
Peter Pan?

Mina felt everything became even more complicated than before. Nayeon seemed to be hiding something and Momo had been acting like they’re close lately, even though they rarely talked before that incident. She was confused and this matter kept on stressing her.

Ever since she told Nayeon that someone knocked her window that time, she had been acting extremely cautious when she came to visit. She had talked less than before and sometimes they only sat next to each other without saying a word. 

And ever since Mina told Momo about Nayeon, even though she didn’t say her name, Momo had been following Mina non-stop at school. The blonde had been telling her a thousand times already that she wanted to be close with her again and she was worried for her safety.

Mina sighed as she watched the house beside her was full of people wearing black clothes. Today was the funeral of Jungyeon, the girl who was living next to her house. Poor Jungyeon, she seemed like a good person. She then put on her black outfit, sighing in process for the nth times of the day.

“You look beautiful” Mina turned her head quickly when she heard a familiar voice. She almost had a heart attack when she saw Nayeon, standing on her balcony, with her usual black outfit.

Mina swore her heart almost jumped out of its cage. Seriously, can’t she just knock or something? The red haired girl took a deep breath to calm her heart. “Nayeon? What are you doing here?” She raised her eyebrows in confusion. “It’s only five”

“Can’t I join the funeral?” Nayeon grinned, showing her bunny-like front teeth.

“Huh?” Mina furrowed her eyebrows, “you know Jungyeon?”

“Nah” The black haired girl shrugged, “but I have talked to her before when I visited you, so technically we knew each other”

Mina was not convinced with her excuse but she shrugged it off anyway. If Nayeon was the killer, she wouldn’t kill her in front of many people right? And even though she was being kind of suspicious, deep down, Mina trusted her.

“Let’s go together now” Nayeon said again when she saw Mina was lost in her own thoughts. “We can’t miss her funeral”



The sky was dark as the rain fell little by little. The cemetery was filled with gloom and sadness as cries and sobs were heard everywhere.

Mina stood far in the back with Nayeon beside her who was holding on a black umbrella. Somehow she felt her heart fluttered when she glanced at the girl beside her who was holding the umbrella that was slightly tilted to her side so that she wouldn’t get wet as they stood in silence. She blushed when she thought of a similar scene in a drama.

Mina then shook her head to get that weird thought out of her mind, they were at a funeral and someone had just passed away for good’s sake, it was not the time to think about stuff like that.

“Have you ever talked to Jungyeon?” Nayeon asked suddenly as she turned her head and stared at Mina, who was already staring at her.

Mina blushed when she was caught red handed staring at her. She shifted her gaze at the big tree behind Nayeon. “Yeah, I talked to her once before”

“I see, what did you talk about?”

“A lot of things, like she was often alone because her parents went overseas and left her often, and she liked to play skateboard around the neighborhood. I didn’t really remember” Mina said, “she seems like a-“ The girl suddenly halted mid sentence when she saw a familiar girl, standing a little far away from them, leaning on the tree. She narrowed her eyes and gasped when she saw her friend.

“Jihyo?” She furrowed her eyebrows.

Nayeon glanced behind her quickly without doing anything suspicious. “The girl who is leaning on the tree? Do you know her?"

“She is my friend, I didn’t know she know Jungyeon, why didn’t she tell me about it?” Mina tilted her head.

“Why don’t you call her?” Nayeon shrugged.

Before Mina could call her, Jihyo turned her head to her, like she felt someone had been staring at her. Mina waved to the shorter girl and Jihyo seemed surprised to see her there. She seemed like contemplating on what to do as she fiddled with her shirt for a while. Jihyo then smiled before she left.

“Huh? That’s weird” Mina watched as Jihyo walked rather quickly to a black car, parked not far from where she was standing earlier. “She walked away just like that, I wonder what happened?”

“Maybe she didn’t expect you to be here?” Nayeon shrugged, “I don’t know, is she always like that?”

Mina kept mum, Jihyo was acting weird, why is everything so weird and suspicious these days? Mina sighed, was it just her who overthink about everything?

“Now now loosen up a little bit” Nayeon chuckled, “now that we’re outside anyway, let’s go grab something to eat”

“What?” Mina widened her eyes in shock, she almost broke her neck when she quickly turned her head to stare at Nayeon.

“Uh… let’s go grab something to eat?” Nayeon chuckled when she saw Mina’s shocked face. “I mean, is it that weird for me to ask you out?”

“H-huh?” Mina blushed, “what are you talking about?” She cleared as she heard Nayeon laughed. “It’s just really weird of you, since you never asked that before. We were usually stuck in my room for months.”

“I know you want to go out with me” Nayeon winked.

“W-what? No!” Mina said in panic as she felt her cheeks burnt from embarrassment.

Nayeon chuckled, “I’m just kidding, but I’m really hungry right now, and like what you said, we never actually go out of your room, so let’s enjoy today’s date!”

“D-date?” Mina blushed for the nth times.

“Yeah, a date” Nayeon grinned, taking Mina by her wrist and dragged her away from the depressing cemetery.



After a while, both of the girls arrived at a restaurant not so far from the cemetery. They both settled down as the waitress came over to bring the menu. Mina still couldn’t believe that Nayeon had just asked her to eat together, knowing that she used to be really secretive about everything.

“What do you want to order?” Nayeon asked casually as she turned over the page, scanning the menu in front of her.

“Umm… steak sounds good” Mina said. She glanced over Nayeon who acted like nothing was wrong and like they had been doing this a million times before when in fact, it’s their first outing. Mina felt like she had been overthinking a lot lately so she told herself to enjoy her time with Nayeon, because honestly she had always wanted to go outside of her room when she was with her.

Mina watched as Nayeon called the waitress to tell their order.

“So” Nayeon smiled when the waitress had gone to bring their food. “Do you like the restaurant? I used to eat here a lot”

“Really?” The red haired girl replied awkwardly, “Uh, Nayeon, why did you suddenly want to go out anyway?” she decided to ask before this question drove her insane.

“Well, I figure I have met you for months already and we never had a proper outing together, that’s why” Nayeon shrugged, “and you know, I’ve become really quiet in your room lately”

“I noticed that too” Mina tilted her head, “why did you do that?”

“Because you have been occupying my mind lately and I was at loss of word when I saw you” Nayeon grinned cheekily.

“Wha-? That doesn’t make sense!” Mina turned her head away, hiding her red cheeks from embarrassment.

“Alright I was just kidding, though part of it is kind of true anyway” Nayeon chuckled when Mina blushed even harder than before. “Actually, there are some things I wanted to talk to you about, but we should just enjoy our time a little bit more, you know”

Mina tilted her head in confusion, “so there is a reason why you take me out today”

“Well yeah, of course” Nayeon rested her chin on her palm, “But for now, let’s just enjoy our time”

Mina was about to ask about the matter, but when the waitress came, bringing their food to the table, she decided to talk about it later when they finished eating.

Before they knew it, they were lost in their own conversations while they were eating until the things Nayeon was about to tell her earlier, totally went out of their head.

That day was enjoyable for both Nayeon and Mina. After they ate, they went shopping around the district and bought a lot of clothes and matching accessory. Mina almost forgot the reason why Nayeon actually took her out that day and instead she got carried away with their so-called date. She really didn’t know when was the last time she had this much fun since she was always stressed out, thinking about the murder case and how suspicious the people around her were.

Nayeon sighed in content, “How was it?” She grinned seeing the same content look on Mina’s face. “Did you have fun today?”

Mina chuckled as she nodded, “It was so much fun”

Both of them were now in a coffee shop near Mina’s house to chill. It was already 8 pm and the two were ready to go home.

“Oh yeah! The reason!” Nayeon raised her eyebrows, “I almost forgot since we had so much fun today” she chuckled.

Ah right. Mina mentally hit her own head. She was really curious about it earlier, how could she forget about it? 

“What about it?” Mina straightened her position and observed the black haired girl as her expression turned serious.

“I know I’ve been acting really secretive about everything since the day I came, and honestly until now, I still can’t tell you everything about me” Nayeon watched as Mina’s expression saddened. “But here is the thing” she whispered, looking around briefly. “I’m pretty sure, our conversations when we were in your room were tapped”

Mina widened her eyes in surprise.”Wh-what?!”

“I know! But calm down” Nayeon put her finger on her lips, telling her to lower her voice. “I know something was odd, since someone knocked on your window when the only person who knew I came to your balcony was only you, and probably your father, but it doesn’t count, unless you told somebody else about it” Nayeon observed Mina’s expression, “at that time, I didn’t come and I’m pretty sure, someone else came to test whether you would look for me or not to prove that I really came and the story you’re telling that person is not just a random story”

“Now the question is, who is that person, Mina?”

Mina gulped, her theory was somehow spot on, and she felt really guilty telling someone else about her when she had promised her before. But it was just in a spur of moment, she didn’t even realize she had told Momo everything about what happened.

“So you did tell someone else about me” Nayeon sighed, a little disappointed, “don’t worry Mina, seriously, just tell me her name and what kind of person she is”


“Oh hey Mina” Both Mina and Nayeon turned their head to the source of the voice and Mina almost fainted right there and then. What a perfect timing.

It was Hirai Momo.

“M-Momo…” Mina gulped, glancing at Nayeon from the corner of her eyes. The girl was drinking her coffee like nothing had happened.

“Who is this? Ah is she your friend that visited you every day?”

Mina swore she saw a mischievous smirk on Momo’s face before she smiled like what she usually did. And she swore she saw Nayeon tightened her grip on the cup she was holding as she greeted the blonde girl with a forced smile.

“I see you both still hang out together” Momo smiled as she sat on an empty chair beside Mina. “You don’t mind if I join you right?”

Mina stared at Nayeon who looked uncomfortable, but she nodded anyway.

“I need to go to the toilet” Nayeon whispered as she stood up from her seat. She didn’t even wait for Mina’s answer and just walked away quickly.

Momo tilted her head, “She seems suspicious” she shrugged.

Mina could only watch the two girls in confusion. Who are they? It feels like they have something going on behind my back that I don’t know about. Who actually is Hirai Momo? Who actually is Im Nayeon? Who can I trust?

“I know I had told you this stuff, but I really think she is dangerous” Momo turned her attention to Mina. “It’s already late, what did you guys do?”

“We were just shopping” Mina sighed.

“Really?” Momo raised her eyebrows.

“And? How about you?” The red haired girl observed the blonde girl beside her in suspicion.

“I was just about to get a coffee since there are a lot of home works I haven’t finished yet” She reasoned.

As Momo spoke, Nayeon had come back from the toilet as she sat across the two Japanese girls. She looked much calmer than before as she drank her coffee.

“So, what is your name?” Momo spoke up after a few seconds of silence.

Nayeon smirked, “why did you want to know?” she challenged as she rested her arms on the table, leaning forward as she stared at Momo, straight in the eye. “Who are you anyway? I never saw you before”

Mina noticed Momo was slightly taken aback by Nayeon’s sudden daring behavior, but she gained her composure not long after. “Why? Are you some kind of a mysterious person that even your name is a secret?” Momo challenged back, “I’m Mina’s friend, if you never saw me before, then you haven’t known Mina long enough to tell”

“Okay guys seriously now?” Mina sighed, sensing the unfriendly behavior from both Nayeon and Momo. “I-“

Momo suddenly got up from her seat, cutting Mina’s words. “I just remember I need to work on a task that was due tomorrow, I can’t really stay long here, I came for a mere coffee anyway” she said, not taking her eyes off of Nayeon on purpose.

“I’m sorry for disturbing your time” Momo turned her head to Mina as she gave her a small smile before she left the coffee shop.

As soon as Momo went out the door, Nayeon let out a relief sigh. “What a scary friend you have there” she chuckled.

“I’m sorry I told her about you, I had told her everything before I knew it” Mina pouted.

“It’s okay” Mina watched as Nayeon drank her coffee with a mysterious smile on her face.

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This was so good, I'm in love.
Everything was so well written and their characterization and the plot, I'm in awe. And the plot! I loved.
When Momo started being close to Mina again I actually suspected her, but then Nayeon started being weird too and I swayed, she was just SO secretive. And Jihyo too!
I hope you write more for MinaYeon :3
KidLeaderTY #2
Chapter 5: I'm curious rn. Why did Momo killed them?
Chapter 5: wow this is daebak :) I love it tysm for writing this. aww poor jeongyeon and dubu :( seriously , I can't imagine momo being a killer here lol my mokbal is so bad haha
lmao jihyo u can still smile after failed to protect jeongyeon ._.
ohmygosh , nabong I'm your peterpan ? really lol
my minayeon such a cheeseball :D
Chapter 5: wow this is daebak :) I love it tysm for writing this. aww poor jeongyeon and dubu :( seriously , I can't imagine momo being a killer here lol my mokbal is so bad haha
lmao jihyo u can still smile after failed to protect jeongyeon ._.
ohmygosh , nabong I'm your peterpan ? really lol
my minayeon such a cheeseball :D
blanketlove 93 streak #5
Chapter 5: nice story!!!! im not used to momo being a bad person though ahahah
Chapter 5: you know what author-nim, rn, like, right now, i only sit on my chair, stare blankly to my laptop and didn't know how to react for this story. seriously, this is the best. well, you're the best. ^~^b
jungkookswife13 #7
Chapter 5: Argh! Nayeon is so sweet here like OMG BAE STAHP PLIS.

I really thought that Nayeon would be the killer or Mina tho. But I can't stand having a sad ending, so I stuck with the other side of my brain that's indicating that Momo IS the killer.

I hope you'll write more MiNayeon stories author-nim! I totally loved this story <3
Chapter 5: Oh dang but I like dark plots... You know, minds that would leave you pondering for days.. Weeks.. Or until next update
KimchiSoup #9
Chapter 5: I really enjoy this story!! Please write more Minayeon^^ Thank you!