The Liger

Spartace's Random Interactions
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It was an ordinary day and the were having the Running Man filming. When they were on they short break for lunch, HaHa suddenly stood up and announced.

HaHa: You and you (Pointed at jae Suk and Suk Jin). I warn the two of you when Jong Kook hyung's daughter is born, make sure the two of you keep your son away from her as far as possible! Make as well send them to America or some where else!

Jae Suk: What are you talking about? Why should we do that?

Suk Jin also nodded his head agree.

HaHa: Because the little liger later can only be my daughter in law! She will be Dream's wife!

Jong Kook: Dong Hoon ah... What is Ji Hyo give birth to a son?

HaHa:... Then... Then make sure you make him stay away from my Dream! I don't want my Dream to be bully by your son like his father got bully by you!

By Lina~

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retfhej #1
Chapter 41: Hope you continue writing!!!
retfhej #2
Chapter 33: Sooo sweet♡♡♡♡
Syhrhisa #3
Chapter 29: It so sweet.. almost tearin up. Ahh how i wish they truly in relationship...
Syhrhisa #4
Chapter 11: Hahahahahaha i cant imagine if this is really happening on their set hahahahahaha
Syhrhisa #5
Chapter 4: Aaahhhh i just cant!! Too sweetttt!!
Syhrhisa #6
Chapter 3: Yah so funny this one! And sweet also
beatupoldbeetle #7
Chapter 36: So funny. Youve captured the rm characters so well and in the previous chapters also. :)
beatupoldbeetle #8
Chapter 29: First time seeing him sing this. And I fall deeper. Lol
Ash-mongji #9
Chapter 36: Hahaha..kwang soo oppa always be a betrayer..ours girin..
reika_love #10
Chapter 41: ??? nggg...???