Chapter 2

Just Smile

Jin stayed perched at the end of Jimin’s bed until the boy’s breathing evened out and soft snores escaped his parted lips. He eyed the closed laptop on the desk behind him and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Whatever was on that computer had Jimin so on edge that he slammed it and pushed himself as far away from it as fast as he could when Jin had walked in. 


He knew it would be wrong to look at it, all of the members got along pretty well in the single apartment because they all learned to respect each other’s privacy, and looking on another member's laptop was definitely an invasion of privacy. Jin had found scarring things the one time he had used Namjoon’s computer. Scarring. 


But this was different, this wasn’t just another member, this was Jimin, sweet, hard working Jimin. And Jin highly doubted the young boy had anything like what their leader had on his computer. Jin shivered. He had better not. 


Justifying himself along the way, Jin leaned over and lifted the laptop, only to find the screen asking for a password. He clicked his tongue. Damn, Jimin must’ve been faster than he thought to have fully shut the computer down as he closed it.


Brushing it off Jin left the room and sent one last goodnight to the sleeping boy as he shut the door behind him. 


“So is he asleep?” Taehyung questioned from his spot wedged between Namjoon and a half asleep Yoongi on the sofa. 


“Yeah he’s out like a light now.” Jin apologetically smiled at Taehyung as the boy responded with a long disparaging sigh, cut short by Yoongi’s elbow jabbing him sharply in the ribs several times to shut him up. Yoongi smirked when the noise stopped.


“Man, I really wanted to film something with him!” The boy muttered, rubbing his sore side. 


“Sorry Tae, he was really tired, I think he really needs his rest right now."


Jin settled back into his spot on the other side of Namjoon and they all went back to the movie that Jungkook had put on, some foreign romantic film that Jungkook insisted was life changing but was so cliche that they all couldn’t help but cringe when the youngest began mouthing the words along with the characters on the screen.


Around the end of the awful movie, also around the same time that every single member was bored to sleep bar Jungkook, the door to the apartment burst open and Hoseok made a commotion settling his bags down on the counter and kicking his shoes off.


“Jimminie!” He shouted, shedding his coat and beanie on the floor behind him as he glided into the sitting room. 


Shhhhh” Jin and Teahyung unanimously hissed, one in favor of the sleeping boy in the adjacent room, the other in fear of being pierced by Yoongi’s razor sharp elbows again.


Looking around, Hoseok took in the distinct lack of Jimin in the room and his shoulders drooped slightly. 


“Oh, is he still not back yet?” he asked nobody in particular, his foot tapping loudly against the floor and his mind racing.


“He’s just sleeping, Hobi, chill,” Yoongi grumbled and then proceeded to cave in on himself, attempting to block out the rest of the world in hopes of actually getting sleep himself.


Hoseok sighed and straightened back up. 


“I’m just gonna go check on him, I’ll be right back.” No one responded and he didn’t seem to care.


He opened up the door to Jimin’s shared room and kneeled next to the boy’s bed, laughing to himself when he could only see a shock of bright orange hair from under the mass of blankets and comforters. Jin really went overboard.


He reached out a hand and gently ran it through the boy’s soft hair.


“Hey Jimin,” he called, “Jiminnie~,” he tried again.


After a good five minutes spent trying to gently prod the unmoving boy awake and right when Hoseok was considering more severe approaches, a quiet yawn was emitted from under the blanket pile and Hoseok smiled brightly as Jimin sleepily blinked his way into consciousness. 


“Hoseok…..hyung…” came slurred from the barely woken boy. He mumbled some more but none of it was distinguishable.


“Ah, sorry Jiminnie, but I wanted to check on you and bring you this.” He lifted a bag of food he had in his hands, a warm meal from the restaurant that the members had gone to after practice. 


“I know you’ve been working really hard recently on your dance and I remember when I used to practice as hard as you are now and I used to get really really hungry, so I brought you some dinner, ya know, in case you forgot.”


Jimin sat up, the blankets bunching around his waist, as he smiled at the brunette boy, 


“Thank you hyung,” he whispered, slightly more awake now. 


He extended a hand and took the bag of food, the aroma quickly intoxicating him and making him a little dizzy. Maybe it had been a while since he’d eaten a full meal… But it wasn’t on purpose! He’d just been so busy… And, if he forgot a meal here and there… well really that wasn’t such a bad thing.  He had even lost a little weight! 


Not enough, his mind reminded him. His smile slipped a little.


Hoseok noticed though, the slight tightening around the corners of Jimin’s smile that usually would have lit up a room. Something was off… usually Jimin would have been halfway through the meal by now, and he would have been singing praises the moment he found out that his hyung had brought something for him.


Not that Hoseok was offended! He was just… Confused.


But he figured the younger boy must’ve just been tired so he pinched one of Jimin’s cute chubby cheeks and tried to make the smile a real one. He refused to sleep until Jimin blessed him with his precious eye smile, dammit! 


Instead Jimin pouted at him with one cheek left red and Hoseok attempted a new tactique- tickles. Original, he knows, but tickling Jiminie was one of the most rewarding experiences to him as it often ended with Jimin red faced, giggles escaping his lips, and his hair a mess. 


Hoseok launched himself at the boy, careful of the bag of food that had been discarded to the side and his fingers dug into the boy’s soft stomach. Shrieks filled the room and Jimin flung himself around attempting to escape the vicious grip that had him laughing until his belly hurt. 


“Please, please!” he gasped. “A-ah, please, ahah, h-hyung!” he could hardly get a coherent sentence out he was giggling so much and finally that smile appeared on his face.


Satisfied, Hoseok lent back and admired the giggly mess that was Jimin on the bed. Frowns had no business lingering on that kid’s sweet face. Jimin’s sleep shirt was hitched up slighting around his belly button and the elder smiled at the little strip of tan skin it revealed, proceeding to poke it with a finger teasingly.


“Jiminnie~ Maybe I shouldn’t have brought you dinner, looks like you’ve already eaten, huh? Cutie,” he joked, so incredibly endeared by Jimin’s soft tummy.


Instantly a switch was flipped and Jimin felt that pang of guilt again. He shoved his shirt down over his exposed skin and shifted away from his friend, an embarrassed flush painting his face a deep red colour.

He didn't think Hoseok was the type to make fun of him like that, sure maybe Yoongi or Taehyung(mostly because the boy hadn't yet grasped the concept of a filter.) But Hoseok, his Hobi-hyung? Jimin's small hand tightened in the sheets and he felt ashamed that his favourite hyung noticed just how fat and disgusting he'd gotten. He'd let him down along with their fans.

Not noticing the shift of behavior Hoseok blabbered away regaling the events of his evening but his stories and jokes fell on deaf ears.
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Parkchimshoe #1
Chapter 4: My hearteu is oh my gaht. Please update author nimmmm and i hope youre doing welll xoxo
Chapter 4: I can't wait for the next update!
wooziurmyangel #3
omg i found this story rlly late huhu )): i hope you're doing okay author-nim!! Can't wait for more HWAITING !!
Satansooxx #4
Chapter 4: This story is amazing so far good job!! I'm waiting for your update!! <3
x_raven10 #5
Chapter 4: Please update soon, this story is so good
x_raven10 #6
Chapter 4: Omg this story is so good and sad... Plz update soon!!
Chapter 4: I'm CRYING T^T jEON!!11!1 my lil poor jiminie..
Phyo99 #8
Chapter 4: Please update sooonnnnnnnnn
sweecofee #9
Chapter 4: Please update sooooooonnnnnn :'(