Goodbye Noona, With All My Heart

Goodbye Noona, With All My Heart

He's never really understood the value of sentiment. Nor did he realize how much he treasured something until it's last moments. Whenever he was stressed, whenever he was tired, and he wanted to scream out of frustration, he would always come to the studio, drop down his duffle bag and play music very loudly so no one can tell him what to do or who to be and what he can or can not eat. He particularly loved coming on Wednesday, Fridays and Sundays. A woman would always be there before him from 12pm to 6pm practicing, her music just as loud. They would never speak, they would never make eye contact with each other and yet he considered her to be one of his bestest friends. When she danced, he would watch her. She would spin, twirl and body roll and even so he was still unsure if she was a trainee or not. She seemed too professional to be a rookie but she hasn't debuted with any album or featured in any music video. When she sat down to take a water break or eat her favourite granola bar, she would watch him pop, lock and breakdance, smiling as he takes some dance moves from her and make it his own. When they were both feeling energetic, they'd dance together. Never speaking with each other once, their syncing was amazing, their movement was fresh and clean and when they took each other's hands and Kai spun her around,it felt like magic. That's when he knew. Their first eye contact together, that's when they both knew.

From then, he would casually say hi, or hello. She would still smile at him and gave him a nod of acknowledgement, then resumed practicing. Nothing changed, they were still good friends though his nose would occasionally start bleeding when she took off her sweater when she got too hot. He would blame it on the heat though they both knew. She still liked the way he danced. She sometimes imitated him when he was practicing for a new single. She laughed when he showed her WOLF and the next time they met, Kai caught her lightly singing WOLF, imitating his singing style. 

Only there, he had the audacity to speak to her. Full sentences, real communication.

"Why don't you like speaking?"  She would only look at him and raise an eyebrow.

"Can't you speak?" She continued to listen to music and think about how she was going to choreograph the next song.

"What's your name?" He kept asking, wondering why she would always ignore his questions. She would only really respond when he said 'hello' or 'sorry' or 'thank you'. Simple korean phrases anyone could understand. He took that too offense, taking her mp3 player from her grasp and ran across the studio with it.

"Hey! Give it back!" He paused. "Please?"

"You speak english?" He said softly as he raised on his high toes and kept trying to keep the mp3 player out of her grasp.

"Yes, I do!" She got on her high toes as well and tried reaching for her music player but his height was unreachable especially since he has almost a foot over her. Even when he was standing normally.

"How cute."

"Cute? I'm not cute."

"You are, and you're very skilled at dancing. I admire you."

"I didn't know your english was really good."

"Yea well, you have to know a lot of languages when you're an international star."

"But you're not really an international star.. your world tour only stretches to asian countries."

"Shh.." She blushed, covering her face and turning around. He wasn't the romantic type and he tends to get hives at the sight of love but she didn't make him breakout and it made him happy as he wrapped his arms around the smaller girl and leaned from side to side. Till this day she never received her music player back. A busted IPod 4, no games just music.

The next couple of months,  the two grew more and more as dancers and as friends. On Sundays when he would walk into the building, he would always have two cartons of chcolate milk and oatmeal raisin cookies. On Fridays, she would take him to a secluded section for tea and bread just to protect his image outside. They both know they had to protect his face from all the crazy fans that adored and loved Kai. He did love his fans but when he was with his noona, nothing else seemed to matter. He forgets he is some big superstar, takes off his disguise sometimes, hold hands with her when they go out but she's the only one that tends to keep him in check.

"Noona, won't you go out with me, just once?"


And that's how conversations about that topic usually started, then ended. Not to say she didn't like him. She liked him a lot. She liked his style, his adorableness, the dorky and insecure side no one else, not even the industry can see. She loved the way his head fits on her lap when they sit down and relax after an hour of just dancing. The things he says, the things they talk about, long conversations about food, the sky or maybe the concept of nothing at all were intriguing to her, She was lucky and grateful that Kai liked her, she knew anyone in the world would be lucky to have him but he chose her, and it made her sad.

During the EXODUS period, when CALL ME BABY came out Kai wanted to teach her the dance. It was one of his favourites and he thought the song would finally show her how he felt about her. But on the Wednesday, she didn't show up. He waited for hours but s told him to go with him to practice. He wanted to wait for her but she never showed up that day. She didn't show up on Friday and Sunday and then the week after and the week after. His anger to her for standing him up turned into worrying and then into depression. Weeks passed and LOVE ME RIGHT came out, another song, another dance. He walked in went all the pent up frustration about one of s of the Chinese group leaving along with the other two and he just wanted to vent but with his noona gone, it was hard. He played a song from the EXODUS album, WHAT IF, and closed his eyes, letting the room just engulf itself with music. Midway into the song, he felt arms around his waist while the body behind swayed back and forth. He didn't open his eyes but he let his body sway. The swaying became dancing, hand in hand just the two of them, their feet moving together, spinning and twirling and heavy breathing. When he finally looked at her, she looked different. She was pale and her hair was shorter and it was underneath a hat.

"You're back."

"Sorry, did you miss me?"

"I did.. a lot, where did you go all those weeks?"


"You didn't tell me."

"I'm sorry."

"I missed you."

"I know we kind of went over this before."

"I know, I just.." He hugged her tightly, squeezing her small frame in his grasp. She hugged him too but it was hard for her to make it tight. He noticed it but he didn't want to say anything. He just wanted to hold her, keep her and never let her go.

"Noona, everyone in EXO is having a hard time. I just wanted to get a way from it all for a moment.. Kris is gone, Luhan's gone, Tao just submitted a lawsuit.. everyone is leaving, and it is breaking my heart and I want us to be one forever and be together for at least 10 years longer when we are all getting old and are hips give out, but I don't even think we would be lasting for 5 years without another lawsuit or so."

"Even with them gone, I doubt you all will separate anymore than you need to. You're all great friends, and you guys do so well and you have 10s of millions of fans who adore you and worship you all and get on crazy for all of you. You shouldn't worry about what's going on for the future but that you love what you do and you're doing what you love now, you love dancing right?" 


"Then do it." She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair, "What the hell is going with your hair."

"It's uh.. it's um.. a concept thing."

"I've seen CALL ME BABY, bruh.." They both laughed as she coughed slightly. He got up and wrapped his arms around her, silently pulling her closer. Instead of pushing him away or calling him a ert, she only moved closer, her head resting on his shoulder. That there, he knew something was up. She wasn't the same anymore. He didn't care, his heart was with two things. Her and Dancing.

It was a couple months before she disappeared again. She didn't dance as much anymore, she would just watch him and praise him and give him critical feed back to watch him do better. He was doing much better but she was doing way worst, she coughed more, she looked more sickly and pale to the point where she didn't even look like her beautiful natural looking self anymore. On the last day before she disappeared, they were together again, sitting in the corner of the studio, they were stretching each other out.

"Y'know it's almost my birthday.. "


"Christmas day," 

"Oh, your birthday is 20 days away congrats, you're gonna be an even older noona, is there anything you want? A puppy? A dog? 2 puppies?"

"You really love your dogs don't you."

"Just as much as I love you noona.." She rolled her eyes and smiled, leaning into him.

"You know what I really want?"

"Me?" He said cheekily as he rested his hands on her face.

"No you pabo, well kind of.. I want you to make a promise to me."

"Of course, anything for you."

"Just keep being happy, no matter what and don't let anyone stand in your way and let anything bother you. You can be sad but at the end of the day, just know everything will be alright."

"Yes, I know that already~" He laughed and hit her head softly, "Dummy, I know all those things and with you, it makes everything a lot more better." She smiled and cupped his face pulling him in for a kiss. He picked her up and placed her on his lap, holding her waist closely giving her the kiss her wanted to give her for the longest while. They kissed and everything was alright in the world. They kissed and they felt nothing can go wrong. They kissed and for once they can honestly say they can die here, they felt at bliss.

That's when she disappeared. Kai didn't notice. The group were too busy for their upcoming single SING FOR YOU, after releasing LIGHTSABER. He didn't have time to go down to the studio to dance with his noona. With EXO'LUXION and new songs, he was so busy, that he didn't even realize that it's almost been 2 weeks since he's seen her. It was 3 days until her birthday. He ran to the studio on Wednesday with roses in his hands. He wasn't going to be here on Friday due to going to Singapore for a concert but he did want to wish her the best of birthday wishes. But.. she wasn't there. So he waited, she wasn't there. He decided he should wait all night for her, sitting down on the ground and listening to loud music hoping that she would come in like last time, pick him up so they can dance together. But.. she never did came. When he woke up the next morning, she was there. He had a blanket over him, a dvd in his hands and the flowers were gone. She was dancing, but there was no music.


There was no answer.


Still no answer. He rubbed his eyes and she was gone. It was strange. It was like he was waking up from a dream again. Noona? Noona? But noona was gone. The janitor came put some roses in this room, lit some incense and a picture of his noona with the rest of the industry near the window. "Jongin, you slept here overnight? Your manager was looking for you."

"I'm sorry..." He apologized sincerely. "Have you seen my noona? She was here the other day and she just stopped coming, is she okay? I know she was sick and all but-" He watched the janitor as he held a rose close to his chest, looking down. He stopped and blinked.

"She passed away last night, in her sleep, young one, she had cancer so she wasn't feeling well and it couldn't been fixed.. I'm sorry but.. she's gone.. but she'll be dearly missed." 

"Who was she?"

"She was a friend to the CEO, she wasn't really apart of anything but she always came to use the studio, since 2010."

"And she's.. dead?"

"I'm afraid so.. you're always welcome to come to the funeral service.. it's gonna be held on-"

"Her birthday?" He nodded giving him the address to the service and everything. He just stayed in silence, staring at the picture, the card in one hand and the cd in the other hand. He didn't even know how he received the CD but he clutched onto it. He wanted to cry but the words kept replaying in his head, it's okay to be sad, just know everything will be alright. He swallowed his tears, the warmth of his noona's arms around his waist still remained as he slowly walked out of the studio with his belongings in his hand.

"Hello? Is this thing on? I'm a little old and I don't know how to work things like these. I'm just joking, Kai. It's your one and only noona~ haha. I made this video for you, and using my awesome super powers, have delivered it to you from the other side. That's right friendo, your noona is dying. I wish I could've said it before but I didn't know how to. I've grown so attached to you after 3 years of dancing and being together. I guess you could've told I was sick from the first time I was gone for so long. I didn't know I would be sick either. I honestly thought this would just be a headcold but it ended up being so much more than that. I could've easily told you that the second time I saw you but I couldn't ignore the light in your eyes everytime we were together, I couldn't ignore the light when you held my hand and I did'nt want to see the light in your eyes die. The way I'm dead.. like right now.. haha." You can see that she was obviously crying before, and she was ready to cry now but she was making a big joke out of everything, "I also know that you weren't going to be here for my birthday, you were off to Singapore but I had bought a ticket just so I can see you perform that song you were telling me about, how did it go? ''The way you cry, the way you smile, do you know how much you mean to me? Words I wanna say, words I lost.. I’ll confess to you but just listen, I’ll sing for you, sing for you...just listen and smile'  I can't sing it the way you do but I heard the song while you guys were recording, my best friend is the CEO so yea, I was there for that.. I like the song a lot. You should take it's advice.. I'll sing for you too. I hate the one to say goodbye, every time we go our separate ways I would always be sad just a bit and then think hey yknow I'll see you the day after or the day after that so every day was worth waiting for. I wasn't particularly in favor of this day because I knew I'd have to really say goodbye, but I didn't. That's why we kissed the last time. It was me failing but.. it was the best kiss I've ever had and one of my favorite kisses goodbye, Before I conclude this video, just remember what I said.. and know this.. I love you.I love you so much with all my heart. You'll always be my favorite dancer, but not as good as me but just good enough... when you were gone, I recorded this dance, you can learn it if you want to . I think you might like it.. well.. see you on the other side, I love you Kai *blows a kiss* ~Your favourite Noona is out"

He watched the dance and learned it, it was from that one song they both danced to when she came back the first time, WHAT IF. He studied it and learned the dance to it and everytime he was sad or depressed, he'd dance the song just to remember his noona. He'd always stop half way..

He never really knew her name.

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