The happiness he deserves


Things seemed to get better between Chanyeol and Baekhyun very quickly. They were now friends and Kyungsoo sometimes found himself jealous of the relationship they had.  He knew Baekhyun’s feelings for Chanyeol were still vividly present, but he was good at hiding them.

Baekhyun was healing.

Kyungsoo started hanging out at Jongin’s bookstore during his free time. He went almost every day after work. Even if he was the type who preferred being alone, he didn’t mind Jongin’s company and that meant a lot. Not even Baekhyun had that privilege.

Sometimes, they silently read, side by side. Other times, Kyungsoo helped Jongin with the storage and arrival of new books. His role was to place the books on the shelves in alphabetical order. It was something he particularly enjoyed. He used the opportunity to look at the description of particular books that caught his attention. Sometimes he sneaked and brought some home. But of course, Jongin always knew and smiled at the act. Kyungsoo remembered the time when he told Jongin about the book he accidently stole. The tallest laughed about the blush on his face and assured him he could borrow any books whenever he wanted to. 

They had a pleasant relationship.

As the days moved on, Kyungsoo found himself more and more dependent on the book-seller.  Yes, him. The independent and introverted Kyungsoo was now feeling dependant on a man and wanted to spend almost every hour with him.  It was absolutely new to him but unlike the shadow, it didn’t scare him. It was something he knew of, something called love. Or that’s what he thought, at least.


About two weeks later, after the incident with Sehun, Baekyeol – the nickname Jongin and Kyungsoo gave the two, fits somehow perfectly since you couldn’t really mention one without the other now- had decided to go on a group date. They even invited Sehun, to which Jongin strongly disagreed to but eventually gave in. Only after Kyungsoo remind him it was a story in the past and that he couldn’t stay mad at him forever. To his surprise, their other friend wasn’t invited because Chanyeol described him as a ‘nervous grandpa combined with an over- protective mom’. Kyungsoo felt bad for him but he couldn’t really do anything either. He knew Jongin understood his position.

Jongin agreed with Chanyeol but when they were left alone, he admitted to Kyungsoo he knew it wasn’t nice of them and that Joonmyeon was a great friend when they did other activities. He assured Kyungsoo they would do something with him one day.

The activity they decided on was a picnic in the forest. Of course that sounded almost impossible to organize but for once, Kyungsoo just decided to let the others worry. Jongin would be there anyway.  From what Baekyeol had online, there was even a small river they could go visit. That kind of activity had surprised the red-haired boy since he knew his friend had always been an adrenaline addict; he enjoyed activities that made him sweat. Going to picnics wasn’t really his style. Who knew Chanyeol could have that influence on him? He wasn’t complaining though.

Sehun, Chanyeol, and Jongin picked up the short duo around 9:30 am. They have a whole hour and a half of driving to do and Baekhyun insisted on leaving early.

Chanyeol was in the driver’s seat and as soon as Baekhyun realized somebody stole his seat next to the giant driver, he was quick to push Sehun away. Kyungsoo being the smallest had to sit in-between Jongin and Sehun. A seat he really hated but couldn’t complain about. Also, he wasn’t sure Jongin could control his urge to hit Sehun if he were to sit beside him and really just wanted everybody to get there in one piece. Baekyeol was having fun, singing from the top of their lungs to girl group songs, while Sehun kept trying to dance along but received dirty looks from Jongin. Kyungsoo looked like a stranger within the whole scene. He was silent, both hands on his knees, looking straight ahead.

Something he always appreciated in Jongin, ever since he got to know the boy better, was that Jongin sensed all of that. Jongin sensed everything. Their shoulders were already touching since there wasn’t much space but Kyungsoo knew the boy was up to something. When he tore his gaze away from the panorama passing before his eyes to Jongin’s eyes, he was surprised to see the boy wasn’t smirking like he had expected him to. No. The pink-haired boy was looking down at him with… affection? At least, that’s what Kyungsoo wanted to believe. It was like he didn’t notice Kyungsoo was looking at him. They stared at each other for a while. One with a questioning gaze, the other lost in contemplation. Kyungsoo suspected the boy of zoning out on him. Suddenly, the tallest brought a hand to Kyungsoo’s hair and replaced his bang. It was something that would usually take a second or two but Jongin lets his hand linger on his face as it falls from his hair. The red-head almost forgets to blink. When he realizes he’s been touching Kyungsoo’s face for too long, he shyly withdraws his hand and a small blush tints his cheeks. Something Kyungsoo thought he would never see.

Many thoughts cross his mind all at once. He thinks he’ll get a headache but it doesn’t hit him.  Jongin is about to turn his head to look outside when he catches, from the corner of his eye, the smile on Kyungsoo’s lips. He can feel the red-head asking him for his approval, as if he can read his mind clearly. He nods and the shorter one slowly leans his chin on his shoulder. It’s absolutely like Kyungsoo. He does everything slowly, gently, and sweetly. They continue their staring contest for a good minute, their noses almost touching when they are interrupted by Baekhyun exclaiming:

-You guys are sickening! And I need to pee. Chanyeolie stop the car! His statement is supported by Sehun, who’s now the one throwing dirty looks in Jongin’s direction, but from a whole different nature.


They arrive a little bit after 11 am and quickly find the river. After choosing a spot under one of the many trees surrounding it, they vote on eating right now or a little bit later. Even if Baekyeol  raised both their arms and feet, for once, Sehun was on Jongin and Kyungsoo’s side and the winning choice is to eat later. In the meantime, Baekyeol decides to get in the water. Kyungsoo isn’t sure it’s a good idea after hearing Baekhyun yell excitingly ‘I’m going in there !’. Plus Chanyeol cheering on him surely doesn’t reassure him. Sehun sneers at the crazy duo from his spot next to the tree.

-Please spare our poor eyes. He replies to the joyful giggles coming from the river.

They went in their underwear.

While they splatter each other with water like two kids, Sehun decides to lie down on a sunny spot to take a nap. But Baekyeol decides otherwise. They quietly –if that’s even possible for these two- make their way to the sleepy boy.  Actually, they look like two drunk men coming back from the bar and trying to be quiet. Which means they keep shushing each other but  that only makes them laugh again. It’s a miracle Sehun doesn’t hear the two dorks coming for him.  

Jongin- who is sitting under a tree a couple of meters away- rolls his eyes at the scene and puts his sunglasses on as Kyungsoo leans unconsciously against him. They can’t help but laugh when Baekyeol catch Sehun, one by the arms, the other by the feet, and try- yes try, because Baekhyun complains all the (very short) way about Sehun being too heavy, resulting in the boy’s dangling in the grass-  to throw him in the water. They manage to succeed but that simple effort is so tiring, they don’t even have the energy to fight back when Sehun complains about his hair and tries to drown them.

At some point, Jongin and Kyungsoo join them and the oh-so-great Chanyeol –supported by Baekhyun, of course- has the amaaaaazing idea of playing a game. His idea is to form two teams of two people –meaning someone is a third wheel- and one of the partners gets on the other’s shoulder. The goal of the game is to make the opposite team fall in the water.  Nobody really needs to reflect a lot to know who’s the one with no partner and who the teams will be but Baekyeol still feel the need to proclaim their ‘belonging together’ by throwing their arms around each other and saying they’re teaming up. Jongin only needs to put his arm around Kyungsoo’s shoulder for Sehun to understand he will be the judge.  Sehun throws his ex- friend a look that Jongin knows all too well which seems to say ‘You always said bros before hoes; your true colors are showing Kim Jongin’. But the book-seller simply raises his shoulders in a teasing manner.

-We will switch up, Sehun, I swear. Baekhyun says, his voice empty of sincerity.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo climb on their respective giant. While Baekhyun violently grasps Chanyeol’s hair for support, suddenly very scared. Kyungsoo keeps asking Jongin if he’s sure that he’s comfortable, if he’s not too heavy, and that they don’t have to do this. Chanyeol fakes choking under Baekhyun’s weight and gets a hard slap on the head for that. It’s enough to calm him. He already knows he could consider himself lucky if he still has hair after this. He suspects Baekhyun of already having torn off his whole front bang.

Sehun asks both sides if they’re ready and reminded them of the safety rules, which Baekyeol totally ignore, before declaring the beginning of the game.

-Let’s destroy them! Baekhyun shouts in a warrior way that fails to impress Kyungsoo.

Both sides slowly approach each other. Kyungsoo feels stable on Jongin’s shoulder but when he looks at his opponent, pity crosses his mind. Baekhyun is almost jumping on Chanyeol’s shoulders and yelling various directives that make no sense. And they said they had a strategy….

Kyungsoo can anticipate each step Jongin will take which gives them a good advantage over the other team which seems to lack communication…a lot.

Chanyeol races-the best that he can in water- forward and Baekhyun, taken by surprise, steadies himself with the only thing in front of him: Kyungsoo’s shoulder. The red-haired boy is tempted to ask Jongin to move backward but he knows he risks falling in with Baekhyun, which is not in his plans. Baekhyun, realizing the opportunity he can take with the new found proximity, reaches and hits Kyungsoo’s head. The boy is shaken for a second but is quick to return the attack. He manages to push Baekhyun backwards and to his surprise Chanyeol falls pathetically in the water bringing the shorter along who’s screaming not to let his hair get wet. Kyungsoo is confused and looks down at Jongin.

-Did you do something?

-I may have slightly pushed him. He smiles brightly, shame nowhere to be seen on his face. They high-five and Jongin gets them out of the water and on the grass while Sehun is almost dying of laughter at Baekhyun clinging tightly to Chanyeol’s hair. The silence of the forest is only disturbed by the giant’s scream of pain and Baekhyun’s screams due to being scared. Sehun joins in and pushes the shorter boy in the water, as a long cry echoes through the woods.


As they eat their sandwiches and all the good stuff Kyungsoo had cooked –which was praised by everybody- Baekyeol feed each other. Which was surprising since their relationship was meant to be purely platonic –not that feeding someone was romantic- but the way they acted could fool anyone. Not to mention the fact that Baekhyun was half-sprawled across Chanyeol’s lap but neither of the two seemed to mind. Sehun, who also noticed, tried putting his leg on Chanyeol’s but received a hard slap for doing so.


The rest of the afternoon is spent in napping for the loud duo and Sehun and conversing in whispers for Kyungsoo and Jongin since they’re sitting not too far away from the sleepers. Even if the other three were annoying, sometimes, they didn’t want to disturb them. But the main reason of why they were whispering was because they didn’t want them to wake up. Truthfully, so much silence in the presence of such loud people was a miracle.

-I know we just spent the whole day together, but is it too much if I ask you to spend the evening at my house? We could watch a movie and I could make dinner…. Kyungsoo’s face turns to a pretty shade of scarlet as he questions the pink-head.

-It’s not weird and I would gladly accept your invitation. He answers in a teasing manner.

Just like a sign sent by God a single ray of sunshine pierced through the foliage of the trees and found its way to Jongin’s face. The man lying down puts his arm on his eyes to avoid the bright light but Kyungsoo can’t stop staring. The sun makes his pink hair shine even brighter. At least, that’s the impression he had. He feels the urge to play in the pink mess sprawled on the grass but restrains himself. Jongin lifts his arm and with one eye closed, looks around as if he had just woken up. When he sees Kyungsoo sitting less than 30 cm away, he moves his head to his lap and Kyungsoo gladly accepts the contact. It’s harder to resist playing in his hair, though. Dammit. He thinks and carefully brings a hand up. Jongin’s hair is soft. Softer than what he expected. He starts to shyly the man’s scalp and the soft sighs of pleasure he gets in return convince him of running his hands more vigorously though Jongin’s hair.  

Is this what happiness feels like?





a/n:  TADAM!!! chapter 6 is out! ^^ Here's some fluffy moments for you ><

Do you miss the shadow?? :P

Since I started back school I'll probably update less often like maybe every 1 week and a half ?  Please keep supporting the story!

Thanks to the new subcribers and welcome <3<3 Comments are very much appreciated 

Proof-reading cr:

Thank you for reading!!! I hope you like the update! Honestly I had a lot of fun writing it, its one of my fav chapter till now hehehe

Am I the only one who REALLY liked Jongin's pink hair? I'm obsessed. Forgive me.

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I SWEAR NEXT CHAPTER IS COMING SOON! thanks for your patience :')


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Chapter 15: Wow! I just read the story to date in one go and now I have so many feelings! It's sweet and romantic and angst-filled and creepy and I have shivers running down my spine. And questions... I have so many questions that need answers! Who -- what -- are Jongin and the Shadow and Kungsoo? How do they fit together in this weird triangle of love and hate? Was it fate or contrivance that brought them together. I am really invested in your story, author-nim. I can't wait for the next chapters and the answers!
seoulbits #2
I have a really bad feeling this isn't going to end well :ss please give kaisoo a happy ending !! :(
Chapter 13: who is the shadow!!!!!!!!!arghh!!!! *sigh*....this chap....god....*sigh*
fxwhuut #4
Chapter 12: i thought that the shadow was jongin's other half or something... but now i think it's kyungsoo's o_o and i just realized the kids mentioned about his shadow..but i can't connect the dots! i'm loving this and i can't wait for the next chapter *w*
Chapter 10: If I had a recommendation thingie i would keep this featured forever
Chapter 9: This chapter was worth the wait and made my busy and exhausting week a little better :)
Kaisooooooo ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Kim_Irene #7
Chapter 8: That was just perfect
Chapter 7: omgs so creepy.and mysterious omgs
And jongin's so cute ffufufufufuu
I need another updateuuuuu
Chapter 7: Oh my god, this plot is mysterious, I just want this story to end but at the same time I never want it to end ♥ It's usually the best books and stories that makes me feel like this. Take that as a compliment honey ♥

Sorry I didn't comment last time, I was in the bus without WiFi and forgot to comment afterwards :( but the chapter was also very good! Fighting author-nim, this story is very VERY good ! 我喜欢!