and nodded, too tired to talk this early in the morning.

“Han Mira!” I turned my head to only see a glimpse of an orange thing brush pass my cheek. What the heck? Who the heck?? was all I could think of when I hear Soojin gasp. I looked behind me and greaaaat.

From this situation and the icy silence in the class, I could deduce that the ball some peep I don’t know threw at me missed its target and landed wonderfully on a boy’s face.

Again, greaaaaat.

Unable to escape the problem, I sighed dreadfullyand approached the bench he was sitting on and squatted down to pick up the ball. “Sorry, are you okay?” He lifted his head to reveal his glaring eyes and a bleeding nose beneath his hand which was desperately trying to stop the blood circulation.

He stood up without a word and left the gym. Not knowing what to do, I just walked back to Soojin who was biting her lower lip anxiously. “Is Deahyun all right?” I heaved a sigh in annoyance. Somewhat, I had the feeling I just made this 'Daehyun' a new enemy of mine. How could I be so unlucky? 




Short chapter here. Please comment down below to tell me how you feel about this so far and if i should continue it or not! Thank you very much muahhh <3






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