well, surprise?

unspoken words

title: well, surprise?
words: 650 words
summary/prompt/au: when jongin sees sehun and chanyeol planning something, he automatically assumes it's for his birthday (x)


"so how are you going to go about doing this?" chanyeol asks sehun, not bothering to lower down his voice, as they both sit on the patio outside of junmyeon's house.

sehun looks inside the house from where he sits, making sure that jongin is not anywhere nearby where he can hear their conversation. through gritted teeth, he says, "can you please keep your volume down?"

"hey, i'm trying to help you because you asked for my help, brat," chanyeol hits the back of sehun's head which causes him to scowl. stupid giant.

"fine, fine. alright, so i was thinking of-"

"he's coming, he's coming!" chanyeol mutters under his breath, his eyes widening slightly, as he sees sehun's boyfriend of five years approaching them.

", - damn it," sehun fumbles to hide the item in his hand. he immediately shoves the item into chanyeol's hand. "quick, you hide it!"

"what the f- no, you hide it!" chanyeol tosses the item back to sehun. "you're the one who is going to- oh, hey jongin!"

"hey, chanyeol," jongin replies cheerily but then squints his eyes when he notices how suspicious sehun and chanyeol are.

"sehun-ah," jongin utters, his voice deep and velvety, as he sits on the arm of the chair sehun is sitting on. wrapping an arm around sehun's shoulder, his fingers trail up and down the length of sehun's arm. oh, , he knows what's up.

"yes?" sehun his bottom lip and he sees the way jongin's eyes follow the action. okay, good, he's distracted now.

leaning down, jongin presses his plush lips against sehun's soft ones. jongin runs his hand through sehun's hair, knowing fully well that it's his weakness. he feels sehun's arms slowly wrap themselves around jongin's waist, pulling him down to sit on sehun's lap.

"oh, screw you guys," chanyeol groans in the background as he sees sehun and jongin start to get all handsy.

 sehun jongin's bottom lip before lightly biting on them for entrance but is however pushed back firmly by jongin. jongin's face looks utterly flushed and sehun is pretty sure his was too.

"you have yet to answer my question," jongin asks, sounding slightly breathless. "are you and chanyeol planning something together?"

"no!" chanyeol answers adamantly from behind them and sehun can't help but to narrow his eyes. chanyeol thinks he is not exposing them but really, jongin isn't that stupid. that is evident when a slow smirk starts to appear on jongin's face.

"it's okay, sehun-ah. i know what you're planning to do."

"oh really?" sehun asks, a brow raised.

with a huge smile on his face, jongin answers excitedly, "you're planning something for my birthday right?"

chanyeol snorts and sehun hopes jongin did not hear it as he kicks at chanyeol's ankle.

"nice, thanks for ruining the surprise," sehun mumbles, a slightly annoyed expression on his face.

"a s-surprise?" when sehun doesn't reply him, jongin lets out an awkward laugh while slowly removing his arms from around sehun's neck to rub the back of his neck instead - something he does when nervous.

trying to get out of the awkward situation of figuring out his boyfriend's surprise plan for him, jongin says enthusiastically, "you know what? don't worry. i am a really good actor! i will act surprised, just for you!"

lucky for jongin, sehun isn't given a chance to reply him because junmyeon then calls out for jongin's help. he kisses sehun on the lips once more before scurrying back inside.

chanyeol can't help the low chuckle that leaves his mouth and shakes his head at what happened. as he watches jongin and junmyeon discussing on what they should order for dinner, he mutters, "oh jongin, you're so cute."

"yeah, he's really cute indeed," sehun says, a soft smile on his face, as his thumb rubs against the velvet ring box in the pocket of his coat.


- fin -


thank you for reading! this is also posted here (x)

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CuTAEpie #1
Chapter 1: too cuuuute hahah