Chapter 17

Red Snow

" Hyung! I don't have a good feeling about this..." Whispered the younger one. " Yeah, I know. You also saw that look in her eyes, right?" Sungjong nodded and patted his Hyungs shoulder to indicate that they should go and inform the rest about what happened. She knows about the course. She looked really shocked but they already knew it would happen. What worried them was something else: The look of determination. She was up to something, and they had to know what. Because it'd be the only way to help her, to protect her. Sungjong and Myungsoo made their way out of the woods, opposite of her and in the direction of the mountains. " Do you think that he'll be able to meet her, finally?" Myungsoo asked, dodging a branch that was threatening close to his face, as they made a run for their mansion. " Yeah, soon he'll be able to meet her. We all will." Sungjong smiled and concentrated on running. We definitely will. Just wait a bit more, Rose!

" Good morning, Angel! How did you sleep?" An over excited Luhan was greeting Lily as she sleepy stumbled down the stairs, right into his arms. " Good morning, Lu uncle." She yawned and earned an unmanly scream from Luhan that made her chuckle at him. How can he be the second oldest? Luhan noticed her still dazed state and in one swift held her up, bridal style, and carried her to the dining room, where everyone was sitting already. Well, more than half lying and still sleeping, than sitting. Lily smiled seeing them and silently cheered because she wasn't the only one who was a good-for-nothing type in the morning. She thanked Luhan with a peck on his cheek as he sat her down between Tao and Baekhyun who were dead asleep. She poked Baekhyun in his cheek what lead to him making a loud similar to a cute little puppy. She squealed inwardly and decided to let him sleep a little bit more. She let her eyes roam the room as her eyes locked on the person she missed so much. Rose was sitting between Xiumin and Suho who were also dozing off. Her sister was so busy with " some adult things" as she said, that they couldn't spend much time together. But what worried her the most, was that unpleasant feeling that Lily had, since Rose came back yesterday. She looked awful and didn't come out of her room the whole day. She knew that she wasn't alone at least because Chen told her that Xiumin was with her but still. She knew that something happened with her sister because she changed, or rather her eyes. The look that she held was so different from what Lily knew. And she needed to know what was happening to her beloved sister, her only remaining family.

I need to find a way. No matter what, I need to save Ailee's child. That was the only thing that was in my mind, as I waited for the day to end. I tried being as normal as I could, but it helped that Sooyeon told them about what happened yesterday so they just thought that I needed some time to think. If they just knew that I already made up my mind. When night finally approached and everyone was sleeping, I sneaked out of Xiumins firm grip on my waist (he actually slept there every night and didn't care about the others protest but I didn't mind so I just let him) and took the things that I prepared in a bag and made my way out and towards the woods. I nedded to find a way to break that curse, as fast as possible. But it's impossible without help. I needed to ask someone who maybe knew the answer. Marina. Even if she never found a way to break the curse, she may be able to help me. I closed my eyes and breathed slowly to calm myself. It'll be the first time that I'll be using such a strong spell as to communicate with the dead, but I needed to try. 

I looked at the candles beneath me on the clearing and smiled, proud at my work. I think I can do it. I clapped my hands as to encourage myself to start and I kneed down in the middle of the circle and closed my eyes. I started saying the spell, as I felt the energy in me slowly rising. The feeling was overwhelming me and soon I shut myself completely from my surroundings and found myself in darkness. What happened? Did I do it wrong? I started panicking as I didn't see anything and thought that I failed. " Rose." I opened my eyes and gasped at the person standing in front of me. " M-Marina? Is that you" I saw a little smile graze her beautiful face as she took my hand and helped me up, only to be engulfed by her with a hug. " I'm soo proud of you, Rose! I can't believe that you mastered such a strong spell! I've been looking at you since you were born, and seeing you using your powers so well makes me really proud!" She let me go only to smile and examine me. " You've grown so much! And you managed to overcome what happened in your town. Your really an Adult now." She smiled sadly and patted my head lovingly. I could only stare at her with teary eyes before I couldn't hold it in any longer and fell into her arms, crying. Something about her made me trust her completely and I just let go. After a while, I separated myself from her as I remembered that my time with her was limited. " Marina, I need your help! I need to break-" " The curse. I know. And I knew that you would come find me so I actually did my research in the ghost world but..." She hesitated as I took her hand as to encourage her to speak. She smiled bitterly and sighed. " The only way, is for you to use black magic. I'm so sorry, Rose. I tried nearly everything and I just couldn't find another way. I'm so sorry to make you do this." Tears were streaming down her face and I felt my heart break. There really wasn't another way, I guess. I wiped her tears away as I smiled softly at her. " No, don't. Stop blaming yourself. They already know that you didn't mean to put that curse over them. And I'm going to break it no matter what so that we finally can be reunited again!" She hugged me and whispered " Thank you, Rose. I wish I could be there with you." I shook my head and smiled. " No, it's ok. I'm glad that I know that You'll be always there, watching over me." " I will. And I know a way for you to be able to use black magic." She gave me a piece of paper and I looked at it. As I read, my hands began to tremble and I stared at her with shock written all over my face." Is... Is it really the only way?" " The safest, yes. You know that I didn't asked for it, as it just took over my emotions and didn't let me control it. But this way should be safe for you." I continued staring at the paper in shock as I didn't notice her voice fainting. As I looked up, she was smiling and than suddenly disappeared and everything went black.

As I opened my eyes, I noticed that I was lying on something soft. I also wasn't in the forest, but rather in a large and dark room. I tried to stand up but failed and just fell back on the bed. I heard some shuffling coming from behind the big door beside the bed. I started panicking as I didn't know where I was or what happened as the door finally opened, revealing a (handsome) boy with pink hair. " Oh, You're awake. Hyungs! She's awake!" The boy exclaimed rather loudly and soon the footsteps of severly people could be heard. " Really? I thought she would need to rest longer because she looked really drained out as we found her and-"

The said boy stopped as he entered the room and locked eyes with the girl lying in his bed. Oh no. Her eyes. " Hyung? What does that mean?" Everything went quite as no one dared do speak. By now everyone noticed the girls eyes and they waited for their leader to speak. " What happened? Where am I? And more importantly, who are you?" Her voice showed how tired and exhausted she was and also, irritated?

What's with me always coming in trouble with handsome boys?! I wanted answers, but by the way they were just standing and doing nothing, I wouldn't get them that easy. " Is it that hard for you to talk?" I snapped at them and if a spell was broken, they turned to me and watched me with surprise. " Ehm, yeah right. Sorry but, we're just a little bit confused right now." The one with the bright smile said looking nervously to a guy standing by the door. I looked at him but didn't get to see him as the room was to dark. But even if I didn't see him, I still felt his gaze piercing through my head as I started feeling goosbumbs. What's with this guy? " Well, how about we first introduce ourselves?" The pink haired guy said and everyone nodded before they stood in front of me. " My name is Sungjong. Nice to finally meet you, Rose Noona!" The pink haired guy introduced himself cheerily and than went on with the others." That bright smiling dinosaur is Dongwoo, that cold looking guy is Myungsoo, besides him is Sungyeol, Woohyun and Hoya. And this is..." He trailed off as he saw that the last one was still hiding by the door. Sungjong sighed and was about to drag him to the others when he spoke up. " Rosalia." 

I instantly held my breath at this name. How could he...? Why? I was dazed and didn't know what was happening at all as I felt my body go limb again.

The boys watched Rose closely and Hoya was the one to catch her in his arms as she fainted. He laid her down carefully. " Great. You made her faint, Sungkyu! Couldn't you be a bit more sensible?" Woohyun huffed out frustrated as he ruffled his hair. " I...I didn't mean to... I was just..." The leader didn't even know what happened to him. He was so overwhelmed with feelings that it was the first that left his mouth. Rosalia. She was finally here. In front of him. How long he waited for that day to come. Not only him. But his friends as well. And his Father. He'll be so glad to know that she's here. Maybe we can finally be reunited.


Author's Note: Haay guys, I'm finally back!!! I hope this chapter makes up for it and another will follow soon ;-) And we have some new characters: INFINITE!!! I hope you liked it and as always: don't forget to subscribe for updates and please leave me your thoughts!! Saranghae<3

OMG Luhan so cute😍😍😍


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Chapter 20: What's happening? finally reunited? are they witches, too? warlock (is that right?) ?? ottoke? it seems Sunggyu has deep connection with Rose.. what will happen to Minmin? no. no. NO.. stop worrying.. everything will be alright.. yes.. it should.. must be alright... i don't think Infinite will do bad things to her.. but their father? if they're really related, he won't let her go, will he?..
MyuuLuv17 #2
Chapter 20: Infinite???? OMG!! YESSS!!
I want to Rose safe and with Minseok!! I want read more, but don't stress yourself I'll wait!!
Thanks for the update :) love <3
Chapter 20: Infinite!! Infinite infinite inffinite infinite!! WHOOP WHOOP!!
MyuuLuv17 #4
Chapter 19: Don't worry i wait o3o
Why you put a crying Xiumin gif??? My heart... XD
Chapter 19: can't wait for your update! :3 take your time!
MyuuLuv17 #6
Chapter 17: Don't worry, i will wait until the end! I Love this story!!♥
Chapter 1: OOOOH SO GOOD
Chapter 13: waaaah! this is it! :D
aoigamer #9
Chapter 12: Aasbrrheedfjrbb.. xiumin imprinted!!!! :)
jc803288 #10
Chapter 12: chapter 12: HE IMPRINTEDDD