Chapter One

Finding Us
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I was at home again, I couldn’t really remember when the last time I was in this big house, I even didn’t come on last Christmas. I should say this was still my house? If it wasn’t for Dara who threatened to kill me if I didn’t show my nose today, believe me you couldn’t win against a pregnant woman, attended her baby shower party. It was a bad idea!
The backyard filled with guests, I just knew about a few faces other than my family. Dara with her huge belly was standing side by side with her husband Dongwook and they looked happy receiving congratulation words from the guests and the same thing happened with my parents who were there with them. That's my family, it's just ...
"Oppa!" Someone screamed at me, I turned around and then she attacked me by hugging me tightly. Of course only one person who could do that and she was my sister, Chaerin.
"Hello little sis"
Chaerin laughed, kissed my left cheek. "I missed you "
"Me too, muffin" I her long blonde hair. "You look beautiful"
"Always!" Chaerin pulled my arm a little bit forced me to step closer to Dara and others. "We will have another nephew I guess".
I didn’t give a respond for Chaerin words, not because I wasn’t happy seeing my sisters but there was something that made me uncomfortable being in this place. That old man's gaze met my eyes, they'd noticed me since the beginning.  The only thing that I wanted to do now was avoiding my parents, It had been couple years I didn’t really talk to them, especially my father. ! Can I disappear now?
How are you? Are you okay? I missed you, not one of those sentences came out from my father’s mouth and that was I thought before. His gaze was still the same every time I saw it, full of humiliation and degrading.
"Tomorrow you have to come with me to Taipei" my father was sitting in a chair staring at me. I hated that stare, really.
"What for?"
"We will open a new restaurant" he said loudly, sounding clearly he didn’t like my answer.
I took a breath, turned my face out of him and my mother stared at me with her tender face. Damn! I missed her ..., but mom always as she was, couldn’t do anything even though I knew her heart shouted NO! sometimes.
" I can’t. I have a new project, have my flight tonight"
"Seunghyun!" My father snapped, his voice got attention from our guests. Dara and Chaerin looked worried from a distance. Don’t ask what my mother did, and it hurted me.
"You don’t need me, father ..." I got up from my chair. "I'm not part of this family, like you said before, right?"
"Seunghyun ...." This time I heard my mother's voice. Should I call her mother?
"Don’t mom .... " I cut her. My heart was hurting and all of those repeated again inside my head and it was very painful. "Please don’t say anything ...."
I left them behind, my steps felt heavy and I could feel all the eyes looking at me but I didn’t care, them! They already knew that the relationship between my father and his son was never great. And I didn’t pround of it.
"Seunghyun ...." Dara tried to hold me, she was standing before me, panting out of breath. "Can you please hold yourself this time? For me?"
"Damn it Noona! It won’t work..."
"I just want us to enjoy this as a family, please ..."
! I ruffled my hair, so frustrated. "I appreciate your invitation, you and Dongwook hyung. But..., this . Damn! That old man hates me!"
"He's your father idiot!" Dara tapped my forehead, quite hard and managed to make me wince. "And he loves you"
"Yeah right, let me remind you ..., I'm just—"
"You need a drink, " she smiled and then pulled my arm smiling as if nothing happened. "I missed you little brother ..."
I gave up, I had promised her that I would come but I regretted it now, couldn’t wait this party to be over, anyway I had to go to Canada this night.

Chaerin had tried to introduce me to some of her friends who came and some of those girls tried to flirt at me. Hey, it wasn’t my fault because I have a ing handsome face and it wasn’t difficult for me to get any girl but today I didn’t get rid of that desire, my mood changed drastically since my previous altercation with Mr. Choi.







I felt like a stranger in the middle of nowhere, the party felt so boring. I looked over and saw my cousin Seungri had a serious conversation with my father, sometimes I felt jealous of their closeness even though I knew it was stupid as it sounded, though perhaps it was only about works but still it bothered me. Seungri did help my father over family business. My father was a very successful restaurant entrepreneur, he needed someone who was really capable like that cousin of mine. I dont give a !
"Do you like cars?" My nephew, Yeonjun disturbed my thoughts, sitting in front of me with his loveable face. Perfect! I was babysitter now.
I shook my head. "I like motorcycle most"
"Because I love if someone hugs me from behind"
"Who?"  the little monster asked me again. Where is your mom?!
I grinned. "Girlfriend hotdog!"
"What is girlfriend?"
I sighed. Okay, I just got an important lesson today. Never make curious a little boy, it was very bad.
"Your mom would answer it". I took his toys and put those inside his pocket pants. "Now go find her".
Yeonjun looked confused, he turned to me but I moved my hands asking him to keep walking. I must be a bad uncle.
Again he turned to me, stepping back but I waved my hand with my false smile, but suddenly that boy hit someone from behind. Funny, I wondered what my nephew would do but I was quite afraid too he would cry and that was because of me. Dara would kill me!
A man kneeled before Yeonjun, his hair and seemed to say something to him, I couldn’t hear what it was. He stood back and shortly Yeonjun left him and somehow my eyes were being locked. Crap.
He looked at me, or maybe I was staring at him. He was wearing a polkadot shirt and green tight pants, his wrists and fingers adorned by some jewelry. And his hair was blonde, probably about the same color as Chaerin’s and made him looked so sparkling under the sunlight, shinning. He was very stunning, there were people who was born naturally to be attractive, easy to catch your attentions and I guessed he was kind of them. He crooked his head and stepped closer to Seungri and then pecked him on the lips. Holly!
"He’s Jiyong" suddenly Chaerin was standing near me. I frowned.
"Kwon Jiyong? My friend?" Chaerin glared in disbelief with me. "You really don’t remember, huh?"
I couldn’t blame her, I had bad memory, especially for recognizing people's faces but I slightly remembered Chaerin mentioned Jiyong several times. They were like such good friends but it was just like that, I'd never been known her friends, not quite familiar with them including this Jiyong. My sister had many friends and it wasn’t my job to memorize their names or even remember their faces. But, this Jiyong? hmm ...
"With Seungri?" I was curious. "They are, like ...? "
"Yeah, they are dating now "





Finally, the party was over, I had to go and get back to my apartment. I stepped out of the house towards the right where I parked my old Ducati. I just said goodbye to my sisters, my father seemed still very busy with his little meeting along with Seungri and mom was chatting with some of her friends. But I guessed that was better, avoiding them was the best.
I took the key out of my pants pocket but then the car door being slammed and the sound was quite surprising me. Someone stepped towards me and he looked very shocked, I could quite clearly see his reaction as if the air stopped in his throat. Jiyong.
Our distance was pretty close and I could clearly see his face and everything. He was shorter than me like few centimeters. He embraced files on his chest.
Should I say hello? . Why did I have suc

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mdrey22 #1
Chapter 1: i hate it when i read what seems to be a very good start for a story, only to find out that's it... just a start. chapter 1 then nothing follows.
danamon28 #2
Chapter 1: is there any chance this might get update ?
Chapter 1: 29 Dec 2015... holy ! why I've never seen this before?! it's such a good start and I just find this almost 1 year later wtf
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 1: this is great~~~~
authornim, you are an amazing writer!! i have to wonder, why does ji always act so weird around seung???
please update soon :D :D :D
Chapter 1: this is so good authornim, update please
ayaayawae #6
Chapter 1: Why jiyong hate seunghyun? They just meet right?