
Alluring Blonde

On the first day I came to the Seoul branch of Bee's Love, I notice him sitting the wide window of Cha Cafe, with the sunlight making his blond hair glow. He looks like an angel and he took my breath away.

"What are you looking at?" Taemin, my cousin asks. Great! I forgot that my nosy cousin is here today helping me with the shop.

"Nothing. So, what do you think? Is it nice?" I look around my shop. The walls is soft honey yellow. The shelves are in the shape of bee hives and the ambiance is cozy and homey.

"It's the same like the shop in Busan. Everything is the same." Yes, Captain Obvious, thank you! I really want to smack his head.

"This is a franchise of Bee's Love in Busan, of course it's the same." Taemin is indifferent. I wonder whether it is the right decision in giving him to manage the Busan shop. But, Jongin will manage it with him, so everything will be fine. I pray it will be fine.

"Wonshik, I'm hungry. Let's go eat at the cafe. I really need something cold right now." We both walk to the cafe across from my shop. The cool air from the a/c feels nice on my heated skin.

I look to my left and notice that the blond staring wordlessly at the guy sitting across from him. The guy is talking animatedly with his hand flying around but he just stares without any expression.

"What a cold guy." I thought to my self.

"Well, thank you for listening, you dip! Can't you at least say goodbye? You little... Urgh!" I turn around in time to see the blond beauty walks out the door. The guy turns toward us and plastered a smile on his face.

"Hi! I'm Cha Hakyeon, but you can call me N. I'm the proud owner of Cha Cafe. Welcome! So, how are you? How can I help?" Wow! This guy doesn't stop for a breather.




There are times that I regretted going to Cha Cafe, and today is the day. Hakyeon just won't stop talking.

"I honestly feel that book is written beautifully. I really like the plot and the characters development, but there's one thing that I don't understand... Oh! Leo's here. Bye Ravi!"

I feel relief when Hakyeon left my store. He's a good guy but he rivaled Taemin in the nosy and noisy department and the nickname!

"I think this name is good for you. In French it means ‘to be enchanted by’ or ‘to be attracted to’. And you my friend, is attracting someones attention."


I look out the window and notice Hakyeon is talking to Leo. As usual, Leo is ignoring Hakyeon. I wish I had that kind of attitude towards Hakyeon. I noticed that Leo starts to stare out of the window after my second week of open shop. At first I just ignore it, but if a person keep staring at your shop, you'll notice it eventually. Since then, I've been waiting for him everyday.

While I was daydreaming about what I would like to do to Leo if given the opportunity, I heard a voice whisper in my ears.

"So, when are you going to bang him?"

"What? Hyung! What?" I knew my face is beet red. Oh my God! I swear sometimes Jaehwan is an alien. Did he read my mind or something?

"Uhuh. You mouth say something else, but your mind..." He smiles and look down. I follow his eyes and notice that my daydreaming is making me half hard. I wish the floor would open up and swallow me now. Without a word, I excuse myself to the washroom. 



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Chapter 2: I love this so much I wish it was longer, but it's so good.