
Margaux and Zachary

Margaux pulled back but she something tugged her hair.

"What the hell?" She curses as she got her hair stuck on Zachary's chained necklace

"Hang on" Zachary tried to set her hair free but he could barely see under these disco lights

"Hey hey it hurts!" Margaux groaned as he tried to pull her hair off but boy, it wasn't working at all

"I'm sorry, I can barely see" Zachary was trying his best to squint his eyes through these lights but it wasn't really working

"Let's get out of here!" Margaux pleaded as she can feel her scalp crying for help, and so they did. They got out of there with Margaux's head stuck on Zachary's chest and he held her head with one hand, she could hear his heart, it was beating so loud.

They successfully got to the exit gate but Margaux's hair was still stuck on his necklace and her hair was on the verge of tearing apart on her scalp.

"Let's just cut this" he said, Margaux twisted her head to look up to him

"You crazy?! No way, ahhh it hurts, it hurts" Margaux twisted her head back

"But I can't see a thing!"

"Then go find some ing lights!"

"Oh, come on, let's go to my car" Zachary held her head again with one hand and dragged her but she resisted

"Wait wait wait, car? You? Me? No way" she wrapped an arm around him so her head won't be separated from his chest, and headed to the opposite side

"Oh c'mom Margaux with an x, I'm not gonna do something bad to you" Zachary stopped her, held her head again and literally dragged her towards his car, anyone that could see them might get the idea that Zachary was kidnapping her or something

"Hey hey hey!"

"Shut up, we're here" Zachary opened the backseat and gently pushed Margaux in and he sat next to her

"If you do anything stupid, I swear I'll kick your " Margaux threatened, Zachary just laughed and left the door open and then turned the lights on

"I'm innocent" he defended and tried to fix this mumbo-jumbo. They were both seated while facing each other, since Margaux was short, she could feel Zachary's breath on her face so she turned her head to the side. There was an awfully long awkward silence and Margaux broke it

"Hey, so who are you?"

"I'm Zachary Wang" he said

"Are you Korean or something?" She peeked at him

"No, I'm from Hongkong, I mean I was born there"

"Oh so you're like Hongkonese?" Zachary met Margaux's gaze with an are-you-ing-serious face

"That's so racist, it's Chinese" he flicked her forehead

"Hey! That hurts" Margaux rubbed her forehead and was about to flick him back but he pulled back

"Done" he said, he was able to set her hair free

"Oh thanks" she rubbed her aching scalp, Zachary leaned his head on the headrest with his eyes closed

"Hey you okay?" Margaux poked his shoulder but there was no response, she poked him again for several times then Zachary snored, he was sleeping!

"Ughhh " she wants to go home because she was already so tired but she just can't leave him here. It was almost 4 in the morning, how time flew so fast, she thought.

"Hey Zachary, wake up. I want to go home and I'm so ing hungry" the alcohol was burning her stomach and she needs to eat or she'll puke

"But hey, I'll borrow your car for a bit, okay?" She patted his cheek, closed the door and transferred to the drivers seat then started the engine, she then drove out from her school

"I need coffee" she rubbed her temple and she swerve to the right, Zachary fell on his left

"Whoops, you okay there?" Margaux adjusted the rear view mirror to check on him but he was already lying on his back. 'McDonald's? In n out? Wendy's? Burger King?' She thought as she enters the heart of the town but soon settled with McDonald's since their coffee was okay and they serve hash browns the earliest!

"Two coffee, 2 hash browns. Yes, extra cream and sugar please, thanks" Margaux was waiting for their order in the drive thru when she heard him squirm at the back seat

"Zachary?" She turned to look at him and he was rubbing his eyes

'' she thought, what if he'll be enraged to see her driving his car in McDonald's? What if he'll file a kidnapping case against her? What if she'll be -

"Margaux?" Zachary said in his hoarse voice as he was about to get up but she stepped on the gas that sends him back lying again

"Oh hey" she nervously said and grabbed their orders from the window

"What're you doing?" He was about to get up again and so she stepped on the gas and headed to the parking lot

"Hey stop doing that" Zachary was now awake and he was bewildered to see Margaux driving his car, in McDonald's

"Do what?" She parked the car and turned to look at him with her hands pressed together and with a pleading look

"Imsosorryitookyourcarpleaseforgivemzacharywangplease" she said in one breath with her eyes closed because she can't bear to see Zachary enraged

"What?" He asked, confused with what she just said, it was so fast. It was probably 100 km per hour, he thought

"I said, I was sorry because I took your car and please forgive me. I bought you coffee and hash brown" she opened her eyes and showed him the things she bought, Zachary can't help but laugh at her silly acts


"Please forgive me? Please please"

"Forgiven" Zachary took the coffee on one hand and the hash brown on the other

"Yes!" She exhales relief and happily munched on her hash brown. Zachary was just observing her from behind, he can't help but smile.

"Such a kid" he mumbled as he took a bite on his hash brown

"Hey, I heard that!" Margaux sent her crumpled wrapper flying to his face then next thing she knows, Zachary transferred to the front seat next to her.

"Oh, you wanna drive or something" she was about to unbuckle her seatbelt but he stopped her

"No, look ahead" he said and when she did, she saw the golden sun rise before them and she was in awe

"So beautiful" she exclaimed, Zachary wasn't looking at the sun, he was looking at her and nodded

"Yes, beautiful indeed" she really was, he thought

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