Chapter 10

A Little Thing About Love

The rest of the week flew past and Myungsoo has been spending more and more time with us. He even ate lunch with us everyday from that day onwards and the others loved it. They must have enjoyed his company as well. Seems like they have gotten along so well that they had exchanged numbers, even before I got to exchange mine with his. Well, technically he has my number since the first day but I don’t even have his. How can they be faster than I am when I'm his table partner? The others had even invited him to come over to my house to hang out after school since today was Friday. Talk about coming over to MY house.

"Yah, it's my house you guys are talking about, don't I get to do the inviting?" I stared at my friends.

"It's okay Jin, we're just helping you invite in advance." Woohyun flashed me a smile and I scoffed. What gives them the right to treat my place as their own? Oh right, my mom. My mom welcomes them and let them live there as though that's their home.

"You should come to Jin's house for dinner tonight, her mom is a damn good cook." Howon gave the thumbs up.

"Yeah, you should try her kimchi stew, it's the best." Sunggyu chipped in.

I gapped. "Not you too Gyu!" I turned to look at Bomi, she was my last hope.

"Her mom is a really good cook." She shrugged and gave me the apologetic look.

I gave up and hung my head low, letting out a loud sigh. Maybe I shouldn't have introduced Myungsoo to them. They were all over him now like he’s some huge superstar. Even my trusty man Sunggyu and ever so loyal Bomi is on his side. I have lost to those brats Nam Woohyun and Lee Howon.

Woohyun flashed his victory smile at me as we walked back to my house. This will be the first time Myungsoo is visiting and I know it's definitely not going to be the last. Woohyun kept walking next to me singing random songs and I was just scolding him along the way. He doesn't seem to mind though. I think Bomi was behind us and Howon, Sunggyu and Myungsoo were talking about something else at the back.

My family was welcoming. Very welcoming in fact as they love having people over. Now that I have an additional friend over, my parents seem really happy, especially my mom since she could cook more.


The guys made themselves really comfortable at my place, introducing Myungsoo to my home as though they were at some exhibition. They even showed him those old photos we had and Howon wouldn’t stop saying about how I was an ugly baby. Hey no babies are ugly okay, Lee Howon. Every baby is cute, they all are. Don’t you dare destroy a baby’s confidence like that.

During dinner, my mom wouldn't stop questioning Myungsoo about this and that and I've even lost count of the things she had asked. All I remember was that my mom asked about his family, why they move and how they like it here in the city so far.

However, my mom's questioning didn't seem to faze Myungsoo at all. He answered everything calmly and even praised her cooking.

"I told you Jin's mom is a good cook." Woohyun said as he nudged Myungsoo.

"You flatter me Woohyun." My mom said shyly. Gosh mother, please do not act like a teenage girl. I felt slightly embarrassed by her actions but the others didn't seem to mind. Seems like nobody at the table was paying much attention to me as I gave a disgusted look when suddenly someone took a piece of chicken and put it in my bowl. Turns out someone did notice after all. It was Woohyun who was sitting next to me and he offered me a piece of chicken.

"Stop sulking and eat up." He muttered softly but I just smiled.

I was also glad that Bomi could be with us today because usually her parents would want her to be home for dinner and today was one of the rare days where she's allowed out after school and also to dine over at a friend's place. Sometimes I wonder why Bomi's parents were so strict with her. But it wasn’t bad as well, I just think there should be a mixture of both strict and easy-going.

After dinner, we had all gathered in my room as usual and my small room was getting a little too tiny for six people. I suggested we hang out in the living room instead but Howon insisted on my room, just so he could lie on my bed. Sometimes, I really don't get him because I bet his bed at home is much more expensive and comfortable than mine but somehow he loves mine more than his own. Strange rich kid.

Seeing my friends hanging out in my room and Myungsoo laughing so happily, I realized that from today onwards, Myungsoo was going to be a new addition to our group of friends. From the moment my friends had invited him over, they knew that they weren't going to let him go as well. Whether he liked it or not, he's part of our little clique now and he's not going anywhere. I smiled at my thoughts but I was interrupted by a ringtone. That familiar ringtone had broken our peace quite a few times now and we all looked up.

Sunggyu stood up and he gave an apologetic look. "Mianhe guys, I got to go."  And he left without saying another word.

"Why does his father always make him run errands so late at night?" Woohyun asked innocently. I stared at Woohyun, as if telling him not to mention it anymore because if only Woohyun knew. If only.


It's Monday today and so a new week of school begins. I dragged myself up lazily and made a dash for Woohyun's house. Same thing today, my mom packed me breakfast in a paper bag. As I was waiting to cross the road to Woohyun's house, I could hear my stomach rumbling and I looked into the breakfast bag my mom prepared. It smelt great even though it was just a normal sandwich.

From the corner of my eye, it seemed as though the light has turned green so I stepped out and at the same time looking in to my bag of sandwich. Suddenly, I could hear a horn sounding and I dropped my paper bag. A car was coming at me and my mind went blank. It was as though I was watching it come at me in slow motion but I was frozen to the ground. I didn't know why but I couldn't move. I just stood rooted until a pair of strong hands grabbed my waist.

My mind was still blank when it happened and I found myself safe in someone's arms. A pair of familiar arms at the sidewalk. He was scolding me, or so it looked like but I couldn't hear a thing. I was still calming myself down from the shock I had and my heart was racing. Slowly, I managed to hear my surrounding sound again.

"Yah Jin! Are you listening to me? You could've died! What were you thinking stepping out into the road like that?!" Howon scolded me and he never stopped to let me answer any of those questions. I looked down at his hands still on me and he seemed to finally notice it too. Strangely, I felt safe in his arms. Maybe it was because I had a near death experience. He immediately let go and took my hand as the pedestrian crossing light turned green. "You're staying near me. Don't you dare wander off." Howon then dragged me across the street to Woohyun's house.

I was still recovering from the shock but Howon's hands felt warm in mine. He was so warm. Is it because he has a naturally high body temperate? I then felt my cheeks and notice that my cheeks were getting hot as well. Maybe I was still not over the shock from earlier.

We finally met up with Woohyun, Sunggyu and even Myungsoo today at Woohyun's house and I walked in silence to school. Woohyun continued his conversation with Sunggyu and Myungsoo in front whereas Howon walked with me. Maybe it was because of the incident just now but he would walk at the outer side of the sidewalk the entire time we were walking to school. At this moment, I felt so grateful for him and I really want to thank him.

School was boring as usual and I really ought to start paying attention since I'm already in my final year. For now, I don't really have any aspirations and I don't even know what I want to do in the future but it doesn't mean my results are horrible. My results were okay. I mean, just the average. Every time I dozed off, Myungsoo would use his pen and draw a line on my hand. By the end of the day, I had five lines drawn. "Next time you're sleeping, you'll be wishing you never did this." I shoved my hand in his face and gave him my deadly glare.

Myungsoo just laughed it off and we walked towards our club rooms. When I finally got there, I was sitting in my seat and staring at my previous drawing, it was not fantastic and its not sure not showcase material. I was getting frustrated because I still had no inspiration for the carnival piece. If I want to showcase my work, I should be starting on it by now. Racking my brains for ideas, I decided to head down to the field to get some ideas. After all, I had a wonderful drawing of the field ever since I saw Kim Jongin there.

I took my sketchpad and my pencil and headed for the fields. Besides, the basketball guys were having practice today, maybe I could drop by and watch them. As I headed towards the field, I didn't see any familiar face anymore because Jongin oppa and Oh Sehun wasn't there. The other football guys were those that I didn't know personally.

Looking at my old sketches, I decided to head down to the basketball court instead and watch the guys practice, maybe I'll get some inspiration when I see Woohyun's funny faces. Okay, I'm just kidding about it but I was still headed for the basketball courts.

As I was walking along the side-lines, suddenly a ball of orange was coming towards me. Once again, I didn't register what it was until someone called out my name. Everything had happened in a split second. A ball was coming in my direction and I was prepared for it to hit me but instead, I was safe in someone else's arms again. This feeling was all too familiar; I was safe in his arms again.

He was wrapping one arm around my head to protect me and he had the other arm around my waist. I felt the heat creep up my cheeks again, maybe it was because I almost got into another accident.

"Be careful where you throw the ball!" Howon shouted at the player who threw the ball in my direction. "And you! Do you have eyes on the top of your head? Look at where you're going!" Howon was scolding me. Hey, it wasn't even my fault, why is he scolding me for almost getting into an accident? I guess he finally saw the situation and decided to let go of me. I was just about to retort him when Woohyun came running over.

"Oh my gosh, Jung Yoojin, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Woohyun was examining me and I really mean examining. He was holding up my arms just to make sure I wasn't hurt at all. Even Sunggyu came running over.

"I'm fine, really!" I insisted.

"Aish, I'm going to kill that boy." Woohyun mumbled. "Yah Son Dongwoon! Watch where you throw the ball! You almost killed her!"

I smacked Woohyun for exaggerating. The other basketball guys gave a snicker and I knew that they were thinking. They were giving me those looks they gave me last year. They thought I was Woohyun's girlfriend all over again. I mentally slapped myself for even coming over here in the first place. This rumour will never cease to exist will it?

"You sure you're not hurt anywhere?" Sunggyu asked, concerned. He was giving me that worried look whenever he receives a call regarding his dad as well. Just plain worried.

I managed out a smile so as not to keep him worried. The last thing I need was Sunggyu to be worrying about me when he already has so much on his plate. "I'm fine. Really." I stretched out my arms and showed them to Sunggyu and Woohyun that I wasn't hurt anywhere at all and they don't have to worry too much about me.

Woohyun let out a sigh of relief and nagged at me to stay further away from the side-lines in case it happens again. Wait, more like he forced me to promise him I wouldn't come near the court so that I wouldn't be get into yet another ‘almost accident’. Of course, I promised him.

After that whole ordeal, Howon had dragged me to someplace safer, a distance away from the basketball courts and we watched the guys practice.

"Why are you so clumsy today?" Howon questioned as he ruffled my hair. I immediately dodged him because I didn't want to get my hair messy but his arms were too long for me. He then gave me a warm laugh and a toothy smile. I never notice how charming his smile is. Oh my gosh, Jin what are you thinking?!

"You seem like you're in a good mood today?" It came out like a question rather than a statement and I mentally slapped myself for saying something so stupid. It's just weird that I'm questioning his mental state of the day when I don't usually do it.

"I got selected as the dance club president today." He blurted out.

"Omo! Congratulations! I knew you were going to be the next president of the dance club! You're amazing!" I clapped his back. No wonder he seems all cheerful and preppy. Except for that fact that he was probably angry at me for being so clumsy.

"Thanks Jin, for believing in me." He gave me his bright smile again and I smiled back at him. It was a heart-warming moment I guess because I felt my heart beating slightly faster than before and I could feel the warmth spreading in my body. I don't know why but I felt good for having that faith in Howon. He made it seem like he had no one else who believes in him and that's all he ever wanted, which I’m glad I did.

At the end of our conversation, we were just criticizing the basketball guys as though we know what's going on during the practice and we laughed a hell lot as well. All I know is that, I came here for inspiration for my art piece and I think I've got it.







Hey guys! So I managed to squeeze out some time to update hehehehehehe I'm so happy more and more people are loving this story and the comments are life!!! I love reading the comments so much I wouldn't even mind if you typed out an essay and I'll reply with yet another essay hahahaha. Do leave me a comment k guys! Don't be shy! Thanks to the other two readers who upvoted this story, omg I'm so thankful!!!!!! I love you guys so much and will be so ever grateful ^^ You guys give me more motivation to update no matter how busy I am, or how tired I am after a super long day. Also, you guys just take the stress of my sometimes really horrible day when I read your comments so I wasn't kidding when I said the comments gives me life. It really does. Okay, I'm sure no one else wants to hear useless author ramblings so have a great week ahead everybody!

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pinkypn #1
Chapter 40: I feel so bad woo Hyundai. I feel like howon probably also likes her but he never said anything cuz his best friend also likes her and he knows her better than anyone. Honestly line her mother I was roouting fur how on, they just have this connection
waidafauzi90 #2
Chapter 39: I feel sorry to woohyun...but i think he is a strong guy...and please make bomi's dream comes be the only one girl for woohyun...heeeee...btw...great story as usual...and yeah...sunggyu is really a psychic human...:3
teddysuu #3
Chapter 38: This chapter was soo cute! Myungsoo's comments are kinda greasy lol but I had to 'aaawww' everytime :'D And I think it's really great to know what he thought the whole time. It's really something different and also unique to read every chapter again but with Myungsoo's POV. Can't wait to read the next chapter!!

Ps: kinda off topic but omg did you watch Hoya's Hit The Stage performance with Hyojin?? It reminded a lot of the Hoya x Hyuna moments especially the ending pose!
waidafauzi90 #4
Chapter 38: I thought u are going to say...' time i continue with howon's pov'.... :3 ...get well soon dear...well...i will assume that howon actually like jin...ok bye! :))
teddysuu #5
Chapter 37: Hiii :)
So I'm usually the quite type of reader and I don't comment ery often but I have to say that I really like this fanfiction! It's really funny and I often find myself laughing but on the other hand, there are serious moments, too. I even had to tear up during some parts, especially those about friendship and Gyu (he's my ultimate bias too!!!). I think it's so admiring that you write about your own experiences! Every chapter was really well written and I couldn't stop reading!
I'm looking forward to more great chapters, dear authornim!
teresiakinta #6
Chapter 36: Sooo, Myungsoo is fell in love with Jin all along, that's so sweeet. How could he hide his feeling to Jin so well, he hurt his own feeling when he know Jin liked Howon right? Aw, i think that was really hurt, how can he overcome that? He was so strong, indeed uri Myungsoo hehe

I like this special chapter. But I am curios, what will happen next with Woohyun?? I don't think he can faces this reality, about Jin and Myung. I think he will so hurt too?? For Godsake's he likes Jin too and he hide his feeling very well too. I can't watch he become so hurt and misserable. Find him another happiness, will you?? He is my bias too, I can't stand he become sad and hurt so badly :( I think it will be good too to know the other's POV, like how was Hoya feeling all the way, and Woohyun. I think it will be perfect :))

I am looking forward authornim ^^
Chapter 36: i take back all abt Hojin's precious friendship cuz somewhere along the chapters i cant help but ship those two even tho i knew she is gunna end up wid Myung. i just.... feel so bad for Howon. are his mysterios feelings gunna be unveiled?

hats off to ur realistic style of writing.
waidafauzi90 #8
Chapter 36: I love this chapter..very much..heee...if u dont mind...could u please write Howon and sunggyu pov..
Chapter 13: i am a new reader, hi! more like, old but new but- okay done. =_=
u know what?! :D i ship Jin with ALL the guys in this story !!! yeyyy!!! but no. Hoya and Jin's friendship is really really precious. if she needs to end up with anyone, shouldn't it be myung...? hmm...?
mandapanda123 #10
Chapter 35: OMG! im loving this chapter. i couldn't stop smiling while reading it.
like FINALLY! they confesses to each other.