Done- Final


He knew what he was doing was wrong…. yet why did it feel so right? He wanted to know why he felt like this…… but he knew that there was not always an answer to be found. This was one of those things that could not be answered.

He had grown distant, that he knew. He rarely saw you and yet you still was there for him. You didn’t know. But you should know… he has no idea how to tell you though. Or if he should tell you at all. Telling you would ruin what little friendship you two had left and that was something that he did not want to happen. He loved you too much to let you go.

You knew something was wrong when he stopped talking to you as often as he usually did. But every time you would ask what was wrong he would change the subject. You wanted to know what was making him act so strangely. Ignoring you when you talked to him or not looking you in the eyes when he did talk to you.

After calling him six times and him not picking up you gave up and threw your phone on the bed. You have tried so hard to be there for him. Through everything. You had at least gotten to talk to him once a day. Now? He was ignoring you and not answering your calls and texts all together.

It is hard. Losing a friend over something you don’t even know about. The reason is still unknown to you. He was giving up. He was giving up on you and your friendship. To think that these 6 years of being friends he would be willing to throw it away over something silly. At least you thought it was silly. But in reality it wasn’t.

You were a little more than surprised when you got his call. It was simple and to the point. But it was enough for you. Hearing his voice was enough. It was only five words. Five words that you didn’t know would change your life.

“Meet me at the cafe.”

And then the line went dead. Not that you cared. You wanted to get to the bottom of what was making him act like this. Maybe, just maybe you could both get over it.

A warm cup of coffee was in your hands. Warming the cold atmosphere he had set once you sat down. The look on his face didn’t exactly make you think that what was wrong wasn’t going to be solved over a cup of coffee. Though he wasn’t looking at you specifically you knew that look wasn’t something good.

It was you who broke the silence, tired of it being silent for so long and wanting to know what the was wrong with him and why he was looking like that.

“You asked me to meet you here, to talk….. I presume.”

He sighed, and leaned on his hand. Still not making eye contact with you. Not wanting too because if he did he knew that he would break down for what he was about to do. He didn’t want to see the worried look on your face or the sad eyes that you were most likely giving him right now. That hurt look that would have made him break in an instant.

“I can’t continue this friendship with you.”

You inhaled deeply, but other than that said nothing. You stared at him though. In confusion, sadness, and anger? Why were you angry? Maybe because this was something that you did not see coming at all. Nothing like you were expecting.

“……W-What?” You choked out. The sadness taking over the anger and making your throat swell with the oncoming tears.

“What do y-you mean? Can’t continue t-this friendship?” You finally asked the question he did not want to answer.

“I have my reasons.”

Slamming your hands on the table made him jump and look up. Something he wished he didn’t do. You had tears b in your eyes threatening to fall. It made his heart hurt to see you look so sad. He had never seen you like this. In the six years you were friends he had never seen you act like this. This much anger and sadness was getting to be too much for him. But he held his ground. He had to hold his ground. He couldn’t break right now.

“That is not an acceptable answer Taemin….. I want to know exactly why you can’t be friends with me anymore? What the hell did I do wrong? Where did I mess up? What the hell did I do to make you so angry with me? To make you stop talking to me all together?”

He was hoping that you would not make this harder than it already is. But that was not that case. He wanted to say that he was done being your best friend and leave. Not having to explain himself. But no, life was just cruel.

“Please don’t-” Before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted

“Please don’t what? Please don’t ask why you want to leave me? Stop being my best friend? I am sorry but that is not going to happen!”

“I do not need to expl-”

“Like hell you do not need to explain! I want to know why you can’t bear being my friend. The person who was there through EVERYTHING. I want to know what happened to the Lee Taemin that I grew up with and am friends with…… Please just tell me!”

He didn’t know how much more he could take before he snapped.

“Why can’t you just leave it?”

“Because unlike you I have feelings and want to know why my friend of six years can’t stand me anymore when all I do is make sure that you are okay!”

“You make it sound as if this is easy for me. Why can’t you accept the fact that maybe six years is too long of being friends!!!”

This confused you even more. Six years is too long to just be friends???

“I don’t underst-”


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lulu_kyu #1
Chapter 1: lol this was fun to read
Chapter 1: Great job I do want to know what happened next
Black_Seraphim #3
Chapter 1: Why do I relate a lot to this and now I feel like crying bc its happening rn omg lmao
Chapter 1: Yeah! What happened next? ^^
Derpykpop #5
Chapter 1: Oooh~ what happaned next?