Top Priority

A Doctor's Disease



“Are you even listening?!” My father barked at me while every one of my family members stayed silent “I said that we are going to that hospital to get you the treatment that you need tomorro-” I scoffed and stood up.

“That’s tomorrow - not tonight!” I shouted with annoyance at his stubborn behavior.

“You need to get some rest Sooju-” I glared at Jessica to keep her quiet.

The atmosphere was dark and my father’s eyes shone brightly in the dim lighting. He took a few steps until he was in my personal space. He’s getting angrier by the second, but unfortunately for him I stopped fearing him a long time ago.

If you fear something long enough, you begin to hate it.

“You are staying here” his voice was low and deep “You are not going to go and party with your friends this late at night.”

I snapped and shoved my way past him and stormed out of the house, not forgetting to slam the door behind me. I want to be able to live the way I want while I can, besides I don’t want to be in the same house as that man. I don’t think that he has the right to tell me what to do after the way he has been treating me.

I ran out into the night’s cool air and sprinted towards my boyfriend’s black sports car that was parked a few houses away. I quickly opened the door and shut it in a few seconds I was all buckled up and ready to go.

“Let’s go” I ordered.

In the corner of my eye I saw him nod his head as he obediently.

He started the car and the engine roared to life. Sulli lives far away from where I lived and it did take long for us to arrive at her house. We killed time by listening to whatever was on the radio at this time at night. Jongsuk beeped the horn and once he did that we waited for the tall brunette to emerge from her house.

“Krys,” Jongsuk looked at me with a dazzling smile, I returned the smile “Thanks for coming to my birthday.”

I nodded my head in response with a sweet smile.

He his lips as he gazed at mine, I smirked.

“Is that love or lust in your eyes?” I , he returned the smirk and leaned in for a kiss. He moved his lips in slow motion to express the passion that he had. Our kiss was interrupted when we heard a knock on the car window. We both stopped what we were doing and looked to see Sulli who was shivering from the cold wind.

Jongsuk quickly unlocked the car for Sulli and she was inside the car’s warmth in mere seconds.

“Buckle up.”Jongsuk instructed her to fasten her seatbelt.

He then drove to where the party was being held. Along the way Jongsuk seemed to be excited as he couldn’t stop smiling.I looked to the back where Sulli was sitting and she had been staring at me for who knows how long. I tilted my head in confusion, Sulli sighed as a response.

“You know that your fathe-” I cut her off from trying to get me to sympathise with my father.

“I quite frankly don’t care anymore.” I then looked out of the window to avoid Jongsuk and Sulli’s stare.


The music was extremely loud except the alcohol seemed to take away my concentration of the words, I mainly just focussed on the beat. I am sitting on the sofa where a couple is making out right next to me, but I shift my focus to my drink and took another sip. I used to think beer was bitter, but now I find that it relaxes me. I saw blurred visions of Sulli and Jongsuk waving their hands in front of me in an attempt to get my attention. My head began to throb and I felt it again.

‘Not now…’ I thought to myself.

I hissed between my teeth as my head vibrated much deeper than the bass in the music. I cradled my skull and in the process I could only hear my head thump. I stood up and pushed people out of the way so that I could get some fresh air, but that is when some drunk guy tripped over and pushed me over in the process. My head hit the ground first and that is when I out.


I heard muffled shouts and there was a loud thud that woke me up. I squinted my eyes to adjust them to the light and my vision became clear. I noticed that I was in my bed and that I couldn’t move that much. I looked around and saw Jessica, mom, Sulli and dad. They were all looking at something that was on the ground and that is when I looked to see what was there. My eyes widened at the sight of my boyfriend cupping his bleeding nose, blood was trickling down on to the floor. My eyes flared open and I knew who was responsible.

“Don’t touch him!” I screamed at my father once her was about to throw another punch at Jongsuk.

I tried to move, but my body was aching. Everyone was shocked to see that I was awake, they all instinctively rushed to my side, even Jongsuk made his way towards me.

“You’re awake!” My mother said with joy in her eyes.

“She wouldn’t have to be here in this condition if that boy,” my father pointed at Jongsuk “had of just let her stay home!”

“We don’t have time for this” Jessica spoke up “We need to get her to a hospital to see what is wrong with her.”

“We were rejected to go to the best hospital in Korea….” my mother said with sadness in her voice “What should we do?” she looked around at everyone searching for an answer.

“I got an idea,” Sulli spoke up after everyone was dead silent “My brother has a job interview with a medical staff and will have the opportunity to convince them to accept her”

“Her solution sounds like a fine plan,” My father agreed to the idea “I just hope Sulli’s brother Minho can solve our problem.”

And with those words Sulli called her older brother to ask him to do this for us. I laid in bed wondering how everything got so messed up so quickly.




I am currently sitting in the back section of the bus early this morning. The bus is empty except for the driver and I, it is usually like this at early hours in the morning. I am counting down the seconds before a receive a phone call from someone who wishes to become a male nurse in the hospital. This is going to be his official interview even though it isn’t face to face, It is now 5:40 am and he should contact me any second now.

The sound of an ambulance could be heard and that is my ringtone for my cellphone. I accepted the call and was about to greet him, but he spoke first.

“Ms Liu!” he shouted into the speaker “This is an emergency and I need to get to work quickly so that I may save those that are dear to others.” he spoke quickly and there was urgency in his voice. I paused to process the information that he just gave me.

“I get emergencies all of the time,” I spoke in a calm tone “What makes you think that I should set aside my other priorities to assist you?” I asked hoping that he realises that I am a busy person, but I am still willing to listen.

There was a brief moment of silence until his voice was heard over the line once more.

“What is your number one priority?” that was how he answered my question.

It wasn’t an easy thing to answer for me because it’s basically is telling him my weakness.

“My twin” I answered in a monotoned voice.


“What happened?” I quickly asked the teenaged boy who was holding on to something behind his back.

I looked at my younger twin as he laid on the grass wheezing.

“It-it was meant to be a-a joke.” he backed away slowly.

I checked my twin’s pockets for his inhaler, but I couldn’t find anything. Then it clicked, that teenager had it. For the first time in my life, I wanted to hurt someone. The person flinched, but then handed over the inhaler after apologizing many times. I snatched the inhaler from him and pulled out my phone to call an ambulance. I dialled the number and I was becoming a mess over the phone looking at the state that my twin was in. His skin was pale as his lips were a blue color from lack of oxygen. I held Jackson’s wrist and checked his pulse, it was faint.

“Jackson, listen to me,” I held him in my arms and he opened his eyes slightly “I’m here, it’s okay now.” I reassured him with a tight embrace.

“Hy...ung.” he managed to say in between his wheezes.

I tightened our hug and he responded with a whimper.

“Shhh….” I soothed him as I gently rocked him back and forth “ everyt-thing is going to be fine.” my voice cracked due to the tears welling up in my eyes.

With one deep wheeze he stopped breathing.

The ambulance shortly arrived and revived him just in time.

I never felt more scared to lose someone in my entire life.

Flashback Ended


“What would you do if your twin was buried six feet underground?” The asked another question.

I understood what he was doing to me right now, I didn’t want to answer anymore of his questions and so I decided to give him what he wanted.

“Bring the patient to the hospital and wait at the reception.” After that I hung up without waiting for a response.

The bus came to a halt and I got off in a hurry since I didn’t want the bus driver to notice my gloomy mood.

I shook my head to myself.

‘I can’t believe that I am bending the rules’


I walked through the doors and entered the main lobby at the hospital that is crowded with many different people ranging from ill, to broken limbs and family members for support. Out of all the people there, only two people caught my attention.

A teenaged girl and a little boy. The girl was kneeling down to the boy’s height and the little boy was his thumb. I found the sight refreshing, I was about to approach the peaceful scene until the beautiful girl raised her angelic voice and said:

“Santa doesn’t exist!”

My jaw dropped and my body froze at what she said to the little boy.

My mind was trying to process what just happened, but I was confused until I saw the little boy runaway in tears. I shook my head and approached the girl. My thoughts about her being beautiful changed in a split second.

“You’re ugly.” that is how I got revenge for the boy, he was watching and must have heard me say that because he smiled at me in appreciation. I turned to look at the girl to see that she was now full on glaring at me. She raised her hand in the air ready to strike me down.

‘She won’t hit m-’

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I promise that I will start and finish this story!


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13 streak #1
Chapter 9: Thanks for coming back.. Please update more.
bluesky2275 #2
Chapter 9: Thank you for sharing this fiction.Me love reading it. Love the way you elaborate each characters. Next chapter please
amhar03 #3
Chapter 9: Woaaah just realize that this story was from 2016.. a really interesting story and this childish llama soo cute.. especially with a childish banter between jessber
Chapter 9: Welcome back! It's very rare that someone actually decides to come back to a story from 5 years ago! Thanks so much!
serafin97 #5
Welcome back :)
GEoRuth #6
Chapter 1: Hi. Will this be continuing?
GEoRuth #7
This story got my attention. Will the author update this one? No offense if this comment has offended you.
GEoRuth #8
What's wrong with Sulli?
Chapter 8: author, pls make some update ^^ thanks
Chapter 8: Melt the ice Amber!:)