Chapter 1

Welcome to Korea's Elite

Hana POV

My alarm clock rang and I got up after rolling in her bed for a while. I sat in front of the mirror and put on my make up and tied my hair into a ponytail after I brushed my teeth and showered, and proceeded to put on my school's uniform. I came from quite an underprivileged family as I got into this school with scholarships since I'm extremely intelligent and athletic, my parents had to scrape up a lot of money for my uniform, however, and I treats it as if it's holy since I don't want to get it dirty.

"Hana, you better hurry or you're going to be late for the first day of school!" my mother yelled from the kitchen.

"Don't worry mom! I'm leaving now!" I responded as I headed out the door and ran to my normal meeting spot with Seohyun. 


Suho POV

"It's time to wake up, young master!" the maid said from outside the door.

"I understand." I said with my normal and cold tone of voice. I quickly brushed his teeth, showered, looked into the mirror and smirked, and left the mansion into my limousine and was on my way to the first day of school. "Well, time for another boring year, it's gonna be the usual, girls trying to get my attention and wannabes trying to by my friend, but whatever, it's my last year of high school anyways." I said to myself as I sighed and looked out the window. I saw two girls, one of them was Seohyun, her family owned Seo Department Store, but I never understood why she always acted like she was poor. "Who's the chick next to her?" I could already tell she was poor, hair disastrously done, even the way she walked lacked any grace whatsoever. "Hopefully she gets bullied out soon enough." I said with distaste.


Hana POV

Seohyun arrived a few minutes later and we walked to the school together, Seohyun's family was extremely wealthy as I've seen her house, but HI had no clue what her family did as Seohyun preferred not to talk about it, Seohyun was also very humble since she always walked to school and didn't own anything extravagant. A limo passed by and I felt a pair of eyes on me, I quickly turned around and made eye contact with cold brown eyes, for that split second I felt the chills down my spine until the limo zoomed past. I shook off the feeling and hurried my steps towards the school. "So, you excited for school today? You just transferred, hopefully you like it!" Seohyun exclaimed.

"Hopefully I do too, haha." I was actually quite nervous as this was the school for Korea's elite, Seoul Elite Academy. I've heard of other poor kids who've been bullied out of the school, hopefully the same doesn't happen to me. Thankfully I have Seohyun, whom I've known since we were kids. We finally arrived at the school and rushed inside to get to our lockers and classrooms. "Hurry, Seohyun! We've gotta get to ou-" I crashed into a figure. I stood up, "Ah, Mianhae.. Gwenchana?" 

"Are you ing kidding me? My God, the first day of school and an irrelevant crashes into me" He stood up and glared at me, "listen, do you know who I am? I'm the son of Mr. Lee, Hoya, you better watch out girl." He looked me up and down and scoffed, "Hope you have fun during your short stay here." he said sarcastically. 

"Well alright I take back my statement jackass, I'll do what I want so piss off." I retorted. Did I mention I can be extremely rude and cold if I'm pissed off? He turned around.


"You heard her Hoya, now get out of here." Seohyun said sharply, and that's the reason why we're friends. He looked at her.

"Hmph, interesting. You've changed, Seohyun." What's that supposed to mean?

"So have you. Let's go now Hana-yah, we can talk later cause I know you're curious." I nodded and walked to class.


Suho POV

I watched the whole fight, and I'll give it to her, the girl's pretty interesting I'll give her that, maybe she'll last longer than I thought. I turned around and walked to my friends Hoya, Sehun, and JB. "Well well, tough guy over here got his handed to him by the new girl and Seohyun." JB teased.

"Oh shut it." He replied and we all bursted into laughter. We went to our classes and I looked at the seating chart, I'm sitting next to some girl named Hana... Isn't that the girl from earlier? Nah I doubt it. I went to my seat and waited for class to start and soon enough the girl from earlier comes and sits right next to me, just my luck. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Hana." she said flatly with a fake smile, I ignored her. "and a good morning to you too." she muttered as I focused on class. In the middle of the class I found myself staring out the window to my left and the sunlight happened to hit Hana's face, I never realized it but she was actually pretty cute, beautiful even. I couldn't think of anything else. "Need anything?" she looked over coldly, my face instantly changed back to how it was.

"Just noticed how ugly you are." I said smirking, "We don't like folks like you around here, hopefully you leave soon." Her eyes showed hurt for a quick second and she rolled her eyes and turned around. Stop thinking about her Suho, don't associate yourself with a poor girl. Class continued until the door burst open.


Hana POV

Suho's words really hit hard and I don't know why, normally I don't care what anyone says about me, but why do I feel like this? Why should whatever he say matter? Ugh, he's an idiot that I shouldn't care about anyways, a really really really cute idiot. I rolled my eyes and turned around and I was listening to the lecture again until some man burst through the doors and shouted, "Hana, is that you?! I've finally found my daughter after all these years!" The strange man ran to me and hugged me, I was extremely confused and couldn't make out anything, all I could do was stare wide-eyed at the man.

"Appa?!" I turned around to see Hoya looking just as confused as I was. Well this was an interesting first day of school.



There's the first chapter! Hopefully you all enjoyed and I'm looking forward to writing more, the next update should be within the next few days! How do you guys like length of the chapter? Should it be shorter? longer? comment below! Thanks to everyone reading!

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