Which is better?

Our Q&A
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Because location is important, you know?

August 2014


So sensitive, I filled my note pad

With catch questions

And you just laughed away

You are not an easy girl

Always shaking my eyes

Over 21 questions, now on to the 21st

But I still have no answer


After a hard day of recording for her next comeback, Ailee was looking forward to relaxing at home. Which she was doing, after changing into comfortable clothes, watching a show on her tv.

Until she got an unwelcome phone call (from, of course) her annoying brat.

"Aish, of course the annoying brat has to intrude on my relaxing time." Ailee muttered to herself, but answered her phone regardless. "What do you want, you annoying brat?"

"Is that how you greet your favorite brat?" Sohee asked chidingly.

"At least Somin-ah knows she's a brat."

"I am what I am, unnie. Anyway, I want to eat tacos."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Recommend me a place, I know you know some places."

"Like you're going to listen to me. You're just like your Hyorin unnie like that. You both only listen to what you want, and your way must go."

It was why Hyorin and Sohee could never reach the same decision, they were both too headstrong with getting their way.

Although, when the two agreed on the rare occasion, that's when the leader and maknae were annoyingly and frustratingly, in sync. Dasom, Soyou, and Bora dreaded those occasions happening.

Otherwise, Sohee got along fine with her Rinnie unnie, both being cat ladies.

"Bwoya, me? I mean Rinnie unnie is like that, but I'm not."

"Really now? What about that time we went out for burgers?"

"You never know what you can get from some ground beef. Mad cow disease, unnie! That's a thing!"

"You say that everytime. And what about the time we went out for ice cream with your members?"

"What? No one wants the generic ice cream taste. If you're eating ice cream, it has to be high quality taste!"

"*sigh* Fine, whatever. You said a good taco place, right?"

"Yep, I'm in the mood for Mexican food right now."

"Well, there's this one place that I went to with Eric and Amber..." Ailee explained where the taco place was, giving Sohee the address.

"That sounds... like a bad place. Aish, I asked for a good place, unnie." 

"You little- I'm going to kill you, annoying brat!"

"Keekeekee, love you too, unnie~" Sohee then hung up.

"Stupid annoying brat..." Ailee muttered to herself, mentally grabbing the colla

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Chapter 5: cute xD and that was a great story author-nim!
Chapter 5: Thank you for writing such a cute,light-hearted and lovely story author-nim although I am a bit late at reading it ^^"
lucky1one #3
Chapter 5: Omg how cute can they be,loved every seconed of it. <3
Chapter 4: Awwww....the FEELS! Oh god, the feels. Too cute, I must say. I enjoyed the chapters that you posted so far. Sincerely, I'm surprised there aren't a lot of comments because this story is grrrrreat! Haha, thank you for the karma points for before (if I hadn't mentioned it before). I feel kinda bad if I don't offer something in return. So....how about you can request an update of one of my stories (I'll keep it as the second story for my second story list to update) ? But Keep up the awesome work with this story! Giving full support! ^^ ~Elex
Chapter 3: This is so cute
Chapter 1: I think I would kill her myself. To many questions at once, but I like it.