Destined (KAI, VAMPIRE AU)

Exo One Shots

Kai took one last gulp of the man before releasing his tight grip on him. He had his full of blood for tonight. Now, he wanted to look for a girl to have some 'fun'. So, dusting off the invisible dust on his dark blazer, Kai made sure to teleport the dead body to a foreign land and went back inside the smoky club.

Inside there was an assortment of people. There were the girls who were completely drunk, hanging off the arms of anyone with arms to be frank. There were the girls that were only tipsy but still intoxicated enough to have the nerve to dance on a table. The guys were all in mixed stages of intoxication and a lot of them were staring at the females like hawks. They were like Kai, waiting for a girl who would willingly go home with him.
Kai grabbed a shot of vodka from a server walking past. He downed it in one go before throwing his shot glass somewhere in a corner. He went to the darkest, most shiftiest looking corner of the room and sat down. His fangs were out and his eyes were still a blood red color since he just recently drained a poor guy out in the alley.
As Kai sat there observing, taking occasional sips of some alcoholic drink, his nose was assaulted by the sweetest, most intoxicating scent ever. He sat up straight, ignoring the startled looks of those around him, and searched frantically with his eyes for the cause of the wonderful smell. 
Near the entrance, a girl wearing a cute, white baby doll dress was standing around. She bit her lip once before settling at the bar. The bartender took one look at her and chuckled darkly to himself. There was no way an innocent little girl like her would last long in a place like this.
Kai was intrigued. She sat alone at the bar and he watched for twenty or so minutes as guys went up to her left and right. They were probably attracted to her the same way Kai was; through her innocent, angel-like appearance. One guy however, crossed the line. 
The strange man went up to the girl and leaned down close to her ear. He whispered something to quiet for Kai's vampire hearing but he knew it must've been something bad for the girl to shiver the way she did. After the guy stood there, talking with the girl, Kai grew agitated. The guy felt the same way. He frowned and glared at the girl, who's back was still turned to Kai. 
The guy eventually grabbed the girl's wrist and pulled her forcefully from her barstool. Kai grew alarmed and stood up. He made a move to follow after the pair; he didn't want to see something like this happen knowing he could've saved the girl. However, the closer he got to the back exit of the club, the more the girls around him seemed to hang off him. Since they were slowing him down, more people crowded around him and in front of him. Kai wanted to reveal he was a vampire so that they would just let go but that would mean law inforcemants would come and contain him. He definetely didn't want that seeing as there was a hefty bounty for any vampire captured.
After Kai wrenched himself free from the drunken crowd, he made a break to the back exit. He had seen the mysterious girl and that irritating guy leave back here. When he was finally in the alley, he was shocked with what he saw. 
The girl's mouth was latched onto the man's neck and every few seconds she would deeply. With each , the man's skin paled and paled. Her eyes were closed in bliss meaning that she couldn't see Kai was there and she couldn't sense him since she was in the middle of her meal. A few minutes later, she gasped and let go of the stranger. She opened her eyes to reveal the fresh red color and she gasped for a completely new reason. 
There was a vampire male staring at her and with that one gaze, she knew. The tan skinned man in front of her was her Destined, the man she would walk with for the rest of time. 
Kai thought about his new discovery. The "innocent" girl was really just a vampire looking for a bite. She only played innocent to get more people to gravitate to her so that it would be easier to get her daily blood fill. Kai smirked at her clever strategy before taking the few steps to get to his Destined.
The girl stood up quickly before he could reach her and she smiled at him, dazzling him with her sharp fangs and bright eyes. She winked her ruby red eyes at him before dashing off. Kai laughed with mirth before running after her under the moonlight. 
They would have so much fun together, he could already tell.
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