DIARY: Can't you...

Only you


"Close but still far..

We are friends right ? But.. Tell me.. Why is it so hard to reach you ?.. Can't you see me the way I see you ?"

Same questions repeating each times. I'm tired. I dont want you to be hurt that's why I did all those things. Maybe you hate me but I love you. So why do I feel like the villain in the story ? It's true I told you bad things about your other half. Why ? Because that half of yours doesn't worth you !! Please trust me and open your eyes.


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They broke up. 

He's so distant. Why Jongin ??

His new "friends" I don't like them. They are the same who kept laughing at me... Don't do that... Please...


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I don't know what to do anymore. He knows about my feelings and maybe.. Yes.. Maybe that's the reason why he kept putting a distance between us. 


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I'm just lying. He doesn't want to be with me. The gap between us two is getting wider every time. He is unreachable for someone like me even with such a thing as an etiquette called "friends" because we stopped being that etiquette. "Hello" here and there, little talk... Stop lying.. We became nothing and just this word hurts me... I still love him..


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"I hate you but I love you at the same time"

This is insane I know.. But I still love you, even after all these years... 

Seeing you being destroy by those people.. I want to help you Jongin.. I meant Kai..

But you won't..

I love you and you know it. I don't need to tell these three words for you to know it. So, why can't I read you the same way you did about my feeling ? 

Let me try this one last time and I swear if I fail again I'll stop and move on




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