
Margaux and Zachary

"Phew, that was a loooong shortcut" Zachary looked at Margaux suspiciously as they took their seats, facing each other. Margaux was trying her best to avoid his gaze

"It was? Naah" she fake a laugh, too fake that made him more curious

"Well, just admit it" Zachary smirked as he leaned back

"Admit what?" Margaux peeked at him, blinking too frequently

"Admit that you wanted to spend more time with me, alone" he grinned widely while wiggling his brows

"Wait, hang on a sec. I think I just choked on my saliva" she then grabbed her water bottle and chug half of it

"You're disgusting" Zachary threw a baby carrot at her face

"Hey! Don't waste food you " Margaux picked up the carrot that fell on her tray after it bounced off from her face and munch on it, Zachary was making a face as if she ate a

"What's with your ugly face?"

"You're seriously eating that?" He pointed at the carrot with a carrot on his hand

"Yeah, it's delicious" she took the carrot from his hand and ate it

"That's disgusting, even the smell is disgusting" he shuddered as he wiped his hand on his coat

"Don't be a " she rolled her eyes at him

"I'm not a , well technically you are because you're a girl and you have that thing down there" Zachary sounded so awkward then Margaux's eyes widen in realization 

"Oh you did not just ing say that! Oh my god, you're a ing !" Margaux's voice was so loud that it had few heads turn to them, Zachary had to cover and leaned in while keeping his voice as low as possible

"Shut up, Margaux! And I'm not a , goodness" Margaux tried to pull his hand off, still talking with her voice muffled

"Goodness, just shut up and I'll take my hand off" Zachary bargained, Margaux nodded

"Promise?" She nodded again so he slowly pulled his hand off

"Zachary Wang, you're a ing !" Margaux shouted and all heads turned to their direction, Margaux was out of breath from laughing but Zachary wasn't. Instead, he kept his head low, as soon as she was finished laughing

"Oh my god, that was ing hilarious!" She says as she wipes the tears from the corners of her eyes, Zachary then looked up to her

"You done? You happy? Good" he stood up and left the cafeteria, she was left in a shock, not because of his walk out but because of the look in his face. It was something she has never seen before or expected, his face was blank but his eyes spoke to her, as if telling her he was furious and mad and.. hurt.

"Ah goddamnit" Margaux closed her eyes and rests her forehead on the table, trying to erase that look in his face on her mind. 

Margaux was seated alone in the bleachers. She had cursed all possible explicit words in her head as she tries to come up with an idea to ask for his forgiveness

"Why the did I even do that ing " she hit her head a couple of times but decided to stop since it hurt like hell

"Ah it" she sighed as she rub her head, she really didn't mean that, it was suppose to be a joke.

'But if it was a joke, he should've laugh' a little voice in her head spoke

"Ah shut the hell up, I know it already" she talked to herself, debating with her conscience

"If steph was here, she'd know what to do. Or would probably say 'just go to him and say you were sorry'" she imitated steph's high pitched voice, she pulled her phone to call steph but her eyes caught the time

", I'm late for my next class" she cursed and she ran, again. She would probably win a marathon if she'd join one, and why did she even chose to contemplate in the bleachers which was a building away from her next class?!

Zachary was already seated on his place, so she sat next to him, leaving a foot of space between them. Throughout the class, he never spoke to her nor look at her nor do anything else except listen to the lecture. On the other hand, she was stealing glances at him, to see if he would meet her gaze but nop, nothing at all.

So when the bell rang, and when Zachary was about to stand, she took a hold of one of his bag straps. It was so abrupt that it send Zachary back on his seat

"Margaux! What're you doing?" He looked at her with his brows furrowed

"Whoops, sorry" she let go of the strap, and he was about to stand again when she spoke

"Zachary, I'm really really sorry for what I did back in the cafeteria. It was supposed to be a joke but you didn't get it, I mean, it wasn't funny. I'm so sorry" she started, no one else was in the room so he stood up and sat on one of the table and faced her

"A joke? That was no joke Margaux, shouting in public places that I'm a " he shot back

"I know, I know. Please don't be angry anymore Zachary" she rubbed her hands together

"I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed" he looked away, she was blinking in confusion

"Disappointed? With what?"

"Because you said you promised" he look at her and the emotion now was clear, he was hurt, she stood up in front of him

"Please forgive me, Zachary" she looked down and she kept wiping her sweaty hands on the hem of her shirt, her hands would get sweaty if she was in trouble, scared, guilty, or worried

"It's okay" he sighed and took her hands, he faced her palms up and wiped it with his handkerchief

"Use a handkerchief to wipe your sweaty hands, not the hem of your shirt. It would leave some yellow-ish spots" he told her, still wiping her hands. And for the first time since who-knows, Margaux's heart fluttered and she could feel butterflies in her stomach, gay it may sound but that was what she really felt.

"Oh thank you" she pulled her hands back, she could feel her face heating up

"Keep this" Zachary pushed his handkerchief in her hands

"You don't need to-"

"Just keep it" she does not argue more, she was afraid he'd be angry again

"Hey, Zachary Wang"


"Didn't I tell you to stop being cheesy or else"

"Or else you'll fall for me? Was hoping for that to happen. Expect more cheesiness from me" he laugh lightly and left her alone in the room, she could hear her own heart beating and echoing in this empty classroom

"Oh boy"

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