You're Bipolar Eunyoung

Love Letters

Minseo POV

“Yah, wake up. We’re going to be late for practice if we keep sleeping in like this.” Eunyoung exclaimed out of my phone into my luckless ears, “ I know it’s Saturday but we have to go practice since you lost.” I turn off the phone and twist in my bed hoping that she doesn’t wake me up from the magnificent dream I had.

Buzz Buzz

Ignoring it I flop around in my bed trying to get into the comfortable position again so I can fall asleep again.


“Minseo-ssi, can you possibly work in a MV for Infinite? They can’t find a female lead and they were hoping that you can fill in for that spot.” Hearing that my favourite idol group wants to work with me, my heart starts pounding inside my chest and I feel like I can explode of happiness any minute.

“Of course, I can. It’d be my pleasure to work with them.” And out walks my manager.   

*End of Dream*

Eunyoung POV

What is that Minseo doing right now? That girl needs to wake up this moment or else we’re not going to get anything done for the Woolim audition. I run out the house in a oversized tshirt and shorts with my long hair up in a ponytail for Minseo’s house. Since she lives down the street, I get there in less than a few minutes. Panting, I knock on the front door waiting for uncle or auntie to open the door.

“Eunyoung-ah, what a surprise. Are you looking for Minseo?” Auntie Park asks me in the calm soothing voice she has.

“Yes auntie.” Auntie Park motions for me to go inside the elegant house that I’ve rarely been inside.

“Ahhh, she’s still upstairs sleeping. Do you want to go get her?” I nod taking off the pair of white converse I slipped on, as I walk more into the intriguing house I notice that it’s a mix of a modern house and a traditional korean house.

As soon as I get to Minseo’s room I remember the entire point of this trip to her house, getting mad that she’s not putting enough effort for her oppas, I open the door only to find her in the bed saying “L oppa, Woohyun oppa, Dongwoo oppa, I love you guys.” I smirk knowing I can always now with this accident I walk to the front of her and shake her awake.

Minseo POV

“Umma! I think there’s an earthquake!!!” I run for my desk to find Eunyoung laughing at me. “YAH THAT’S NOT FUNNY!”

“Sorry but you were saying L oppa, Woohyun opp and Dongwoo oppa I love you guys in your dream.” Right away I feel my cheeks turn to a bright shade of red, I guess you can compare me to a tomato or an apple.

“Shh, let’s never mention that again. Anyways what are you doing here?” I ask her clearly forgetting the fact that she just called me a few minutes ago.

“You forgot already? We need to practice remember?” Oh right, practice because I lost to that stupid bet we made.

“Yes, I remember. Just stay inside my room while I go shower and change.” I grab an oversized tshirt and some spandex shorts from nike before running to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

“Don’t forget to hurry up!”

“Yes, Umma!”  


“I thought that you were going to take forever” Eunyoung says jokingly and throws a towel in my face.

“Yah, stop it. I thought you said that we need to leave.” I grab a hair tie and walk out of my room leaving Eunyoung dumbstruck in there.

“Hey! Wait up for meeeee!” Scream Eunyoung as she catches up to me to pull my ponytail.

“What was that for? Hm? Hm? Hm?” I try to stare into her soul so I can scare her a bit, but in reality it just makes her laugh since I have to look up to stare into her eyes because of our height difference.

“You know it doesn’t work right?” She laughs as we walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, “Hi Auntie Park.” She says and bows 90 degrees the moment we see my umma.

“You’re bipolar Eunyoung,” I tell her.

“Not as bipolar as you, have you seen yourself when people mention your L oppa or any of your Infinite oppas?” With that she earns a smack on the arm which causes her to pout at me. “You should apologize for smacking me in the arm.”

“Nah,” I said walking towards the fridge to grab a bottle of water, “You should apologize for storming into my house this early on a Saturday.” She goes over to the plate of toasts and puts it in as we leave my house to go to a dance studio nearby.

“Bye Umma, I’ll be home at 3pm and I bought lunch already.” Umma nods at me, shooing me away with her hand while she goes back to baking. We run a few laps before making our way to the dance studio to start practicing the dancing parts to Mr.Chu again.

“Do you want some water? It’s already the fifth time we’ve practiced with music today.” Eunyoung asks me with my water bottle in her hand, stretching her arm out she passes me water.

“Thanks,” I chug down the water not caring about my looks, “That was refreshing, do you want to keep dancing or should we call it a day?”

“It’s up to you,” Eunyoung tells me taking my water away putting it into my bag.“I think we should practice with the music one more time and go home. It’s already 3:05pm, your mom might get worried if we practice more.” She gets up from the ground, walks towards the music player and starts the song. We do the dance from top to bottom once before we decide to call it a day.

“You know, I wouldn’t have experienced this in my life.” I say to Eunyoung on our walk home. “Thanks for making sure I lost the bet, I know you told Youngsook to be my friend.” Eunyoung stops walking while her face turns into a bright shade of red.

“How did you find out?” She smiles sheepishly at me, “I didn’t want you to find out at all.”

“Don’t worry Eunyoung, I’m not mad at you. If anything I’m thankful for a chance to experience this.”

“Really?” She jumps up happily and skips back the rest of the way home. “You know your Infinite oppas probably all had the same experience as us right now but earlier.”

“Shhh, don’t talk about oppas unless you want me to go into a full on fangirl mode and spill everything I know about them.”

“Nevermind, but it won’t even matter since we’re already at your house. Bye Minseo, see you tomorrow.” I wave goodbye to her before closing the front gate.

I hope I get a chance to become an idol so I can meet Infinite oppas and have a conversation with them. I would love to be one of their girlfriends, especially L but then I also want him to end up with someone he loves dearly. If I were to ever meet oppas I wouldn’t want to be a scary fan, I think they deserve the privacy that most idols don’t have. Maybe being an idol would mean having no privacy at all. The Woollim audition is soon, should I bring it up with Eunyoung?

SG: Yah authornim when do we get to be featured? 

SY: Yah Yah Yah, I want to be in this. It's so boring without us. 

WH: All the readers are missing me. *throws hearts* 

Author: Don't worry, you'll be introduced very very soon. You need paitence oppas. 


SG: Yah Dongwoo stop laughing, we're not even in the story right now. 

HY: What's going on here? 

SJ: Hyung, you see that authornim right there?

HY: Yes. *points at author*

Author: I'm innocent please don't sass me Sungjong oppa. 

SJ: She's not putting us into her story, we're not even featured yet. 

WH:*gasp* You mean the readers don't even know about my existence? 

Author: Come on guys, it's not that extreme. 

SG: What do you mean not that extreme? 

SY: Hmph 

SJ: I'm going to quit being in your story if I'm not mentioned in the next two chapters. 

Author: Aish guys let's not do that. Go home and I rest, I'll make sure all of you are in the next chapter. 

L: Okay, bye author. 







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i look forward to the first chapter