CHAPTER #20- Vibes

Simon Dominic- Doubling Forward (Fan Fiction)

Simon D used every free minute, that wasn’t spent on Nari, to continue writing lyrics and laying down tracks for his full length album.  He’d been originally working on an album with explicit lyrics and hence sold as .  But after talking to E-Sens, decided on an entirely different direction. E-Sens had suggested cleaning out his closet and rapping about the past.  Then after that, moving on to new projects.  It was good advice, but it also dragged up a lot of feelings from the hardships he’d faced, prior to being with AOMG.  Nari was one of the reasons he could delve into the past and not return to the present in depression. 

“Does this help?” She asked, while massaging his temples.

“Yes, don’t stop,” Simon replied, his head in her lap.  “It’s hard… thinking about all the things I should’ve done and said, but was too young to stand up for myself.  I pretended to be happy, but it was a fake mask I wore.  I only got through it, because of E-Sens….”

Nari finished, “and because of Lady Jane.  I’m glad they were both there for you.  I know you worked hard promoting Supreme Team, the company and yourself.”

“Last year I was lazy, I wasn’t promoting AOMG like Jay was.  The past made me annoyed, why should I go on variety shows, when I just wanted to focus on my music.  But seeing how hard Jay works, it motivated me, ‘cause I know I have to do better.  He needs to take a break or he’ll get burnt out fast.”

“There was a lot of pressure on you in the past.  You’ve said yourself that AOMG is so refreshing, no one pushes you to do things you don’t want to do.” She reminded him and then added gently, “but yes you do need to help Jay promote AOMG too, like a good co-CEO would.”

“Did you see me on the variety shows when I was part of Supreme Team?”

Nari smiled. “When I first came to Seoul, it was before mom and I had to move here.  I remember hearing about a Supreme Team concert and how hyped the fans were. I never got to see you guys, but I did like the hip hop songs.  As you know, I’ve always liked hip hop and rap.  So when we moved to Seoul, I started watching all the shows that had English subs…. Come to think of it, you were the one mostly on the shows, not E-Sens. You were very competitive.”

“Still am,” he admitted.

“Like this one show, where your team was in a dodgeball competition.  You were so good at it, but aggressive!”  She thought back to the Youtube videos.  “And another clip, where you were speed rapping all in what seemed one breath.  That’s when I became a fan.”

Simon looked up at her.  “I think one of the shows was “Running Man’.  So how come when you saw me at the park the first time, you didn’t freak out or ask for an autograph?”

“You mean act like a fanatical fan?  I was too introverted, because of the problems with Grams and mom’s health.  Like I told you then, I knew who you were when Haru said your stage name.”

“I thought you didn’t like me or felt I was a jerk.  It seemed like you were more shy around Jay than I,” Simon recalled.

“Maybe… but when you lay on the charm, has any girl ever said no to you?” Nari asked teasingly.

“No… when I put an effort into something I want, I usually get what I want or at least what I need.”

“See always a positive outcome.”  Then she asked, “how is E-Sens?”

“He’s doing okay. I’ve got to go visit him again soon…. When I’m checking out tracks, sometimes I think ‘this could be good for a Supreme Team reunion’.  I have a whole file just like that.”

Nari nodded, “I think that would be awesome, but for now you both still need to focus on your solo careers.  Have you listened to his new album?”

“Yeah, mostly when I was in the USA, particularly in New York City.  E-Sens likes New York rap.  When his album first came out, I listened to it, but it also hurt too.  It’s hard to explain,” Simon answered.

“You miss him, that’s natural.  But it’s good that you’re both still friends and you still look out for him Simon.  I’m sure your loyalty means a lot to him,” Nari said and leaned down for a kiss.

“He’s like another brother to me… family.” Simon sat up.

“Want me to massage your shoulders and neck?”

Simon nodded, “I like when you spoil me.”

“Ditto… I know you’re so busy and every minute is scheduled, but you really need to go for a massage.”

“I prefer your hands on me.”

She smirked and blushed, “um… yeah.”

He laughed, “my girlfriend has a dirty mind.”

“Only with you dear boyfriend, only with you.”

While her hands worked out the tension in his neck and shoulders, he was working on more lyrics.  Eventually she stopped and stood up to stretch.  Simon D got up too and pulled her into his arms.  He wanted some kisses, ending with one that made Nari’s knees week.

“Ugh, now I don’t want to leave, but I have to.  I’ve got an early appointment at the studio, so it’s best if I go home,” she complained.

“If you don’t mind me rapping and working a few hours more, I’ll come with you.  I can’t sleep well, when you’re not beside me.  Even on the tour, it was hard to sleep.”

“Same here.  At night you’re so warm and in the morning when I’m hot, you’re cooler. We balance each other out.  If you come now and work at my place, I’ll do stuff in the studio.”

They compromised often and mutually respected each other’s time.  But like all couples in healthy relationships, sometimes fighting was inevitable.  Everyone had pet peeves about each other, as that was  human nature.  Nari’s mom always said that a verbal fight, meant at least they were communicating.  Or maybe that was her way of explaining Gram’s angry attacks. Most of the time Simon D was so laid back, that he just waited until Nari calmed down, then they’d talk about what was upsetting her.  But occasionally he did set her straight.  Simon D never said anything derogatory to Nari.  Maybe it was because of what she’d been through with her ex or due to what he’d witnessed her Grandmother do. Either way, he was careful with his words even in anger. 

All of AOMG knew that Simon D and Nari were fighting, because of the dark mood he was in.  No one wanted to ask what happened, but everyone wondered all the same.  Jay Park knew how angry Simon D could get, but it was the first time he’d witnessed that negativity directed at Nari.

“What happened?” He simply asked.

“Honestly Jay, I don’t ing remember.  I try and talk to her, but she shuts me out.  Nari locked the studio door in the middle of the day, in my face and purposely showed me turning off her cell.”

“Let me guess; that just made you angrier?”

Simon nodded, “maybe I’m being irrational. But then she should talk and make me understand what went wrong.”


“No, she’s not psycho like that.  Usually I can’t even tell she’s on it, until we shower together or something.”

“Did you say something nasty, maybe reminding her of the Canadian Jerk-off?” Jay asked cautiously.

Simon almost looked offended.  “No way.  I’d never hurt her like that, verbally or otherwise.”

“Maybe you left the toilet seat up and she fell in?”

“Seriously?” Simon shook his head a Jay, but couldn’t help a smile.  Then he acknowledged, “you’re good.”

Jay winked, “I know… let me see if I can help do the same with Nari.”

“Um…Nari’s anger reminded me of when I was a kid and mom got mad at me.  That cold silence, with the deadly look.”

“I know that look, it’s the; ‘don’t with me or else you’ll regret it’ look…. Ouch dude.  Still I’ll try to get a smile out of her.  If not on my own, then with the dogs.”

Simon grinned, “sneaky… I like it.”

Jay stopped by #9 Cloud and spoke to Nari.  He discovered why she was still angry.  “Guys are dumb. Unless you spell things out to us in a simple, direct way, it goes over our heads.  Sure Simon D is much more knowledgeable in a relationship sense and yet, he’s still a man like the rest of us.”

“But he doesn’t even remember why I’m mad at him!” Nari protested.

“We tend to have short term memory loss when it comes to fighting with the women we love.  It’s a flaw all men have and women don’t.”  Jay tried to explain.  

He was very observant and noticed she kept putting art pieces between them.   His detective senses clicked on.  There was some other reason behind their fighting, that had nothing to do with Simon D himself.  What shocked him was her sudden change in attitude.

“I guess I’m being stubborn.  I’ll apologize to him.”  Then she mumbled, “I wish I had memory loss too.”

“Nari…what’s really going on?” Jay probed.

She shook her head, “nothing.  Thanks for the visit.  I guess I broke my promise to Simon D, about not locking him out.”

“I can hear sadness in the resonance of your voice….  Pretend I’m your mom.”

Nari gave him a small smile, “I have to go back to Canada.”

“What? For how long? Is that why you and Simon are fighting?”

“Sort of.  He forgot about me telling him about it.  That hurt a lot, which turned to anger.”

Jay nodded, “it all makes sense now.  Will you tell me why you have to go back?”

“Mom’s lawyer contacted me… my ex found my dad, using his police connections.”

Jay Park didn’t like the potential danger that returning could put Nari in and guessed that’s why Simon D had become mad.  He told her to lock up, then in his car, drove them to AOMG.  They didn’t go inside, instead he called his co-CEO on his cell and told him they were going for drinks at his place.  As soon as Simon D was in the car, he and Nari both began apologizing to each other.  The war between them was over, thanks to Jay Park’s meddling.

They chatted about nothing and had a few drinks.  Out of the blue, Nari pulls out an envelope from her purse.  They could tell it was from her lawyer.  Simon asked, “What’s that?”

Nari answered, “it’s a letter from my dad.  Remember I told you that my ex… Mr. Canadian Jerk-off as per Jay, found him.  The letter says he’s sorry my mom had to go through Cancer and that he loved mom very much.  He asks me to come back to Canada.”  

She put the letter on the table and Jay Park picked it up.  He read it and then translated for Simon D.  Both noticed immediately that the letter didn’t say anything about her father missing or loving Nari.  It also didn’t apologize for abandoning her and Mrs. Im.  

“It could be just another ploy by your ex to get you out of Korea.  How do you know if it’s really from your dad or if he’s just a man posing to be your dad?”  Jay asked.

“True, I never thought about that.  But what if it is him?  I want answers too.  So what do I do? How do I respond?”  Nari inquired.

Simon suggested, “invite him to Seoul.  That way your AOMG body guards can keep you safe.”

Jay had another idea, “Maybe to make sure this guy is legit, do a video conference with him.  You might not recognize him, but then you can ask questions that only he could answer.  Stuff that your ex would have no way of knowing.  And you’d be able to see if he’s lying or not.”

Nari nodded, “that’s a good idea Jay.  Maybe I should do that and if it is him, then invite him to Seoul, like Simon said.”

“Me forgetting about the letter is what started our fight… right?” Simon questioned.

“Yes and when I first told you about going back to Canada, you said you forbade me to go.”

“Ouch, bad choice of words on my part.  I’m sorry for being insensitive,” he apologized.  “Forgive me?”

She replied by pulling him to her and giving him a kiss on the lips.  Jay Park cheered and went to get them refills.  When he returned, they toasted each other.

“That was my first fight with a man, where I didn’t get hit or expect a beating afterwards,” Nari reflected.

Jay was disgusted, “… every time?”

“Yeah, even when I just gave an opinion.”

Simon was horrified, “I swear on my mom’s life, that I would never ever hit you or treat you like your ex has.”

With a devilish smirk, Jay asked, “what if she wants you to spank her during ?”

Nari blushed and said, “Jay!”  Pretending to be offended.  Then added, “if I ask him to spank me, then it’s okay.”

Jay winked at her.  Another drink later and he wondered, “Nari, what age were you when your dad left?”

“I think I was ten, or something like that.  Pretty young.”

Jay shakes his head, “I don’g get it.  Why go through the sleepless nights, baby barf and ty diapers and then leave just when the kid gets old enough to finally be fun?”

Simon shrugged, “we simply wouldn’t, so I guess that’s why we don’t understand it.”

Jay ponders, “what does your ex have to gain by getting you back into Canada?”

Simon replies, “probably to make her into a slave.”

“It’s possible,” Nari agreed, to their complete shock.  So she explained.  “After the first time I tried to leave him, he got his buddies to give him an ankle monitor device and unit, claiming that I was sleep walking out the door and he was worried I’d get hurt.  They believed him of course.  I couldn’t leave the house for a month.  Another time, he made me wear one of those dog collars that zaps you when you try to breach the designated area.  Let’s just say I feel sorry for pets that have to wear them.”

“WTF, that’s sick in the head,” Jay said aghast.

“Crazy for sure.” Simon gave Nari a hug.

She smiles, “if I keep talking about this, we’re going to have a repeat of the night I first stayed at your house Jay.”

“It wasn’t all that bad… you did get to sleep in my arms for the first time,” Simon reminded.

Nari blushed, recalling another night they’d crashed at Jay Park’s place and were in bed together. Then started laughing, when their host started playing a song from Mark Wahlberg called, ‘Good Vibrations.’

“Who knew that you had this song in your play list!” Nari laughed heartily.  “You must’ve been like four or five when this came out in 1991.”

“Honestly I don’t, but I thought it was fitting.”

Both Simon D and Jay Park began dancing to the song.  They took one of Nari’s hands each and made her dance with them. What was even funnier is all three of them knew the dance moves, not that they were difficult at all.  After that each of them put on old school American hip hop songs.  By the time Nari was yawning, all negative thoughts were gone.  A discussion of old, memorable hip hop began and grew into whom influenced both Simon D and Jay Park’s rapping.  In the end, Nari dropped out of the conversation, because she fell asleep.

“Guess you guys are sleeping in the guest room again…. I’m just glad we were able to change her mood and give her happy thoughts before sleep.”

“Thanks for everything Jay.  Good night and see you in the morning.” Simon picked up Nari and carried her to bed.

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You have this story on watt pad a swell, right?just checking
Whyblockb #2
Chapter 14: Omg they finally said that "i love you" and pls dont cry Nari you deserve it. I really love how she is so strong and weak at the same time and being with simon(and aomg) makes her more stronger. Thanks for uptading!
Whyblockb #3
Chapter 13: Omg end of the chapter is so emotional. I dont know why but i feel like a proud mom and reading that nari is improved makes me happy. My fave man is happy too. Thanks for uptading
Whyblockb #4
Chapter 10: My heart is broken lol just kidding i love their chemistry and im really happy that nari is his girlfriend. Simon cant find better woman than her tbh. When Nari said stop i hold my breath and i was like "omg no" but then they were happy im happy too. Thanks for uptading i always look forward to this story
Whyblockb #5
Chapter 9: Thanks for uptading. i really love this story so much. Simon d and nari are so cute!
rapminister #6