Arrival and Departure

Airport Sonder

Bobby smiled as the van pulled into Incheon International Airport. He knew there would be a moment of chaos before they got through security, but he looked forward to the time they would have after security where it he would just be able to be. No fangirls, no probing cameras. He would be able to just be himself with his favorite friends and no one else. He pulled his hood up as the van door opened as cold air from outside flooded inside. Bag were unloaded and soon they were inside waiting in the check-in line. He waited idly with the other members and smiled as YunHyeong started to dance sleepily in line next to him. All of them had either sunglasses or a face mask on and Bobby was still in the mindset that they weren't celebrities. They weren't famous enough for anyone to recognize them. But, of course, the crowd of fangirls lurking around the line was an obvious giveaway. 

After they had checked in, they went upstairs for food. Jinhwan, Chanwoo, and Junhoe went to find ramen. BI, Yunhyeong, and Donghyuk preferred Korean food and Bobby tagged along with them. The table they sat at was open to the rest of the airport rather than being in the enclosed space of the restaurant. Bobby smiled excitedly as their food came out and prepared to dig in. Just as he picked up his chopsticks and was about to take a bite, a very familiar melody drifted his way from the large corridor of the airport. It was L4L (Lookin' For Luv), one of the songs he had performed for Show Me The Money 3. He followed the trace of music until his eyes fell on a girl. She was frantically digging through the small pocket of her Totoro  printed backpack to fish out her phone, from which the song was eminating. She had short pastel, dusty rose colored hair and she was dressed casually. She didn't seem out of the ordinary, but although she rushed to take out her phone, she paused for a moment to bob to the music. She was close enough that Bobby could hear quietly rap along to the lyrics

Turn down for what. I'm just lookin for luv 

Turn down for what, I'm just lookin for luv

If you didn't know, now you know, baby baby

Bobby couldn't help himself from breaking into a smile and he barely contained his laughter. It was such a cute and odd thing to do, Bobby couldn't help himself. BI and Donghyuk glanced at him already knowing why he was laughing.

Finally the girl answered the phone. "Yoboseyo?" she called as she moved closer to their side of the corridor to keep out of people's way. "Oh hi, unnie. No, I just got the airport.... What? No. It's just a quick trip home for the holidays.... Yeah. I'll be back in February some time... No, nothing out of the ordinary at the airport....Yeah going to go through security soon." The girl paused her conversation to laugh. "No, I won't be sad I'm missing iKon's concert. Family time is more important. I'm sure they'll be performing again. And since Infinite is coming to LA there's no problem.... No I won't jump on stage I promise.... Alright. I'll see you in February." She hung up and Bobby realized he had unintentionally listened to her whole conversation. She smiled as she put her phone in her pocket and began to walk away. 

Bobby smiled. She was their fan, but she had no idea more than half of iKon was sitting right under her nose. He felt a little mischevious and proud at the same time. He went back to his food and continued to watch the girl as she began to walk away. People and their personal lives always fascinated him. He always liked to people watch and make up background stories behind people just for fun. 

"JeeYoon-ah!!" some voice called..

Bobby dismissed it until he saw the girl whip around and smile widely at the person who owned the voice. Bobby discretely followed her line of vision and his eyes landed on a young man around their age in a military uniform. The girl, or JeeYoon, ran to him and he caught her in his arms. "Oppa!" she cried as she looked up into his face. "Did you take your day off at the base to come see me??" she asked incredulously. 

The man laughed and detatched himself from her. "Of course," he said in Korean before lapsing into English. "I had to see my best friend off at the airport. Also it's a apology because I'm in the army and can't see you often." 

For some reason Bobby's heart felt relief at the fact that he was just her friend. BI nudged him. "Who is that?" he asked. "I can't understand."

Bobby laughed. "What are we doing? Watching a drama?" he asked jokingly to BI. "He's her friend from the army. He said he's sorry he couldn't see her often because he's off in the army. 

BI nodded and they both absorbed back into the storyline of another person's life. 

"What about your family?" JeeYoon asked in Korean. "Won't they be sad you didn't go see them?"

"They live too far away, plus I can see them whenever. I can't see you all the time. But anyways, come on. I'll buy you coffee. Let's find a cafe. When do you have to go through security?"

They began to walk away and disappointment stirred in Bobby. He was having a lot of fun with that one. "I felt like we should have said something," Donghyuk murmured to him. "She seemed so nice." 

Bobby smiled. "Yeah, she did," he conceded. "But we can't please all the fans." 


- In the Security Line - 

Bobby waited with the rest of iKon in the security line. There weren't that many people but for some reason Bobby was bored and he just wanted to sit and possibly sleep. He glanced around, unsure of what he was looking for until a dusty pink head caught his attention. She was standing maybe six or seven people behind them. He smiled as he watched her rock on her feet to a song with her headphone plugged firmly into her ears. He eyes wandered dreamily and at one point seemed to fall on him but then passed over him absently. 

"What are you looking at?" BI asked waving his hand in front of Bobby's face jokingly. Before Bobby could answer, BI's eyes followed his and landed on the girl. "Oh," he said knowingly. "You should go talk to her," he said jokingly. And although to BI it was a joke, to Bobby he was seriously considering it. 

Security passed easily then immigration and finally Bobby breathed a sigh of relief. His sigh was cut short as a certain pink haired someone brushed past him on the way to her gate. Time seemed to slow as she passed by him. And although it was just a fleeting moment, he could hear her humming notes from their song, "Airplane." He smiled and could barely hold back his laughter at the irony of this situation. He gathered the boys together and they all agreed to surprise her. 

First, Bobby walked up beside her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around pulling out her headphones. She looked up at him, but realization didn't seem to hit. Bobby smiled a little at her oblivion. "Hi, sorry to bother you, but my friends and I aren't sure where our gate is. Could you help us?"

She paused for a minute. Suspicious written plainly on her face. "What gate number are you?" she asked finally.

"It's G48," he said showing her his ticket. 

"Oh, it's this way," she said after a moment of glancing at his ticket. "I'm going this way too. Do you want me to take you there?"

"Yeah, that'd be great," Bobby said almost bursting into laughter.

"Where are your friends?" she asked looking around. 

"Oh they're just over there. I'll go get them. Don't go anywhere," Bobby said jokingly. He waited for her to nod before running off to iKon's little group hugging the wall. "She didn't recognize me," he whisper laughed to the rest of them. 

"What?" they all gasped in incredulous shock. 

JeeYoon waited patiently as the mysterious stranger went to a small group of boys by the wall. The stranger had looked strikingly similar to Bobby, but she passed it off as a fluke. She was a little oblivious to iKon's schedule, but she didn't think they were leaving the country at this time. There was no way they'd be here and moreover there was no way they'd be asking for directions. Soon the stranger came back followed by the small group of boys. As they approached she narrowed her eyes. The first one looked like Bobby, but how did the one next to him look so much like BI, and the one slightly behind them like Donghyuk and the shorter one like Jinhwan. Relization struck like a freight train and she immediately covered her face and crouched on the ground. This was not happening. 

She could hear iKon laughing. "This isn't happening," she said more to herself. She peeked through her fingers up at the seven beautiful faces laughing down at her. "Oh my god," she said into her hands. She brought herself to stand but she couldn't uncover her face. 

"Get ready! Showtime!" they all chorussed. "We are iKon." They bowed to her.

Unfortunately all that came out was "no you're not!" Her face burned as they looked at her in shock. 

"Uh... yes we are," BI confirmed.

"Why are you doing this?" JeeYoon asked. "Is this some sort of event or hidden camera?" She looked around suspiciously for cameras or hidden crew. 

"No," Bobby laughed. "We heard your ringtone and you singing 'Airplane' earlier. We were right under your nose the whole time but you never noticed, so we decided to suprise you.... Suprise!" He laughed and JeeYoon's knees felt weak at the sight of his eye smile. 

"C'mon," he started again. "We'll walk you to your gate."

JeeYoon was still in shock as Bobby turned her towards their gates and began to walk. People had always told her that humming and singing to herself in public was a little weird, but look where it had got her. 

A/N: I will probably edit this because I got burnt out at the end. So I will hopefully go back and put in a little more story at the end. But this is what it will be for now. I'll edit it after I get a better idea of how I want it to end. ENJOY~! Thank you for reading. Please comment and let me know what you think 

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