Worth of a Patience - Episode 5 (END)

That Little Thing

{ Worth of a Patience }

|  Part V / END  |


Song Ji Eun - It's Cold


You were lying on Junsu's arm facing him. Since he had remember the whole thing that was happened in the past, he had not kept his eyes off of you. 

"How long had it been since we lay down like this?" he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ears. You smile and patted your hand on his left chest.

"Since you got into hospital." He grabbed your hand that was on his chest and kissed it lightly. "Please forgive me on what had I done," he hugged  you tighter. You chuckled, "It's okay. It's not your fault too." 

There was a light knock on the door. Both of you pulled away slowly. You sat up and walked over to the door. Once you opened the door, Hojun was standing there with his dino plushie and you could see there was a tears stained on his face. You worriedly bend down in front of him. "Hey, what's wrong?"

He blubbered, "Umma, I'm afraid. I had a bad dream. The monster will comes out from below my bed and it would eat me up." You smile heartily. *I never know he was afraid of monster when he himself love dino* You thought. You picked him up and brought him inside. 

"What's wrong?" Junsu asked curiously. "Bad dreams" you shrugged. Junsu nodded with an 'Oh'. He helped you to put another pillow between his and yours so Hojun can lie down there. 

You grabbed a small bolster and put it on between Hojun's leg. "Sleep well. Umma will protect you from the monster, okay?" You brush his bangs aside. He nodded and shut his eyes tightly. Junsu chuckled. He hugged Hojun from behind and whispering, "Appa will kill the monster right before he could eat you up, okay buddy?" Hojun nodded fright away and Junsu kiss his temple lightly. "Now sleep." he patted Hojun's duck and smirked.

You shook and give him a look. "Still ert don't you?" He shrugged innocently, "There's no harm. Or do you want it too?" he wiggled his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes annoyingly.


+ + +

Davichi - Don't Say Goodbye

On Saturday, the three of you are in the playground. Junsu was too busy playing soccer with Hojun. Hojun could easily kicked the ball into the goal since he's small and fast. Hojun shoot another goal. "Hurray! Umma, I won again!" he ran into your arms. "Aish! This shoes kept making trouble. Its sole's are exhausted already. " he throw the shoes away.

You and Hojun giggled. "Appa loses again." Hojun hi-fived you. "Yah! It's not because I can't play. Since you're a kid thats why I go easy on you kiddo." He kept on blabbering. You shugged away. Hojun stucked out his tongue at him.

"I don't want to play again!" he sulked. "Your too old to sulk." You handled him a sandwich. "Sirrheo!" he turned the other way. "Come on. He's just a kid. You're old already Oppa," you grabbed his hand and put the sandwich into his hand.


"Whatever," he stuffed a bite of the sandwich into his mouth. 

After the lunch, the three of you headed home. While the two of them were taking bath together, you're cleaning the house. Finished with the sweeping, you were thinking to check on Hojun when Junsu suddenly appeared in the living room. "And now, may I presented you, the most incredible Kim Hojun!," he moved away and let Hojun walked in. Hojun did the catwalk with his lion suit Junsu bought him a few days ago.

You watched his walking around the living room. "Doesn't this look good on me mummy?" he smile meekly and tilted his head up. You tapped on your bottom lip lighty as if you're thinking of something. You puckered your lip to the side. "I think it even look good if it was a bunny but my boy also look good on this lion," you pinched his cheeks. He stared at you with rounded eyes.

"Aww, I love you mummy," he hugged your legs. "How about me?" Junsu pouted. "I love daddy too." he blew him a kiss.

That night, Hojun was having a sleepover at Yoochun's house. You were reading a house interior's  magazines in the bedroom while Junsu was taking a bath. He comes in with a towel wrapped neatly around his waist. He wore a grey wifebeater with a black short and climbed on the bed next to you. 

He snatched a bolster from you all of a sudden. "Hey!" you put your magazine down. "What?" he innocently blinked. "I am using that one," you argued.  He shrugged. "Oppa," you whined. He ignored you and pretend to sleep. "Oppa!," you pinched his arm. He yelped, laughing sarcastically.

"Okay, okay," he handed it back to you. In a swift, he trapped you in between his arms. "What are you trying to do?" you asked, baffled. He smile andtucked a strand of your hair behind your ears. "I love you," he confessed. With only that words, he can melted your hearts easily. He leaned in to kiss you. 

It was awkward at first but then you started to responded to the kiss too. He kicked the magazine away with his foot. The kiss stay longer than you imagine. He nibbled on your bottom lip for an entrance and you willingly parted it away. You cupped his face. He pulled away slowly and gazed into your eyes lovingly.

"Let me make love to you tonight," he said with his husky voice and once again he leaned in. That night he make love to you.


+ + +

NS Yoon G ft Verbal Jint - What Do You Know

Soon it was Hojun's 5th birthday and you guys had planned to celebrate his birthday party at Bora Bora. Although the party is not as festal as other party, but still Hojun got a lot of present from some people that came. Yoochun had sponsored the decorations for the birthday party from his hotel. Hojun kept on running around the hallroom.

He suddenly bumped on you which makes him fall on his back. You quickly helped him. "You okay?" you picked him up. He giggled and nod. "I'm all okay! I'm strong enough!" he pumped his fist in the air. You sighed and shook. "Don't run anymore. You might trip again, arasso?"

He pecked your temple, "Okay mummy!" You chuckled and let him down. 

After the small party, Yoochun and the three of you have a private dinner by the sea view. "Congratulations buddy. You're official 5th now. Hurray!" Yoochun clapped. Hojun hi-fived him and giggled excitedly. Just in time, the waiters came and serve the dish. You guys start eating right away and out of the blue, Hojun put his spoon and fork down.

He turned to Junsu and you and held his palm out. Junsu blinked and turn to look at you. This time you're the one whom turned to look at him. Hojun blinked a few times innocently. "What?" Junsu finally spoke.

"Mummy, didn't I get any present?" he asked cutely when you had just eat your lamb chop. "Wasn't it was the party?" Junsu said naturedly. Hojun pouted. You were in your own thought at that time. *Why does this smells weird. and it makes me feel like wanna puke*

"But I want a present from appa because it's my first birthday with appa." He begged. "Umma, pity pleeeeassse," he pout cutely. "Okay, Umma will give you. Tell me wha- Hmmmpf" you cupped your mouth right away. All three of them look at you with wide eyes. "Are you okay?"Junsu worriedly asked. He put his utensils down. 

You nod. "I'm okay. It's just the lamb, it kinda smel- Hmmmpf!" there's something urging to come out from your throat. Junsu abruptly stand up. "Do you want to go back to the room?" he checked on your temperature to see if you were alright. You shook, "No." 

"But the lamb chop is fine." Yoochun said as he chewed it down. You shrugged. "Umma, are you okay? Were your stomach hurt?" he asked as he saw you hold your on your stomach. You widened. *Was it possible that...* You turned to Junsu bewilderedly. He looked at you curiously. "What was it?" he tilted his head to the side.

"Are you... pregnant?" Yoochun guess it out. "You are?" Junsu perked up. "I think I am since I still have not got my period." you shyly confessed. You bit your bottom lip. "I'm having a baby again? Woah! Yah, hyung, did you see? I'm going to have a baby again!" he jumped around, excitedly. Yoochun chuckled. Hojun bluntly looked at you. "Umma, what's happening?"

"Hojunnie! You're going to have a dongsaeng!" "And as your birthday present buddy," Yoochun smirked. "Hojun grinned brightly. "Really? Was it true mummy?" 

You nodded and the two of them hugged you. Yoochun still sitting there watching the family happy moments. "And when will I get married?" he shot you guys a jealous look. You guys burst out laughing at him.




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Chapter 11: DAeeeeehyunnieEE
Great oneshots! I especially loved the one with Myungsoo <333
Update soon~
Can't wait to get started reading these! :)
I love the poster x)
Wow......That is SO like me. I even play piano!!! Or did I tell you that?
OMO, that was so cute! You totally captured my personality! I WOULD do all of that stuff! Kekekekekeke~