ing Biology


Jimin knew Yoongi, his roommate, was always a little grumpy. Yoongi was always lazing about and frowning. Jimin knew that Yoongi always made sarcastic comments and witty remarks whenever he could. He knew that Yoongi was never one to actually snap though. Jimin knew that everything Yoongi said was his own way of joking and having fun. Yoongi’s comments were always fairly light hearted. And Jimin thought he knew that he would never actually see the day that his roommate finally snapped.

Finals were stressful for everybody. Everyone was always studying and stressing out over them. Nobody ever left their dorm rooms for anything that wasn’t 100% necessary for survival, or for classes, and everybody just stopped socializing. For Jimin, it was hell. Jimin practically survived on social interaction and not having anybody to talk to, not even his roommate whom hasn’t left his room for longer than five minutes at a time, was slowly killing him. Nobody even answered text messages either. It’s not like Jimin was a bad student, he was actually almost a straight A student (He only had one B and that’s just because he doesn’t understand the English language at all). All he wanted was a little human interaction.

Yoongi on the other hand wasn’t much of people person. He came off as rude and lazy and not many people cared much for him. He wasn’t much of a ‘people pleaser’ as Jimin would say. Honestly though, he didn’t really care. He was happy enough not talking to anybody besides his roommate, and the few friends he had made. And it wasn’t that he disliked people, it was more that only a few people actually understood his sense of humor. Yoongi was actually quite happy with his life at the moment, or he was before he remembered his finals. Yoongi hated studying for his finals more than he hated, basically anything. He didn’t mind the not socializing, it was the fact that he had to study for courses that nothing to do with what he was majoring in order to graduate.  


Jimin jumped when the door to Yoongi’s room flew open and Yoongi emerged with dark circles under his eyes. Yoongi didn’t even spare a glance at Jimin as he made his way to the kitchen for a drink. Jimin shot up from his place on the couch and followed him.   

“Yoongi” He called from a few feet away in a mildly higher pitched voice than his usual.

“What do you want?” Yoongi snarled. He was way too tired for any kind of at the moment.

“You should take a break.” Jimin stated, his voice going back to normal. “You look like .”

“I don’t have time for that, Jimin” he shot back.

“Just ten minutes won’t hurt.” Jimin urged “It’s not healthy to be studying this intensely.”

Yoongi ignored Jimin as he chugged down the rest of his drink and putting his glass into the sink promising that he’ll wash it later. He trudged past Jimin and went back to his room muttering to himself angrily. Jimin tried to follow but Yoongi’s door was closed right in his face. He decided to go and check on his roommate in twenty minutes or so.

As soon as the twenty minutes passed Jimin practically ran to Yoongi’s room, but just as he was about to knock on the he heard a sound muffled by the door.

“What the heck is that?” Jimin mumbled and without thinking opened the door. What he saw didn’t really surprise him all that much. Yoongi was laying on the ground surrounded by books and papers, even his laptop was opened nearby, that was normal for finals week. What did surprise him was the fact that Yoongi was talking, to his books. That was not normal, even for finals week.

“Oh no, I totally don’t know the difference between mitosis and meiosis! It’s not like I learned that in ing high school!”  Yoongi scoffed out glaring at his practice test, his voice laced with sarcasm.

Jimin’s hand flew to his mouth to keep his laughter from being noticed by the older man. Jimin didn’t know why he did, but he quickly pulled his phone out from his pocket and started recording. Closing the door just enough to not be noticed by the grumpy student, but still open enough to film clearly. He stayed like that for the next ten minutes until he realized that he had an actual video camera somewhere in his room. When the realization hit him, Jimin shot up from his spot on the ground and scrambled to his room faster than he could say his own name.  By the time that he had found the camera, Yoongi was out in the kitchen, sitting on the floor staring blankly into the refrigerator.

“Yoongi?” Jimin squatted next to his roommate, placing his hand on the elder’s shoulder. Yoongi didn’t respond. He just kept staring blankly, letting all the cold out. “You ok there?” Jimin tried again.

“Why do you think we exist?” Yoongi asked all of a sudden.

“What?” Jimin asked as he the video camera, just in case.

“Why do we exist?” Yoongi asked again blinking slowly as he continued to stare into the refrigerator. “What’s our purpose? Is there actually a point in all this or are we just pawns for the inevitable?”

“Yoongi…” Jimin paused “Are you high?”

“No.” Yoongi scoffed. “I’m just taking a break from studying like you told me to.”

“You’re talking some pretty deep right now.” Jimin said as he tried to close the fridge door.

“We’re all the same you know.” Yoongi responded as he stopped Jimin from closing it. “Our cells all work the same. Our bodies too. There’s no difference in anything, at all.”

“There’s some differences, I’m sure?” Jimin laughed awkwardly. Yoongi shook his head before continuing.

“Why do you think that we even exist though? Like every day, we wake up, go to class, eat and study. It’s a constant repletion that has no real point. Like copy and paste.” Yoongi sighed. “Every single day is just a repetition of ctrl. C. ctrl. V.”

“Are you ok, Yoongi?”

“Is there actually a point in this world?” Yoongi brought a hand up to his face to rub circles into his temples “Never mind. Biology has really gotten to me man.”  Yoongi chuckled slightly.

Jimin recorded everything Yoongi said as he went through this mini existential crisis while staring into the almost empty refrigerator. The elder didn’t seem to realize he was being filmed. It only lasted ten minutes before Yoongi snapped out of and went back to his room cursing loudly as he started studying again. Jimin was just glad that he had taken a small break. The younger man closed the refrigerator door and waited a few minutes before following Yoongi to his room. Jimin really didn’t know why he was recording his roommate studying; he also didn’t know why he found it so hilarious.

“I’ll show this to him when he’s less stressed out. He’ll get a kick out of it; I’m sure.” Jimin reasoned to himself as he started recording again. A few minutes passed of only silence and Jimin was about to give up on recording when –

“I DON’T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE GODDAMN ORIS!” Yoongi yelled without warning “I’M A ING GAY MUSIC MAJOR, I DON’T NEED THIS INFORMATION!” Yoongi suddenly slapped his hand over his mouth and sat up.

Jimin’s eyes widened and he immediately shut the camera off and scrambled into the kitchen, pretending to get a drink. Jimin didn’t know his roommate was gay, and this came as a huge shock to him. He never would have pinned Yoongi to be gay, Hoseok? Maybe. Taehyung? Sure. Yoongi? Nope. It’s not like Jimin was against it, actually quite the opposite, he himself was pretty hella gay, not that he was out to anybody yet. He was just surprised at the fact that his roommate was as well. After a few moments Yoongi stumbled into the kitchen, a deep frown painting his face.

“Jimin.” Yoongi said stiffly after a few moments of silence.

“Oh, Yoongi!” Jimin faked surprise turning around to face the elder. “Are you ok? I heard you yell a minute ago, but I couldn’t hear what you said. I was actually about to go check on you.” He lied.

“You didn’t hear what I said?” Yoongi asked.

“It was muffled by the door.” Jimin lied again, trying his best to smile. Yoongi seemed to relax slightly, the frown being replaced by a small grin.

“That’s good.” Yoongi breathed out a sigh of relief. Jimin raised an eyebrow, playing along as if he didn’t know what Yoongi was talking about. “Don’t worry about it Jimin, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” Jimin tested the waters a bit. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Yoongi shook his head.

“Maybe you should take another break then.” Jimin urged.

“I’ve wasted enough time Jimin.” Yoongi sighed as he turned around.

“When’s your exam?” Jimin tried to keep the conversation going.

“Day after tomorrow.” Yoongi answered as he walked back into his room closing the door behind him.

Jimin left Yoongi alone for the rest of the night.


The next day Jimin had finished all of his finals and got to go home early. Jimin didn’t know exactly how well he did on them, but he was fairly confident. The only thing weighing on Jimin’s mind at this point was his roommate, who was probably still studying alone in their dorm. Jimin was always worried about Yoongi overworking himself, now even more than usual because Jimin doesn’t remember Yoongi eating anything for dinner the night before.

“I’ll eat later, I promise! I just really need to memorize the cell theory for the exam.” Yoongi had said when Jimin tried to get him to eat. Yoongi didn’t leave his room to get the food that his roommate left in the fridge, later to be found untouched by Jimin. Jimin frowned as he hurried back to the dorm to make sure that Yoongi ate something. At this point he was willing to force feed the elder if he had to. The moment that Jimin approached the door he slammed it open, effectively scaring the out of Yoongi who was sitting in the living room fork half raised to his mouth. Or the fork WAS half raised until Yoongi dropped it in his surprise. 

“Park Jimin! What the ?!” Yoongi asked as he picked his fork up from the table where it fell.

“Oh good!” Jimin beamed “You’re eating! I was worried that you were just going to stay in your room and study without food.”

“What were you actually worried that I would be starving myself over exams or something?” Yoongi half joked, half scoffed as he turned around to eat again.


“What?” Yoongi turned again, eyes widening.

“Yes, I was worried about you Yoongi.” Jimin confessed as he walked closer to the couch where Yoongi was seated. “I’m always worried about you. You work too hard and you’re going to get sick if you keep it up.”

Yoongi could feel his cheeks heat up more with every step the younger took towards him. All he could do to hide the inevitable blush was turn back to his food and look down, hoping his faded green hair would mask the pink of his cheeks. Yoongi shook his head and chuckled to himself, no one ever really worried for him before, but he still knew it was stupid to feel embarrassed over someone caring.

“You get yourself so stressed out and never give yourself any breaks.” Jimin continued “You don’t take proper care of yourself when your like that either. You rarely eat, only drink like one glass of water a day, and you don’t sleep. It’s not healthy and it makes me worried. What am I going to do if you get sick? I don’t think I could handle it, Hyung.” Jimin’s voice cracked.


Jimin never called anybody Hyung, especially not Yoongi. Jimin walked around the couch and sat on the couch next to Yoongi. Neither said anything, nor looked at each other, just sitting in silence. Yoongi picked is fork back up and began to eat again.

“Yoongi?” Jimin asked quietly.


“Can I tell you something?” Jimin asked boldly.

“Sure.” Yoongi shrugged, taking another forkful of food into his mouth.

“I… I’m…” Jimin hesitated. “Never mind, it’s not important.”

Jimin had Yoongi’s full attention at this point.

“What is it?” Yoongi said looking up at his roommate. Eyes widening slightly when he saw unshed tears in Jimin’s eyes. “Jimin? What’s wrong?” he asked scooting closer squishing Jimin’s cheeks between his hands.  Jimin shook his head.

“Never mind” Jimin mumbled.

“You can tell me anything, you know.” 

“It’s just that…” Jimin hesitated again.

“Jimin.” Yoongi pushed.

“I’m gay.” Jimin blurted.

Yoongi was taken aback for a few seconds. He kept his hands on Jimin’s cheeks squishing them together more.  

“Yoongi” Jimin whined “Say something.”

“Like what?” Yoongi squished his cheeks harder. “That I’m ok with that? That nothing’s going to change? That I’m gay too? What should I say Jimin?”

Jimin just stared at Yoongi for a minute processing what he said.

“That sounds good.” He squeaked.  Yoongi nodded as he stood up taking his, mostly empty, plate to the sink.  “Yoongi, wait. Where are you going?” he called.

“I still need to study.” Yoongi sighed running his hand through his hair. “My exam is tomorrow.”

“Can I help?” Jimin asked timidly standing up. “I finished all my exams already so…”

“If you want to.” Yoongi shot Jimin his gummy smile and walked into his room leaving his door open.

Jimin grabbed his video camera, just in case, and followed Yoongi to his room. He started recoding the moment that he entered the room, setting the camera down in his lap as he sat across from Yoongi. Yoongi was completely engrossed in his books again, barely acknowledging the fact that Jimin was there. They sat like that, Jimin waiting for Yoongi to give him something to help him with, Yoongi completely forgetting the other was in the room as he glared at his biology text book. Neither said anything for a while.

“Ah yes, the mitochondria. The Power house of the cell. Just like biology, the power house of my anger.” Yoongi said in an oddly calm voice.

“Uh, Yoongi?” Jimin asked.

“Because of course we absolutely need to cover THE ING MITOCHONDRIA AGAIN AFTER ALL THESE ING YEARS” Yoongi slammed his text book closed and stood up. “I’m done studying! I DON’T GIVE A ANYMORE!”

 Yoongi snapped. Yoongi finally snapped. The day Jimin never thought he would see finally came. Jimin watched as Yoongi threw his notes around his room. Jimin watched Yoongi with a grin on his face. Jimin couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Yoongi finally ing snapped. Jimin stood up as well, shutting the camera off in the process.

He laughed as Yoongi almost slipped on one of the papers that were haphazardly thrown about.

“Jimin!” Yoongi said more enthusiastically than Jimin had ever heard from Yoongi.

“Yes!” Jimin responded with a laugh.

“You and I are going to lunch.”

“Ok!” Jimin responded immediately “Wait, didn’t you just eat?”

“Still hungry.”

“Get dressed then!” he grinned as he walked out of the room for his roommate to get out of his pajamas.

Yoongi was dressed within five minutes and they were out the door in less time than that.


“I cannot believe how much sass you sent to your biology text book!” Jimin laughed after they ordered.

“Oh you missed most of it Chimchim” Yoongi grinned while he leaned back in his chair. “I was ranting about those stupid stem cells for twenty minutes before you showed up.”

Jimin threw his head back in laughter. “How much do you hate biology, Yoongi?”

“So ing much. I’m a music major Jimin, there’s literally no reason for me to be taking ing biology.”

“You need the credits.”

“That’s the ONLY reason I’m taking it.”

“I thought it was so you could get out of the terrible college dorms faster.” Jimin smirked

“That too.” Yoongi shrugged “You were the only bearable thing about that dorm.”

“Awe that’s sweet.” Jimin laughed “Your nickname really does suit you, Suga.” 

“Shut up Jimin.” Yoongi couldn’t help but laugh.


They took their time making their way back to the dorm, knowing that they’d have to clean up and organize Yoongi’s notes that were all over the floor of his room.

“Thanks.” Jimin says the moment they enter the dorm again.

“For what?” Yoongi paused in the middle of taking his shoes off.

Jimin only smiled and shook his head.

“No really, I didn’t do anything. What are you thanking me for?” Yoongi finished taking his shoes off and walked into the living room.

“Nothing changed.” Jimin grinned.

“Of course not.” Yoongi sat on the couch sighing. “Nothing will ever change” he mumbled.

“What was the last thing?” Jimin asked following Yoongi into the living room.

“Nothing” Yoongi grinned. “I’m probably going to fail that test now that I’ve stopped studying.”

“Nah, you studied enough, you’ll pass.” Jimin assured as he sat next to him on the couch.

“You have too much faith in me Jimin.” Yoongi laughed. “On the Brightside if I fail I get to spend another year in the goddamn dorms.”

“You hate it here Yoongi. How is that a bright side?” Jimin cocked his head to the side.

“You’re here.” Yoongi stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“I can’t tell if you’re joking right now.” Jimin said as he tried to hide the blush on his cheeks by burying his face into a throw pillow.

Yoongi got up and walked to the kitchen without a word. Jimin followed soon after, not sure why Yoongi left in the first place. He found Yoongi sat in the middle of the kitchen chugging a bottle of water.


“I should really study.” Yoongi said as he finished the bottle.

“No.” Jimin frowned “You’re done studying. I won’t let you stress yourself out more.”


“Hyung.” Jimin crossed his arms.

“Stop calling me Hyung, its weird!” Yoongi threw the empty bottle at Jimin.

“You’re not studying anymore Yoongi.” Jimin walked to where Yoongi was sitting and pulled him up from the ground. “Even if it means I have to force you to go on a date with me.”

Jimin didn’t give Yoongi a chance to say anything before he started dragging the elder out of their dorm again. He dragged Yoongi all the way to a nearby park and stopped at a bench to sit. Jimin finally looked at Yoongi whom was just staring at him with a dumbfounded expression.

“Jimin… What the ?”

“This is a date.” Jimin beamed. Yoongi just stared at him. “I mean; this was the only thing I could think of to get you out of the dorm again after lunch.”

“So you’re making me go on a date with you?” Yoongi asked, sitting down next to Jimin on the bench. Jimin nodded. “Do you actually want to go on a date with me, or are you just that bad at excuses?”

“Both?” Jimin grinned sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

“Well you better be a damn good date Park Jimin.” Yoongi laughed. Jimin smiled and nodded.

They spent the day walking around the park, mostly only talking. Jimin bought them drinks and ice-cream from a vender they ran into. They sat for a while in the grass. It wasn’t the most romantic, or expensive date Yoongi had ever been on, but it was one of the best. When they actually went back to their dorm Yoongi left Jimin to take a shower. While Jimin was sitting alone in his room he suddenly remembered the videos of Yoongi studying and grabbed his camera and phone to download the videos to his laptop. As he was in the middle of downloading Yoongi knocked on the door.

“I’m going to bed!” Yoongi called “Good night.”

“Goodnight Hyung!” Jimin smiled, though he knew Yoongi couldn’t see him. “Thanks for today!”


Jimin fell asleep while waiting for everything to finish rendering on his computer. He Woke up with a kink in his neck and sore muscles, but he also had a blanket around his shoulders. Jimin smiled when he saw the post-it-note stuck onto his computer screen.

‘Don’t fall asleep at your desk, idiot. You’ll catch a cold, then what would I do?

I’m probably going to be in the middle of my exam when you read this. Wish me luck, and get ready we’re going to lunch after.

                ~Min Yoongi’

Jimin laughed as he set the note to the side turning the computer back on. Everything was done downloading. Jimin checked the clock, 9:30.

“I still have at least an hour before he’s back” Jimin pouted. “I guess I could try to edit this…” Jimin shrugged and began to go through all his video files, picking his favorites out and editing them to the best of his abilities. He was proud of what he had done in such a short amount of time. He wanted to share with at least one person. He sent the link to one of their shared friends, Namjoon, who he knew was only a few doors down from their dorm, but was probably still sleeping knowing him.

Jimin stood up as he heard the front door open.

I’m still in my p.j.’s” Jimin thought as he scrambled to his closet.

“Jimin, are you ready?” he heard Yoongi call, probably from the living room.

“Just a minute!” Jimin yelled back “I just got up, sorry!” he lied.

Jimin grabbed the first thing he found, being a gray sweater, a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and convers. He ran out of his room with his hair a mess and shoes untied making him trip when he ran into the living room.

“I’m not in that big of a hurry Jimin.” Yoongi laughed as he helped the younger man up.

“How do think you did on the exam?” Jimin asked ignoring the fact that he was being laughed at.

“I think I did alright.” Yoongi grinned, radiating with confidence even though his words didn’t match.

“Good” Jimin grinned “Let’s go?”

Yoongi nodded and they headed out to lunch. Neither aware that Namjoon had found the video Jimin sent funny enough to share with their other friends.

Slowly, things were changing between the two.


The next week was spent peacefully while they waited for their test results, both spending more time that usual together without noticing, and before they knew the exam results were in. They both held their breath as Yoongi opened the envelope that ‘held the future’ as Jimin liked to put it. The envelope was open but Yoongi couldn’t bring himself to actually look.

“You do it.” Yoongi pushed the envelope into Jimin’s hands.

“It’s your test.” Jimin shook his head.


“Fine, whatever you want Hyung.” Jimin rolled his eyes as he took the paper out. He read it to himself silently.

“Well?” Yoongi asked after a minute.

“Oh, Yoongi…” Jimin sighed. “I’m so sorry.”

Yoongi visibly stiffened as he hung his head low.

“You passed.” Jimin grinned.

“I what?!” Yoongi’s head popped back up.

“You passed!” He repeated

“Jimin, You son of a !” Yoongi grabbed a pillow from the couch nearby and hit Jimin in the head with it. “Don’t trick me like that!” he said as he took the paper out of his laughing friend’s hands. He read it, over and over again. “I passed.” He nodded his head.

“You passed.”

“JIMIN I PASSED!” Yoongi exclaimed throwing his arms around Jimin’s shoulders hugging him.

“You passed!” Jimin laughed spinning them around for a minute. “I guess that means you’re moving out of the dorm…” Jimin added in a quiet voice.

“I guess I am.” Yoongi agreed as he hugged Jimin closer. “I’ll probably stay in town though.”

“Well there’s that.” Jimin laughed. “We should celebrate.”

“Alright.” Yoongi nodded as he pulled away from the hug only to be brought back in.

“Hold on, I didn’t mean right now, I’m not done hugging you.” Jimin whined as he continued to hug his soon-to-be-but-not-yet-ex roommate. “I’m not done hugging you. I’m going to miss you Yoongi, my next roommate is probably going to a weirdo.”

“Well then you’ll know how I felt.” Yoongi joked as he wrapped his arms back around the other.

“Shut up.” Jimin chuckled.

“But really, how long do you expect me to stay like this Jimin?”

“Forever. I’m not letting you go Yoongi.” Jimin informed. “You can’t leave if I don’t let go.”

“Jimin.” Yoongi chided. “You can’t hug me forever. Not even people who are married stay hugging for this long.”

“I don’t care.” Jimin shook his head. “I don’t want to let go.”

“Jimin I swear to god.” Yoongi said sternly. “I will kiss you if you don’t let go right now.”

He felt Jimin stiffen slightly at his remark, only to tighten his hug around Yoongi.

“I dare you.” He heard Jimin whisper.

“Do you now?” Yoongi cooed.

“You wouldn’t dare kiss me Yoongi.” Jimin chuckled “You haven’t yet and I’ve given you plenty of chances.”

“Oh, but I would dare.” Yoongi said as he pulled back and planted a kiss right onto Jimin’s plump lips. Jimin’s grip on Yoongi loosened just enough for the elder to step away from the younger. “Shoulda listened to me when I told you I would.” Yoongi grinned as he walked into the kitchen leaving a completely shocked Jimin staring from behind.

Jimin stood there, rooted to the ground from shock, trying to process what just happened. He ran his hand through his orange hair and blinked.


What just happened?


He didn’t… did he?

Three times


Four. Five. Six more times.

“MIN YOONGI!” He gasped loudly, only to hear the elder’s laughter as reply. Jimin felt his cheeks heat up as he rushed into the kitchen. “What was that?”

“I told you I would do it!” Yoongi defended keeping his back turned, partially so he could get something to drink, but mostly to hide his blush. Jimin stands there in silence, watching as the older opens a new can of whatever cola they had stashed in there.

“Did you only kiss me so I would let go?” Jimin whispers so quietly that Yoongi had to strain his ears to hear.

Yoongi hesitated. That was the excuse that Yoongi had made to both himself and to Jimin, but if he were to be honest –

“No. That wasn’t the only reason.” Yoongi sighed. “I wanted to do it. That was just the first thing that gave me a reason to go through with it.”  He confessed before taking a sip from the can.

“Really? The first thing?” Jimin scoffed. “Not when we watched that movie the other day? Or when we went for a walk in the park. Or yesterday when we had to share an umbrella because I forgot mine. Or even ten minutes ago when you found out you passed you biology final? You’ve had plenty of chances, idiot.” He asked as he made his way to the elder.

“Don’t call me an idiot! I’m still older than you!” Yoongi protested turning around to find Jimin unnervingly close to him.

“Sorry Hyung.” Jimin said as he leaned closer to Yoongi, breath ghosting over the others lips. They locked eyes, only staring. Both waiting for the other to close the distance, neither breaking the silence that had surrounded them nor pulling away. They stayed like that until there was suddenly a knock at the door making them both jump away from each other. “I got it.” Jimin mumbled as he made his way to the front door, leaving a red faced Yoongi behind. The next thing Yoongi knew he was being enveloped in an overly energetic hug.

“Suga Hyung!” he heard a deep voice exclaim as the man began spinning around with Yoongi in his arms.

“Get off me Taehyung.” Yoongi sighed. He was oddly used to the younger’s energetic behavior at this point.

“But I haven’t seen you in weeks!” Taehyung whined as he let Yoongi out of his grip. “In fact, I haven’t seen anybody in weeks, I need attention.”

“Why don’t you go hug Jimin? And what about Seokjin-hyung?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow “Don’t you room with him?”

“Jimin is a little grumpy right now.” Taehyung whined. “Jin’s was too awkward!”

No hyung attached to his name?’ Yoongi thought to himself

“Excuse me?” They heard a scoff from the door way, both turning to see a pouting Jin. “You didn’t seem to think I was awkward when we were…”

“OK! Ok! You’re not awkward! I’m sorry!” Taehyung interrupted shaking his head frantically, his cheeks growing slightly pink. Jin stopped his sentence and smirked.

“Anyways, Yoongi!” Jin smiled as he changed the subject before he could be questioned. “How’d you do with the exam?”

“He passed.” Jimin answered as he walked into the kitchen as well.

“You passed?” Taehyung turned back to Yoongi, who only nodded in response.

“Congratulations!” Jin praised as Taehyung broke into his rectangular grin.

“We should celebrate!” Taehyung cheered.

“That’s what I said!” Jimin grinned as he slung an arm around Taehyung’s shoulder.

“What about you guys?” Yoongi added before one of them changed the subject.

“We passed too.” Jin informed with a smile. “I’m staying another semester for another class though.” He added quickly.

“You’ve already stayed an extra year already.” Jimin raised an eyebrow.

Jin was supposed to graduate last year with a master’s degree in culinary arts, but he continuously insists that he needs more classes before he graduates.

“Really, hyung. Why do you insist on staying in this hell hole?” Yoongi adds.  Jin only shrugged.

“I don’t mind!” Taehyung grinned. “He always cooks dinner, and it’s always great!”

“It’s not that bad, I mean my roommates pretty ok.” Jin smiled at Taehyung.

“Mine’s not bad either, but I still want outta here ASAP.” Yoongi argued.  Jin only smiled again.

“Anyways what made you guys come over without warning?” Jimin asked, arm still around the slightly younger man’s shoulders.

“We wanted more human interaction than just each other. I mean as much as I like Jinnie I miss you guys.” Taehyung said as he swung his arm around Jimin’s shoulders as well. “That and I wanted to know how Yoongi hyung’s exam went because I saw how zombie like he was.”

“Jinnie?” Yoongi and Jimin chorused.  “And no hyung?” Yoongi added quickly.

“Wha- I mean… Um…” Taehyung stuttered eyes widening “What I mean is… Um...”

“Yeah, yeah, nice try Tae.” Jin sighed crossing his arms. “You’re not smooth, you know that right?”

Yoongi and Jimin raised their eyebrows waiting for an explanation.

“Sorry Jin.” Taehyung hung his head in embarrassment.

“Yeah, so uh, Taehyung and I are dating.” Jin coughed out after a moment. “We didn’t know how you guys would react so we haven’t told anybody…”

Jin’s another person that Jimin never expected to be gay. It took both Yoongi and Jimin a moment to process.

“We hope that this doesn’t change anything…” Taehyung added quietly, breaking the two out of their shock.

“Of course this doesn’t change anything Taehyungie!” Jimin smiled as he wrapped his arms completely around the younger swaying back and forth slightly. Taehyung started giggling slightly.

“Why would anything change?” Yoongi grinned as well. “You guys are our friends we wouldn’t leave just because of ual orientation.”

“Yeah, besides Yoongi and I are kinda together too.” Jimin added quickly.

“Jimin!” Yoongi snapped as he felt his cheeks heat up.

“Ah, really Hyung?” Taehyung asked looking at Yoongi. Jin standing there looking between two with brightly colored hair.

“I mean…” Yoongi hesitated rubbing the back of his neck. “I guess so.”

“Aw! Yoongi’s embarrassed.” Jimin cheered.

Jin and Taehyung laughed as Yoongi threw a slipper at the orange haired man.

“We should get going now,” Jin said after a few moments. “Call us when you’re ready to celebrate.”

“Bye Jiminie, Bye Suga hyung!” Taehyung called cheerily as they left the dorm room.

They stood in silence for a while just processing everything that had just happened.

“Jimin…” Yoongi decided to break the silence.

“Y-yes hyung?” Jimin stammered, feeling the tension he had accidentally created.

“Ok, well first of all stop calling me hyung. You never called me that before.” Yoongi scoffed.

“Sorry, hy- Yoongi”

“And second of all.” Yoongi paused “When did we decide we were ‘together’ as you put it?”

“We’ve been together for a while now.” Jimin shrugged as he turned to Yoongi with a smile. “I just realized faster than you.”

“Is that so?” Yoongi pondered for a moment before shrugging “Well, whatever, I’m taking a nap.”

“You’re not mad that I decided and told them?” Jimin asked nervously.

“Nah.” Yoongi sighed. “Come wake me in like an hour.”

Jimin stayed in the kitchen smiling like an idiot for at least twenty minutes. Jimin felt like everything was perfect at that moment. He quickly changed his mind when he went onto YouTube and saw the video he made of Yoongi was in his suggested videos.

“Oh no.” Jimin shook his head “Oh no, oh no oh no!”

Jimin shot up from the couch. He made his way to Namjoon’s room, leaving his shoes behind, after all it was only a few doors away. Not bothering to knock Jimin barged straight into the dorm room.

“Kim Namjoon!” Jimin called trying to sound calm even though he was actually about seven seconds away from panicking.

“Jimin what the hell?!” Namjoon sprung up from his couch. “Dude you need to start knocking! Like what if I was ?”

“Then I would be scarred for the rest of my life.” Jimin deadpanned. “That’s not the point right now.”

“What brings you to my dorm room unannounced?” The elder sighed.

“Why is the video I sent you going viral?!” Jimin got straight to the point already feeling like he’s wasted enough time.

“The what?” Namjoon scrunched his eyebrows before it hit him “OH! What do you mean it’s going viral?!”
“I mean the video I sent you of Yoongi studying has over two thousand views and is growing by the second!” Jimin began panicking

“How?! I only sent it to Hoseok and Jungkook, I swear!” Namjoon tried to defend. “Are you ok? Hey Jimin, calm down!”

“I’m screwed!” Tears began to form in Jimin’s eyes

“Jimin, chill.” Namjoon attempted to calm the younger down. “I’m sure Yoongi will find it funny, and if he doesn’t then I’ll make sure he doesn’t kill you.”

“You don’t understand Hyung!” Jimin took a breath “He and I just got together, I can’t lose him!”

“You guys are together?” Namjoon gasped

“That’s not the point right now Namjoon hyung.” Jimin whined.

“Just show it to him, and hope he laughs” Namjoon offers.

Jimin only nods and starts to make his way back to his dorm.

“Oh! And Jimin.” Namjoon calls, and Jimin turns around. “Congratulations to you and Yoongi!”

Jimin smiles as thanks and begins walking again.  Once he was back at his own dorm he slowly made his way to his roommate-turned-boyfriend-or something’s door.

“Yoongi?” he knocked on the door. “Hey Yoongi, wake up it’s been about an hour.” He slowly began to open the door. He really wished he hadn’t. What he found made his blood run cold. There sat a fully awake Yoongi with one ear bud stuck in his ear glaring at him from his spot on the bed as he slowly closed his laptop.

“Jimin, why is there a video of me studying on the internet?” he asked calmly. Too calmly for Jimin’s liking.

“I was actually just about to tell you about that.” Jimin gulped. “You see, I recorded you studying to show you after finals week because I thought you would find it funny, and then I edited it and sent it to Namjoon for his opinion on it and then it somehow spread and now it’s on the internet.”

“I see.”

“Are you mad?” Jimin asked

“Do you want me to be mad?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow as he got up from his bed.

“You have a right to be mad.” Jimin avoided the question.

“But do you want me to be mad at you?” Yoongi asked again as he walked closer to the younger.

“No.” Jimin shook his head tears appearing in his eyes again.

“Then I’m not mad.” Yoongi grinned as he placed his hand on Jimin’s shoulder.

“Your weird.” Jimin smiled as he pulled Yoongi into a hug.

“Yeah well, now you owe me like seven.” Yoongi laughed.


Jimin never knew that watching his roommate study could be this funny. He also didn’t know that it would eventually lead to him falling in love with his grumpy, sarcastic, lazy roommate.

A/N: HOLY ! This is wayyyy longer than it was ment to be! I'm sorry it took so ing long! i hope that it's good, i'm posting without editing. Tell me what you think in the comments!!!!

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ThebombKat #1
Chapter 3: "...mitochondria, the power house of energy...just like biology, the power house of my anger..XD<------- i can relate soooooooo much , i'm majoring biology , since like forever, but i'm never understand a single things..why i'm taking biology,again???
cassyrock #3
Chapter 1: This is cute.
Chapter 2: Taejinnnnnn
btsjenn #5
Chapter 1: Omg this fic is so cute!!! I love it!
Chapter 1: BABE! Babe I can't that was so cute!
Also, I know I told you before, but I identify with studying Yoongi WAY too much ahahaha!
Yoongi learning about s = me learning about but whatever *throws gay fanfics about*
Catsornope #7
Chapter 1: This is so cute and funny, I'm dying!
blacksmirk #8
Chapter 2: Taejin please! ♡
gelatae #9
Chapter 2: TAEJIIIIN (it's a rare ship) T__T or SUGAMOOON (this one too)
Chapter 2: Taejin please